Paul Roudakoff
Paul P. Roudakoff was a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army, serving in 1945 through 1948 as Executive Officer and Deputy Chief, and later as Chief, of the Liaison and Protocol section at OMGUS (Office of the Military Governor, United States) in Berlin, Germany. Retaining his assignment, he moved to the United States Department of State
United States Department of State
The United States Department of State , is the United States federal executive department responsible for international relations of the United States, equivalent to the foreign ministries of other countries...

, serving through 1953.

Early years

Paul P. Roudakoff, was born to the Russian
The Russian people are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Russia, speaking the Russian language and primarily living in Russia and neighboring countries....

 noblesse ancienne as recorded in the imperial registers of Tver
Tver is a city and the administrative center of Tver Oblast, Russia. Population: 403,726 ; 408,903 ;...

. A morganatic descendant of Catherine the Great
Catherine II of Russia
Catherine II, also known as Catherine the Great , Empress of Russia, was born in Stettin, Pomerania, Prussia on as Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg...

, he was orphaned at the time of the Russian Civil War
Russian Civil War
The Russian Civil War was a multi-party war that occurred within the former Russian Empire after the Russian provisional government collapsed to the Soviets, under the domination of the Bolshevik party. Soviet forces first assumed power in Petrograd The Russian Civil War (1917–1923) was a...

 after his father, General, also named Paul Roudakoff, was wounded in battle, and his mother died of typhus five days later.

Paul Roudakoff was at school in the elite Corps des Pages, and was evacuated to the banks of the Nile
The Nile is a major north-flowing river in North Africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world. It is long. It runs through the ten countries of Sudan, South Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Egypt.The Nile has two major...

 in Egypt
Egypt , officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: , is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world...

 with the entire Corps by their patron, King George V of the United Kingdom
George V of the United Kingdom
George V was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 6 May 1910 through the First World War until his death in 1936....

, who was a first cousin to both Czar Nicholas II
Nicholas II of Russia
Nicholas II was the last Emperor of Russia, Grand Prince of Finland, and titular King of Poland. His official short title was Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias and he is known as Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer by the Russian Orthodox Church.Nicholas II ruled from 1894 until...

, and his Empress, Czarina Alexandra, and who took responsibility for the school after the assassination of his cousins.
In 1923, Paul received a Military and Arts degree from the Russian Imperial Military Academy.

His surviving sister, Irina Roudakoff (Roublon) Belotelkin
Irina Belotelkin
Irina Roudakoff Belotelkin was an American artist and fashion designer.- Early years :Irina Belotelkin, nee Roudakoff, was born in Elisavetgrad, Ukraine to the Russian noblesse ancienne as recorded in the imperial registers of Tver...

, made her way more than 1,000 kilometers, alone as a 9-year-old, to relatives in Moscow
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...

 where she was eventually transferred to relatives in Estonia
Estonia , officially the Republic of Estonia , is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia , and to the east by Lake Peipsi and the Russian Federation . Across the Baltic Sea lies...

 and eventually joined her brother when he settled in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...


Young adult

Paul became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1930. He attended and graduated from Hillyer Evening College (later part of chartering University of Hartford
University of Hartford
The University of Hartford is a private, independent, nonsectarian, coeducational university located in West Hartford, Connecticut. The degree programs at the University of Hartford hold the highest levels of accreditation available in the US, including the Engineering Accreditation Commission of...


In the years 1924 through 1942, Paul worked as a purchasing agent, advertising manager, junior consultant, and account executive with the Life Insurance Sales Research Bureau.

Paul was a member of the Connecticut National Guard from 1928 through 1942.

He was a member of the Hartford Fencing Club, Hartford Connecticut, an enthusiasm he shared with his sister Irina; both were top performers.
Paul's classmate from the Corps des Pages, and fellow member of the Russian ancien régime, Konstantine Belotelkin, married (17 September 1942) his sister, Irina
Irina Belotelkin
Irina Roudakoff Belotelkin was an American artist and fashion designer.- Early years :Irina Belotelkin, nee Roudakoff, was born in Elisavetgrad, Ukraine to the Russian noblesse ancienne as recorded in the imperial registers of Tver...


Paul married Borgny Bistrop (17 November 1899—July 1985) in October 1943. They had one son, Victor (14 August 1944—31 July 1979).

Service in the U.S. Army and State Department

Between 1942 and 1946 Paul joined the U.S. Army, where he rose from the rank of 1st Lieutenant to Lt. Colonel. He served with the Chicago Signal Depot from 1942 to 1945.

He ultimately took a commission in the army, retiring as a Lt. Colonel after serving as Chief of the Liaison and Protocol Division at OMGUS in the divided city of Berlin
Berlin is the capital city of Germany and is one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.45 million people, Berlin is Germany's largest city. It is the second most populous city proper and the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union...

 following the Second World War. Following the end of the war, Roudakoff maintained his position at OMGUS, but transferred to civilian service (Department of State) in 1948. It was during the post-war period that Roudakoff served as the Russian interpreter for then-Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army and Military Governor Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States, from 1953 until 1961. He was a five-star general in the United States Army...

’s to Marshal Georgi Zhukov, and various other military, civilian officials.

In Paul's memoir, appearing as part of Collier's Magazine edition on Eisenhower's meeting at the Potsdam Conference
Potsdam Conference
The Potsdam Conference was held at Cecilienhof, the home of Crown Prince Wilhelm Hohenzollern, in Potsdam, occupied Germany, from 16 July to 2 August 1945. Participants were the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States...

, 1945, with Marshal Zhukov (Paul is pictured with the two) he recounts translating Eisenhower's words:
He retired (FSS-2) from the Department of State in 1953.

Later years

In later years, Roudakoff was a consultant for Pan American World Airways
Pan American World Airways
Pan American World Airways, commonly known as Pan Am, was the principal and largest international air carrier in the United States from 1927 until its collapse on December 4, 1991...

RCA Corporation, founded as the Radio Corporation of America, was an American electronics company in existence from 1919 to 1986. The RCA trademark is currently owned by the French conglomerate Technicolor SA through RCA Trademark Management S.A., a company owned by Technicolor...

 Corporation and Bechtel
Bechtel Corporation is the largest engineering company in the United States, ranking as the 5th-largest privately owned company in the U.S...

 Corporation. He moved to San Francisco in 1991.

External links

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