Gladiator Begins
is an action role-playing game
Action role-playing game
Action role-playing games form a loosely defined sub-genre of role-playing video games that incorporate elements of action or action-adventure games, emphasizing real-time action where the player has direct control over characters, instead of turn-based or menu-based combat...

 developed by GOSHOW and published in Japan by Acquire
Acquire (game developer)
is a video game developer based in Japan, mainly known for their Tenchu and Way of the Samurai series.-Tenchu series:*Dimensional Ninja Action Movie: Tenchu *Tenchu: Stealth Assassins *Tenchu: Shinobi Gaisen...

 on January 14, 2010, and in North America by Aksys Games
Aksys Games
Aksys Games Localization, Inc. is a video game publisher that specializes in translating and localizing Japanese video games for English-speaking markets. It was founded by Akibo Shieh in 2006. Some of its clients include Namco Bandai Games, Xseed Games, and Atlus USA. Aksys Games is best known for...

 on September 14, 2010. It is the sequel to the 2005 video game Colosseum: Road to Freedom
Colosseum: Road to Freedom
Colosseum: Road to Freedom is a video game for the PlayStation 2 console. It is a hybrid fighting/RPG game loosely based on the Roman Empire around the time of the Emperor Commodus....

, which was originally released for the PlayStation 2
PlayStation 2
The PlayStation 2 is a sixth-generation video game console manufactured by Sony as part of the PlayStation series. Its development was announced in March 1999 and it was first released on March 4, 2000, in Japan...



Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was the last of the “Five Good Emperors”. He was gifted with a brilliant mind, and his influence brought peace, both at home and abroad. However, as Marcus entered his final years, the question of succession was raised, and tempers flared. A secret feud flared up between the aristocrats and soldiers who supported Commodus, Marcus’s son, and those who supported General Cassius. The feud grew more desperate, and less secret, day by day. As Rome’s days of peace began to draw to a close, a new gladiator arrived at the Colosseum…

Main Characters

Magerius: A lanista and the owner of the player at the beginning of the game, chosen as his top gladiator. He had to begin anew after a match led to the death of most of his ludi. The only thing that concerns him is money and any affairs of his ludi is none of his concerns. Despite losing his finest ludi, he has connections to many other ludi and often uses it to help his prized gladiator in hopes of obtaining a patron.


Brosius: A famous ex-gladiator and ex-slave, now a lanista, who earned his freedom and started his own ludus with his winnings. Even as a free man, he is subject to scrutiny by the nobility of Rome. The fact that his ludus is struggling does not help matters. He was once the mentor of Castor, who was once his favorite gladiator. Castor later left Brosius for the money offered by Dominicus, a patrician and a rival lanista. Later, he had managed to purchase Medeia's services as a gladiator, thus saving her life from judgement in the Roman law courts. But so as long as Brosius' enemies are aristocrats, he has little power to change his situation. He holds a strong belief that to truly have a dream, one must be a free man - a dream not shared by Castor.

Elisaveta: The wife of Vispanius, the treasurer of the Roman Senate
Roman Senate
The Senate of the Roman Republic was a political institution in the ancient Roman Republic, however, it was not an elected body, but one whose members were appointed by the consuls, and later by the censors. After a magistrate served his term in office, it usually was followed with automatic...

. She is beautiful and charming to both her husband and the many ludi who won her affections through victories in the Colosseum and the gladiatorial events. However, due to the fact her husband is often away, she often spends her nights with many ludi and has broken many hearts, inciting the wrath of her ex-lovers. She recently had another ludi who was planning on winning her heart but with word has broken out that her husband is returning, she has chosen the player to be her assassin whose goal is to eliminate any ludi with a grudge against her.

Pomponius: A Roman senator who adores the gladiatorial sport as a valuable part of Roman culture rather than as a diversion for the people. Years in the political field has made him the target of many assassins and he is quick to assume his fellow senators are against him. Pomponius hopes to eventually retire from politics to become a writer. When the gladiator revolts start occurring more often, he becomes a target of several assassination attempts that are aimed at taking the lives of patricians who support Commodus.

Aquila: The daughter of General Aquilius Drusus, who is currently away on a campaign in Syria. Publius, a former gladiator and the most trusted servant of the Drusus family, is sworn take care of Aquila while her father was away. When word has broken out that her father is missing and possibly killed, she finds herself in a conspiracy that could dishonor the Drusus family's reputation. She also has to deal with the possibility of marriage to Clodius, a centurion who once fought under General Drusus' command. General Drusus has also served faithfully under the banner of Marcus Aurelius during the Germanic Wars
Germanic Wars
The Germanic Wars is a name given to a series of wars between the Romans and various Germanic tribes between 113 BCE and 439 CE. The nature of these wars varied through time between Roman conquest, Germanic uprisings and later Germanic invasions in the Roman Empire that started in the late 2nd...


Commodus , was Roman Emperor from 180 to 192. He also ruled as co-emperor with his father Marcus Aurelius from 177 until his father's death in 180. His name changed throughout his reign; see changes of name for earlier and later forms. His accession as emperor was the first time a son had succeeded...

: The upcoming Emperor of Rome. Thinking himself the reincarnation of Hercules
Hercules is the Roman name for Greek demigod Heracles, son of Zeus , and the mortal Alcmene...

, he is preparing to become the ruler of the Roman Empire. In truth, he is hedonistic and arrogant, alienating many subjects who are genuinely out for his best interests. Despite his flaws, he holds great confidence in the player who would help him in his rise to power.

Rival Gladiators

Danaos: A mysterious gladiator, known as the "Demon". No one knows the story behind this dark and sinister fighter other than the fact that he is the greatest gladiator of his time. Danaos fights with two deadly battle axes
Battle axe
A battle axe is an axe specifically designed for combat. Battle axes were specialized versions of utility axes...

 and wears only tattered black clothing and a helmet fashioned to resemble a horned skull which can survive even the most devastating of attacks. Pomponius once considered having the player fight Danaos during a promotional match at the Glory of Campania event but quickly decided against it, believing that Danaos would kill the player far too quickly.

Celadus: A gladiator known as the "Red Right Arm" for the red armor that encases his entire right arm and the powerful crimson warhammer
War hammer
A war hammer is a late medieval weapon of war intended for close combat action, the design of which resembles the hammer.The war hammer consists of a handle and a head...

 carried by that arm. Among all the gladiators of Rome, Celadus is second only to Danaos in power and prestige.

Sextus: A formidable, legendary gladiator, nicknamed the "Honor of Rome", who fights with a sharp gladius
Gladius was the Latin word for sword, and is used to represent the primary sword of Ancient Roman soldiers. Early ancient Roman swords were similar to those used by the Greeks. From the 3rd century BC, the Romans adopted swords similar to those used by the Celtiberians and others during the early...

 and a tall shield
A shield is a type of personal armor, meant to intercept attacks, either by stopping projectiles such as arrows or redirecting a hit from a sword, mace or battle axe to the side of the shield-bearer....

. Sextus is a warrior from Germania
Germania was the Greek and Roman geographical term for the geographical regions inhabited by mainly by peoples considered to be Germani. It was most often used to refer especially to the east of the Rhine and north of the Danube...

 who once personally fought against General Aquilius Drusus, Aquilla's father, during the Germanic Wars. He lost and was then taken back to Rome as a slave. He later became a gladiator under the patronage of the Drusus family. Despite his general hatred of patricians for his enslavement, Sextus holds General Drusus in the highest regard and holds no grudge against him. The general did not kill prisoners and actually treated Sextus and his comrades with respect. However, Sextus has vowed to never help the Drusus family directly for the sake of his fallen comrades. He is a major boon to the popularity of the Smile of Bellona event.

Spartoi: A barbaric, muscular gladiator who eschews weapons in favor of his fists. Because of his savage and relentless fighting style, Spartoi is known to spectators as the "Brute Instinct". He is dressed in armor made from animal bones and is missing his lips, leaving a permanent macabre grin on his face.

Medeia: A beautiful female gladiator, nicknamed the "Brilliant Goddess", whose skill with twin blades is as graceful as well as deadly. Medeia is said to be a descendant of the legendary Amazons
The Amazons are a nation of all-female warriors in Greek mythology and Classical antiquity. Herodotus placed them in a region bordering Scythia in Sarmatia...

. She has little patience for everything except battle and tends to be aggressive, rude and forthright when speaking to others. Medeia is also quick-tempered yet honorable. In the past, she was once a slave to a particularly cruel Roman patrician. One day, she killed her master in a rage and was to be condemned to death for the murder of an aristocrat. Somehow, she came under the patronage and protection of Brosius and has, since then, been his most successful gladiator.

Spiculus: A shrewd African gladiator known as the "Speed of Silver Flame" for his polished, silvery armor and the lightning-like quickness of his sword. His handsome appearance is the desire of every woman and the envy of every man. Lady Elisaveta once said that even Milichus, a very capable gladiator in his own right, would be no match for Spiculus. He is under the patronage of Vipsanius.

Nemesis: A confident female gladiator from Thrace
Thrace is a historical and geographic area in southeast Europe. As a geographical concept, Thrace designates a region bounded by the Balkan Mountains on the north, Rhodope Mountains and the Aegean Sea on the south, and by the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara on the east...

, nicknamed the "Bloody Queen Bee", who is known for her deep crimson armor and her unequaled skill with a spear
A spear is a pole weapon consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a pointed head.The head may be simply the sharpened end of the shaft itself, as is the case with bamboo spears, or it may be made of a more durable material fastened to the shaft, such as flint, obsidian, iron, steel or...

. She is under the patronage of the Drusus family. The player once fought her in the arena in exchange for information concerning the true fate of General Drusus, who was reportedly killed in an ambush in Syria.

Ursus: A mysterious gladiator from Aegyptus known as the "Messenger of the Sun" whose armor is based on the appearance of the Egyptian god Horus
Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in the Ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists...

. While fighting with twin blades, Ursus uses strange, unorthodox movements and battle cries that often baffle his opponents. He often uses aerial attacks. Along with Hories, Ursus is one of Vipsanius' favorite gladiators.

Hories: A mysterious gladiator from Aegyptus nicknamed the "Arbiter of Souls" whose armor is based on the appearance of the Egyptian god Anubis
Anubis is the Greek name for a jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion. In the ancient Egyptian language, Anubis is known as Inpu . According to the Akkadian transcription in the Amarna letters, Anubis' name was vocalized as Anapa...

. His fighting style is as strange as that of Ursus, except that Hories prefers attacks that target the legs and lower body. He seems to crawl along the floor quickly when fighting. Along with Ursus, Hories is one of Vipsanius' favorite gladiators. When Hories and Ursus are paired together during a match, the two warriors become almost unstoppable.

Aibell: A young female gladiator from Britannia
Britannia is an ancient term for Great Britain, and also a female personification of the island. The name is Latin, and derives from the Greek form Prettanike or Brettaniai, which originally designated a collection of islands with individual names, including Albion or Great Britain. However, by the...

 from the Ludus Generidus who skillfully uses a battle axe and a heavy shield in battle. Pomponius once compared her axe to a thunderclap
Thunder is the sound made by lightning. Depending on the nature of the lightning and distance of the listener, thunder can range from a sharp, loud crack to a long, low rumble . The sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning produces rapid expansion of the air surrounding and within...

 and her shield to a stone wall. Aibell is highly independent by nature and is fiercely proud of her Celtic heritage. Due to her youthful and cute appearance, Aibell is known to spectators as the "Adorable Savage". She is under the patronage of Pomponius and serves as one of his bodyguards when his life comes under the threat of assassination. Aibell sometimes quotes the deities of her homeland when speaking to others. Aibell was actually not the young gladiator's name, but the name of a mythological being
As described by Donal O'Sullivan, Aibell "was the Fairy Queen of Thomond in Irish mythology; and her palace, Carraig Liath or The Grey Rock, is a hill overlooking the Shannon about a mile and a half above Killaloe, on the Clare side of the river."She is the principal fairy goddess of the Dál gCais...

 given to her by her Roman admirers. When Generidus started gladiator riots to kill senators loyal to Commodus, Aibell became his willing accomplice. This was because she secretly believed that all Roman patricians were cruel, unthinking monsters willing to send countless slaves to die in the arena for their own amusement. When Pomponius demonstrates compassion to gladiators and voices his thoughts on how others would think of Romans, Aibell began to have second about Generidus' plot. After she is defeated in a match, Aibell warns the player of an attempt on Apicius' life. After the player kills the would-be assassins, Aibell explained herself saying that she now realized that not all Romans were cruel and, while she still hated patricians for sending gladiators to their deaths, she has decided to let things be. After Generidus' death at the hands of the player, Aibell's fate is unknown.

Flamma: An overweight gladiator nicknamed the "Moving Volcano" for his reckless fighting style and his strength, said to be that of many men. He wields a mace and a large shield when in the arena. Despite being a gladiator, Flamma is a patrician by birth. He is the most powerful gladiator under the patronage of the senator Apicius, who assigns Flamma to fight the player at one time at the Glory of Campania event after an argument with Pomponius, who also respects Flamma's strength. At first, Flamma believed the rumors that the player was the one who instigated the recent gladiator revolts and only had second thoughts when the player spared his life after the battle.


General Cassius
Avidius Cassius
Gaius Avidius Cassius was a Roman general and usurper who briefly ruled Egypt and Syria in 175.-Origins:He was the son of Gaius Avidius Heliodorus, a noted orator who was Prefect of Egypt from 137 to 142 under Hadrian, and wife Junia Cassia Alexandra...

: The main antagonist of the game. A famous general who was last seen serving in Syria against the Parthians and other enemies of Rome. He shows disgust at Marcus Aurelius for selecting an heir through birth rather than merit. He has set in motion several plots to undermine Commodus' power in Rome.

Gulielmus: A Macedonian
Macedonia or Macedon was an ancient kingdom, centered in the northeastern part of the Greek peninsula, bordered by Epirus to the west, Paeonia to the north, the region of Thrace to the east and Thessaly to the south....

 gladiator who always crosses paths with the gladiator in the Word Of Quintus, an event where Commodus is the patron. He views the gladiator with disdain and amnimosity and ultimately is the final obstacle between Cassius.

Bernados: The head of the Praetorian Guard
Praetorian Guard
The Praetorian Guard was a force of bodyguards used by Roman Emperors. The title was already used during the Roman Republic for the guards of Roman generals, at least since the rise to prominence of the Scipio family around 275 BC...

 of Commodus and devoted without questioning his faith towards the upcoming emperor. A proud man if there is one, he makes sure Commodus is safe from the assassins and anyone else who threaten his rule. However, when he chose the gladiator to aid him in protecting the Emperor's life. He was soon alienated by Commodus through a chain of events. Ending with a duel that gets him killed in combat.

Clodius: A centurion under the command of General Drusus during the campaign in Syria. Due to Aquila's dislike of him, Clodius has apparently been known to the Drusus family for some time. Cassius managed to gain Clodius' allegiance by promising him a high position in the Roman Empire once Cassius becomes emperor. When General Drusus disappears during an ambush by Persian raiders, Clodius hurries to Rome to report the general's death to his family despite having escaped before the death could be confirmed. His main objective was to claim the fortune of the Drusus family by marrying Lady Aquila, claiming that it was her father's last wish. When she refuses, Clodius causes much trouble for the Drusus family by bribing away gladiators for the Smile of Bellona event and murdering any who refuse the bribes. Clodius has a low opinion for slaves and gladiators, whom he also considers slaves, since he often talks down to the player.

Generidus: A former gladiator, now a lanista, who has the patronage of both Pomponius and Apicius. He was paid in coin by General Cassius to dispose of Senators supporting Commodus. However, Generidus has a personal reason - he wants retribution for the countless slaves sent to die into the arena pits for the entertainment of the Roman Empire. He secretly started several gladiator revolts to get rid of senators loyal to Commodus.

Milichus: A ludi who seeks the affections of Elisaveta, he sees himself as the only one who deserves to be with Elisaveta, scheming many gladiators against one another. When Elisaveta's husband returns to Rome, he views it as an opportunity to kill the gladiator who is supposedly in love with her and the man who she has dedicated herself to.

Vispanius: A Roman noble who is the husband of Elisaveta and a very influential man in the Senate, he was the target of Midchildus as he proved to be the most bothersome obstacle to his chances of wooing Elisaveta. He is a Patron of the games although it is his wife who does most of the planning. His favorite three gladiators all hail from the expanses of Africa - Hories, Ursus, and Spiculus.

Castor: A gladiator formerly from Brosius' ludus, he is fiercely loyal gladiator to his current master, Dominicus, and is content to be a slave despite his potential to seize a dream of his own. He views that as a gladiator and a slave that all slaves should be thankful for scraps the nobiles give to them and that to dream of freedom is a foolish idea.


Gladiator Begins is an action game which incorporates various RPG elements. Players can increase their gladiator's vitality, strength, and endurance with AP points earned by winning battles at the arena. The player first starts off by creating a custom gladiator, choosing either male or female, body size, skin color, and facial details. The player's gladiator will then begin his story working under his owner to pay off his slave debts by entering on multiple arenas.

In the arena, the player can prepare their gladiator with the proper equipments and move sets and choose from the available matches to enter. During the match, the player will attack with armed weapons or with their bare hands at other gladiator opponents. Gladiators can knock off other gladiator's weapons and armors and pick them up to use it in their favor. During different arenas and matches, there will be some replicated themes such as the battle aboard a ship and animals like tigers and elephants to fight against. After winning a match, the player will earn money and AP and return to hub area to prepare for the next day or move on with the story.

The combat control consists of using the PSP analog stick for movement and the Square and Circle Buttons to attack left and right respectively, the Triangle Button for head attack and X Button for low attack. The D-pad functions as equipping and removing weapons and armors that are dropped on the floor. Special skills can be set to the desired buttons as well.


The game's prequel, Colosseum: Road to Freedom
Colosseum: Road to Freedom
Colosseum: Road to Freedom is a video game for the PlayStation 2 console. It is a hybrid fighting/RPG game loosely based on the Roman Empire around the time of the Emperor Commodus....

, was originally published by Ertain on February 17, 2005 in Japan. Subsequently, game developer and publisher Acquire
Acquire (game developer)
is a video game developer based in Japan, mainly known for their Tenchu and Way of the Samurai series.-Tenchu series:*Dimensional Ninja Action Movie: Tenchu *Tenchu: Stealth Assassins *Tenchu: Shinobi Gaisen...

 has acquired the rights to the Gladiator series from Ertain on October 1, 2008. Gladiator Begins was originally slated to be released on November 12, 2009 in Japan, but was pushed back to January 14, 2010 due to the discovery of a critical bug. The delay has also resulted in the implementation of an install feature, which allows the game to run more efficiently.

Gladiator Begins first gained notoriety during Tokyo Game Show 2009
Tokyo Game Show
The , commonly known as TGS, is a video game expo / convention held annually in the Makuhari Messe, in Chiba, Japan. It is presented by the Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association and the Nikkei Business Publications, Inc...

, for its scantily clad promotional model
Promotional model
A promotional model is a person hired to drive consumer demand for a product, service, brand, or concept by directly interacting with potential consumers. A promotional model can be female or male, and typically is intended to be attractive in physical appearance. They serve to provide information...

 dressed as a female gladiator. Since then, the female gladiator has been featured on a promotional alternative cover in Japan, and as an in-game downloadable content
Downloadable content
Downloadable content is official additional content for a video game distributed through the Internet. Downloadable content can be of several types, ranging from a single in-game outfit to an entirely new, extensive storyline, similarly to an expansion pack. As such, DLC may add new game modes,...


External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.