List of sitcoms
This is a list of television and radio sitcoms (situation comedies
Situation comedy
A situation comedy, often shortened to sitcom, is a genre of comedy that features characters sharing the same common environment, such as a home or workplace, accompanied with jokes as part of the dialogue...

) in alphabetical order.


Title Country Years
15 Storeys High
15 Storeys High
15 Storeys High is a critically acclaimed British sitcom, set in a tower block. The main characters are Vince Clark, a misanthropic, cynical recluse played by Sean Lock, and Errol Spears, Vince's exact opposite and whipping boy, played by Benedict Wong....

 United Kingdom 2002-2004
18 to Life
18 to Life
18 to Life is a Canadian television sitcom that debuted on January 4, 2010 on CBC Television. The series is shown in Quebec on Vrak.TV with the title Majeurs et mariés.-Synopsis:...

 Canada (2 seasons)  United States (1 season) 2010-2011
100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd
100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd
100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd is an American family comedy series that ran from 1999 to 2002 produced by Fireworks Entertainment and Lynch Entertainment for the Nickelodeon TV channel...

 United States 1999-2002
100 Questions
100 Questions
100 Questions is an American situation comedy series which premiered on NBC on May 27, 2010. In May 2009 the network announced that the show would debut midseason in March 2010 on Tuesday nights at 9:30 pm, after NBC's coverage of the 2010 Winter Olympics was completed...

 United States 2010
227 (TV series)
227 is an American situation comedy that originally aired on NBC from September 14, 1985, until May 6, 1990. The series starred Marla Gibbs as a sharp-tongued, inner-city resident gossip and housewife, Mary Jenkins...

 United States 1985-1990
2point4 children
2point4 children
2point4 Children is a 1990s British sitcom that was created and written by Andrew Marshall. It follows the lives of the Porter family; an average family that is persistently faced with surreal situations and sheer bad luck....

 United Kingdom 1991-1999
3rd Rock from the Sun
3rd Rock from the Sun
3rd Rock from the Sun is an American sitcom that aired from 1996 to 2001 on NBC. The show is about four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet...

 United States 1996-2001
30 Rock
30 Rock
30 Rock is an American television comedy series created by Tina Fey that airs on NBC. The series is loosely based on Fey's experiences as head writer for Saturday Night Live...

 United States 2006-present
The 5 Mrs. Buchanans  United States 1994-1995
704 Hauser
704 Hauser
704 Hauser is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from April to May 1994. A spin-off of All in the Family , the series is built around the concept of an African American family, the Cumberbatches, moving into the former Queens home of Archie Bunker years after Bunker had sold the house...

 United States 1994
7 Vidas
7 Vidas
7 Vidas is a Spanish sitcom which aired on Telecinco from 1999 to 2006. Its title translates as "7 lives" and the symbol of the sitcom is a cat, in reference to the belief that cats have 7 lives...

 Spain 1999-2006
8 Simple Rules
8 Simple Rules
8 Simple Rules is an American sitcom that originally aired on ABC from September 17, 2002, to April 15, 2005, with 76 episodes produced over three seasons. It is based on the self-improvement book of the same name. The show starred John Ritter until his death on September 11, 2003...

 United States 2002-2005
13 Queens Boulevard  United States 1979


Title Country Years
A Diarista
A Diarista
A Diarista was a Brazilian sitcom directed by José Alvarenga Jr. and written by Aloísio de Abreu and Bruno Mazzeo. The series premiered on April 13, 2004 at 11:00 PM and was aired from 2004 to 2007 on Tuesday nights on Rede Globo.-Plot:It shows the life and problems of Marinete , a cleaning lady...

 Brazil 2003-2007
A Grande Família
A Grande Família
A Grande Família is a Brazilian television comedy, and is one of the most watched shows in Brazil. The show airs on the Globo Network , and tells the story of a typical lower middle-class family living in a suburb neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro.The family consists of a working father, Lineu, a...

 Brazil 1972-1975
A Grande Família
A Grande Família
A Grande Família is a Brazilian television comedy, and is one of the most watched shows in Brazil. The show airs on the Globo Network , and tells the story of a typical lower middle-class family living in a suburb neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro.The family consists of a working father, Lineu, a...

 Brazil 2001-present
A.E.S. Hudson Street
A.E.S. Hudson Street
A.E.S. Hudson Street is a comedy television show that aired on ABC in 1978. The short-lived series followed the antics of the staff of a run-down Adult Emergency Service hospital on Hudson Street, on the lower west side of Manhattan. It was cancelled after five episodes. -Cast and...

 United States 1978
A J Wentworth, BA
A J Wentworth, BA
A J Wentworth, BA is a British sitcom that aired on ITV in 1982. Set in the 1940s, the programme was shown posthumously following the death of its lead actor Arthur Lowe, who died on 15 April 1982. Based on the writings of H. F. Ellis, A J Wentworth, BA was written by Basil Boothroyd...

 United Kingdom 1982
a.k.a. Pablo
A.k.a. Pablo
a.k.a. Pablo is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from March to April 1984.-Synopsis:Produced by Norman Lear, it focuses on struggling Hispanic stand-up comic Paul Rivera and his large Mexican American family, who still called him by his given name Pablo...

 United States 1984
Abangan ang Susunod na Kabanata
Abangan Ang Susunod Na Kabanata
Abangan Ang Susunod Na Kabanata is a political satire of the Philippine government. A situational comedy that depicts the lives of the common “tao” and their interactions with the “demi-gods” of politics...

 Philippines 1991-1997
The Abbott and Costello Show
The Abbott and Costello Show
The Abbott and Costello Show is an American television sitcom starring the popular comedy team of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello that premiered in syndication in the fall of 1952 and ran until May 1954....

 United States 1952-1954
Abby (TV series)
Abby is an American sitcom shown on UPN from January 6, 2003 to March 4, 2003. The show's original title, Abby Walker, was soon changed.-Overview:...

 United States 2003
Absolutely Fabulous
Absolutely Fabulous
Absolutely Fabulous, also known as Ab Fab, is a British sitcom created by Jennifer Saunders, based on an original idea by her and Dawn French, and written by Saunders, who plays the leading character. It also stars Joanna Lumley and Julia Sawalha, along with June Whitfield and Jane Horrocks...

 United Kingdom 1992
2011 (announced)
Accidental Family
Accidental Family
Accidental Family is an American sitcom broadcast on NBC during the first part of the 1967-68 U.S. television season.-Synopsis:The series stars Jerry Van Dyke as a widowed comedian, Jerry Webster, who bought a farm in the San Fernando Valley to serve as a place for him to raise his son, Sandy, when...

 United States 1967-1968
Accidentally on Purpose
Accidentally on Purpose
Accidentally on Purpose is an album by Deep Purple members Ian Gillan and Roger Glover, released in February 1988 on Virgin Records. The track "Lonely Avenue" appeared on the soundtrack to Rain Man featuring Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise.-Track listing:...

 United States 2009-2010
According to Jim
According to Jim
According to Jim is an American sitcom television series starring Jim Belushi in the title role as a suburban father of three children. It originally ran on ABC from October 3, 2001 to June 2, 2009.-Synopsis:Jim is an abrasive but lovable suburban father...

 United States 2001-2009
Ace Crawford, Private Eye
Ace Crawford, Private Eye
Ace Crawford, Private Eye is a 1983 television program that parodied the “hard-boiled detective” genre; Tim Conway starred as a trench-coated private detective who always solved the case and caught the bad guy, despite his constant bumbling...

 United States 1983
Acropolis Now
Acropolis Now
Acropolis Now was an Australian sitcom set in a Greek bar of the same name that ran for 63 episodes from 1989 to 1992 on the Seven Network. It was created by Nick Giannopoulos, George Kapiniaris and Simon Palomares, who also starred in the series. They were already quite well known for their comedy...

 Australia 1989-1992
Adam's Rib  United States 1973
The Addams Family
The Addams Family (TV series)
The Addams Family is an American television series based on the characters in Charles Addams' New Yorker cartoons. The 30-minute series was shot in black-and-white and aired for two seasons in 64 installments on ABC from September 18, 1964, to April 8, 1966...

 United States 1964-1966
The Adventures of Hiram Holliday
The Adventures of Hiram Holliday
Adventures of Hiram Holliday is a 1939 novel by Paul Gallico, later adapted to a TV series, The Adventures of Hiram Holliday, a half-hour filmed comedy/adventure series which ran for 20 episodes on the NBC Television Network and is now better known than the literary original.-Broadcast dates:The...

 United States 1956-1957
The Adventures of Lano and Woodley
The Adventures of Lano and Woodley
The Adventures of Lano and Woodley is an Australian comedy television show starring the comedic duo of Lano and Woodley , consisting of two series which aired on ABC TV from 1997 to 1999...

 Australia 1997-1999
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet is an American sitcom, airing on ABC from October 3, 1952 to September 3, 1966, starring the real life Nelson family. After a long run on radio, the show was brought to television where it continued its success, running on both radio and TV for a couple of years...

 United States 1952-1966
The Adventures of Pete & Pete
The Adventures of Pete & Pete
The Adventures of Pete & Pete is an American children's television series produced by Wellsville Pictures and broadcast by Nickelodeon. The show featured humorous and surreal elements in its narrative, and many recurring themes centered on two brothers both named Pete Wrigley, and their various...

 United States 1993-1996
The Adventures of Tugboat Annie
The Adventures of Tugboat Annie
The Adventures of Tugboat Annie is a 1957 Canadian-filmed television series starring Minerva Urecal as Annie Brennan, the role originated by Marie Dressler in the 1932 screen classic Tugboat Annie....

 United Kingdom 1958
After Henry (radio series)  United Kingdom 1985-1989
After Henry (TV series)
After Henry (TV series)
After Henry is a British sitcom that aired on ITV from 1988 to 1992. Starring Prunella Scales and Joan Sanderson, it had started on BBC Radio 4 in 1985, finishing in 1989. It was written by Simon Brett...

 United Kingdom 1988-1992
AfterMASH was an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September 26, 1983 to December 11, 1984. A spin-off of the series M*A*S*H , the show took place immediately following the end of the Korean War and chronicled the adventures of three characters from the original series: Colonel...

 United States 1983-1985
After You've Gone  United Kingdom 2007-2008
Agony (TV series)
Agony is a British sitcom that aired on ITV from 1979 to 1981. Starring Maureen Lipman, it was written by Len Richmond, Anna Raeburn, Stan Hey and Andrew Nickolds. It was made for the ITV network by LWT...

 United Kingdom 1979-1981
Agony Again
Agony Again
Agony Again is a British sitcom that aired on BBC1 in 1995. Starring Maureen Lipman, it is the sequel to Agony, an ITV sitcom that aired from 1979 to 1981...

 United Kingdom 1995
Aída is a Spanish comedy sitcom set in Madrid, that spun off from another sitcom called 7 Vidas. The show first aired on January 16, 2005 and is produced by Globomedia for the Spanish network Telecinco...

 Spain 2005-present
Airwaves (TV series)
Airwaves is a Canadian television dramedy which aired on CBC from 1986 to 1990.The Toronto-filmed show starred Roberta Maxwell as Jean Lipton, a radio talk show host and widowed mother, who lived with her daughter Zoe, played by Ingrid Veninger, and her father Bob, played by Roland Hewgill...

 Canada 1985-1987
The Aldrich Family
The Aldrich Family
The Aldrich Family, a popular radio teenage situation comedy , was also presented in films, television and comic books. In the radio series' well-remembered weekly opening exchange, awkward teen Henry's mother called, "Hen-reeeeeeeeeeeee! Hen-ree Al-drich!", and he responded with a breaking...

 United States 1939-1953
ALF (TV series)
ALF is an American science fiction sitcom that originally aired on NBC from 1986 to 1990, created by Paul Fusco. The title character was Gordon Shumway, a friendly extraterrestrial nicknamed ALF , who crash lands in the garage of the suburban middle-class Tanner family.The series starred Max...

 United States 1986-1990
Alice (TV series)
Alice is an American sitcom television series that ran from August 31, 1976 to July 2, 1985 on CBS. The series was based on the 1974 film Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. The show stars Linda Lavin in the title role, a widow who moves with her young son to start her life over again, and finds a job...

 United States 1976-1985
Aliens in America  United States 2007-2008
Aliens in the Family
Aliens in the Family
Aliens in the Family is an American sci-fi/fantasy sitcom that aired on ABC, conceived as part of its TGIF lineup.-Premise:The show was about single dad Doug Brody , who is abducted by single alien mom Cookie . The two fall in love, get married, and try to live a normal life on Earth as a mixed...

 United States 1996
All About the Andersons
All About the Andersons
All About the Andersons is a situation comedy that originally aired on The WB Television Network from September 12, 2003 to February 12, 2004. It lasted one season before being canceled.-Premise:...

 United States 2003-2004
All About Us
All About Us (TV series)
All About Us is an American teen comedy-drama series that aired on NBC during the station's TNBC lineup from August 4, 2001 to November 10, 2001. It was produced by Peter Engel Productions.-Synopsis:...

 United States 2001
All American Girl  United States 1994-1995
All in the Family
All in the Family
All in the Family is an American sitcom that was originally broadcast on the CBS television network from January 12, 1971, to April 8, 1979. In September 1979, a new show, Archie Bunker's Place, picked up where All in the Family had ended...

 United States 1971-1979
All of Us
All of Us
All of Us is an American sitcom that premiered on the now-defunct UPN network in the United States on September 16, 2003, where it aired for its first three seasons. October 1, 2006, the show moved to The CW, a new network formed by the merger of UPN and The WB All of Us is an American sitcom that...

 United States 2003-2007
All That Glitters  United States 1977
All Together Now
All Together Now (TV series)
All Together Now was an Australian sitcom that was broadcast on Nine Network between 1991 and 1993. The premise involved an ageing rocker trying to maintain his music career while living with his son and daughter...

 Australia 1991-1993
All's Fair
All's Fair
All's Fair is an American television situation comedy that aired on CBS from 1976 to 1977. The show co-starred Richard Crenna as a conservative political columnist and Bernadette Peters as a liberal photographer...

 United States 1976-1977
'Allo 'Allo!
'Allo 'Allo!
'Allo 'Allo! is a British sitcom broadcast on BBC One from 1982 to 1992 comprising eighty-five episodes. It is a parody of another BBC programme, the wartime drama Secret Army, and was created by David Croft, who also wrote the theme music, and Jeremy Lloyd. Lloyd and Croft wrote the first 6...

 United Kingdom 1982-1992
Almost Perfect
Almost Perfect
Almost Perfect is an American situation comedy that aired on the CBS television network from 1995 to 1996.-Synopsis:Almost Perfect starred Nancy Travis as Kim Cooper, a television writer on the hit show Blue Justice who had just been promoted to executive producer, and Kevin Kilner as her...

 United States 1995-1996
Amanda's is an American sitcom inspired by the 1970s British sitcom Fawlty Towers. Amanda's aired on ABC from February 10, 1983 to May 26, 1983.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1983
Amen (TV series)
Amen is an American television sitcom produced by Carson Productions that ran from September 27, 1986 to May 11, 1991 on NBC. Set in Sherman Hemsley's real-life hometown of Philadelphia, Amen starred Hemsley as the deacon of a church and was part of a wave of successful sitcoms on NBC in the 1980s...

 United States 1986-1991
America 2-Night
America 2-Night
America 2-Night is the continuation of the talk-show parody series Fernwood 2 Night. It ran from April to July 1978. As in Fernwood, Barth Gimble was the host and Jerry Hubbard was his co-host...

 United States 1977-1978
American Dad!
American Dad!
American Dad! is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane and owned by Underdog Productions and Fuzzy Door Productions. It is produced in association with 20th Century Fox Television...

 United States 2005-present
American Dreamer  United States 1990-1991
Amos & Andy  United States 1951-1953
ANT Farm  United States 2011-present
An American in Canada
An American in Canada
An American in Canada is a Canadian television sitcom that aired on CBC.The show starred Rick Roberts as Jake Crewe, an American television news host who was forced, after beating up his station manager, to accept a job in Calgary, Alberta as the host of the lowest-rated morning news program in the...

 Canada 2002-2004
The Andy Griffith Show
The Andy Griffith Show
The Andy Griffith Show is an American sitcom first televised by CBS between October 3, 1960, and April 1, 1968. Andy Griffith portrays a widowed sheriff in the fictional small community of Mayberry, North Carolina...

 United States 1960-1968
Andy Richter Controls the Universe
Andy Richter Controls the Universe
Andy Richter Controls the Universe is a sitcom which aired from 2002–2003 on the Fox network. The series was Andy Richter's first starring role after leaving Late Night with Conan O'Brien in 2000....

 United States 2002-2003
Angela Anaconda
Angela Anaconda
Angela Anaconda is a Canadian cutout animation television series that aired on the channels Teletoon and Fox Family. It centers on the adventures of an eight-year-old girl named Angela who lives in the fictional town of Tapwater Springs, has wacky brothers, weird friends, and hates a snobbish...

 United States 1999-2001
Angie (TV series)
Angie is an American television sitcom that was originally broadcast by the ABC network from February 1979 until October 1980.-Premise:Philadelphia coffee shop waitress Angie Falco starts a romance with customer Bradley Benson...

 United States 1979-1980
Anke (TV series)
Anke is a German television series....

 Germany 1999-2001
Ann Jillian
Ann Jillian
Ann Jillian is an American actress, who started acting at age 10. Her career reached its zenith in the 1980s, with her best-known role being that of waitress Cassie Cranston on the sitcom It's a Living.-Early life and career:...

 United States 1989-1990
The Ann Sothern Show
The Ann Sothern Show
The Ann Sothern Show is an American sitcom starring Ann Sothern that aired on CBS for 93 episodes. The series began on October 6, 1958, and ended on September 25, 1961. The Ann Sothern Show was Sothern's second sitcom for CBS...

 United States 1958-1961
Anna and the King
Anna and the King (TV series)
Anna and the King is a short-lived sitcom broadcast in the United States by CBS as part of its 1972 fall lineup.-Overview:Anna and the King is a non-musical adaptation of the 1956 film of Rodgers and Hammerstein's The King and I, which was in turn based on the novel Anna and the King of Siam by...

 United States 1972
Annie McGuire
Annie McGuire
Annie McGuire is a Scottish reporter and presenter on BBC Scotland programmes including football phone-in show 'Your Call' and Sportsound. Occasionally links Radio Scotland's New Music Zone and T in the Park coverage and stood in for presenter Vic Galloway. She also wrote occasionally for the...

 United States 1988
Anything But Love
Anything but Love
Anything But Love was an American television sitcom, which aired on ABC from March 7, 1989 to June 3, 1992, spanning four seasons and 56 episodes. The show starred Richard Lewis as Marty Gold and Jamie Lee Curtis as Hannah Miller, coworkers at a Chicago magazine with a mutual romantic attraction to...

 United States 1989-1990
Aparadektoi, Oi
Oi Aparadektoi
Oi Aparadektoi is a comedy television series broadcast by Mega Channel during 1990-1992. The series is considered one of the most successful on Greek television, representative of the daily life of Athenians in the early '90s-Premise:...

 Greece 1990-1992
Apartment 2F
Apartment 2F
Apartment 2F, often written Apt. 2F, is a 1997 MTV sitcom, sketch comedy, and stand-up television series based around Randy and Jason Sklar's characters living in New York City...

 United States 1997
Aquí no hay quien viva
Aquí no hay quien viva
Aquí no hay quien viva is a Spanish television comedy focusing on the inhabitants of the fictional building in Desengaño 21, Calle Desengaño being a street between the Districts of Gran Via and Chueca in Madrid...

 Spain 2003-2006
Aquí no hay quien viva
Aquí no hay quien viva
Aquí no hay quien viva is a Spanish television comedy focusing on the inhabitants of the fictional building in Desengaño 21, Calle Desengaño being a street between the Districts of Gran Via and Chueca in Madrid...

 Colombia 2008-2009
Archie Bunker's Place
Archie Bunker's Place
Archie Bunker's Place is an American sitcom originally broadcast on the CBS network, conceived in 1979 as a spin-off and continuation of All in the Family. While not as popular as its predecessor, the show maintained a large enough audience to last for four seasons, until its cancellation in 1983...

 United States 1979-1983
Are You Being Served?
Are You Being Served?
Are You Being Served? is a British sitcom broadcast from 1972 to 1985. It was set in the ladies' and gentlemen's clothing departments of Grace Brothers, a large, fictional London department store. It was written mainly by Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft, with contributions by Michael Knowles and John...

 United Kingdom 1972-1985
Arli$$  United States 1996-2002
The Army Show
The Army Show
The Army Show was an American comedy television series that aired on the WB Network, first shown on 13 September, 1998. The plot follows an army sergeant who must take charge of a group of soldiers at Fort Bendix, Florida, while hiding his profitable schemes from his higher class officers. The show...

 United States 1998
Arnie (TV series)
Arnie was a television sitcom that ran for two seasons on the CBS network. It starred Herschel Bernardi, Sue Ane Langdon, and Roger Bowen....

 United States 1970-1972
Arrested Development  United States 2003-2006
Arresting Behavior
Arresting Behavior
Arresting Behavior is a half-hour American television police comedy that aired on ABC from August 18 to September 2, 1992.-Synopsis:The series centered on partners Bill Ruskin and Donny Walsh who were followed by hand-held cameras as they worked in Vista Valley, California.-Cast:*Leo Burmester ......

 United States 1992
Arsenio  United States 1997
Ask Harriet
Ask Harriet
Ask Harriet is a short-lived American television situation comedy that ran for one season in 1998 on FOX. Ask Harriet was created by David Cassidy, Jonathan Prince, and Billy Riback. Cassidy also wrote and performed the theme song.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1998
At Ease
At Ease
At Ease was an alternative to the Macintosh desktop developed by Apple Computer in the early 1990s. It provided a simple environment for new Macintosh users and young children to help them to work without supervision...

 United States 1983
is a comedy manga by Eiko Kera, and an anime adaptation that was produced from 2002 to 2009. It is an episode-based animated sitcom of the daily experiences of a family of four .-The Tachibanas:*Father...

 Japan 2002-2009
Avrupa Yakasi
Avrupa Yakasi
Avrupa Yakası was a popular Turkish sitcom created and written by Gülse Birsel and produced by Sinan Çetin which aired on ATV Turkey from January 11, 2004 to June 24, 2009. It was recorded in Plato Film studios in Nişantaşı district of Istanbul...

 Turkey 2004-2009
Austin Stories
Austin Stories
Austin Stories is MTV's first ever prime time situation comedy, which debuted September 10, 1997, and aired Wednesday nights at 10:30 pm. The show aired twelve episodes filmed on location in Austin, Texas....

 United States 1997-1998
The Autocrats
The Autocrats
The Autocrats was a Finnish political satire TV series, which takes the viewer behind the scenes of the politics of Finland. The series is produced by Filmiteollisuus and is made using 3D computer animation. The original idea for the series came from producer Olli Haikka...

 Finland 2001-2008


Title Country Years
Babes is an American situation comedy series that ran for one season on the Fox Television Network from September 13, 1990 to August 10, 1991. It was created by Gail Parent and executive produced by Dolly Parton and Sandy Gallin's Sandollar Productions for Twentieth Century Fox Television...

 United States 1990-1991
Baby Blues  United States 2000
Baby Bob
Baby Bob
Baby Bob is an American sitcom that aired on CBS as a midseason replacement in March 2002. The Baby Bob character had previously been on television since February 2000, appearing in commercials for

 United States 2002-2003
Baby Boom
Baby boom
A baby boom is any period marked by a greatly increased birth rate. This demographic phenomenon is usually ascribed within certain geographical bounds and when the number of annual births exceeds 2 per 100 women...

 United States 1988-1989
Baby I'm Back  United States 1978
Baby Talk
Baby Talk
Baby Talk is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from March 8, 1991 until May 8, 1992 as part of ABC's TGIF lineup. The show was loosely based on the popular Look Who's Talking movie series and was adapted for television by Ed. Weinberger...

 United States 1991-1992
Bachelor Father  United States 1957-1962
Bachelor Father 1970-1971
Back to You
Back to You
Back to You is an American situation comedy series, which aired on Fox from September 19, 2007 to May 14, 2008. The creators and executive producers were Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan, and the director was James Burrows. The series starred Kelsey Grammer and Patricia Heaton as squabbling...

 United States 2007-2008
Bulbulay is a family sitcom about a typical Pakistani family, the problems they face and all sorts of trouble they get into. It airs every Sunday at 7:30 PM on ARY Digital...

 Pakistan 2010
The Bad Girl's Guide
The Bad Girl's Guide
The Bad Girl's Guide is an American television program starring Jenny McCarthy, Marcelle Larice, Christina Moore, Stephanie Childers and Johnathan McClain. The series aired on UPN from May 24, 2005 to July 5, 2005....

 United States 2005
The Bad News Bears  United States 1979-1980
The Baileys of Balboa
The Baileys of Balboa
The Baileys of Balboa is an American sitcom that appeared on CBS in the 1964-1965 season on Thursdays at 9:30pm ET. The series lasted only one 26-episode season...

 United States 1964-1965
Baker's Dozen  United States 1982
Bakersfield P.D.
Bakersfield P.D.
Bakersfield P.D. was a short-lived American television comedy series that aired on the Fox network in 1993-94.The show was based in the police department of the city of Bakersfield, California. It was shot with naturalistic lighting and without a laugh track...

 United States 1993-1994
Bangruk soi 9  Thailand 2003-present
Barefoot in the Park  United States 1970-1971
Barney Miller
Barney Miller
Barney Miller is a situation comedy television series set in a New York City police station in Greenwich Village. The series originally was broadcast from January 23, 1975 to May 20, 1982 on ABC. It was created by Danny Arnold and Theodore J. Flicker...

 United States 1975-1982
Battery Park
Battery Park
Battery Park is a 25-acre public park located at the Battery, the southern tip of Manhattan Island in New York City, facing New York Harbor. The Battery is named for artillery batteries that were positioned there in the city's early years in order to protect the settlement behind them...

 United States 2000
The Baxters
The Baxters
The Baxters is an American situation comedy television series produced by Norman Lear. The series premiered in broadcast syndication in 1979 and lasted two seasons, ending in 1981. The series was the first "interactive" sitcom depicting a middle-class St...

 United States 1979-1981
Becker (TV series)
Becker is an American television sitcom that ran from 1998 to 2004 on CBS. Set in the New York City borough of The Bronx, the show starred Ted Danson as John Becker, a misanthropic doctor who operates a small practice and is constantly annoyed by his patients, co-workers, friends, and practically...

 United States 1998-2004
Ben et Thomas
Ben et Thomas
Ben et Thomas is a French TV series created by Mike Horelick and Jon Carnoy that first aired on May 31, 2008 on France 4.-Synopsis:Ben Rosenberg and Thomas Verne are two highschool friends into skateboard. One is a geek, the other is more down-to-earth, but they make a great pair...

 Early Modern France 2008-present
Benson (TV series)
Benson is an American television sitcom which aired from September 13, 1979, to April 19, 1986, on ABC. The series was a spin-off from the soap opera parody Soap ; however, Benson discarded the...

 United States 1979-1986
Benim Annem Bir Melek  Turkey 2008-present
The Bernie Mac Show
The Bernie Mac Show
The Bernie Mac Show is an American sitcom featuring comic actor Bernie Mac and his wife Wanda raising his sister's three kids: Jordan, Bryana and Vanessa. The show aired for five seasons , concluding with a half-hour series finale on Fox....

 United States 2001-2006
Best of the West
Best of the West
Best of the West is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from September 1981 through August 1982.-Synopsis:The Old West spoof featured the misadventures of Sam Best, a Civil War veteran who becomes a marshal in Copper Creek after accidentally scaring off an incompetent gunfighter called the Calico...

 United States 1981-1982
Best Selling Secrets
Best Selling Secrets
Best Selling Secrets is a TVB modern sitcom series broadcast from March 2007 to August 2008.The sitcom is about office politics in an advertisement company, as well as family and romantic relationships amongst the characters....

 Hong Kong 2007-2008
Bette  United States 2000-2001
Better Off Ted
Better Off Ted
Better Off Ted is an American satirical situation comedy series, created and written by Victor Fresco , who also serves as the show's Executive Producer...

 United States 2009-2010
The Betty Hutton Show
The Betty Hutton Show
The Betty Hutton Show is an American sitcom that aired on CBS's Thursday night schedule during the 1959-1960 season. The show was sponsored by General Foods' Post Cereals, and was produced by Desilu and Hutton Productions....

 United States 1959-1960
The Betty White Show
The Betty White Show
The Betty White Show is an American sitcom which aired on CBS from September 12, 1977, to January 2, 1978. Fourteen episodes were transmitted. The series was produced by MTM Enterprises.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1977-1978
Between Brothers
Between Brothers
Between Brothers is an American television situation comedy centered around four middle-class African American men in their late twenties, living in Chicago. It premiered on September 11, 1997 on Fox, with the second season airing on UPN, until March 2, 1999. The lead characters were portrayed...

 United States 1997-1999
Beulah (series)
The Beulah Show is an American situation-comedy series that ran on CBS radio from 1945 to 1954, and on ABC television from 1950 to 1952. The show is notable for being the first sitcom to star an African American actress.-Radio:...

 United States 1950-1953
The Beverly Hillbillies
The Beverly Hillbillies
The Beverly Hillbillies is an American situation comedy originally broadcast for nine seasons on CBS from 1962 to 1971, starring Buddy Ebsen, Irene Ryan, Donna Douglas, and Max Baer, Jr....

 United States 1962-1971
Beverly Hills Buntz
Beverly Hills Buntz
Beverly Hills Buntz was a short-lived spinoff from Hill Street Blues. It aired on NBC during the 1987-88 season.-Overview:The show was a 30-minute 'dramedy', that was a hybrid between light private eye fare and a sit-com. The main character, Norman Buntz, was previously seen as a morally and...

 United States 1987-1988
Beware of Dog
Beware of Dog
Notes*Track 9, "Ghetto Girls" featured uncredited vocals by Jagged Edge.Sample credits*Track 4, "Puppy Love" samples "Kanday" as performed by LL Cool J, and written by Dwayne "Muffla" Simon, Daryl "Big Dad" Pierce, Bobby "Bob Cat" Erving and James Smith....

 United States 2002
Bewitched is an American situation comedy originally broadcast for eight seasons on ABC from 1964 to 1972, starring Elizabeth Montgomery, Dick York and Dick Sargent , Agnes Moorehead, and David White. The show is about a witch who marries a mortal and tries to lead the life of a typical suburban...

 United States 1964-1972
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show, along with Steven Molaro. All three also serve as head writers...

 United States 2007-present
Big Brother Jake
Big Brother Jake
-Summary:Big Brother Jake was a situation comedy that aired from September 2, 1990 to September 1, 1994 on The Family Channel.The show was about Jake Rozzner, a former Hollywood stuntman who returned to his home where he was raised to help out his foster mother, Connie "Ma" Duncan with her foster...

 United States 1990-1994
Big Day
Big Day
Big Day, originally titled A Day in the Life, is an American situation comedy that first aired on ABC from November 28, 2006 to January 30, 2007. The series was co-produced by Josh Goldsmith and Cathy Yuspa and directed by Michael Spiller for Sony Pictures Television...

 United States 2006-2007
The Big House
The Big House
-Places:in Ireland* Bighouse, County Antrim, a townland in County Antrim, Northern Irelandin Russia*Bolshoy Dom , notorious headquarters of state security services in Saint Petersburg, Russiain United States...

 United States 2004
Big John, Little John
Big John, Little John
Big John, Little John is an American Saturday morning sitcom produced by Sherwood Schwartz which stars Robbie Rist as Little John, and Herb Edelman as Big John. The show first aired on September 11, 1976 on NBC, and ran for one season of 13 episodes...

 United States 1976
Big Time Rush
Big Time Rush
Big Time Rush is a Nickelodeon television series created by Scott Fellows about the Hollywood misadventures of four hockey players from Minnesota—Kendall, Logan, James, and Carlos, after they are selected to form a boy band. The series premiered with an hour-long pilot episode, "Big Time...

 United States 2009-present
Big Wave Dave's
Big Wave Dave's
Big Wave Dave's was a sitcom that ran from August 9, 1993 until September 13, 1993. In it, three friends decide to drop everything and run a surf shop in Hawaii. When they arrive, they find out that it's not as easy as they thought...

 United States 1993
The Bill Cosby Show
The Bill Cosby Show
The Bill Cosby Show is an American situation comedy that aired for two seasons on NBC's Sunday night schedule from 1969 until 1971, under the sponsorship of Procter & Gamble. There were 52 episodes made in the series. It marked Cosby's first solo foray in television, after his co-starring role with...

 United States 1969-1971
The Bill Dana Show
The Bill Dana Show
The Bill Dana Show was a United States comedy series starring Bill Dana and Jonathan Harris. The plot followed the daily lifestyle of Latin American, Jose Jiminez, as a bellhop in a New York hotel...

 United States 1963-1965
The Bill Engvall Show
The Bill Engvall Show
The Bill Engvall Show is a sitcom which ran on TBS from July 17, 2007 to September 5, 2009. The series starred comedian Bill Engvall and was written and created by Engvall and Michael Leeson...

 United States 2007-2009
Billy (1979 TV series)
Billy (1979 TV series)
Billy is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from February to April 1979. The series was based on Keith Waterhouse's 1960 British play Billy Liar.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1979
Billy (1992 TV series)  United States 1992
Birds of a Feather
Birds of a Feather
Birds of a Feather was a British sitcom that was broadcast on BBC1 from 1989 until 1998. Starring Pauline Quirke, Linda Robson and Lesley Joseph, it was created by Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran, who also wrote some of the episodes along with many other writers.The first episode sees sisters...

 United Kingdom 1989-1998
Bitange i princeze
Bitange i princeze
Bitange i princeze is a situation comedy type television show currently airing on Croatian Radio Television. The story is positioned in Zagreb, and it relies basically on group of people living in an apartment going through disasters in their life, falling in love, making it comical, similar to the...

 Croatia 2005-present
Blackadder is the name that encompassed four series of a BBC1 historical sitcom, along with several one-off instalments. All television programme episodes starred Rowan Atkinson as anti-hero Edmund Blackadder and Tony Robinson as Blackadder's dogsbody, Baldrick...

 United Kingdom 1983,1986-1987,1989
Black Books
Black Books
Black Books is a British sitcom television series created by Dylan Moran and Graham Linehan and produced by Nira Park, first broadcast on Channel 4 from 2000 to 2004...

 United Kingdom 2000-2004
Black Tie Affair
Black Tie Affair
Black Tie Affair was a thoroughbred racehorse. Bred by American businessman Stephen D. Peskoff, he was out of the mare Hat Tab Girl and sired by Miswaki, who also sired Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe winner Urban Sea and who was a two-time Leading broodmare sire in Great Britain & Ireland.Black Tie...

 United States 1993
Blackfly (TV series)
Blackfly is a Canadian sitcom which ran on the Global Television Network for two seasons in 2001 and 2002. Although shot single-camera like most Canadian comedies, this series was shot on film rather than videotape and contains a laugh track rather than making use of the usual live audience because...

 Canada 2001-2002
Blansky's Beauties
Blansky's Beauties
Blansky's Beauties is an American sitcom which aired on the ABC network in 1977. The main character of the series was introduced in an episode of Happy Days.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1977
Bless This House  United Kingdom 1971-1976
Bless This House
Bless This House (US TV series)
Bless This House was an American CBS sitcom which starred Andrew Dice Clay and Cathy Moriarty.-Cast:* Andrew Dice Clay as Burt Clayton* Cathy Moriarty as Alice Clayton* Raegan Kotz as Danny Clayton* Sam Gifaldi as Sean Clayton* Molly Price as Phyllis...

 United States 1995-1996
Blossom (TV series)
Blossom is an American sitcom broadcast on NBC from January 3, 1991 to May 22, 1995. The series stars Mayim Bialik as Blossom Russo, a teenage girl living with her father and two brothers. It was created by Don Reo.- Synopsis :...

 United States 1991-1995
Bnot HaZahav  Israel 2011-present
Bob (TV series)
Bob is an American television situation comedy starring Bob Newhart. It was the actor's third series for CBS and proved to be far less successful than The Bob Newhart Show and Newhart, his previous outings with the network. It lasted a season and a half, running from September 18, 1992 until...

 United States 1992-1993
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice  United States 1973
The Bob Crane Show
The Bob Crane Show
The Bob Crane Show is an American situation comedy that aired on NBC. The series starred Bob Crane as Bob Wilcox, a man in his 40s who quits his job as an insurance salesman to return to medical school. The series co-starred Patricia Harty as his wife Ellie Wilcox, who becomes the family's...

 United States 1975
The Bob Cummings Show
The Bob Cummings Show
The Bob Cummings Show is an American sitcom starring Robert "Bob" Cummings which was produced from January 2, 1955 to September 15, 1959, and originally sponsored by R.J. Reynolds' Winston cigarettes...

 United States 1955-1959
The Bob Newhart Show
The Bob Newhart Show
The Bob Newhart Show is an American situation comedy produced by MTM Enterprises, which aired 142 original episodes on CBS from September 16, , to April 1, . Comedian Bob Newhart portrayed a psychologist having to deal with his patients and fellow office workers...

 United States 1972-1978
Bob Patterson  United States 2001
Bonino is a surname, and may refer to:* Angie Bonino* Emma Bonino* Ernesto Bonino* Bonino...

 United States 1953
The Bonnie Hunt Show
The Bonnie Hunt Show
The Bonnie Hunt Show is an American syndicated talk show hosted by Bonnie Hunt. It premiered on September 8, 2008. It is the second show featuring Bonnie Hunt to have that title. The first was a sitcom that ran for one season in 1995 and was retitled Bonnie when it returned after a mid-season hiatus...

 United States 1994-1996
Bosom Buddies
Bosom Buddies
Bosom Buddies is an American sitcom starring Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari created by Robert L. Boyett, Thomas L. Miller and Chris Thompson. It ran from 1980 to 1982 on ABC and in reruns in the summer of 1984 on NBC....

 United States 1980-1982
Boston Common
Boston Common (TV series)
Boston Common is a television sitcom that ran on NBC from 1996–1997. It starred Anthony Clark and took place in the city of Boston. It was one of the 10 highest rated shows in its first season as it ranked 8th in the yearly ratings and was viewed by an average of 14.96 million households per episode...

 United States 1996-1997
Bottom (TV series)
Bottom was a British sitcom television series that originally aired on BBC2 between 1991 and 1995. It was written by comic duo Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson who star as Richie and Eddie, two flatmates living on the dole in Hammersmith, London...

Les Bougon
Les Bougon
Les Bougon - c'est aussi ça la vie! was a Quebec sitcom broadcast by Radio-Canada from 2004 to 2006, written by François Avard and Jean-François Mercier and produced by Fabienne Larouche. The show won three Gémeaux in 2004. The show's first episode aired on January 7, 2004, and the last one aired...

 Canada 2004-2006
Boy Meets World
Boy Meets World
Boy Meets World is an American comedy-drama series that chronicles the events and everyday life lessons of Cory Matthews, played by Ben Savage, a kid from suburban Philadelphia who grows up from a young boy to a married man. The show aired for seven seasons from 1993 to 2000 on ABC, part of the...

 United States 1993-2000
The Boys Are Back
The Boys Are Back (TV show)
The Boys Are Back is a short-lived television sitcom that was shown on the American network CBS in 1994. It starred Suzanne Pleshette and Hal Linden as parents Jackie and Fred Hansen. The show was broadcast on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Eastern time....

 United States 1994-1995
Boys Will Be Boys  United States 1987-1988
The Brady Brides  United States 1981
The Brady Bunch
The Brady Bunch
The Brady Bunch is an American sitcom created by Sherwood Schwartz and starring Robert Reed, Florence Henderson, and Ann B. Davis. The series revolved around a large blended family...

 United States 1969-1974
Bram and Alice  United States 2002
Brass Monkeys
Brass Monkeys
Brass Monkeys is an Australian sitcom that screened in 1984 on the Seven Network. The series was produced by Gary Reilly and Tony Sattler, who are known for comedy series Kingswood Country and Hey Dad!...

 Australia 1984
Breaker High
Breaker High
Breaker High was a Canadian teen comedy-drama series that ran from 1997 to 1998, airing on YTV in Canada and on UPN in the United States.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1997-1998
The Brian Benben Show
The Brian Benben Show
The Brian Benben Show is an American sitcom that aired on CBS on Mondays from September 21, 1998 to October 12, 1998.-Premise:The show centered on Brian Benben, an anchor on KYLA-TV news in Los Angeles, who was replaced in favor of a younger person...

 United States 1998
Bridget Loves Bernie
Bridget Loves Bernie
Bridget Loves Bernie is an American television comedy program created by Bernard Slade, the creator of the 1970–74 ABC sitcom, The Partridge Family, based loosely on the premise of the 1920s’ Broadway play and 1940s’ radio show Abie's Irish Rose...

 United States 1972-1973
Bringing Up Buddy
Bringing Up Buddy
Bringing Up Buddy is a 39-episode situation comedy television series which aired on CBS during the 1960–1961 season. In the story line, Frank Aletter, a native of Queens, New York, plays the orphaned Buddy Flower, a bachelor stockbroker, who is reared by his overprotective and meticulous aunts,...

 United States 1960-1961
The Brittas Empire
The Brittas Empire
The Brittas Empire is a British sitcom created and originally written by Richard Fegen and Andrew Norriss. Chris Barrie plays Gordon Brittas, the well-meaning but incompetent manager of Whitbury New Town Leisure Centre....

 United Kingdom 1991-1997
Broadside (TV series)
Broadside is an American sitcom that aired on ABC during the 1964-1965 TV season. The series, produced by McHale's Navy creator Edward Montagne, starred Kathleen Nolan, formerly of The Real McCoys .-Synopsis:The series centered around the women of the Navy circa World War II,...

 United States 1964-1965
Bromwell High
Bromwell High
Bromwell High is an animated series about a British high school in South London. It first aired on Teletoon in Canada and Channel 4 in the UK . It is a co-production between Hat Trick Productions in the UK and DHX Media in Canada. According to the Website , it was originally to be entitled...

 United Kingdom 2005-present
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge (TV series)
Brooklyn Bridge is an American television program which aired on CBS between 1991 and 1993. It is about a Jewish American family living in Brooklyn in the middle 1950s...

 United States 1991-1993
Brotherly Love  United States 1995-1997
Brothers are male siblings.Brothers may also refer to:- Film :* Brothers , an American silent film directed by D. W. Griffith* Brothers , an American film starring Vonetta McGee and Bernie Casey...

 United States 1984-1989
Brotherhood  United States 1977-1984
The Brothers
The Brothers (US TV sitcom)
The Brothers is an American television sitcom broadcast by CBS during its 1956-57 season. Reruns of The Brothers were also broadcast by CBS during the summer of 1958 on an alternate-week basis, alternating with repeats of Bachelor Father....

 United States 1956-1958
Brothers and Sisters
Brothers and Sisters (1979 TV series)
Brothers and Sisters is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from January to April 1979. The series attempted to capitalize on the success of the 1978 motion picture National Lampoon's Animal House...

 United States 1979
The Brothers Garcia
The Brothers Garcia
The Brothers García is an American sitcom that premiered in 2000 on Nickelodeon and ended in 2004. It was among the first projects of Sí TV, an effort to produce programming featuring Latino characters, however being aimed at a diverse audience...

 United States 2000-2004
Brother's Keeper
Brother's Keeper (TV series)
Brother's Keeper is an American television series that was originally broadcast from 1998 to 1999 on ABC. It was produced by Axelrod-Widdoes Productions and Donald Todd Productions in association with Studios USA Television....

 United States 1998-1999
bro'Town is a New Zealand Television animated series. The show used a comedy based format, targeted at a young adult audience.The series is set amongst New Zealand's fast growing Pacific Islander community, and focuses on a central cast of five young boys...

 New Zealand 2004-present
Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures
Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures
Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures is an American teen sitcom that premiered on Nickelodeon July 1, 2011.-Premise:The series follows two friends from the fictional California town of Pacific Bluffs. Oftentimes, the boys act quite sporadically leading them to multiple conflicts.-Main...

 United States 2011-present
Buddies (TV series)
Buddies is the name of a short-lived sitcom starring Dave Chappelle that aired on ABC in 1996.-Home Improvement connection:Comedians Dave Chappelle and Jim Breuer attracted the attention of TV network executives with their guest appearance in the March 14, 1995 episode of ABC's highly rated sitcom...

 United States 1996
Buddy en Sol  Philippines 1990s
Buffalo Bill
Buffalo Bill (TV series)
Buffalo Bill is an American television situation comedy that featured the misadventures of an egotistical talk show host and his staff at WBFL-TV, a small TV station in Buffalo, New York. It premiered May 31, 1983 on NBC and ran for only part of two seasons...

 United States 1983-1984
Built to Last
Built to Last
Built to Last is the thirteenth and final studio album by the Grateful Dead. It was recorded between February 1 and October 20, 1989 and originally released on October 31, 1989....

 United States 1997
The Burns and Allen Show
Burns and Allen
Burns and Allen, an American comedy duo consisting of George Burns and his wife, Gracie Allen, worked together as a comedy team in vaudeville, films, radio and television and achieved great success over four decades.-Vaudeville:...

 United States 1950-1958
Bustin' Loose
Bustin' Loose
This article is about the movie. For the TV series of the same name, see Bustin' Loose .Bustin' Loose is a film released by Universal Pictures in 1981 starring Richard Pryor as an ex-con who gets a second chance after violating his probation...

 United States 1987-1988
Butterflies (TV series)
Butterflies is a British sitcom written by Carla Lane broadcast on BBC2 from 1978–83.The situation is the day-to-day life of the Parkinson family in a bittersweet style. There are both traditional comedy sources and more unusual sources such as Ria's unconsummated relationship with the...

 United Kingdom 1978-1983


Title Country Years
California Dreams
California Dreams
California Dreams is an American teen-oriented sitcom that aired from 1992 to 1996 on Saturday mornings during NBC's TNBC programming block. It was created by writers Brett Dewey and Ronald B. Solomon and executive produced by Peter Engel, all known for their work on Saved by the...

 United States 1992-1996
Camera Cafe
Caméra Café
Caméra Café is a French-born concept of comedy television series exported around the world. A movie spin-off has been made in France under the title of Espace détente...

 Philippines 2008-present
C.P.O. Sharkey
C.P.O. Sharkey
C.P.O. Sharkey is an American sitcom which aired from 1976 to 1978 on NBC.-Premise:The series starred Don Rickles as a Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy. C.P.O. Otto Sharkey was an abrasive, sharp-tongued veteran in charge of a company of new Seaman Recruits on a San Diego naval base...

 United States 1976-1978
Can't Hurry Love
Can't Hurry Love
Can't Hurry Love is a US sitcom that ran for less than five months between September 1995 and February 1996.The show starred Nancy McKeon as a 20-something placement coordinator at a New York City personnel agency. McKeon plays Annie O'Donnell, a single career woman living in New York City and...

 United States 1995-1996
Captain Nice
Captain Nice
Captain Nice was a comedy TV series that ran from January–May 1967 on NBC. Riding the tide of the camp superhero craze of the 1960s, the show's premise involved police chemist Carter Nash , a mild-mannered mama's boy who discovered a secret formula that, when taken, transformed him into Captain...

 United States 1967
Car 54, Where Are You?
Car 54, Where Are You?
Car 54, Where Are You? is an American sitcom that ran on NBC from 1961 to 1963. Episodes had various directors, the most recognized being Al De Caprio. Stanley Prager and Nat Hiken also directed several episodes. Most of its filming was on location in The Bronx, and at Biograph...

 United States 1961-1963
Caroline in the City
Caroline in the City
Caroline in the City is an American situation comedy that ran from September 21, 1995 to April 26, 1999 on the NBC television network. It starred Lea Thompson as cartoonist Caroline Duffy. The series premiered in the two-hour Thursday night block led by Friends.-Premise:Caroline Duffy is a...

 United States 1995-1999
Carpoolers is an American single-camera comedy series, which ran on ABC from October 2, 2007 to March 4, 2008. The show was created by Bruce McCulloch, who also executive produced alongside Justin Falvey, Darryl Frank, David Miner, Marsh McCall, Joe Russo and Anthony Russo . Joe and Anthony Russo...

 United States 2008
Carter Country
Carter Country
Carter Country is an American television sitcom that ran from 1977 to 1979 on ABC.-Synopsis:Carter Country was set in the fictional small town of Clinton Corners in Georgia Carter Country is an American television sitcom that ran from 1977 to 1979 on ABC.-Synopsis:Carter Country was set in the...

 United States 1977-1979
Casi Perfectos  Spain 2004-2005
Cavemen (TV series)
Cavemen is an American comedy-drama show which ran on ABC from October 2, 2007 to November 13, 2007. The show was created by Joe Lawson and set in San Diego, California...

 United States 2007
Charles in Charge
Charles in Charge
Charles in Charge is an American sitcom series which starred Scott Baio as Charles, a 19-year-old student at the fictional Copeland College in New Jersey, who worked as a live-in babysitter in exchange for room and board...

 United States 1984-1990
Chance in a Million
Chance in a Million
Chance in a Million was a British sitcom broadcast between 1984 and 1986, produced by Thames Television for Channel 4.The series was co-written by Andrew Norriss and Richard Fegen and starred Simon Callow and Brenda Blethyn....

 United Kingdom 1984-1986
Check it Out!
Check it Out!
Check it Out! is a Canadian television sitcom, which aired on CTV from September 1985 to April 1988. The series also aired in the United States in syndication and on the USA Network.-Synopsis:...

 Canada 1985-1988
Checking In
Checking In
Checking In was a short-lived 1981 television sitcom and spin-off of The Jeffersons, which itself had spun off from All in the Family....

 United States 1981
Cheers is an American situation comedy television series that ran for 11 seasons from 1982 to 1993. It was produced by Charles/Burrows/Charles Productions, in association with Paramount Network Television for NBC, and was created by the team of James Burrows, Glen Charles, and Les Charles...

 United States 1982-1993
The Chicago Teddy Bears
The Chicago Teddy Bears
The Chicago Teddy Bears is an American sitcom that aired on CBS. The series was part of the network's 1971 fall lineup, premiering on September 17, 1971.-Synopsis:Unlike other shows set in Prohibition-era Chicago, The Chicago Teddy Bears was a sitcom...

 United States 1971
Chicken Soup
Chicken Soup (TV series)
Chicken Soup is an American sitcom that aired on ABC, starring Jackie Mason and Lynn Redgrave.-Overview:The series focuses on the interfaith relationship of a middle-aged Jewish man, Jackie , and an Irish Catholic woman, Maddie...

 United States 1989
Chico and the Man
Chico and the Man
Chico and the Man is an American sitcom which ran on NBC for four seasons, from September 13, 1974 to July 21, 1978. It stars Jack Albertson as Ed Brown , the cantankerous owner of a run down garage in an East Los Angeles barrio, and Freddie Prinze as Chico Rodriguez, an upbeat, optimistic Chicano...

 United States 1974-1978
Choufli hal  Tunisia 2005-2009
Citizen James
Citizen James
Citizen James was a BBC sitcom that ran for three series between 24 November 1960 and 1962. The show featured comedian and actor Sid James , Bill Kerr, Liz Fraser and Sydney Tafler...

 United Kingdom 1960-1962
Citizen Smith
Citizen Smith
Citizen Smith is a British television sitcom. The show was written by John Sullivan, who later wrote Only Fools and Horses. The pilot was transmitted on 12 April 1977 in the Comedy Special series of one-off plays, and the series proper ran from 3 November 1977 to 31 December 1980.Citizen Smith...

 United Kingdom 1977-1980
Clarissa Explains It All
Clarissa Explains It All
Clarissa Explains It All is an American teen sitcom that aired on Nickelodeon. Created by Mitchell Kriegman, it aired for five seasons for a total of 65 episodes from March 23, 1991, to December 3, 1994, and then went into reruns....

 United States 1991-1994
The Class  United States 2006-2007
Clone High
Clone High
Clone High is a Canadian-American animated television series that aired for one season on MTV and Teletoon....

 Canada  United States 2002-2003
Clueless (TV series)
Clueless is a television series spun off from the 1995 teen film of the same name . The series originally premiered on ABC on September 20, 1996 as a part of the TGIF lineup during its first season...

 United States 1996-1999
Coach (TV series)
Coach is an American television sitcom that aired for nine seasons on ABC from 1989 to 1997. The series starred Craig T. Nelson as Hayden Fox, head coach of the fictional Division I-A college football team, the Minnesota State University Screaming Eagles...

 United States 1989-1997
Comeback (TV series)
Comeback is an Czech television sitcom which premiered on TV Nova on September 4, 2008.- Plot :The sitcom revolves around Tomáš Pacovský , owner of a music store named U Dvou Akordů , and his family. His brother Ozzák is a chronic alcoholic who loves heavy metal music...

 Czech Republic 2008-present
The Comeback
The Comeback (TV series)
The Comeback is a television series produced by HBO that stars actress Lisa Kudrow as sitcom actress Valerie Cherish in modern-day Los Angeles, California. It was created by Kudrow and Michael Patrick King, a former executive producer of Sex and the City...

 United States 2005
Come Back Mrs Noah
Come Back Mrs Noah
Come Back Mrs. Noah is a British sitcom that aired on BBC1 from 1977 to 1978. Starring Mollie Sugden and Ian Lavender, it was written by Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft, who had also written Are You Being Served?, which had also starred Mollie Sugden. Joke banter was recycled off other series, and...

 United Kingdom 1977-1978
Committed (2005 TV series)
Committed is a television sitcom that aired on NBC as a midseason replacement from January 4 to March 15, 2005. Although originally broadcast twice a week the series eventually settled in a regular timeslot on Tuesdays at 9:30PM EST after Scrubs...

 United States 2005
Community (TV series)
Community is an American television comedy series created by Dan Harmon that airs on NBC. The series is about a group of students at a community college in the fictional locale of Greendale, Colorado. The series heavily uses meta-humor and pop culture references, often parodying film and television...

 United States 2009-Present
Complete Savages
Complete Savages
Complete Savages is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from September 2004 to June 2005. It was part of ABC's final TGIF comedy line-up. The show was created by Mike Scully and Julie Thacker and executive produced by Mel Gibson...

 United States 2004-2005
The Cop and the Kid 1975
The Corner Bar 1972
Corner Gas
Corner Gas
Corner Gas is a Canadian television sitcom created by Brent Butt. The series ran for six seasons from 2004 to 2009. Re-runs still air on CTV and The Comedy Network in Canada; it formerly aired on WGN America in the United States....

 Canada 2004-2009
Cory in the House
Cory in the House
Cory in the House is an American television sitcom, which aired on the Disney Channel from January 12, 2007 to September 12, 2008 and was a spin-off from the Disney show That's So Raven. The show focuses on Cory Baxter, who moved from San Francisco, California to Washington, D.C., after Victor...

 United States 2007-2008
Cosby is a situation comedy television series broadcast on CBS from September 16, 1996 to April 28, 2000, loosely based on the British sitcom One Foot in the Grave. The program starred Bill Cosby, Phylicia Rashād...

 United States 1996-2000
The Cosby Show
The Cosby Show
The Cosby Show is an American television situation comedy starring Bill Cosby, which aired for eight seasons on NBC from September 20, 1984 until April 30, 1992...

 United States 1984-1992
Cougar Town
Cougar Town
Cougar Town is an American television sitcom that premiered on ABC on September 23, 2009. The series focuses on a recently divorced woman in her forties facing the often humorous challenges, pitfalls and rewards of life's next chapter, along with her son, ex-husband, and friends who together make...

 United States 2009-present
Coupling (UK TV series)
Coupling is a British television sitcom written by Steven Moffat that aired on BBC2 from May 2000 to June 2004. Produced by Hartswood Films for the BBC, the show centres on the dating and sexual adventures and mishaps of six friends in their thirties, often depicting the three women and the three...

 United Kingdom 2000-2004
Coupling (U.S. TV series)
Coupling (U.S. TV series)
Coupling is a 2003 American remake of the British television sitcom of the same title which aired on NBC.-Reception:It failed to perform in the ratings and was canceled before the November sweeps, with several episodes remaining unaired despite heavy publicity by the network. It was immediately...

 United States 2003
Courting Alex
Courting Alex
Courting Alex is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from January 23, 2006 to March 29, 2006, and was a vehicle for Jenna Elfman of Dharma & Greg fame....

 United States 2006
The Courtship of Eddie's Father
The Courtship of Eddie's Father
The Courtship of Eddie's Father is an American television sitcom based on the 1963 movie of the same name, which was based on the book written by Mark Toby...

 United States 1969-1972
Cousin Skeeter
Cousin Skeeter
Cousin Skeeter is a television show which ran on Nickelodeon from 1998 to 2003. It starred Robert Ri'chard as Bobby, a young boy, whose life changed when his strange cousin Skeeter comes to live with his family. With Skeeter's help, Bobby learns life lessons and tackles the general ups and downs of...

 United States 1998-2003
The Cramp Twins
The Cramp Twins
The Cramp Twins is an animated series created by cartoonist Brian Wood. The show was produced in association with Cartoon Network Europe. It is about Lucien Cramp and Wayne Cramp , not-so identical twins who live with their hygiene-obsessed mother and their Western-obsessed father in the...

 United States 2002-2006
The Critic
The Critic
The Critic is an American prime time animated series revolving around the life of film critic Jay Sherman, voiced by actor Jon Lovitz. It was created by Al Jean and Mike Reiss, both of whom had worked as writers on The Simpsons. The Critic had 23 episodes produced, first broadcast on ABC in 1994,...

 United States 1994-1995
Crumbs is an American television sitcom starring Fred Savage and Jane Curtin that debuted on ABC on January 12, 2006. It also starred William Devane, Maggie Lawson and Eddie McClintock...

 United States 2006
The Cuckoo Waltz
The Cuckoo Waltz
The Cuckoo Waltz was a British television sitcom made by Granada Television for the ITV network between 1975 and 1977 and in 1980.The series which was set in 1970s and Manchester, written by Geoffrey Lancashire, produced and directed by Bill Gilmour, dealt with the comic complications that ensue...

 United Kingdom 1975-1980
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Curb Your Enthusiasm is an American comedy television series produced and broadcast by HBO, which premiered on October 15, 2000. As of 2011, it has completed 80 episodes over eight seasons. The series was created by Seinfeld co-creator Larry David, who stars as a fictionalized version of himself...

 United States 2000-
Cybill is an American television sitcom created by Chuck Lorre, which aired on CBS from January 2, 1995 to July 13, 1998. Starring Cybill Shepherd, the series revolves around Cybill Sheridan, a twice-divorced single mother of two and struggling actress in her 40s, who has never gotten her show...

 United States 1995-1998
Çocuklar Duymasin  Turkey 2001-2005, 2008-present


Title Country Years
Dad's Army
Dad's Army
Dad's Army is a British sitcom about the Home Guard during the Second World War. It was written by Jimmy Perry and David Croft and broadcast on BBC television between 1968 and 1977. The series ran for 9 series and 80 episodes in total, plus a radio series, a feature film and a stage show...

 United Kingdom 1968-1977
Dan for Mayor
Dan for Mayor
Dan for Mayor is a Canadian television sitcom starring Fred Ewanuick that debuted on March 1, 2010 on CTV and The Comedy Network. It premiered the same night as Hiccups, a show created by Corner Gas star Brent Butt that also features fellow Corner Gas alumna Nancy Robertson. On June 7, 2010, both...

 Canada 2010
Dans une galaxie près de chez vous
Dans une galaxie près de chez vous
Dans une galaxie près de chez vous is a Quebec French language television series that aired on Canal Famille from 1998 to 2001, and a movie of the same name, released in 2004. The second movie, Dans une galaxie près de chez vous 2, has been released on April 18, 2008...

 Canada 1998-2001
Daria is an American animated television series produced by Paramount Television, and created by Glenn Eichler and Susie Lewis Lynn for MTV. The series focuses on Daria Morgendorffer, a smart, acerbic, and somewhat misanthropic teenage girl who observes the world around her...

 United States 1997-2002
Date with the Angels
Date with the Angels
Date with the Angels is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from May 10, 1957 to January 29, 1958. The series, which stars Betty White and Bill Williams, began as a late season replacement for The Ray Anthony Show for the same sponsor, Chrysler's Plymouth division...

 United States 1957-1958
Dave's World
Dave's World
Dave's World is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from 1993 to 1997. The series was based on the writing of Miami Herald columnist Dave Barry.-Plot:...

 United States 1993-1997
The David Steinberg Show 1972
Dear John
Dear John (UK TV series)
Dear John is a British sitcom, written by John Sullivan. Two series and a "special" were broadcast between 1986 and 1987.This sitcom's title referred to letters sent by girls to their boyfriends breaking off the relationship, known as "Dear John" letters. In the opening episode, John discovers his...

 United Kingdom 1986-1987
Dear John
Dear John (US TV series)
Dear John is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from 1988 to 1992. The series was originally based on the British sitcom of the same name. Dear John was retitled Dear John USA when it was shown in the UK. During its four-season run, the series was bounced to and from various time periods on...

 United States 1988-1992
Death Valley  United States 1960-1965
December Bride
December Bride
December Bride is an American sitcom that aired on the CBS television network from 1954 to 1959, adapted from the original CBS radio network series that aired from June 1952 through September 1953.-Overview:...

 United States 1954-1959
Dekh Bhai Dekh
Dekh Bhai Dekh
Dekh Bhai Dekh was a Hindi sitcom directed by Anand Mahendru, and starring Sushma Seth, Navin Nischol and Shekhar Suman in lead roles. It first aired in 1993. The story revolves around three generations of the Diwan family, who live as an extended family in an ancestral bungalow in the suburbs of...

 India 1992-1997
Delta (TV series)
Delta is a short-lived U.S television sitcom series produced by ABC starring Delta Burke. Burke plays a woman who leaves her life behind to pursue her dream as a country music singer...

 United States 1992-1993
Delta House
Delta House (TV series)
Delta House is an American sitcom that was adapted from the 1978 film National Lampoon's Animal House. The series aired from January to April 1979 on ABC-Casting:...

 United States 1979
The Dennis O'Keefe Show
The Dennis O'Keefe Show
The Dennis O'Keefe Show is a 1959-1960 sitcom produced by United Artists Television which aired on CBS for sponsor General Motors' Oldsmobile division. It was not a ratings success during its original run, and was largely forgotten until a "Best Of" DVD release by Alpha Video during 2004. Certain...

 United States 1959-1960
Dennis The Menace  United States 1959-1963
Designing Women
Designing Women
Designing Women is an American television sitcom that centered on the working and personal lives of four Southern women and one man in an interior design firm in Atlanta, Georgia. It aired on the CBS television network from September 29, 1986 until May 24, 1993. The show was created by head writer...

 United States 1986-1993
Desmond's is a British television situation comedy broadcast by Channel 4 from 1989 to 1994. The first series was shot in 1988, with the first episode broadcast in January 1989...

 United Kingdom 1989-1994
Dharma & Greg
Dharma & Greg
Dharma & Greg is an American television sitcom that aired from September 24, 1997, to April 30, 2002.It starred Jenna Elfman and Thomas Gibson as Dharma and Greg Montgomery, a couple who married instantly on their first date despite being complete opposites...

 United States 1997-2002
Diana  United States 1973
The Dick Van Dyke Show
The Dick Van Dyke Show
The Dick Van Dyke Show is an American television sitcom that initially aired on the Columbia Broadcasting System from October 3, 1961, until June 1, 1966. The show was created by Carl Reiner and starred Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore. It was produced by Reiner with Bill Persky and Sam Denoff....

 United States 1961-1966
A Different World  United States 1987-1993
Diff'rent Strokes
Diff'rent Strokes
Diff'rent Strokes is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from November 3, 1978 to May 4, 1985, and on ABC from September 27, 1985 to March 7, 1986...

 United States 1978-1986
Dinnerladies is a British sitcom written, co-produced by and starring Victoria Wood. It ran on BBC One for 16 episodes from 1998 to 2000.-Plot:...

 United Kingdom 1998-2000
Dinosaurs (TV series)
Dinosaurs is an American family sitcom that was originally broadcast on ABC from April 26, 1991 to July 20, 1994. The show, about a family of anthropomorphic dinosaurs, was produced by Michael Jacobs Productions and Jim Henson Television in association with Walt Disney Television and Buena Vista...

 United States 1991-1994
DiResta is an American comedy television series which premiered on UPN on October 5, 1998, on its Monday schedule. It was cancelled after its March 1, 1999 airing...

 United States 1998-1999
Doc (1975 TV series)
Doc is an American sitcom which aired on CBS from September 1975 to October 1976.-Synopsis:Doc starred Barnard Hughes as Dr. Joe Bogert, an elderly, kind-hearted general practitioner who divided his time between dealing with his dysfunctional patients and his even more dysfunctional family...

 United States 1975-1976
Do Over
Do Over
Do Over is an American comedy-drama/fantasy series created by Kenny Schwartz and Rick Wiener. The series, which was broadcast on The WB in 2002, stars Penn Badgley.-Synopsis:...

 United States 2002
Doctor, Doctor  United States 1989-1991
Doctor in the House
Doctor in the House (TV series)
Doctor in the House is the syndicated title given, by the United States, to a British television comedy series , based on a set of books and a movie of the same name by Richard Gordon about the misadventures of a group of medical students — and their later misadventures as doctors.The first...

 United Kingdom 1969-1970
The Donna Reed Show
The Donna Reed Show
The Donna Reed Show is an American sitcom starring Donna Reed as the upper middle class housewife Donna Stone. Carl Betz appears as her pediatrician husband Alex, and Shelley Fabares and Paul Petersen as their teenage children Mary and Jeff. The show originally aired on ABC at 10 pm from September...

 United States 1958-1966
Doogie Howser, M.D.
Doogie Howser, M.D.
Doogie Howser, M.D. is an American television comedy-drama starring Neil Patrick Harris as a 16-year-old doctor who also faces the problems of being a normal teenager. Created by Steven Bochco and David E. Kelley, ABC aired the show from 1989 to 1993 for four seasons totaling 97 episodes.-Plot:Dr....

 United States 1989-1993
The Doris Day Show
The Doris Day Show
The Doris Day Show is an American sitcom that was originally broadcast on the CBS network from September 1968 until September 1973. In addition to showcasing Doris Day, the show is remembered for its many abrupt format changes over the course of its five-year run...

 United States 1968-1973
Dossa and Joe
Dossa and Joe
Dossa and Joe was a 2002, bittersweet television comedy series, written and directed by Caroline Aherne and starring Anne Charleston as Dossa and Michael Caton as Joe....

 Australia 2002
The Double Life of Henry Phyfe  United States 1966
Double Trouble  United States 1984-1985
Douce France 1989
Doug is an American animated sitcom created by Jim Jinkins and co-produced by his studio, Jumbo Pictures . Doug centers on the surreal and imaginative exploits of its title character, Douglas "Doug" Funnie, who experiences common predicaments while attending middle school. The series lampoons...

 United States 1991-1999
Down and Out in Beverly Hills  United States 1987
Down to Earth
Down to Earth (TV series)
Down to Earth was an American fantasy situation comedy series that ran on Superstation TBS from 1984 to 1987. It was produced by Procter & Gamble Productions and was the superstation's first original series.-Premise:...

 United States 1983-1987
Downtown (TV series)
Downtown was an animated series on MTV on urban life, based on interviews with real people. The show follows a diverse and multiracial cast who live in New York City, and presents their everyday lives through quirky, humorous, and imaginative perspectives from the characters...

 United States 1999
Drake & Josh
Drake & Josh
Drake & Josh is an American sitcom that premiered on the Nickelodeon television network on January 11, 2004, which follows the lives of two stepbrothers. It stars Drake Bell and Josh Peck as stepbrothers Drake Parker and Josh Nichols, respectively. Both actors had played roles in The Amanda Show,...

 United States 2004-2007
Drawn Together
Drawn Together
Drawn Together is an American animated television series, which ran on Comedy Central from October 27, 2004 to November 14, 2007. The series was created by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, and uses a sitcom format with a TV reality show setting...

 United States 2004-2007
Dream On
Dream On (TV series)
Dream On is an American adult-themed situation comedy about single New Yorker, Martin Tupper. The show used a gimmick where old black and white clips were used to punctuate the main character's feelings or thoughts...

 United States 1990-1996
The Drew Carey Show
The Drew Carey Show
The Drew Carey Show is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from 1995 to 2004. The show was set in Cleveland, Ohio, and revolved around the retail office and home life of "everyman" Drew Carey, a fictionalized version of the actor....

 United States 1995-2004
Drexell's Class
Drexell's Class
Drexell's Class is an American sitcom aired by Fox as part of its 1991-92 lineup. The show was created by Andrew Nicholls and Darrell Vickers.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1991-1992
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist is an American animated series that originally ran on Comedy Central from May 28, 1995 to December 24, 1999,–with a final set of three shelved episodes airing in 2002–starring Jonathan Katz, Jon Benjamin, and Laura Silverman...

 United States 1995-1999
Drop the Dead Donkey
Drop the Dead Donkey
- Major characters :* Gus Hedges — The unctuous Chief Executive of the company, and yes-man to Sir Roysten Merchant. A management stereotype, complete with clichés and clumsy metaphors, he swiftly transforms GlobeLink from a serious news network to a ratings-chasing tabloid channel...

 United Kingdom 1990-1998
Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man is an American animated sitcom that aired from 1994–1997, created by Everett Peck and developed by Peck. The sitcom is based on characters created by Peck in his Dark Horse comic...

 United States 1994-1997
The Duck Factory
The Duck Factory
The Duck Factory is a 1984 NBC television series produced by MTM Enterprises that is perhaps most notable for being Jim Carrey's first lead role in a Hollywood production....

 United States 1984
The Dustbinmen
The Dustbinmen
The Dustbinmen was a British television sitcom made by Granada Television for ITV, which starred Bryan Pringle, Trevor Bannister, Graham Haberfield and Tim Wylton. The show was a spin-off from a one-off 90-minute TV movie "There's a Hole in Your Dustbin, Delilah" written by Jack Rosenthal and...

 United Kingdom 1969-1970
Duty Free
Duty Free (TV series)
Duty Free is a British sitcom written by Eric Chappell and Jean Warr that aired on ITV from 1984 to 1986. It was made by Yorkshire Television.-Cast:*Keith Barron – David Pearce*Gwen Taylor – Amy Pearce*Joanna Van Gyseghem – Linda Cochran...

 United Kingdom 1984-1986
Dweebs  United States 1995-1995


Title Country Years
E/R is an American television sitcom that aired in 1984 and 1985. Developed from a successful play of the same name, the series was produced by Embassy Television and lasted a single season.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1984-1985
The Ed Wynn Show  United States 1958-1959
The Egg and I
The Egg and I
The Egg and I, first published in 1945, is a humorous memoir by American author Betty MacDonald about her adventures and travels as a young wife on a chicken farm on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state...

 United States 1951-1952
Eisenhower & Lutz  United States 1988
Ekeines Kai Ego
Ekeines Kai Ego
Ekeines kai Ego was a Greek television sitcom starring Yannis Bezos and Tasos Kostis. It is written by Bezos and Andreas Morfonios and directed by Morfonios. The series aired 1996 and lasted two seasons. It is one of Bezos' most popular sitcoms.-Title:The title means "Those and me"...

 Greece 1996-1998
Ellen (TV series)
Ellen is a U.S. television sitcom that ran on the ABC network from March 29, 1994 to July 22, 1998, producing 109 episodes.The theme song, "So Called Friend" is by Scottish band Texas...

 United States 1994-1998
The Ellen Show
The Ellen Show
The Ellen Show is a television sitcom starring Ellen DeGeneres that aired during the 2001–2002 season on CBS. It was DeGeneres's second attempt at a sitcom, after Ellen on ABC , but it was unable to garner strong ratings and was quickly cancelled.After coming out of the closet as a lesbian on her...

 United States 2001-2002
Emily's Reasons Why Not  United States 2006
Empty Nest  United States 1988-1995
End of Part One
End of Part One
End of Part One was a British television comedy sketch show written by David Renwick and Andrew Marshall and produced by Simon Brett, it was made by London Weekend Television. It ran for two series on ITV, from 1979 to 1980 and was an attempt at a TV version of The Burkiss Way...

 United Kingdom 1979
Eve (TV series)
Eve is an American sitcom starring Eve, Jason Winston George, Ali Landry, Natalie Desselle-Reid, Brian Hooks and Sean Maguire. That aired on the UPN network from September 15, 2003 to May 11, 2006, with 66 episodes produced spanning 3 seasons...

 United States 2003-2006
Even Stevens
Even Stevens
Even Stevens is an American comedy television series that aired on Disney Channel with a total of three seasons and 65 episodes from June 17, 2000, to June 2, 2003...

 United States 2000-2003
Evening Shade
Evening Shade
Evening Shade was an American sitcom television series that aired on CBS from 1990 to 1994. The series starred Burt Reynolds as Wood Newton, an ex-professional football player for the Pittsburgh Steelers, who returns to rural Evening Shade, Arkansas to coach a high school football team with a long...

 United States 1990-1994
Everybody Hates Chris
Everybody Hates Chris
Everybody Hates Chris is an African American television period sitcom inspired by the teenage experiences of comedian Chris Rock , while growing up in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York . The show is set from 1982 to 1987; however, Rock himself was a teenager during years...

 United States 2005-2009
Everybody Loves Raymond
Everybody Loves Raymond
Everybody Loves Raymond is an American television sitcom that originally ran on CBS from September 13, 1996, to May 16, 2005. Many of the situations from the show are based on the real-life experiences of lead actor Ray Romano, creator/producer Phil Rosenthal and the show's writing staff...

 United States 1996-2005
Extras (TV series)
Extras is a British sitcom about extras working on TV and film sets and in theatre. The series was co-produced by the BBC and HBO, and is created, written, and directed by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, both of whom also star in it...

 United Kingdom 2005-2006


Title Country Years
F Troop
F Troop
F Troop is a satirical American television sitcom that originally aired for two seasons on ABC-TV. It debuted in the United States on September 14, 1965 and concluded its run on April 6, 1967 with a total of 65 episodes. The first season of 34 episodes was filmed in black-and-white, but the show...

 United States 1965-1967
The Facts of Life
The Facts of Life (TV series)
The Facts of Life is an American sitcom that originally ran on the NBC television network from August 24, 1979 to May 7, 1988. A spin-off of the sitcom Diff'rent Strokes, the series' premise focused on Edna Garrett as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, a prestigious...

 United States 1979-1988
The Faculty
The Faculty (TV series)
The Faculty was an American sitcom starring Meredith Baxter as a middle school administrator. The show aired on ABC from March 1996 to May 1996.-Premise:...

 United States 1996
The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin
The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin
The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin is a series of novels which developed into a British sitcom starring Leonard Rossiter in the title role...

 United Kingdom 1976-1979
Fair Exchange  United States 1962-1963
Une famille formidable
Une famille formidable
Une famille formidable is a French Romantic comedy television series broadcast since September 17, 1992. It details the goings on of a family, and follows them as they grow up. As of 2008, the cast is the same as the 1992 cast, an unusual feat for a program with a run of this length.-External links:...

 Early Modern France 1992-2008
Family Affair
Family Affair
Family Affair is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from September 12, 1966 to September 9, 1971. The series explored the trials of well-to-do civil engineer and bachelor Bill Davis as he attempted to raise his brother's orphaned children in his luxury New York City apartment. Davis' traditional...

 United States 1966-1971, 2002-2003
A Family for Joe
A Family for Joe
A Family for Joe is an American television movie and subsequent series, both starring Robert Mitchum in the title role. The half-hour show premiered on NBC on March 24, 1990...

 United States 1990
The Family Genius
The Family Genius
The Family Genius was a TV series aired in the United States from September 9, 1949 till September 30, 1949. It was broadcast on the now-defunct DuMont Television Network, and is most notable for lasting less than a month before cancellation. The series was a sitcom centered around the Howard family...

 United States 1949
Family Guy
Family Guy
Family Guy is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Griffins, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Peter and Lois; their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie; and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian...

 United States 1999-2002, 2005-present
Family Front  Pakistan 1995
Family Matters
Family Matters (TV series)
Family Matters is an American sitcom about a middle-class African-American family living in Chicago, Illinois, which ran on national television for nine full seasons. The series was a spin-off of Perfect Strangers, but revolves around the Winslow family...

 United States 1989-1998
Family Ties
Family Ties
Family Ties is an American sitcom that aired on NBC for seven seasons, from 1982 to 1989. The sitcom reflected the move in the United States from the cultural liberalism of the 1960s and 1970s to the conservatism of the 1980s. This was particularly expressed through the relationship between young...

 United States 1982-1989
Farmacia de guardia  Spain 1991-1995
The Farmer's Daughter
The Farmer's Daughter (TV series)
The Farmer's Daughter is an American situation comedy series that was produced by Screen Gems Television and aired on ABC from September 20, 1963 to April 22, 1966. It was sponsored by Lark cigarettes and Clairol for whom the two leading stars often appeared at show's end promoting the products...

 United States 1963-1966
Fascht e Familie  Switzerland 1994-1999
Father, Dear Father
Father, Dear Father
Father, Dear Father is a British television sitcom produced by Thames Television for ITV from 1968 to 1973 starring Patrick Cargill. It was subsequently made into a spin-off film of the same title released in 1973....

 United Kingdom 1968-1973
Father, Dear Father in Australia
Father, Dear Father
Father, Dear Father is a British television sitcom produced by Thames Television for ITV from 1968 to 1973 starring Patrick Cargill. It was subsequently made into a spin-off film of the same title released in 1973....

 Australia 1978
Father Knows Best
Father Knows Best
Father Knows Best is an American radio and television comedy series which portrayed a middle class family life in the Midwest. It was created by writer Ed James in the 1940s.-Radio:...

 United States 1954-1960
Father Ted
Father Ted
Father Ted is a comedy series set in Ireland that was produced by Hat Trick Productions for British broadcaster Channel 4. Written jointly by Irish writers Arthur Mathews and Graham Linehan and starring a predominantly Irish cast, it originally aired over three series from 21 April 1995 until 1 May...

 United Kingdom  Republic of Ireland 1995-1998
Fatherhood (TV series)
Fatherhood is an American animated television series revolving around the Bindlebeep family and various happenings, inspired by the book of the same name by Bill Cosby. This was Nick at Nite's first original animated series. It has aired on Nick at Nite and Nickelodeon. It was canceled in...

 United States 2004-2005
Fawlty Towers
Fawlty Towers
Fawlty Towers is a British sitcom produced by BBC Television and first broadcast on BBC2 in 1975. Twelve television program episodes were produced . The show was written by John Cleese and his then wife Connie Booth, both of whom played major characters...

 United Kingdom 1975-1979
Fertig Lustig  Switzerland 2000-2002
The Fighting Fitzgeralds  United States 2001
Filthy Rich
Filthy Rich (1982 TV series)
Filthy Rich is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from August 1982 to July 1983. Starring Dixie Carter and Delta Burke, the series satirized prime-time soap operas such as Dallas and Dynasty.-Plot:...

 United States 1982-1983
A Fine Romance
A Fine Romance (TV series)
A Fine Romance was a British situation comedy starring husband-and-wife team Judi Dench and Michael Williams. Dench's sister was played by Susan Penhaligon. It was produced by London Weekend Television and written by Bob Larbey. It was first broadcast on 8 November 1981. It lasted for 26 episodes...

 United Kingdom 1981-1984
Fired Up
Fired Up (TV series)
Fired Up is a short-lived 1997–1998 situation comedy airing on NBC. It lasted for two seasons and 28 episodes. The series, the first from Grammnet Productions, starred Sharon Lawrence and Leah Remini. The series was about a self-centered promotions executive and her mouthy assistant...

 United States 1997-1998
First Time Out
First Time Out
First Time Out is an American situation comedy that aired on the The WB Television Network. Originally holding the working title Girlfriends and described as a "Latino Living Single", the series first aired on September 10, 1995 and last aired on December 17, 1995.-Plot:The sitcom followed an...

 United States 1995
Fish Police  United States 1992
Flatbush  United States 1979
First of the Summer Wine
First of the Summer Wine
First of the Summer Wine is a sitcom written by Roy Clarke that aired on BBC1. The pilot originally aired on 3 January 1988, and the first series of episodes followed on 4 September 1988. The show ran for two series of six episodes each, with the final episode airing on 8 October 1989. The pilot...

 United Kingdom 1988-1989
Fleksnes fataliteter
Fleksnes Fataliteter
Fleksnes Fataliteter, better known by its shortened title Fleksnes, was a Norwegian television comedy series produced between 1972 and 2002, based on Galton and Simpson's scripts for the British series Hancock's Half Hour.-History:...

 Norway 1972
Flight of the Conchords
Flight of the Conchords (TV series)
Flight of the Conchords is an American television comedy series that debuted on HBO on June 17, 2007. The show follows the adventures of Flight of the Conchords, a two-man band from New Zealand, as its members seek fame and success in New York City. The show stars the real-life duo, Jemaine Clement...

 United States 2007-2009
The Flintstones
The Flintstones
The Flintstones is an animated, prime-time American television sitcom that screened from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966, on ABC. Produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, The Flintstones was about a working class Stone Age man's life with his family and his next-door neighbor and best friend. It...

 United States 1960-1966
Flo is an American sitcom which aired on CBS from 1980 to 1981. The series is a spin-off for Polly Holliday who portrayed the sassy and street-smart waitress Florence Jean "Flo" Castleberry on the sitcom Alice...

 United States 1980-1981
Flying Blind  United States 1992-1993
The Flying Nun
The Flying Nun
The Flying Nun is an American sitcom produced by Screen Gems for ABC based on the 1965 book The Fifteenth Pelican, by Tere Rios, which starred Sally Field as Sister Bertrille...

 United States 1967-1970
Foot in The Door  United States 1983
For Your Love
For Your Love (TV series)
For Your Love is an American sitcom that premiered on March 17, 1998 on NBC. It was canceled after six episodes, but was picked up by The WB Network. It ran there for four years before its 2002 cancellation.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1998-2002
The Fosters  United Kingdom 1976
Frasier is an American sitcom that was broadcast on NBC for eleven seasons, from September 16, 1993, to May 13, 2004. The program was created and produced by David Angell, Peter Casey, and David Lee in association with Grammnet and Paramount Network Television.A spin-off of Cheers, Frasier stars...

 United States 1993-2004
Free Country
Free Country (TV series)
Free Country was a short-lived sitcom on ABC in 1978. The show starred Rob Reiner as Joseph Bresner, the head of a Lithuanian family that emigrated to New York City in the early-1900s . Each episode featured the 89 year old Bresner in present day reminiscing about events in the early-1900s. The...

 United States 1978
Free Spirit
Free Spirit (TV series)
Free Spirit is an American fantasy sitcom series that ran on ABC during the 1989-1990 television season. The series was originally produced by ELP Communications. It ran from September 22, 1989 to January 14, 1990.-Overview:...

 United States 1989-1990
French Fields
French Fields
French Fields is a British situation comedy. It ran for 19 episodes from 1989-1991. It was written by John T. Chapman and Ian Davidson and was produced by Thames Television for ITV....

 United Kingdom 1989
Fresh Fields
Fresh Fields
Fresh Fields is a British situation comedy written by John T. Chapman and produced by Thames Television for ITV between 1984 and 1986. The show is well remembered for its opening titles featuring a silhouette of a person in a rocking chair....

 United Kingdom 1984
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is an American television sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990 to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street-smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his aunt and uncle in their...

 United States 1990-1996
Friends is an American sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, which aired on NBC from September 22, 1994 to May 6, 2004. The series revolves around a group of friends in Manhattan. The series was produced by Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television...

 United States 1994-2004
Fries With That?
Fries with That?
Fries with That? is a YTV produced sitcom. It first aired in April 2004.This sitcom revolves around a group of high-school students who work at a local fast food restaurant named Bulky's in Montreal, Quebec, Canada....

 Canada 2004
Frontline (Australian TV series)
Frontline is an Australian comedy television series which satirised Australian television current affairs programmes and reporting. It ran for three series of 13 half-hour episodes and was broadcast on ABC TV in 1994, 1995 and 1997.-Production:...

 Australia 1994-1997
The Front Line  United Kingdom 1984
Ful Haus
Ful Haus
Ful Haus was a Filipino sitcom produced by M-Zet Productions, Inc. and premiered on August 5, 2007. It aired every Sunday on GMA Network. The show is part of the network's GMA KiliTV block. This show is based heavily on Full House. Show title was named after Koreanovela in GMA, Full House. The...

 Philippines 2007-present
Full House
Full House
Full House is an American sitcom television series. Set in San Francisco, the show chronicles widowed father Danny Tanner, who, after the death of his wife, enlists his best friend Joey Gladstone and his brother-in-law Jesse Katsopolis to help raise his three daughters, D.J., Stephanie, and...

 United States 1987-1995
Futurama is an American animated science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening and developed by Groening and David X. Cohen for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series follows the adventures of a late 20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J...

 United States 1999-2003, 2008-present


Title Country Years
The Game  United States 2007-present
The Games
The Games (Australian TV)
The Games was an Australian mockumentary television series about the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. The series was originally broadcast on the ABC and had two seasons of 13 episodes each, the first in 1998 and the second in 2000....

 Australia 1998-2000
Gary Unmarried
Gary Unmarried
Gary Unmarried was an American sitcom created by Ed Yeager, which ran on CBS from September 24, 2008 to March 17, 2010. The series focuses on a recently divorced couple sharing custody of their kids while starting new relationships...

 United States 2008-2010
Gavin and Stacey 2007-2010
The Geena Davis Show
The Geena Davis Show
The Geena Davis Show was an American sitcom starring Geena Davis. The show lasted one season on ABC.- Background :Terri Minsky first pitched the idea of a Sex and the City-like character becoming a suburban housewife to ABC in early 2000. Basic plot details were drawn up, and the script eventually...

 United States 2000-2001
George and Mildred
George and Mildred
George and Mildred is a British sitcom produced by Thames Television that aired from 1976 to 1979. It was a spin-off from Man About the House and starred Brian Murphy and Yootha Joyce as an ill-matched married couple, George and Mildred Roper...

 United Kingdom 1976-1979
The George Carlin Show
The George Carlin Show
The George Carlin Show is an American sitcom that aired on the Fox network from January 1994 to July 1995. It was created jointly by veteran TV producer Sam Simon and the show's namesake, comedian George Carlin.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1994-1995
George Lopez
George Lopez (TV series)
"The George Lopez Show" redirects here. For the late-night program hosted by the same comedian, see Lopez Tonight.George Lopez is an American sitcom starring comedian George Lopez...

 United States 2002-2007
Get a Life
Get a Life (TV series)
Get a Life is a television sitcom that was broadcast in the United States on the Fox Network from September 23, 1990, to March 8, 1992. The show starred Chris Elliott as a 30-year-old paperboy named Chris Peterson. Peterson lived in an apartment above his parents' garage...

 United States 1990-1992
Get Married
Get Married
Get Married is an American television series appearing weekdays on Lifetime Television. The series is hosted by event planner and lifestyle expert Colin Cowie, and co-hosted by reality television star Deanna Pappas.-History:...

 United States 2006-2008
Get Smart
Get Smart
Get Smart is an American comedy television series that satirizes the secret agent genre. Created by Mel Brooks with Buck Henry, the show starred Don Adams , Barbara Feldon , and Edward Platt...

 United States 1965-1970
Get Smart
Get Smart
Get Smart is an American comedy television series that satirizes the secret agent genre. Created by Mel Brooks with Buck Henry, the show starred Don Adams , Barbara Feldon , and Edward Platt...

 United States 1995
Get Smart, Again!
Get Smart, Again!
Get Smart, Again! is a made-for-TV movie based on the 1965-1970 NBC/CBS television series, Get Smart!, which originally aired February 26, 1989 on ABC . It has subsequently been released twice on DVD by different publishers...

 United States 1989
The Ghost & Mrs. Muir
The Ghost & Mrs. Muir (TV series)
The Ghost & Mrs. Muir is a situation comedy based on the 1947 film The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, which was based on the 1945 novel by R.A. Dick. It starred Hope Lange as Carolyn Muir, a young widow who rents Gull Cottage, near the fictional fishing village of Schooner Bay, Maine along with her two...

 United States 1968-1970
Gidget (TV series)
Gidget is an American sitcom about a surfing, boy-crazy teenager called "Gidget" and her widowed father Russ Lawrence, a UCLA professor. Sally Field stars as Gidget with Don Porter as her father. The series was first broadcast on ABC from September 15, 1965 through April 21, 1966...

 United States 1965-1966
Gilligan's Island
Gilligan's Island
Gilligan's Island is an American television series created and produced by Sherwood Schwartz and originally produced by United Artists Television. The situation comedy series featured Bob Denver; Alan Hale, Jr.; Jim Backus; Natalie Schafer; Tina Louise; Russell Johnson; and Dawn Wells. It aired for...

 United States 1964-1967
Gimme a Break!
Gimme a Break!
Gimme a Break! is an American sitcom which aired on NBC from October 29, 1981, until May 12, 1987. The series stars Nell Carter as the housekeeper for a widowed police chief and his three daughters.-Premise:...

 United States 1981-1987
The Girl With Something Extra
The Girl with Something Extra
The Girl with Something Extra is an American fantasy-based sitcom that aired on NBC for one season during 1973-1974. The series was created by Bernard Slade and produced by Screen Gems Television.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1973-1974
Girlfriends is an American comedy-drama sitcom that premiered on September 11, 2000, on UPN and aired on UPN's successor network, The CW, before being cancelled in 2008...

 United States 2000-2008
Girls On Top
Girls On Top
Girls On Top was a British television sitcom on ITV from 1985 to 1986. It was conceived by and starred French & Saunders - their first high-profile writing for television - and despite a low budget and poor critical reception received high ratings. It was made for the ITV network by Central.The...

 United Kingdom 1985-1986
Gloria (TV series)
Gloria is an American situation comedy that lasted one season on CBS, from September 1982 to September 1983. It stars Sally Struthers, reprising her role as Gloria Stivic, the daughter of Archie Bunker on the hugely successful 1970s sitcom All in the Family...

 United States 1982-1983
God, the Devil and Bob
God, the Devil and Bob
God, the Devil and Bob is an animated sitcom which premiered on NBC on March 9, 2000 and ended on March 28, 2000, leaving nine episodes unaired. It was created by Matthew Carlson. It is currently broadcast on the Philippine channel Maxxx. The entire series was released on Region 1 DVD in the...

 United States 2000
Going Places  United States 1990
Going Straight
Going Straight
Going Straight is a BBC sitcom which was a direct spin-off from Porridge, starring Ronnie Barker as Norman Stanley Fletcher, newly released from the fictional Slade Prison where the earlier series had been set....

 United Kingdom 1978
The Goldbergs
The Goldbergs
The Goldbergs is a comedy-drama broadcast from 1929 to 1946 on American radio, and from 1949 to 1956 on American television. It was adapted into a 1948 play, Me and Molly, and a 1973 Broadway musical, Molly.-Radio:...

 United States 1949-1956
The Golden Girls
The Golden Girls
The Golden Girls is an American sitcom created by Susan Harris, which originally aired on NBC from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992. Starring Bea Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan and Estelle Getty, the show centers on four older women sharing a home in Miami, Florida...

 United States 1985-1992
The Golden Palace
The Golden Palace
The Golden Palace is an American sitcom that originally aired on CBS from September 18, 1992, to May 14, 1993. The show was a spin-off and continuation of the sitcom The Golden Girls....

 United States 1992-1993
Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.  United States 1964-1969
Good Grief  United States 1990-1991
The Good Guys  United States 1968-1970
Good Heavens
Good Heavens
Good Heavens was a comedy anthology produced by Columbia Pictures Television that aired between February 29 to June 26, 1976. It ranked #17 in the Nielsen ratings during the 1975-76 television season....

 United States 1976
The Good Life  United Kingdom 1975-1977
Good Morning Miami  United States 2002-2004
Good Sports
Good Sports
Good Sports is an American sitcom that aired on the CBS network in 1991, starring Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal.-Synopsis:The show features the two main characters, Bobby Tannen, a once-famous former football player gone to seed and Gayle Roberts, an ex-Miss America , as mismatched anchors on an...

 United States 1991-1991
Good Times
Good Times
Good Times is an American sitcom that originally aired from February 8, 1974, until August 1, 1979, on the CBS television network. It was created by Eric Monte and Michael Evans, and developed by Norman Lear, the series' primary executive producer...

 United States 1974-1979
The Goodies
The Goodies (TV series)
The Goodies is a British television comedy series of the 1970s and early 1980s. The series, which combines surreal sketches and situation comedy, was broadcast by BBC 2 from 1970 until 1980 — and was then broadcast by the ITV company LWT for a year, between 1981 to 1982.The show was...

 United Kingdom 1970-1982
Good Luck Charlie
Good Luck Charlie
Good Luck Charlie is an original Disney Channel television sitcom, which premiered April 4, 2010. The series was created by Phil Baker and Drew Vaupen, who wanted to create a program that would appeal to entire families, as opposed to children only...

 United States 2010-Present
Goodnight, Beantown
Goodnight, Beantown
Goodnight, Beantown is an American sitcom that aired on CBS for two brief seasons in 1983 and 1984.-Synopsis:The series starred Bill Bixby as Matt Cassidy and Mariette Hartley as Jennifer Barnes, two news anchors at a fictional Boston, Massachusetts television station...

 United States 1983-1984
Goodnight Sweetheart
Goodnight Sweetheart
Goodnight Sweetheart is a sitcom that ran for six series on BBC1 from 1993 to 1999. It stars Nicholas Lyndhurst as Gary Sparrow, an accidental time traveller who leads a double life after discovering a time portal allowing him to travel between the London of the 1990s and the same area during the...

 United Kingdom 1993-1999
Goof Troop
Goof Troop
Disney's Goof Troop is an American animated television series from The Walt Disney Company featuring Goofy as a father figure and bonding with his son Max.-Premise:...

 United States 1992-1993
Grace Under Fire  United States 1993-1998
Grady (TV series)
Grady was an spin-off of the sitcom, Sanford and Son. In this series, Fred Sanford's widower friend Grady moves out of Watts and moves in with his daughter and her family in Westwood. Executive producer Norman Lear served as a consultant to the show.Redd Foxx made a special guest appearance as...

 United States 1975
Greatest American Hero  United States 1981-1983
Green Acres
Green Acres
Green Acres is an American television series starring Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor as a couple who move from New York City to a country farm...

 United States 1965-1971
Green Wing
Green Wing
Green Wing is a British sitcom set in the fictional East Hampton Hospital. It was created by the same team behind the sketch show Smack the Pony, led by Victoria Pile, and stars Tamsin Greig, Stephen Mangan and Julian Rhind-Tutt....

 United Kingdom 2004-2007
Greetings from Tucson
Greetings from Tucson
Greetings from Tucson is a television sitcom which aired on The WB during the 2002-2003 season. The series was executive produced by Rob LaZebnik, Peter Murrieta, Howard Klein and David Miner....

 United States 2002-2003
Grindl is an American situation comedy that began in the fall of 1963 on NBC, originally sponsored by Procter & Gamble. The show, starring Imogene Coca in the title role, lasted for one season.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1963
Grosse Pointe
Grosse Pointe (TV series)
Grosse Pointe is an American television parody series which aired on the WB Network during the 2000-2001 television season. Created by Darren Star, it was a satire depicting the behind-the-scenes drama on the set of a television show, and was inspired in large part by Star's experiences as the...

 United States 2000-2001
Grounded for Life
Grounded for Life
Grounded for Life is an American television sitcom that debuted on January 10, 2001 as a mid-season replacement on the FOX Network. It was created by Mike Schiff and Bill Martin. It ran for two seasons on the network until being cancelled only two episodes into its third season...

 United States 2001-2005
Growing Pains
Growing Pains
Growing Pains is an American television sitcom about an affluent family, residing in Huntington, New York, with a working mother and a stay-at-home psychiatrist father raising three children together, which aired on ABC from September 24, 1985 to April 25, 1992.-Synopsis:The show's premise is based...

 United States 1985-1992
Grown Ups  United Kingdom 1997
Grown Ups  United States 1999-2000
Grownups 2006-2009
Guys and Girls  South Korea
Guys Like Us  United States 1998-1999


Title Country Years
H (French TV series)
H is a French sitcom with seventy-one, 22-minute episodes. The series was created by Abd-el-Kader Aoun, Xavier Matthew and Éric Judor, and produced by Phillippe Berthe, Édouard Molinaro, Jean-Luc Moreau and Charles Némès. It ran from 24 October 1998 to 20 April 2002 on Canal+...

 France 1998-2002
HaChaim Ze Lo Hakol  Israel 2001-2011
HaChaverim Shel Naor  Israel 2006-present
Haggard (TV series)
Haggard a 1990—1992 British comedy television series. "Haggard" is about the exploits of Squire Haggard, the Squire's 21-year-old son Roderick, and their servant Grunge...

 United Kingdom 1990-1991
Half & Half
Half & Half
Half & Half is an American sitcom that aired on UPN from September 23, 2002, to May 15, 2006. The show focuses on the lives of two paternal half-sisters in their twenties who were estranged throughout their childhood, and are finally developing a close relationship...

 United States 2002-2006
Hallelujah! (TV series)
Hallelujah! was a British sitcom made by Yorkshire Television for the ITV network and was broadcast from April 1983 to December 1984.The series was set in a Salvation Army citadel in the fictional Yorkshire town of Brigthorpe during series 1...

 United Kingdom 1981-1984
HaMovilim  Israel 2007-2009
Hancock's Half Hour
Hancock's Half Hour
Hancock's Half Hour was a BBC radio comedy, and later television comedy, series of the 1950s and 60s written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson. The series starred Tony Hancock, with Sid James; the radio version also co-starred, at various times, Moira Lister, Andrée Melly, Hattie Jacques, Bill Kerr...

 United Kingdom 1954-1960
Hancock's Half Hour
Hancock's Half Hour was a BBC radio comedy, and later television comedy, series of the 1950s and 60s written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson. The series starred Tony Hancock, with Sid James; the radio version also co-starred, at various times, Moira Lister, Andrée Melly, Hattie Jacques, Bill Kerr...

 United Kingdom 1961
Hang Time
Hang time
Hang time generally refers to how long something stays in the air:* In basketball, the length of time a player stays in the air after jumping, either to make a slam dunk, lay-up or jump shot....

 United States 1995-2000
Hangin' In
Hangin' In
Hangin' In is a Canadian television sitcom which aired on CBC from 1981 to 1987. It also aired briefly in syndication in the United States. Canadian producer Jack Humphrey developed Hangin' In and served as executive producer for the show.-Synopsis:...

 Canada 1981-1987
Hangin' with Mr. Cooper
Hangin' with Mr. Cooper
Hangin' with Mr. Cooper is an American television sitcom that originally aired on ABC from 1992 to 1997, starring Mark Curry and Holly Robinson. The show took place in Curry's hometown of Oakland, California. Hangin' with Mr. Cooper was produced by Jeff Franklin Productions, in association with...

 United States 1992-1997
Hank (2009 TV series)
Hank is a comedy television series which ran on ABC from September 30, 2009, to November 4, 2009. The series was created by Tucker Cawley and is about a Wall Street executive who loses his job and reconnects with his small-town family...

 United States 2009
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana is an American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on the Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real...

 United States 2006-2011
HaPijamot is a sitcom on Israeli television about a struggling band determined to make it in the real world. The show runs on Arutz HaYeladim and Channel 2 .-Background:...

 Israel 2003-2011
The Hank McCune Show
The Hank McCune Show
The Hank McCune Show was an American television situation comedy. Filmed without a studio audience, it was notable for being the first program to incorporate a laugh track....

 United States 1950-1953
Happy Days
Happy Days
Happy Days is an American television sitcom that originally aired from January 15, 1974, to September 24, 1984, on ABC. Created by Garry Marshall, the series presents an idealized vision of life in mid-1950s to mid-1960s America....

 United States 1974-1984
Happy Hour
Happy Hour (TV series)
Happy Hour is a sitcom that debuted on Fox in the United States and on CTV in Canada on September 7, 2006. The show starred John Sloan as Henry Beckman, a young man rebuilding his life after losing his girlfriend, his job, and his apartment...

 United States 2006
Harper Valley P.T.A.
Harper Valley PTA (TV series)
Harper Valley PTA is an early 1980s American television sitcom based on the 1978 film Harper Valley PTA, which was itself based on the 1968 song recorded by country singer Jeannie C. Riley, written by Tom T...

 United States 1981
Harry and the Hendersons
Harry and the Hendersons (TV series)
Harry and the Hendersons is an American sitcom based on the film of the same name, produced by Amblin Entertainment for Universal Television. The series aired in syndication from January 13, 1991 to June 18, 1993, with 72 half-hour episodes produced...

 United States 1991-1993
Harrigan and Son  United States 1960-1961
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law is an American animated television series comedy created by Williams Street and produced by Cartoon Network Studios that aired on Cartoon Network during its Adult Swim late night programming block. The series' pilot first aired in 2000, and later became a series in...

 United States 2000-2007
Hausmeister Krause – Ordnung muss sein
Hausmeister Krause – Ordnung muss sein
Hausmeister Krause – Ordnung muss sein is a German television series....

 Germany 1999-2008
Hazel (TV series)
Hazel is a Screen Gems television series about a fictional live-in maid named Hazel Burke and her employers, the Baxters. The five-season, 154-episode series aired in primetime from September 1961 until April 1966...

 United States 1961-1966
He's the Mayor (1986 television series)
He's the Mayor
He's the Mayor is an American television sitcom that first aired on ABC on January 10, 1986. It starred Kevin Hooks as a 25-year-old man who is elected mayor of his hometown.-Cast and characters:*Kevin Hooks as Mayor Carl Burke*Al Fann as Alvin Burke...

 United States 1986
He's the Mayor (2004 television series)  United States 2004
Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Head of the Class is an American sitcom that ran from 1986 to 1991 on the ABC television network. The series follows a group of gifted students in the Individualized Honors Program at the fictional Monroe High School in Manhattan, and their history teacher Charlie Moore...

 United States 1986-1991
Heil Honey I'm Home!
Heil Honey I'm Home!
Heil Honey I'm Home! is a controversial British television sitcom, produced in 1990, which was cancelled after one episode aired.-Synopsis:...

Hello, Larry
Hello, Larry
Hello, Larry is an American sitcom which aired on NBC from January 26, 1979, to April 30, 1980.-First season:Larry Alder is a radio talk show host who left Los Angeles after being divorced and moved to Portland, Oregon, with his two teenage daughters, Diane and...

 United States 1979
The Help  United States 2004
Help Me Help You
Help Me Help You
Help Me Help You is an American television situation comedy that aired from September 26, 2006 to December 12, 2006. It was first broadcast at 9:30pm Tuesdays on ABC in the United States and on Global in Canada...

 United States 2006
Hennesey is an American military sitcom that aired on CBS from 1959 to 1962. The series, which aired for three seasons, stars Jackie Cooper in the title role.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1959-1962
Herbie, the Love Bug
The Love Bug
The Love Bug is the first in a series of comedy films made by Walt Disney Productions that starred an anthropomorphic pearl-white, fabric-sunroofed 1963 Volkswagen racing Beetle named Herbie...

 United States 1982
Here Come the Brides
Here Come the Brides
Here Come the Brides is an American comedy Western series from Screen Gems that aired on the ABC television network from September 25, 1968 to April 3, 1970...

 United States 1968-1970
Here We Go Again
Here We Go Again (TV series)
Here We Go Again is a short-lived sitcom that aired on the American Broadcasting Company in 1973. The show, produced by Metromedia/Bobka Productions, ran for 13 episodes.-Premise:...

 United States 1973
Here's Lucy
Here's Lucy
Here's Lucy is Lucille Ball's third network television sitcom. It ran on CBS from 1968 to 1974.-Background:Though The Lucy Show was still hugely popular during the previous season, finishing in the top five of the Nielsen Ratings , Ball opted to end that series at the end of that season and create...

 United States 1968-1974
Herman's Head
Herman's Head
Herman's Head is an American sitcom that aired on the Fox network from 1991 to 1994. The series stars William Ragsdale as the titular character, Herman Brooks.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1991-1994
Het Zonnetje in Huis  Netherlands 1993-2003
Hey Dad...!  Australia 1986-1994
Hey Dude!  United States 1989-1991
High Kick!
High Kick!
High Kick! was a popular South Korean situation comedy revolving around the life of the Lee family, taking place in Seoul at the same time as the broadcast . The title of the show "High Kick!" has several implications, one of which is the oft-depicted high kicks of Yoon-ho, one of the main...

 South Korea 2006-2007
Hi Honey, I'm Home!
Hi Honey, I'm Home!
Hi Honey, I'm Home! is an American television sitcom that ran from July 19, 1991, to July 12, 1992 for thirteen episodes. The series was television's first "instant" rerun. Each week, a new episode of the series aired on ABC as part of their Friday night TGIF lineup. The same episode would re-air...

 United States 1991-1992
Hiccups (TV series)
Hiccups is a Canadian television series created by Corner Gas star Brent Butt, who is also the writer, show runner and executive producer of the program. The series was produced by Laura Lightbown and David Storey and airs on CTV and The Comedy Network. The pilot was shot in late March 2009 with...

 Canada 2010
High Society
High Society (TV series)
High Society is the title of an American television sitcom that aired Monday nights on CBS in 1995 and early 1996; it was entered into the CBS schedule as a replacement for If Not for You, a sitcom starring Elizabeth McGovern, which was quickly canceled by the network...

 United States 1995-1996
Histoires de filles  Canada 1999-present
Hitz is an American comedy television series that premiered August 26, 1997 on UPN. The series follows two record industry executives and their boss at Hitower Records in Los Angeles.-Cast:...

 United States 1997-1998
The Hogan Family
The Hogan Family
The Hogan Family is an American television situation comedy that aired from March 1, 1986 to July 20, 1991...

 United States 1986-1991
Hogan's Heroes
Hogan's Heroes
Hogan's Heroes is an American television sitcom that ran for 168 episodes from September 17, 1965, to March 28, 1971, on the CBS network. The show was set in a German prisoner of war camp during the Second World War. Bob Crane had the starring role as Colonel Robert E...

 United States 1965-1971
Home Along the Riles  Philippines 1990s
Home with Kids
Home with Kids
Home with Kids , is a sitcom/drama from Mainland China. There are four series of Home with Kids, i.e. Home with Kids 1, Home with Kids 2, Home with Kids 3 and Home with Kids 4, which were released respectively in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. It is considered to be an equivelant to Growing Pains, a...

 Mainland China 2004-present
Homeboys in Outer Space
Homeboys in Outer Space
Homeboys in Outer Space is an American science fiction/fantasy sitcom that aired on UPN from 1996 to 1997. The series stars comedian Flex and Darryl Bell.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1996-1997
Home Improvement  United States 1991-1999
Home Movies
Home Movies (TV series)
Home Movies is a dialogue-driven American animated series that originally aired from 1999 to 2004. The plot surrounds eight-year-old Brendon Small , who makes films with his friends Melissa Robbins and Jason Penopolis in his spare time...

 United States 1999-2004
The Honeymooners
The Honeymooners
The Honeymooners is an American situation comedy television show, based on a recurring 1951–'55 sketch of the same name. It originally aired on the DuMont network's Cavalcade of Stars and subsequently on the CBS network's The Jackie Gleason Show hosted by Jackie Gleason, and filmed before a live...

 United States 1955-1956
Hope & Faith
Hope & Faith
Hope & Faith is an American sitcom that aired for three seasons on ABC from September 26, 2003, to May 2, 2006. For its first two seasons the show was part of a revived TGIF comedy block....

 United States 2003-2006
Household Help!  Australia 2008-present
House Rules
House rules
House rules are rules applying only in a certain location or organization. Bars and pubs in which games take place frequently have house rules posted...

 United States 1998
House of Mouse  United States 2001-2003
How I Met Your Mother
How I Met Your Mother
How I Met Your Mother is an American sitcom that premiered on CBS on September 19, 2005, created by Craig Thomas and Carter Bays.As a framing device, the main character, Ted Mosby with narration by Bob Saget, in the year 2030 recounts to his son and daughter the events that led to his meeting...

 United States 2005-present
HR  Japan 2002-2003
The Hughleys
The Hughleys
The Hughleys is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from September 22, 1998 to April 28, 2000 and on the UPN network from September 11, 2000 to May 20, 2002. It starred comedian D. L...

 United States 1998-2002
Hum Paanch
Hum Paanch
Hum Paanch was an Indian sitcom. It was first aired in 1995. It ran for few years before it went off-the-air. It returned for a second season in 2005 and was taken off-the-air again in mid 2006...

 India 1995-2006
Hyperdrive (TV series)
Hyperdrive is a British television science fiction sitcom series produced by the BBC created under the working title of "Full Power." BBC2 broadcast two series in 2006 and 2007, A third series is yet to be commissioned and the actor Kevin Eldon has indicated that is unlikely to be...

 United Kingdom 2006-2007


Title Country Years
iCarly is an American sitcom that focuses on a girl named Carly Shay who creates her own web show called iCarly with her best friends Sam and Freddie. The series was created by Dan Schneider, who also serves as executive producer. It stars Miranda Cosgrove as Carly, Jennette McCurdy as Sam, Nathan...

 United States 2007-present
Ideal  United Kingdom 2005-present
I Dream of Jeannie
I Dream of Jeannie
I Dream of Jeannie is a 1960s American sitcom with a fantasy premise. The show starred Barbara Eden as a 2,000-year-old genie, and Larry Hagman as an astronaut who becomes her master, with whom she falls in love and eventually marries...

 United States 1965-1970
I Love Lucy
I Love Lucy
I Love Lucy is an American television sitcom starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Vivian Vance, and William Frawley. The black-and-white series originally ran from October 15, 1951, to May 6, 1957, on the Columbia Broadcasting System...

 United States 1951-1957
I Married Dora
I Married Dora
I Married Dora is an American sitcom which appeared on the ABC television network. It premiered on September 22, 1987, and its final first-run episode aired on December 18, 1987. The series was created by Michael J...

 United States 1987
I Married Joan
I Married Joan
I Married Joan is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from 1952 to 1955. It starred veteran vaudeville, film, and radio comedienne Joan Davis as the manic wife of a mild-mannered community judge, Bradley Stevens .-Synopsis:...

 United States 1952-1955
I'm Alan Partridge
I'm Alan Partridge
I'm Alan Partridge is a BBC situation comedy starring Steve Coogan, of which two series of six episodes each were produced — the first in 1997 and the second in 2002...

 United Kingdom 1997, 2002
I'm Dickens, He's Fenster  United States 1962-1963
I'm in the Band
I'm in the Band
I'm in the Band, is a live-action sitcom airing on Disney XD in the United States and on Family Channel in Canada. The pilot episode was taped on July 14, 2009, with a "sneak preview" airing on November 27, 2009; the show subsequently joined Disney XD's regular schedule on February 20, 2010, with...

 United States 2009-2011
I'm With Her
I'm with Her
I'm with Her is an American sitcom which aired for one season on ABC.-Synopsis:The series, loosely based on creator Chris Henchy's relationship with wife Brooke Shields, begins on that chance meeting...

 United States 2003-2004
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory (TV series)
In Loving Memory is a British period sitcom set in an undertakers business that starred Thora Hird and Christopher Beeny. A pilot was transmitted in 1969 by Thames Television who rejected the idea before it was finally accepted by Yorkshire Television in 1979 where it further ran for five series...

 United Kingdom 1979-1986
In Sickness and in Health
In Sickness and in Health
In Sickness and in Health was a BBC television sitcom which ran between 1985 and 1992. It was also a sequel to both the highly successful Til Death Us Do Part which ran between 1966 and 1975 and Till Death... which ran for one series in 1981.-Series 1:This comedy series debuted in 1985 and took...

 United Kingdom 1985-1992
In the House
In the House (TV series)
In the House is an American sitcom that premiered on April 10, 1995 on NBC. The series moved to UPN after its second season where it remained for an additional three seasons until it was canceled on August 11, 1999. In the House starred LL Cool J and Maia Campbell.-Synopsis:Marion Hill is a former...

 United States 1995-1999
The IT Crowd
The IT Crowd
The IT Crowd is a British sitcom by Channel 4, written by Graham Linehan, produced by Ash Atalla and starring Chris O'Dowd, Richard Ayoade, Katherine Parkinson and Matt Berry...

 United Kingdom 2006-present
Itche  Israel 1994-1997
It's A Living
It's a Living (US TV series)
It's a Living is an American sitcom set in a restaurant at the top of the Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles. The show aired on ABC from 1980 to 1982...

 United States 1980-1982, 1985-1989
It's All Relative
It's All Relative
It's All Relative is an ABC sitcom about a man who dates the adoptive daughter of a gay couple, which forces their very different families to learn to coexist.- Overview :...

 United States 2003-2004
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is an American television sitcom that premiered on FX on August 4, 2005. New episodes continue to air on FX, with reruns playing on Comedy Central, general broadcast syndication, and WGN America—the first-ever cable-to-cable syndication deal for a sitcom...

 United States 2005-present
It's About Time  United States 1966-1967
It's Awfully Bad for Your Eyes, Darling  United Kingdom 1971
It's Garry Shandling's Show
It's Garry Shandling's Show
It's Garry Shandling's Show is an American sitcom which was initially broadcast on Showtime from 1986 to 1990. It was created by Garry Shandling and Alan Zweibel. The show is notable for its frequent use of breaking the fourth wall to allow characters to speak directly to the audience...

 United States 1986-1990
It's Like, You Know  United States 1999-2000
It's Your Move
It's Your Move
It's Your Move is an American sitcom starring Jason Bateman, Tricia Cast, Caren Kaye, Ernie Sabella, David Garrison, and Garrett Morris. The show originally aired on NBC from 1984 to 1985.-Premise:...

 United States 1984-1985


Title Country Years
Jake in Progress
Jake in Progress
Jake in Progress is an American comedy series broadcast on ABC from 2005 to 2006. Created by Austin Winsberg, the show was originally conceived as a real-time comedy; the first season was to show the first date of Jake and a woman. This was dropped during development, and the show became more...

 United States 2004-2006
Jamie  United States 1953-1954
The Jamie Foxx Show
The Jamie Foxx Show
The Jamie Foxx Show is an American television sitcom that aired on the WB Network from August 28, 1996 to January 14, 2001. The series starred Jamie Foxx, Garcelle Beauvais, Christopher B. Duncan, Ellia English, and Garrett Morris.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1996-2001
The Jean Carroll Show  United States 1953-1954
The Jeff Foxworthy Show
The Jeff Foxworthy Show
The Jeff Foxworthy Show is the name of two short-lived television series starring comedian Jeff Foxworthy and based on Foxworthy's stand-up comedy routine...

 United States 1995-1997
The Jeffersons
The Jeffersons
The Jeffersons is an American sitcom that was broadcast on CBS from January 18, 1975, through June 25, 1985, lasting 11 seasons and a total of 253 episodes. The show was produced by the T.A.T. Communications Company from 1975–1982 and by Embassy Television from 1982-1985...

 United States 1975-1985
The Jetsons
The Jetsons
The Jetsons is a animated American sitcom that was produced by Hanna-Barbera, originally airing in prime-time from 1962–1963 and again from 1985–1987...

 United States 1962-1963, 1984-1987
The Jim Backus Show  United States 1960-1961
Joanie Loves Chachi
Joanie Loves Chachi
Joanie Loves Chachi is an American television spin-off of the popular American sitcom Happy Days that was originally broadcast on ABC from March 23, 1982 to September 13, 1983...

 United States 1982-1983
Joey  United States 2004-2006
John & Marsha  Philippines 1973-1990
- Jonah name :* Jonah Metropolitan of Moscow , also known as Saint Jonas* Jonah, Old Testament prophet-Places:* Jonas , a hamlet in the municipalities Epe and Apeldoorn in the Netherlands* Jonas, Pennsylvania- Other :...

 United States 2009-2010
The John Forsythe Show  United States 1965-1966
The John Larroquette Show
The John Larroquette Show
The John Larroquette Show is a situation comedy that ran on the NBC network from 1993 to 1996. The show, created by Don Reo, was a vehicle for John Larroquette following his run as Dan Fielding on Night Court. The series took place in a seedy bus terminal in St. Louis, Missouri and focused on the...

 United States 1993-1996
Julia (TV series)
Julia is an American sitcom notable for being one of the first weekly series to depict an African American woman in a non-stereotypical role. Previous television series featured African American lead characters, but the characters were usually servants. The show starred actress and singer Diahann...

 United States 1968-1971
Just Good Friends
Just Good Friends
Just Good Friends was a British sitcom written by the late John Sullivan. It starred Paul Nicholas and Jan Francis as former lovers Vincent Pinner and Penny Warrender, who meet in a pub five years after he jilted her at the altar....

 United Kingdom 1983-1986
Just Our Luck  United States 1983
Just Shoot Me  United States 1997-2003
Just the Ten of Us
Just the Ten of Us
Just the Ten of Us is an American sitcom starring stand-up comedian Bill Kirchenbauer as Coach Graham Lubbock, a teacher and the head of a large Catholic family with eight children living in Eureka, California. The series was a spin-off of Growing Pains, in which Kirchenbauer portrayed the same...

 United States 1988-1990


Title Country Years
Kaamelott is a French television series running originally 2005–2009. It combines medieval fantasy and comedy to present a new "realistic epic" version of the Arthurian legend....

 Early Modern France 2005-2009
kafe tis Charas, To
To kafe tis Charas
To kafe tis Charas was a Greek comedy TV series that broadcast on ANT1 and ran for three seasons from September 2003 until mid 2006, its timeslot was at 21:00 local time right after Ta Nea tou ANT1 which was the same timeslot for other ANT1 stations outside Greece, within the Greek diaspora in...

 Greece 2003-2006
De Kampioenen  Belgium 1990-2011
Kan Garim Bekef  Israel 2010-present
Kappa Mikey
Kappa Mikey
Kappa Mikey is an American animated sitcom created by Larry Schwarz, who chose 4Kids Entertainment as the worldwide licensing, marketing and official promotional agent of the series...

 United States 2006-2008
Kate & Allie
Kate & Allie
Kate & Allie is an American television situation comedy which ran from March 19, 1984 to May 22, 1989. Kate & Allie first aired on CBS as a midseason replacement series and only six episodes were initially commissioned, but the favorable response from critics and viewers alike easily convinced CBS...

 United States 1984-1989
Kath & Kim
Kath & Kim
Kath & Kim is a Logie Award-winning character-driven Australian television situation comedy series. The series was created by, and is written by Jane Turner and Gina Riley who play the title characters: a suburban mother and daughter with a dysfunctional relationship...

 Australia 2002-present
Kath & Kim (U.S. TV series)
Kath & Kim (U.S. TV series)
Kath & Kim is an American version of the Australian television comedy series of the same name starring Selma Blair and Molly Shannon. The series premiered on NBC on October 9, 2008...

 United States 2008
Keep It In the Family (UK)
Keep it in the Family (TV series)
Keep It in the Family is a British comedy television series that aired for five seasons between 1980 and 1983. It was about a likable and mischievous British cartoonist, Dudley Rush. Also featured were Dudley's wife, Muriel and their two daughters, Jacqui and Susan...

 United Kingdom 1971
Keep It In the Family (US)  United States 1980
Keeping Up Appearances
Keeping Up Appearances
Keeping Up Appearances is a British sitcom created and written by Roy Clarke for the BBC. Centred on the life of eccentric, social-climbing snob Hyacinth Bucket , the sitcom portrays a social hierarchy-ruled British society...

 United Kingdom 1990-1995
Ken Ma?! (Yes What?!)  Israel 1988
Kenan & Kel
Kenan & Kel
Kenan & Kel is an American teen sitcom produced by Tollin/Robbins Productions that originally aired on Nickelodeon from July 1996 to July 2000. The show starred friends and then-All That cast members Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell. Sixty-two episodes and a made-for-TV movie were produced over four...

 United States 1996-2000
Kinderen Geen Bezwaar  Netherlands 2004
King of Kensington
King of Kensington
King of Kensington was a Canadian television sitcom which aired on CBC Television from 1975 to 1980.The show starred Al Waxman as Larry King, a convenience store owner in Toronto's Kensington Market who was known for helping friends and neighbours solve problems. His multicultural group of friends...

 Canada 1975-1980
The King of Queens
The King of Queens
The King of Queens is an American sitcom that originally ran on CBS from September 21, 1998, to May 14, 2007.This show was produced by Hanley Productions and CBS Productions , CBS Paramount Television ,and CBS Television Studios in association with Columbia TriStar Television , and Sony Pictures...

 United States 1998-2007
King of the Hill
King of the Hill
King of the Hill is an American animated dramedy series created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, that ran from January 12, 1997, to May 6, 2010, on Fox network. It centers on the Hills, a working-class Methodist family in the fictional small town of Arlen, Texas...

 United States 1997-2009
Kingswood Country
Kingswood Country
Kingswood Country is an Australian sitcom that screened from 1980 to 1984 on the Seven Network. The series started on 30 January 1980 and was a spin-off from a sketch on comedy program The Naked Vicar Show that had featured Ross Higgins as a blustering bigot...

 Australia 1980-1984
Kirk (TV series)
Kirk is an American family sitcom which aired for two seasons on The WB from August 23, 1995 to January 12, 1997.-Synopsis:The show revolves around Kirk Hartman, played by Kirk Cameron, an aspiring illustrator and recent college graduate living in Greenwich Village. After his aunt decides to move...

 United States 1995-1996
Kitchen Confidential
Kitchen Confidential (TV series)
Kitchen Confidential is an American television sitcom that debuted on September 19, 2005 on the Fox network, based on Anthony Bourdain's New York Times bestselling book, Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly...

 United States 2005
Khichṛī , alternate spellings khichdi, khichri, khichdee, khichadi, khichuri, khichari, "kitcheree", "kitchree", and many other variants, is a South Asian preparation made from rice and lentils...

, now as Instant Khichdi
 India 2000-present
Klovn is a Danish sitcom, which first aired on the Danish TV channel TV2 Zulu. It focuses on the life of the main character Frank and Casper...

 Denmark 2005-present
KM/H  Canada 1998-2005
Knights of Prosperity  United States 2007
Konstantinou kai Elenis
Konstantinou kai Elenis
Konstantinou kai Elenis was a Greek sitcom broadcast on ANT1 channel, aired from 1998 until 2000, and one of the most successful and most-watched greek series in the history of greek television. Starring Haris Romas ,who co-wrote the script along with Anna Hatzisofia, and Eleni Rantou...

 Greece 1998-2000
Krovim Krovim
Krovim Krovim
Krovim Krovim is an Israeli television sitcom created by Ephraim Sidon and B. Michael. The series which originally aired on the Israeli Educational Television channel in the years 1983 - 1986 is known as the first Israeli sitcom....

 Israel 1983-1986, 2005


Title Country Years
La Bloc  Romania 2002-2007
La que se avecina
La que se avecina
La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy that depicts the life of the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar , a fictional apartment building in the outskirts of Madrid...

 Spain 2007-
Langt fra Las Vegas
Langt fra Las Vegas
Langt fra Las Vegas is a Danish sit-com, which was first aired on the Danish TV channel TV2 Zulu. It revolved around life at a newly started TV morning show, Jump Start, and focused on the life of the main character, Casper .Langt fra Las Vegas consisted of 53 episodes, aired over 5 seasons with...

 Denmark 2001-2004
The Larry Sanders Show
The Larry Sanders Show
The Larry Sanders Show is a satirical television sitcom that aired from August 1992 to May 1998 on the HBO cable television network in the United States. It starred stand-up comedian Garry Shandling as vain, neurotic talk show host Larry Sanders, and centered on the running of his TV show, and the...

 United States 1992-1998
The Last of the Australians  Australia 1975
Last of the Summer Wine
Last of the Summer Wine
Last of the Summer Wine is a British sitcom written by Roy Clarke that was broadcast on BBC One. Last of the Summer Wine premiered as an episode of Comedy Playhouse on 4 January 1973 and the first series of episodes followed on 12 November 1973. From 1983 to 2010, Alan J. W. Bell produced and...

 United Kingdom 1973-2010
The Latest Buzz
The Latest Buzz
The Latest Buzz is a Canadian teen sitcom from Decode Entertainment aired on the Family Channel, the series ran from September 1, 2007 to April 19, 2010. This is Family Channel's first original multi-camera sitcom....

 Canada 2008-present
The Last Resort
The Last Resort (1979 TV series)
The Last Resort was a 1979 American television sitcom, centered around a group of college students working in a hotel kitchen; the humor was in the style of Animal House, and it ran for one season of 15 episodes on CBS.-Cast and characters:...

 United States 1979-1980
Laverne & Shirley
Laverne & Shirley
Laverne & Shirley is an American television situation comedy that ran on ABC from January 26, 1976, to May 10, 1983...

 United States 1976-1983
Laverne and Shirley in the Army  United States 1981
"The League
The League
The League is an American sitcom that premiered on FX on October 29, 2009. The series, set in Chicago, is a semi-improvised comedy about a fantasy football league, its members, and their everyday lives.-Synopsis:...

 United States 2009-present
Learning the Ropes
Learning the Ropes
Learning the Ropes is a Canadian-produced sitcom that aired on CTV in Canada and in syndication in the United States from September 1988 to March 1989. The series stars Lyle Alzado as Robert Randall, a teacher who works as a professional wrestler in the evening. Although his children knew about...

 United States 1988
Leave It to Beaver
Leave It to Beaver
Leave It to Beaver is an American television situation comedy about an inquisitive but often naïve boy named Theodore "The Beaver" Cleaver and his adventures at home, in school, and around his suburban neighborhood...

 United States 1957-1963
Less Than Perfect
Less Than Perfect
Less Than Perfect is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from October 1, 2002, to June 6, 2006. The show was about a young female office employee and her co-workers...

 United States 2002-2006
Lewis & Clark  United States 1981
The Lenny Henry Show
The Lenny Henry Show
The Lenny Henry Show is a comedy sketch show featuring Lenny Henry. In its first incarnation it ran for two seasons on BBC 1, in 1984 and 1985. Each season had six episodes. A 40-minute special was aired in December 1987...

 United Kingdom 1987
Life of Riley  United Kingdom 2009-present
The Life of Riley
The Life of Riley
The Life of Riley, with William Bendix in the title role, is a popular American radio situation comedy series of the 1940s that was adapted into a 1949 feature film, a long-run 1950s television series , and a 1958 Dell comic book...

 United States 1949-1950, 1953-1958
Life on a Stick
Life on a Stick
Life on a Stick is an American sitcom that premiered on Fox on March 24, 2005. Thirteen episodes of the show were completed, but Fox only showed the first five before pulling the show due to poor ratings.-Premise:...

 United States 2005
Life With Bonnie
Life With Bonnie
Life with Bonnie is an ABC television sitcom that originally aired from 2002 to 2004. The show outlined the life of character Bonnie Malloy, who juggled her personal life and a TV talk show position. The series was created by Bonnie Hunt and Don Lake, and produced by Miss Hunt's company, Bob &...

 United States 2002-2004
Life with Elizabeth
Life with Elizabeth
Life with Elizabeth is an American sitcom which aired in syndication from October 7, 1953, to September 1, 1955. The show stars Betty White and Del Moore; Jack Narz was the on-camera announcer and narrator....

 United States 1952-1955
Life with Derek
Life with Derek
Life with Derek is a Canadian television sitcom that aired on Family and VRAK.TV in Canada and on Disney Channel in the United States. The series premiered on Family on September 18, 2005 and ran for four seasons ending on March 25, 2009. The series starred Michael Seater and Ashley Leggat as the...

 Canada 2005-2009
Life's Work
Life's Work
Life's Work was a situation comedy that aired from September 1996 to June 1997 on the American Broadcasting Company channel; the show starred Lisa Ann Walter as Lisa Ann Minardi Hunter, the assistant district attorney....

 United States 1996-1997
Like Family
Like Family
Like Family is an American sitcom that aired on The WB in 2003. The series starred Holly Robinson Peete and Kevin Michael Richardson and lasted one season...

 United States 2003-2004
The Likely Lads
The Likely Lads
The Likely Lads was a black-and-white British sitcom created and written by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, and produced by Dick Clement. Twenty episodes were broadcast by the BBC, in three series, between 16 December 1964 and 23 July 1966...

 United Kingdom 1964-1968
Listen Up!  United States 2004-2005
Little Mosque on the Prairie
Little Mosque on the Prairie
Little Mosque on the Prairie is a Canadian sitcom on CBC, created by Zarqa Nawaz and produced by WestWind Pictures. It is filmed in Toronto, Ontario and Indian Head, Saskatchewan...

 Canada 2007-present
The Liver Birds
The Liver Birds
The Liver Birds is a British situation comedy, set in Liverpool, Merseyside, North-West of England, which aired on BBC1 from 1969 to 1978, and again in 1996. It was created by Carla Lane and Myra Taylor. The two Liverpool housewives had met at a local writers club and decided to pool their talents...

 United Kingdom 1969-1979, 1996
Living Single
Living Single
Living Single is an American television sitcom which aired for five seasons on the Fox network from August 29, 1993 to January 1, 1998. The show centered on the lives of six friends who share personal and professional experiences while living in a Brooklyn brownstone.Throughout its run, Living...

 United States 1993-1998
Living with Fran
Living With Fran
Living With Fran is an American sitcom that debuted on The WB network in April 2005 that starred Fran Drescher. The show last aired on March 2006.-Premise:Drescher plays Fran Reeves, an interior designer and divorced mother of two...

 United States 2005-2006
Lizzie McGuire
Lizzie McGuire
Lizzie McGuire is an American teen sitcom which premiered on the Disney Channel on January 12, 2001 and ended February 14, 2004. A total of 65 episodes were produced and aired. Its target demographic was preteens and adolescents...

 United States 2001-2004
Ljubav, navika, panika
Ljubav, navika, panika
Ljubav, navika, panika is a Serbian television sitcom, originally broadcast from February 6, 2005 to April 1, 2007 on RTV Pink. This series is named one of the best television sictoms by Golden Rose of Montreux in 2005...

Lotsa Luck
Lotsa Luck
Lotsa Luck was a 1973-74 comedy series starring Dom DeLuise as bachelor Stanley Belmont who lives with his bossy mother , his sister Olive and her unemployed husband, Arthur...

 United States 1973
Lou Grant
Lou Grant (TV series)
Lou Grant is an American television drama series starring Ed Asner in the titular role as a newspaper editor. Unusual in American television, this drama series was a spinoff from a sitcom, The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Aired from 1977 to 1982, Lou Grant won 13 Emmy Awards, including "Outstanding Drama...

 United States 1977-1982
Louie may refer to* Louie * "Louie" , by Blood Raw* "Brother Louie" , by Hot Chocolate* "Brother Louie" , by Hot Chocolate* Louie the Bear, the St...

 United States 2010-present
Love, Inc
Love, Inc. (TV series)
Love, Inc. is an American sitcom that began airing on UPN on September 22, 2005 until May 11, 2006. In its first and only season, it was aired right after Everybody Hates Chris. It was created by Andrew Secunda a former writer at "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" and "Saturday TV Funhouse" who...

 United States 2005-2006
Love, Sidney
Love, Sidney
Love, Sidney was an American situation comedy television series about a gay man, Sidney Shorr, and his relationship with a single mother and her five year-old daughter whom he invites to live with him...

 United States 1981-1983
Love and Marriage  United States 1959-1960
The Love Boat
The Love Boat
The Love Boat is an American television series set on a cruise ship, which aired on the ABC Television Network from September 24,1977, until May 24,1986.The show starred Gavin MacLeod as the ship's captain...

 United States 1977-1986
Love on a Rooftop
Love on a Rooftop
Love on a Rooftop is an American sitcom about a newlywed couple, Dave and Julie Willis, and their humorous struggles to survive in San Francisco on Dave's apprentice architect's salary of $85.37 a week...

 United States 1966-1967
Love Thy Neighbour
Love Thy Neighbour
Love Thy Neighbour was a popular British sitcom, which was aired from 13 April 1972, until 22 January 1976, spanning seven series. The sitcom was produced by Thames Television and broadcast by ITV. The main cast included Jack Smethurst, Rudolph Walker, Nina Baden-Semper and Kate Williams...

 United Kingdom 1972-1976
The Loop
The Loop (TV series)
The Loop is an American sitcom that ran from March 15, 2006 to July 1, 2007 on Fox. The show starred Bret Harrison as Sam Sullivan, a young professional trying to balance the needs of his social life with the pressures of working at the corporate headquarters of TransAlliance Airways, a major U.S....

 United States 2006-2007
The Looney Tunes Show
The Looney Tunes Show
The Looney Tunes Show is a packaged show, created for Cartoon Network, and broadcast from 2002 to 2005. It was produced by Warner Bros. Animation. The show featured cartoon shorts from the original Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies theatrical cartoon series produced from 1930 to 1969.-External links:...

 United States 2011
Lucky Louie
Lucky Louie
Lucky Louie is an American television sitcom created by Louis C.K., that aired for one season on HBO in 2006. In addition to being the creator, writer and executive producer of the series, C.K. stars as the eponymous Louie, a part-time mechanic...

 United States 2006-2006
Lud Zbunjen Normalan
Lud Zbunjen Normalan
Lud, Zbunjen, Normalan is a Bosnian TV comedy series that began airing in early September 2007. Since its debut, it had also been shown in Croatia , Republic of Macedonia and Serbia .-Concept:...

 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2006-2008
The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour
The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour
The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour is a CBS television situation comedy. The show is a collection of occasional specials rather than a regular series and originally served as part of Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse...

 United States 1957-1960
The Lucy Show
The Lucy Show
The Lucy Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from 1962 until 1968. It was Lucille Ball's follow-up to I Love Lucy. A significant change in cast and premise for the 1965-66 season divides the program into two distinct eras; aside from Ball, only Gale Gordon, who joined the program...

 United States 1962-1968


Title Country Years
MA 2412  Austria 1998-2002
Mack & Myer for Hire
Mack & Myer for Hire
Mack & Myer for Hire is an American sitcom that aired in syndication from 1963 to 1964. The show starred Mickey Deems and Joey Faye, and was produced by Trans-Lux Television in New York. Each episode was approximately 12 minutes long, and the show was filmed using a two-camera layout...

 United States 1963-1964
Mad About You
Mad About You
Mad About You is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 23, 1992 to May 24, 1999. The show starred Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt as a newly married couple in New York City. Reiser played Paul Buchman, a documentary film maker. Hunt played Jamie Stemple Buchman, a public relations specialist...

 United States 1992-1999
Maguy 1985
Maid Marian and her Merry Men
Maid Marian and her Merry Men
Maid Marian and her Merry Men is a British children's sitcom created and written by Tony Robinson and directed by David Bell. It began in 1989 on BBC One and ran for four series, with the last episode shown in 1994...

 United Kingdom 1989-1994
Major Dad
Major Dad
Major Dad is an American sitcom created by Richard C. Okie and John G. Stephens that originally ran from 1989 to 1993 on CBS, starring Gerald McRaney as Major John D. MacGillis and Shanna Reed as his wife Polly...

 United States 1989-1993
Make Room for Daddy  United States 1953-1965
Makin' It
Makin' It
Makin' It is an American sitcom starring David Naughton as a disco dancer in the late 1970s. The series only lasted nine episodes, airing on Fridays at 8:00PM on ABC from February 1 through March 23, 1979 before being canceled...

 United States 1979
Making the Grade
Making the Grade (TV series)
Making the Grade was a short-lived American sitcom which aired on CBS from April 5 until May 10, 1982. It starred James Naughton, Graham Jarvis, Alley Mills, Steven Peterman, and boasted the first TV series roles for Philip Charles MacKenzie and George Wendt. It was set at Franklin High School in St...

 United States 1982
Malcolm & Eddie
Malcolm & Eddie
Malcolm & Eddie is an American television sitcom that premiered August 26, 1996 on the UPN Network, and ran for four seasons. This series starred Malcolm-Jamal Warner and Eddie Griffin in the lead roles. This show was canceled after its fourth season, and aired its final episode on May 22, 2000...

 United States 1996-2000
Malcolm in the Middle
Malcolm in the Middle
Malcolm in the Middle is an American television sitcom created by Linwood Boomer for the Fox Network. The series was first broadcast on January 9, 2000, and ended its six-and-a-half-year run on May 14, 2006, after seven seasons and 151 episodes...

 United States 2000-2006
Mama's Family
Mama's Family
Mama's Family is an American television sitcom that premiered on NBC on January 22, 1983. It was cancelled in May 1984, but NBC would continue to air reruns until September 1985. In September 1986, Mama's Family returned in first-run syndication, where it aired for an additional four seasons,...

 United States 1983-1985
Man About the House
Man About the House
Man About the House is a British sitcom starring Richard O'Sullivan, Paula Wilcox and Sally Thomsett that was broadcast for six seasons on ITV from 1973 to 1976. It was created and written by Johnnie Mortimer and Brian Cooke. The series was considered daring at the time due to its subject matter of...

 United Kingdom 1973-1976
Maniac Mansion
Maniac Mansion (TV Series)
Maniac Mansion is a Canadian science fiction/family sitcom very loosely based on the LucasArts video game of the same name.The series, filmed entirely in Toronto, Ontario, was produced by Atlantis Films for The Family Channel in the United States and YTV in Canada, and aired for three complete...

 Canada 1990-1993
Many Happy Returns
Many Happy Returns (TV series)
Many Happy Returns is a situation comedy television series that ran on CBS for twenty-six episodes, from September 21, 1964 to April 12, 1965, under the sponsorship of General Foods.-Cast:The show starred character actor John McGiver...

 United States 1964-1965
Mannezimmer  Switzerland 1997-2001
The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis
The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis
The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from 1959 to 1963. The series and some episode scripts were adapted from a 1951 collection of short stories of the same name, written by Max Shulman, that also inspired the 1953 film The Affairs of Dobie Gillis with Debbie...

 United States 1959-1963
Marblehead Manor
Marblehead Manor
Marblehead Manor was an American television sitcom that originally ran from 1987 to 1988 in first run syndication. It starred British comic actor Paxton Whitehead, American actor Phil Morris, Canadian actress Linda Thorson, American actor and screenwriter Bob Fraser and Michael Richards...

 United States 1987-1988
Marc et Sophie 1987
Marge and Jeff
Marge and Jeff
Marge and Jeff is an early American sitcom broadcast on the DuMont Television Network during the 1953-1954 television season.-Broadcast history:...

 United States 1953-1954
Margie (TV series)
Margie is a television situation comedy starring Cynthia Pepper that was broadcast on ABC from October 12, 1961 to April 12, 1962 in the 9:30 Eastern Thursday time slot, sponsored by Procter & Gamble. The series was adapted from a 1946 film of the same name starring Jeanne Crain.- Plot :The show...

 United States 1961-1962
Marina, Marina 1990
Married People
Married People
Married People is an American television situation comedy that aired on ABC as part of its 1990-91 schedule.-Synopsis:The series follows three couples in different stages of their relationships who lived in the same building in New York City...

 United States 1990
Married to the Kellys
Married to the Kellys
Married to the Kellys is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from 2003 to 2004 with a run of 22 episodes. Set in a suburb of Kansas City, the series stars Breckin Meyer and Kiele Sanchez. The show was a part of the TGIF Friday night line up, after Hope and Faith, airing at 9:30 EST...

 United States 2003-2004
Married... with Children
Married... with Children
Married... with Children is an American surrealistic sitcom that aired for 11 seasons that featured a dysfunctional family living in Chicago, Illinois. The show, notable for being the first prime time television series to air on Fox, ran from April 5, 1987, to June 9, 1997. The series was created...

 United States 1987-1997
The Marshall Chronicles 1990
Martin (TV series)
Martin is an American sitcom produced by HBO Independent Productions that aired for five seasons, from August 27, 1992 to May 1, 1997 on Fox...

 United States 1992-1997
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman is an American soap opera parody that aired in daily syndication from January 1976 to May 1977. The series was produced by Norman Lear, directed by Joan Darling and starred Louise Lasser...

 United States 1976-1977
Mary Kay and Johnny
Mary Kay and Johnny
Mary Kay and Johnny is the first situation comedy broadcast on network television in the United States. Starring real-life married couple Mary Kay Stearns and Johnny Stearns, the series is the first program to show a couple sharing a bed, and the first television series to show a woman's pregnancy...

 United States 1947-1950
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
The Mary Tyler Moore Show is an American television sitcom created by James L. Brooks and Allan Burns that aired on CBS from 1970 to 1977...

 United States 1970-1977
M*A*S*H  United States 1972-1983
Maude (TV series)
Maude was an American television sitcom that was originally broadcast on the CBS network from September 12, 1972 until April 22, 1978.Maude starred Beatrice Arthur as Maude Findlay, an outspoken, middle-aged, politically liberal woman living in suburban Tuckahoe, Westchester County, New York with...

 United States 1972-1978
May to December
May to December
May to December was a British sitcom which ran for 39 episodes, from 2 April 1989 to 27 May 1994 on BBC1. The series was written by Paul Mendelson and produced by Cinema Verity....

 United Kingdom 1989-1994
Maybe It's Me
Maybe It's Me (TV series)
Maybe It's Me is an American television comedy series that aired on The WB Network. It first aired on October 5, 2001 and ended on May 3, 2002...

 United States 2001-2002
Mayberry R.F.D.
Mayberry R.F.D.
Mayberry R.F.D. is a spin-off and direct continuation of The Andy Griffith Show under a new title, for the same sponsor, General Foods...

 United States 1968-1971
McHale's Navy
McHale's Navy
McHale's Navy is an American television sitcom series which ran for 138 half-hour episodes from October 11,1962, to August 31, 1966, on the ABC network. The series was filmed in black and white and originated in a one-hour drama called Seven Against the Sea, broadcast on April 3, 1962...

 United States 1962-1966
Me and My Girl
Me and My Girl (TV series)
Me and My Girl was a 1980s British television situation comedy starring Richard O'Sullivanwhich centred on the challenges faced by a widower raising his adolescent daughter. It was broadcast on ITV between 1984 and 1988.-Plot:...

 United Kingdom 1984-1988
Me and the Boys  United States 1994-1995
Meet Mr. McNulty  United States 1953-1955
Mein Leben & Ich
Mein Leben & Ich
Mein Leben & Ich is a German situation comedy produced by Sony Pictures in association with RTL Television for RTL. The series was created by Paula A. Roth and loosely based on ABC's 1994 teen drama My So-Called Life...

 Germany 1999-2006
The Melting Pot 1975
Memoari porodice Milic
Memoari porodice Milic
Memoari porodice Milic is family sitcom that has aired in former Televizija Sarajevo production during 1990....

 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1990
Men Behaving Badly
Men Behaving Badly
Men Behaving Badly is a British comedy that was created and written by Simon Nye. It follows the lives of Gary Strang and his flatmates, Dermot Povey and Tony Smart It was first broadcast on ITV in 1992...

 United Kingdom 1992-1998
Men Behaving Badly
Men Behaving Badly (U.S. TV series)
Men Behaving Badly is an American sitcom that ran on NBC from 1996 to 1997. It was based on the earlier British sitcom of the same name....

 United States 1996-1997
Men Kai Oi Den, Oi
Oi Men Kai Oi Den
I Men... ke I Den is a comedy series which aired on ANT1 for three seasons from 1993 to 1996. The scripts were written by Haris Romas and Anna Chatzissofia.-Dionyssis Dangas:...

 Greece 1993-1996
Mendelbaum Balash Prati  Israel 2009-present
Men with Brooms
Men with Brooms (TV series)
Men with Brooms is a Canadian television sitcom, which debuted on CBC Television on October 4, 2010. It is a television adaptation of the 2002 film Men with Brooms....

 Canada 2010
Method And Red  United States 2004-2005
The Michael Richards Show
The Michael Richards Show
The Michael Richards Show is a sitcom that debuted on NBC in 2000. The show starred Michael Richards as reality-challenged but successful private detective Vic Nardozza who gets the job done despite his unconventional methods.- History :...

 United States 2000
Michael, Tuesdays and Thursdays  Canada 2011
The Middle
The Middle (TV series)
The Middle is an American situation comedy television series that premiered on ABC on September 30, 2009. The show features Frances "Frankie" Heck , a working-class, Midwestern woman married to Mike Heck who resides in the small fictional town of Orson, Indiana. They are the parents of three...

 United States 2009-present
Mikromesaioi, Oi
Oi Mikromesaioi
I mikromesaioi is a Greek comedy series that aired during the 1992-1993 television season and received the Greek lifestyle of the time with TV stars with different modner Greek eras...

 Greece 1992-1993
Mind Your Language
Mind Your Language
Mind Your Language is a British comedy television series, that premiered on ITV in late 1977. Produced by LWT and directed by Stuart Allen, it is set in an adult education college in London and focuses on the English as a Foreign Language class taught by Mr. Jeremy Brown, portrayed by Barry Evans,...

 United Kingdom 1977-1979, 1986
Miranda (TV series)
Miranda is a BBC television series co-written by and starring comedienne Miranda Hart, which first aired on BBC Two on 9 November 2009. The situation comedy also features Sarah Hadland, Tom Ellis, Patricia Hodge, James Holmes and Sally Phillips...

 United Kingdom 2009-present
Mission Hill
Mission Hill
Mission Hill is an American animated television series that first aired on The WB in 1999. Although 18 episodes were planned, only 13 episodes were produced. The show was put on hiatus by the WB Network after two episodes due to poor ratings. It returned to the WB in the summer of 2000 but was...

 United States 1999-2002
Mister Ed
Mister Ed
Originally produced in late 1960, Mister Ed is an American television situation comedy produced by Filmways that first aired in syndication from January 5 to July 2, 1961, and then on CBS from October 1, 1961, to February 6, 1966....

 United States 1961-1966
Mister Peepers  United States 1952-1955
Mitten im 8en - Der ganz normale Alltagswahnsinn  Austria 2007
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family is an American television comedy series created by Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan, which debuted on ABC on September 23, 2009. Lloyd and Levitan serve as showrunner and executive producers, under their Levitan-Lloyd Productions label...

 United States 2009-present
Modern Men
Modern Men
Modern Men is an American situation comedy television series which premiered March 17, 2006, on The WB. The series stars Eric Lively, Josh Braaten, and Max Greenfield as three single men, and lifelong friends, who hire a life coach to help them with their love lives...

 United States 2006
Moesha is an American sitcom series that aired on the UPN network from January 23, 1996 to May 14, 2001. The series stars R&B singer Brandy Norwood as Moesha Mitchell, a high school student living with her family in the Leimert Park neighborhood of South Central Los Angeles.-Overview:The show...

 United States 1996-2001
Monk (TV series)
Monk is an American comedy-drama detective mystery television series created by Andy Breckman and starring Tony Shalhoub as the titular character, Adrian Monk. It originally ran from 2002 to 2009 and is primarily a mystery series, although it has dark and comic touches.The series debuted on July...

 United States 2002-2009
The Monkees
The Monkees (TV series)
The Monkees is an American situation comedy that aired on NBC from September 1966 to March 1968. The series follows the adventures of four young men trying to make a name for themselves as rock 'n roll singers. The show introduced a number of innovative new-wave film techniques to series...

 United States 1966-1968
The Morey Amsterdam Show
The Morey Amsterdam Show
The Morey Amsterdam Show is an American sitcom which ran from 1948-1949 on CBS Television and 1949-1950 on the DuMont Television Network , for a total of 71 episodes.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1948-1950
Mork & Mindy  United States 1978-1982
Mother and Son
Mother and Son
Mother and Son is a Logie Award-winning Australian television sitcom produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation from 16 January 1984 until 21 March 1994. The show stars Ruth Cracknell, Garry McDonald, Henri Szeps and Judy Morris...

 Australia 1984-1994
The Mothers-in-Law
The Mothers-in-Law
The Mothers-in-Law is an American sitcom starring Eve Arden and Kaye Ballard as two matriarchs who were friends and next-door neighbors whose children's elopement rendered them in-laws. The show aired on NBC from September 1967 to April 1969; it was produced by Desi Arnaz after the dissolutions...

 United States 1967-1969
Mr. and Mrs. Dracula 1980
Mr. Belvedere
Mr. Belvedere
Mr. Belvedere is an American sitcom that originally aired on ABC from March 15, 1985, until July 8, 1990. The series was based on the Lynn Aloysius Belvedere character created by Gwen Davenport for her 1947 novel Belvedere, which was later adapted into the 1948 film Sitting Pretty...

 United States 1985-1990
Mr. Digby Darling  United Kingdom 1969-1971
Mr. Merlin
Mr. Merlin
Mr. Merlin, a Larry Larry Company Production in association with Columbia Pictures Television, was a 1981–82 sitcom starring Barnard Hughes as Merlin the wizard, disguised as Max Merlin, a mechanic in modern-day San Francisco.-Plot:...

 United States 1981
Mrs. Brown's Boys
Mrs. Brown's Boys
Mrs Brown's Boys is an Irish sitcom created by and starring Dublin writer-performer Brendan O'Carroll, who plays the title character Mrs. Brown. The programme is a co-production between BBC Comedy and BocPix in association with RTÉ....

 United Kingdom 2011-present
Mr. Terrific
Mister Terrific (TV series)
Mister Terrific was an American TV sitcom that aired on CBS from January 9, to May 8, 1967. It starred Stephen Strimpell in the title role, and lasted 17 episodes. The show was similar to NBC's Captain Nice, which followed Mister Terrific on Monday nights during its run...

 United States 1967-1968
The Mullets
The Mullets (TV series)
The Mullets is a sitcom that was created by producers Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein. It first aired on UPN in 2003, and was cancelled in 2004 due to poor reception...

 United States 2003-2004
The Munsters Today
The Munsters Today
The Munsters Today is an American sitcom that aired in syndication from 1988 to 1991. The series served as a sequel to the 1960s sitcom The Munsters.-Production:...

 United States 1988-1991
The Munsters
The Munsters
The Munsters is a 1960s American family television sitcom depicting the home life of a family of monsters. It starred Fred Gwynne as Herman Munster and Yvonne De Carlo as his wife, Lily Munster. The series was a satire of both traditional monster movies and popular family entertainment of the era,...

 United States 1964-1966
Murphy Brown
Murphy Brown
Murphy Brown is an American situation comedy which aired on CBS from November 14, 1988, to May 18, 1998, for a total of 247 episodes. The program starred Candice Bergen as the eponymous Murphy Brown, a famous investigative journalist and news anchor for FYI, a fictional CBS television...

 United States 1988-1998
Muscle (TV series)
Muscle is a comedy television series from the United States which aired on The WB in 1995. It was set inside the fictional Survival Gym in New York City...

 United States 1995
My Boys
My Boys
My Boys is an American television sitcom that debuted on November 28, 2006, on TBS. The show deals with a female sports columnist in Chicago, Illinois and the men in her life including her brother and her best friend...

 United States 2006-2010
My Brother and Me
My Brother and Me
My Brother and Me is a sitcom on Nickelodeon that premiered on October 15, 1994, and ran until February 2, 1995. The show is about a family living in the West Side of Charlotte, North Carolina, who experience the highs and lows of everyday life. Jennifer and Roger Parker have two sons, Alfie and...

 United States 1994-1995
My Family  United Kingdom 2000-2011
My Favorite Husband
My Favorite Husband
My Favorite Husband is the name of an American radio program and network television series. The original radio show, co-starring Lucille Ball, was the initial basis for what evolved into the groundbreaking TV sitcom I Love Lucy. The series was based on the novel Mr. and Mrs...

 United States 1953-1955
My Favorite Martian
My Favorite Martian
My Favorite Martian is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS from September 29, 1963 to May 1, 1966 for 107 episodes...

 United States 1963-1966
My Friend Irma  United States 1952-1954
My Hero 1952-1953
My Hero  United Kingdom 2000-2006
My Husband and I
My Husband and I
My Husband and I is a British sitcom that aired on ITV from 1987 to 1988. Starring Mollie Sugden and her husband William Moore, it was written by Pam Valentine and Michael Ashton.-Background:...

 United Kingdom 1987-1988
My Mother the Car
My Mother the Car
My Mother the Car is an American fantasy sitcom which aired for a single season on NBC between September 14, 1965 and September 6, 1966. A total of thirty episodes were produced by United Artists Television....

 United States 1965-1966
My Little Margie
My Little Margie
My Little Margie is an American situation comedy that alternated between CBS and NBC from 1952 to 1955. The series was created by Frank Fox and produced in Los Angeles, California at Hal Roach Studios by Hal Roach, Jr. and Roland D...

 United States 1952-1955
My Living Doll
My Living Doll
My Living Doll is an American science fiction sitcom that aired for 26 episodes on CBS from September 27, 1964 to September 8, 1965. This series was produced by Jack Chertok and was filmed at Desilu studios by Jack Chertok Television, Inc., in association with the CBS Television Network...

 United States 1964-1965
My Name Is Earl
My Name Is Earl
My Name Is Earl is an American television comedy series created by Greg Garcia that was originally broadcast on the NBC television network from September 20, 2005, to May 14, 2009, in the United States...

 United States 2005-2009
My Name Is Harry Worth  United Kingdom 1974
My Parents are Aliens
My Parents are Aliens
My Parents are Aliens is a British sitcom produced by Yorkshire Television and later Granada Productions for CITV about an eccentric family, which was produced as seven annual series, first broadcast in 1999 and ending in 2006...

 United Kingdom 1999-2007
My Three Sons
My Three Sons
My Three Sons is an American situation comedy. The series ran from 1960 to 1965 on ABC, and moved to CBS until its end on August 24, 1972. My Three Sons chronicles the life of a widower and aeronautical engineer named Steven Douglas , raising his three sons.The series was a cornerstone of the CBS...

 United States 1960-1972
My Two Dads
My Two Dads
My Two Dads is an American sitcom that starred Staci Keanan, Paul Reiser and Greg Evigan. It aired on NBC from 1987 to 1990 and was produced by Michael Jacobs Productions in association with TriStar Television and distributed by TeleVentures.-Show synopsis:The show begins when Marcy Bradford , the...

 United States 1987-1990
My Wife and Kids
My Wife and Kids
My Wife and Kids is an American television family sitcom that ran on ABC from March 28, 2001 until May 17, 2005. Produced by Touchstone Television , it starred Damon Wayans and Tisha Campbell-Martin, and centers on the character of Michael Kyle, a loving husband and modern-day patriarch who rules...

 United States 2001-2005
My Wife Next Door
My Wife Next Door
My Wife Next Door was a BBC sitcom written by Brian Clemens and Richard Waring that was first broadcast in 1972. It ran for just 13 episodes and focused on a couple, George Basset, , and Suzie Basset, . Each tries to start afresh after their divorce...

 United Kingdom 1980
My World and Welcome to It
My World and Welcome to It
My World and Welcome to It was a US-made half-hour sitcom based on the humor and cartoons of James Thurber. It starred William Windom as John Monroe, a Thurber-like writer and cartoonist who works for a magazine that closely resembles The New Yorker, called The Manhattanite...

 United States 1969-1970


Title Country Years
Nadan Nadia  Pakistan
Naadaaniyaan  Pakistan 2007-present
Nadreality Show
Nadreality Show
Nadreality Show was a reunion of some of the old crew from Top lista nadrealista the late 90s and early 80s crew.RTL Televizija alongside Radio Televizija Bosne I Hercegovine and B92 broadcast Nadreality Show in 2007 with few sketches. The main person in the sketches was Zenit Đozić Zena...

 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2006-2008
The Nanny
The Nanny (TV series)
The Nanny is an American television sitcom co-produced by Sternin & Fraser Ink, Inc., and Fran Drescher in association with TriStar Television for the CBS network...

 United States 1993-1999
Naša mala klinika
Naša mala klinika
Naša mala klinika were three, a Slovenian, Serbian and Croatian, series broadcast by POP TV and NOVA TV respectively, between 2004 and 2007. Seven seasons were broadcast. The series was written by Marko Pokorn, Rok Vilčnik and Branko Đurić - Đuro, who also directed the series. The show won four ...

 Slovenia 2004-2007
Nearest and Dearest
Nearest and Dearest
Nearest and Dearest is a British television sitcom that ran from 1968 to 1973. A total of 46 episodes were made, 18 in monochrome and 28 in colour...

 United Kingdom 1968-1973
Nearly Departed  United States 1989
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, commonly called Ned's Declassified for short, is an American live-action situation comedy on Nickelodeon that debuted in the channel's Sunday night TEENick scheduling block on September 12, 2004. The series' actual pilot episode aired on September 7, 2003...

 United States 2004-2007
Ned and Stacey  United States 1995-1997
Needles and Pins
Needles and Pins (TV series)
Needles and Pins was a 1973 United States comedic television series about a women's clothing manufacturer & his employees in New York.The series had 14, 30 minute episodes that centred around Nathan Davidson and his mismatched employees. The first episode, Endangered Species premiered on 23...

 United States 1973
The Nadas  Brazil 2005
The New Adventures of Old Christine
The New Adventures of Old Christine
The New Adventures of Old Christine is an American comedy series starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus which ran for five seasons on CBS from March 13, 2006, to May 12, 2010...

 United States 2006-2010
The New Andy Griffith Show
The New Andy Griffith Show
The New Andy Griffith Show is an American situation comedy broadcast in the United States by the CBS television network in 1971.-History:...

 United States 1971
The New Bill Cosby Show
The New Bill Cosby Show
The New Bill Cosby Show was a variety television series aired in the United States by CBS as part of its 1972-73 lineup.The New Bill Cosby Show was an attempt to exploit the widespread popularity of Bill Cosby, who had previously starred in an eponymous sitcom and the drama I Spy and who had been...

 United States 1972
The New Dick Van Dyke Show
The New Dick Van Dyke Show
The New Dick Van Dyke Show is an American sitcom starring Dick Van Dyke that aired on CBS from 1971 to 1974. This was Van Dyke's first return to series television since The Dick Van Dyke Show.-Production:...

 United States 1971-1974
New Monkees
New Monkees
New Monkees was the name of both a US pop rock music group, and a 1987 syndicated television show featuring the group.-Background:The 20th anniversary of The Monkees in 1986 generated enough interest that New Monkees was conceived later that year, and launched the following year...

 United States 1987
The New Odd Couple
The New Odd Couple
The New Odd Couple is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from 1982 to 83, and was an updated version of the 1970s television series The Odd Couple. The New Odd Couple was the second attempt to remake a series of one of Neil Simon's plays with a primarily African-American cast...

 United States 1982
The New Statesman
The New Statesman
The New Statesman is an award-winning British sitcom of the late 1980s and early 1990s satirising the Conservative government of the time...

 United Kingdom 1987-1992
The New WKRP in Cincinnati
The New WKRP in Cincinnati
The New WKRP in Cincinnati is a sequel/spin-off of the original CBS sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati. It was made for the syndication market from 1991 to 1993....

 United States 1992-1993
Newhart is a television situation comedy starring comedian Bob Newhart and actress Mary Frann as an author and wife who owned and operated an inn located in a small, rural Vermont town that was home to many eccentric characters. The show aired on the CBS network from October 25, 1982 to May 21, 1990...

 United States 1982-1990
NewsRadio is an American television situation comedy that aired on NBC from 1995 to 1999. The series was created by executive producer Paul Simms, and was filmed in front of a studio audience at CBS Studio Center and Sunset Gower Studios...

 United States 1995-1999
Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher
Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher
Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher is an American sitcom which aired on the WB from 1996 until 1998. The executive producers of the program, Dennis Rinsler and Marc Warren, drew on their own experiences as former teachers in New York and actually based the character that Mitch Mullany played on their...

 United States 1996-1998
Night Beat News 1984
Night Court
Night Court
Night Court is an American television situation comedy that aired on NBC from January 4, 1984, to May 20, 1992. The setting was the night shift of a Manhattan court, presided over by the young, unorthodox Judge Harold T. "Harry" Stone...

 United States 1984-1992
Nightingales is a British situation comedy set around the antics of three security guards working the night shift. It was produced by Alomo Productions for Channel 4 in 1990.-Outline:...

 United Kingdom 1990-1993
Nighty Night
Nighty Night
Nighty Night is a British dark comedy sitcom written by and starring Julia Davis. It was first broadcast on 6 January 2004 on BBC Three before moving to BBC2....

 United Kingdom 2004-2005
Nikki (TV series)
Nikki is an American sitcom that aired on The WB from 2000 to 2002. Nikki was a starring vehicle for Nikki Cox, who had previously starred in another WB sitcom, Unhappily Ever After, which ran for five seasons...

 United States 2000-2002
No Heroics
No Heroics
No Heroics is a British superhero-comedy television series, which began on 18 September 2008. The show is ITV2's first original sitcom. It was nominated for Best New British TV Comedy of 2008 at the British Comedy Awards.-Setting:...

 United Kingdom 2008-present
The Norm Show
The Norm Show
The Norm Show is an American television sitcom that ran from 1999 through 2001 on the ABC television network.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1999-2001
No Strings 1989
No Time For Sergeants
No Time for Sergeants
No Time for Sergeants is a 1954 best-selling novel by Mac Hyman, which was later adapted into a teleplay on The United States Steel Hour, a popular Broadway play and 1958 motion picture, as well as a 1964 television series. The book chronicles the misadventures of a country bumpkin named Will...

 United States 1964-1965
Not Going Out
Not Going Out
Not Going Out is a British television sitcom that has aired on BBC One since 2006. Starring Lee Mack, Tim Vine, Sally Bretton, Miranda Hart and Katy Wix, it was initially written by Mack, Andrew Collins, Paul Kerensa, Simon Evans and Peter Tilbury, but now features contributions from other...

 United Kingdom 2006-present
Ntoltse Vita
Ntoltse Vita
Ntoltse Vita is a Greek comedy directed by Alexandros Rigas and co-written with Lefteris Papapetrou which aired on Mega Channel from 1995 to 1997.The series focused on the illegal affair between Christina Markatou and her daughter's future husband...

 Greece 1995-1997
Nurses (TV series)
Nurses is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from 1991 to 1994, developed and produced by Susan Harris as a spin-off of Empty Nest .-Synopsis:...

 United States 1991-1994
Nud Kub Nud  Thailand 2007-present


Title Country Years
The Oblongs
The Oblongs
The Oblongs is an American animated television program aimed at teenagers and adults. It is loosely based on a series of characters introduced in creator Angus Oblong's picture book entitled Creepy Susie and 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children...

 United States 2001-2002
Occasional Wife
Occasional Wife
Occasional Wife is an American sitcom that aired on NBC on September 13, 1966, and ran until May 9, 1967 . It was originally on NBC's Tuesday night schedule; in the Eastern Time Zone it aired from 8:30-9:00 p.m...

 United States 1966-1967
The Odd Couple
The Odd Couple (TV series)
The Odd Couple is a television situation comedy broadcast from September 24, 1970 to July 4, 1975 on ABC. It starred Tony Randall as Felix Unger and Jack Klugman as Oscar Madison. It was based upon the play of the same name, which was written by Neil Simon.Felix and Oscar are two divorced men....

 United States 1970-1975
Odmori se, zaslužio si  Croatia 2006–present
Off Pedder
Off Pedder
Off Pedder is a TVB modern drama series broadcast since October 2008 and ended on 12 February 2010.The sitcom is about office politics in a magazine company, as well as family and romantic relationships amongst the characters, with the majority of the cast from Best Selling Secrets.-Synopsis:Chao ...

 Hong Kong 2008-2010
Off Centre
Off Centre
Off Centre is an American sitcom that aired on The WB network from October 14, 2001 to October 31, 2002. Created by Chris Weitz, Paul Weitz, and Danny Zuker, the series was heavily promoted as "from the guys who brought you American Pie".-Synopsis:...

 United States 2001-2002
The Office (UK)
The Office (UK TV series)
The Office is a British sitcom television series that was first broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC Two on 9 July 2001. Created, written, and directed by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, the programme is about the day-to-day lives of office employees in the Slough branch of the fictitious...

 United Kingdom 2001-2003
The Office (US)  United States 2005-present
Office Office
Office Office
Office Office is an Indian Hindi language television sitcom that premiered on SAB TV on September 3, 2001. The series starrs Bollywood film actor Pankaj Kapoor in the role of Mussadilal. The series has won the 'Best Comedy' award at the 'RAPA Awards' in 2001 and 2002.-Plot:The series is based on...

 India 2000-2004
Oh, Grow Up
Oh, Grow Up
Oh, Grow Up was a sitcom that aired on ABC from September to December 1999. It was created by Alan Ball, who would later go on to win an Academy Award for writing American Beauty and also create the hit HBO series Six Feet Under...

 United States 1999
Oh Madeline  United States 1983
O. K. Crackerby!  United States 1965-1966
OL Supreme
OL Supreme
-Synopsis:Divorced LUI SIU FUNG is the CEO's secretary of a mall management company and is the head of the company's secretaries. She has been working hard for many years in the company, deeply gaining the trust of the CEO SO DAI TUNG...

 Hong Kong 2010
Oliver Beene
Oliver Beene
Oliver Beene is an American sitcom that premiered on Fox on March 9, 2003. The show was created by Howard Gewirtz. Set in 1962 and 1963, the show chronicled the trials and tribulations of the 11-to-12-year-old Oliver Beene , in first person perspective...

 United States 2003-2004
On Our Own
On Our Own (1977 TV series)
On Our Own is a television series broadcast on CBS as part of their 1977-78 schedule. It featured Maria Bonino and Julia Peters, two employees in the Bedford Advertising Agency in New York who also share an apartment. Toni McBain was their boss, while April Baxter and Phil Goldstein were their...

 United States 1977
On the Buses
On The Buses
On the Buses was a British situation comedy created by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney which was broadcast in the UK from 1969 to 1973. The writers' previous successes with The Rag Trade and Meet the Wife were for the BBC, but the Corporation rejected On the Buses, not seeing much comedy potential...

 United Kingdom 1969-1973
On the Rocks  United States 1975-1976
On the Air  United States 1992
One Day at a Time
One Day at a Time
One Day at a Time is an American situation comedy on the CBS network that aired from December 16, 1975 until May 28, 1984. It portrays Ann Romano, a divorced mother, played by Bonnie Franklin, her two teenage daughters Julie and Barbara Cooper and Schneider, their building superintendent .The show...

 United States 1975-1984
One Foot in the Grave
One Foot in the Grave
One Foot in the Grave is a BBC television sitcom series written by David Renwick. The show ran for six series, including seven Christmas specials, two Comic Relief specials, over an eleven year period, from early 1990 to late 2000...

 United Kingdom 1990-2000
One of the Boys
One of the Boys (TV series)
One of the Boys is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from January to April 1982. Starring Mickey Rooney, Dana Carvey, Nathan Lane, and Scatman Crothers, TV Guide ranked it number 24 on its TV Guide's 50 Worst Shows of All Time list in 2002.-Synopsis:Oliver Nugent was a spry senior...

 United States 1982
One on One
One on One (TV series)
One on One is an American sitcom that aired on the now-defunct UPN from its September 3, 2001 premiere until May 15, 2006. The series stars Flex Alexander as a single sportscaster, who becomes a full-time dad when his ex-wife decides to accept a job out of the country and his teenage daughter...

 United States 2001-2006
Only Fools and Horses
Only Fools and Horses
Only Fools and Horses is a British sitcom, created and written by John Sullivan. Seven series were originally broadcast on BBC One in the United Kingdom between 1981 and 1991, with sporadic Christmas specials until 2003...

 United Kingdom 1981-1996/2001-2003
Ono kao ljubav 2009-2010
Open All Hours
Open All Hours
Open All Hours is a BBC sitcom written by Roy Clarke which ran for four series a first run in 1976, a second run in 1981, third in 1982 and finally with a fourth run in 1985, with a pilot episode from the Seven of One series in 1973...

 United Kingdom 1976-1985
Open All Night  United States 1981
Orazio  Italy 1985
Otvorena vrata
Otvorena vrata
Otvorena vrata , is a Serbian comedy television series filmed in 1994-1995. Broadcast on state television RTS, it ran for 2 seasons featuring a regular family living in Belgrade during the 1990s....

Our Miss Brooks
Our Miss Brooks
Our Miss Brooks is an American situation comedy starring Eve Arden as a sardonic high school English teacher. It began as a radio show broadcast on CBS from 1948 to 1957. When the show was adapted to television , it became one of the medium's earliest hits...

 United States 1952-1956
Out of the Blue
Out of the Blue (1979 TV series)
Out Of The Blue is an American fantasy sitcom that aired on ABC during the fall of 1979. It is chiefly notable as having featured a Mork & Mindy crossover, and for the controversy surrounding its status as a spin-off of Happy Days....

 United States 1979
Outnumbered is a British sitcom. Airing on BBC One since 2007, it stars Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner as a father and mother outnumbered by their three children...

Outrageous Fortune
Outrageous Fortune (TV series)
Outrageous Fortune was a New Zealand comedy/drama television series, which was created by James Griffin and Rachel Lang and was produced by South Pacific Pictures...

 New Zealand 2005-2010
Outsourced (TV series)
Outsourced is an American television sitcom set in an Indian workplace. It was based on the John Jeffcoat film of the same name and adapted by Ken Kwapis and Universal Media Studios for NBC. The series originally ran from September 23, 2010 to May 12, 2011...

 United States 2010-2011
Over the Top
Over the Top (TV series)
Over the Top is an American sitcom starring Tim Curry, Annie Potts and Steve Carell. The series premiered on ABC on October 21, 1997. Although 12 episodes were produced, the series was canceled after only three episodes had aired.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1997


Title Country Years
Palibhasa Lalake
Palibhasa Lalake
Palibhasa Lalake is a defunct Philippine TV sitcom series on ABS-CBN which ran fron 1986 to 1998.-Sypnopsis:The show began in 1986 with the original cast composed of Joey Marquez, Richard Gomez, Miguel Rodriguez, Gloria Romero, Cynthia Patag, and Amy Perez.They were later joined by Carmina...

 Philippines 1991-2000
Paper Moon  United States 1974-1975
The Parent 'Hood
The Parent 'Hood
The Parent 'Hood is an American sitcom that aired on The WB airing from January 18, 1995 to July 25, 1999. The series starred Robert Townsend and Suzzanne Douglas....

 United States 1995-1999
Parker Lewis Can't Lose
Parker Lewis Can't Lose
Parker Lewis Can't Lose is an American teen sitcom that originally aired on FOX from September 1990 to June 1993. During the last season, the series sported the simpler title Parker Lewis. The series was produced by Columbia Pictures Television and was strongly influenced by the feature film Ferris...

 United States 1990-1993
The Parkers
The Parkers
The Parkers is an American sitcom . A spin-off of UPN's Moesha, The Parkers featured the mother-daughter team of Nikki and Kim Parker . The Parkers' signature "Heeyyy" greeting made its way into popular vernacular in the early 2000s.-Premise:The series centered around a mother and daughter who...

 United States 1999-2004
Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation is an American comedy television series on NBC that focuses on Leslie Knope , a mid-level bureaucrat in the parks department of Pawnee, a fictional town in Indiana. Created by Greg Daniels and Michael Schur, the series debuted on April 9, 2009; it has run for three seasons and...

 United States 2009-
The Partners
The Partners
The Partners is an American sitcom that aired on September 18, 1971 through September 8, 1972 on NBC.-Synopsis:The program featured Don Adams and Rupert Crosse as bumbling detectives...

 United States 1971-1972
The Partridge Family
The Partridge Family
The Partridge Family is an American television sitcom about a widowed mother and her five children who embark on a music career. The series originally ran from September 25, 1970 until August 31, 1974, the last new episode airing on March 23, 1974, on the ABC network, as part of a Friday-night lineup...

 United States 1970-1974
The Patty Duke Show
The Patty Duke Show
The Patty Duke Show is an American sitcom which ran on ABC from September 18, 1963, until May 4, 1966, with reruns airing through August 31, 1966. The show was created as a vehicle for rising star Patty Duke...

 United States 1963-1966
Pasila (TV series)
Jefferson Anderson is a Finnish animated sitcom. The computer-animated series portrays a satirical view of daily events in Helsinki at a police precinct in the suburb of Pasila. The series is made by members of the same team that made the award-winning series The Autocrats, a political animated...

 Finland 2007-present
Pearl (TV series)
This article is about the television series. For other uses, see Pearl .Pearl is an American situation comedy, which was broadcast by CBS as part of its 1996-97 lineup.-Plot:...

 United States 1996-1997
Peep Show
Peep Show (TV series)
Peep Show is a British sitcom starring David Mitchell and Robert Webb. The television programme is written by Jesse Armstrong and Sam Bain, with additional material by Mitchell and Webb themselves, amongst others. It has been broadcast on Channel 4 since 2003. The show's seventh series makes it...

 United Kingdom 2003-present
The People's Choice
The People's Choice (TV series)
The People's Choice is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from 1955 to 1958, primarily sponsored by The Borden Company.It stars Jackie Cooper as Socrates "Sock" Miller, an ex-Marine and New City, California politician with a basset hound named "Cleo", whose thoughts , as she balefully...

 United States 1955-1958
Perfect Strangers  United States 1986-1993
Perfect World
Perfect World
Perfect World , is a 3D adventure and fantasy MMORPG with traditional Chinese settings. Players can take on various roles depending on choice of race and choice of class within that race....

 United Kingdom 2001
Petticoat Junction
Petticoat Junction
Petticoat Junction is an American situation comedy produced by Filmways which originally aired on CBS from 1963 to 1970. The series is one of three interrelated shows about rural characters created by Paul Henning; the others are The Beverly Hillbillies and Green Acres.The setting for the series...

 United States 1963-1970
Phil of the Future
Phil of the Future
Phil of the Future is an American situation comedy that originally aired on Disney Channel from June 18, 2004, to August 19, 2006 for a total of two seasons. The series was created by Tim Maile and Douglas Tuber and produced by 2121 Productions, a part of Brookwell McNamara Entertainment...

 United States 2004-2006
The Phil Silvers Show
The Phil Silvers Show
The Phil Silvers Show is a comedy television series which ran on CBS from 1955 to 1959 for 142 episodes, plus a 1959 special. The series starred Phil Silvers as Master Sergeant Ernest G...

 United States 1955-1959
Phyllis (TV series)
Phyllis is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS from September 11, 1975 to March 13, 1977.Created by Ed Weinberger and Stan Daniels. it was the second spin-off series from The Mary Tyler Moore Show . The show starred Cloris Leachman as Phyllis Lindstrom, who was previously Mary Richards'...

 United States 1975-1977
Pig in the Middle  United Kingdom 1980-1983
Pig Sty
Pig Sty
Pig Sty is a sitcom that premiered on UPN on January 23, 1995 during that network's first season. Only 13 episodes were made. Pig Sty ran on Monday nights, after Star Trek: Voyager and Platypus Man...

 United States 1995
Pinwright's Progress
Pinwright's Progress
Pinwright's Progress was a British sitcom that aired on the BBC Television Service from 1946 to 1947 and was the world's first regular half-hour sitcom. The ten episodes, which aired fortnightly in alternation with Kaleidoscope, were broadcast live from the BBC studios at Alexandra Palace...

 United Kingdom 1946-1947
Plats bruts
Plats Bruts
Plats bruts was a comedy television series issued for TV3. The story talk about the life of Josep Lopes and David Güell. The show was co-produced by Kràmpack, El Terrat and Televisió de Catalunya.-External links:* * * IMDb...

 Spain 1999-2002
Platypus Man
Platypus Man
Platypus Man is an American sitcom that aired on UPN in 1995. Starring comedian Richard Jeni, the television series was based on an hour-long HBO special of Jeni's filmed in 1992. The series lasted for only one season, with a total of thirteen episodes....

 United States 1995
Please Don't Eat the Daisies
Please Don't Eat The Daisies
Please Don't Eat the Daisies is a best-selling collection of humorous essays by American humorist and playwright Jean Kerr about suburban living and raising four boys. The essays do not have a plot or through-storyline, but the book sold so well it was later adapted into a film starring Doris Day...

 United States 1965-1967
Please Sir!
Please Sir!
Please Sir! was a London Weekend Television produced situation comedy, created by writers John Esmonde and Bob Larbey and featured the actors John Alderton, Deryck Guyler, Joan Sanderson, Noel Howlett, Erik Chitty and Richard Davies...

Please Stand By 1978
The Popcorn Kid 1987
Popetown is a controversial animated sitcom, billed by its producers as "Father Ted meets South Park", following the doodles and scribblings of a student at school during a lesson. His drawings depict the life of Father Nicholas, who lives in a Vatican City parody referred to as "Popetown"...

 United Kingdom 2005-
Popular (TV series)
Popular is an American teenage comedy-drama on The WB Television Network in the United States, created by Ryan Murphy and Gina Matthews, starring Leslie Bibb and Carly Pope as two teenage girls that reside on polar opposite sides of the popularity spectrum at their high school, but are forced to...

 United States 1999-2001
Porridge (TV series)
Porridge is a British situation comedy broadcast on BBC1 from 1974 to 1977, running for three series, two Christmas specials and a feature film. Written by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, it stars Ronnie Barker and Richard Beckinsale as two inmates at the fictional HMP Slade in Cumberland...

 United Kingdom 1974-1977
The Powers That Be
The Powers That Be (TV series)
The Powers That Be is a United States television sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman that aired briefly on NBC from 1992 to 1993. Norman Lear served as executive producer for the show.-Plot:...

 United States 1992-1993
Private Secretary
Private Secretary (TV series)
Private Secretary is an American sitcom that aired from February 1, 1953 to September 10, 1957 on CBS, alternating with The Jack Benny Program on Sundays at 7:30pm EST...

 United States 1953-1957
The Proud Family
The Proud Family
The Proud Family is an American animated television series that premiered on Disney Channel from September 15, 2001 to August 19, 2005.-Production:...

 United States 2001-2005
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster was an American sitcom about a girl named Punky Brewster being raised by her foster parent...

 United States 1984-1988
Pod Eno streho  Slovenia 2004-2005


Title Country Years
Quintuplets is an American sitcom that aired twenty-two episodes on FOX from June 16, 2004 through January 12, 2005. The program starred Andy Richter and Rebecca Creskoff as parents of a family of quintuplets and their various adventures in parenthood....

 United States 2004-2005
Quark (TV series)
Quark is an American science fiction situation comedy starring Richard Benjamin broadcast on NBC. The pilot first aired on May 7, 1977, and the series followed as a mid-season replacement in February 1978. The series was cancelled in April 1978. Quark was created by Buck Henry, co-creator of the...

 United States 1978


Title Country Years
Rab C. Nesbitt
Rab C. Nesbitt
Rab C. Nesbitt is a Scottish sitcom which began in 1988. Produced by BBC Scotland, it stars Gregor Fisher as an alcoholic Glaswegian who believed unemployment was the life for him...

 United Kingdom 1988-1999, 2008-present
RadioActive  Canada 1998-2001
Radio Enfer  Canada 1995-2001
The Rag Trade
The Rag Trade
The Rag Trade was a British television sitcom broadcast by the BBC between 1961 and 1963 and by LWT between 1977 and 1978.The scripts were by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney, who later wrote Wild, Wild Women, a period variation of The Rag Trade....

 United Kingdom 1961-1963, 1977
Ragel W Set Setat  Egypt 2006-present
Ramzor is an Israeli sitcom. The program was created by Adir Miller, who also co-authored the screenplay and also appears in the program in the title role.The two three seasons ran on Israeli Channel 2, in 2008–2011...

 Israel 2008-present
The Real McCoys
The Real McCoys
The Real McCoys is an American situation comedy co-produced by Danny Thomas' "Marterto Productions", in association with Walter Brennan and Irving Pincus's "Westgate" company...

 United States 1957-1963
Reba (TV series)
Reba is an American sitcom starring Reba McEntire, which ran from 2001 to 2007. For the show's first five seasons, it ran on The WB, with the show transitioning to The CW in its last year.-Synopsis:...

 United States 2001-2007
Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf is a British comedy franchise which primarily comprises eight series of a television science fiction sitcom that aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999 and Dave from 2009–present. It gained cult following. It was created by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, who also wrote the first six series...

 United Kingdom 1988-1999
Reinikainen  Finland 1982
Report to Murphy
Report to Murphy
Report to Murphy is an American situation comedy television series starring Michael Keaton that premiered on CBS on April 5, 1982.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1982
Reno 911!
Reno 911!
Reno 911! is an American comedy television series on Comedy Central that ran from 2003 to 2009. It is a mockumentary-style parody of law enforcement documentary shows, specifically COPS, with comic actors playing the police officers. Most of the material is improvised, using a broad outline, and...

 United States 2003-2009
Rhoda is an American television sitcom, starring Valerie Harper, which ran for five seasons, from 1974 to 1978 airing in 109 episodes. The show was a spin-off from The Mary Tyler Moore Show, in which Harper between the years 1970 and 1974 had played the role of Rhoda Morgenstern, a spunky,...

 United States 1974-1978
Rising Damp
Rising Damp
Rising Damp is a television sitcom produced by Yorkshire Television for ITV, first broadcast from 1974 to 1978. It was adapted for television by Eric Chappell from his well-received 1971 stage play, The Banana Box The series was the highest-ranking ITV sitcom on the 100 Best Sitcoms poll run in...

 United Kingdom 1974-1978, 1980
Rita Rocks
Rita Rocks
Rita Rocks is a Lifetime original sitcom that premiered on October 20, 2008. It is the network's first original comedy in over a decade. The series debuted alongside re-runs of Reba as part of a new comedy hour for Tuesday nights, which later changed to Monday nights...

 United States 2008-present
Robin's Nest
Robin's Nest
Robin's Nest is a British sitcom starring Richard O'Sullivan as Robin Tripp, one of the lead characters in the sitcom Man About the House, which had ended in 1976. Robin's Nest aired for six series from 1977 to 1981, and co-starred Tessa Wyatt as Robin's girlfriend and later wife and Tony Britton...

 United Kingdom 1977-1981
Robson Arms
Robson Arms
Robson Arms is a Canadian television series that began airing on CTV on June 17, 2005 and ended on June 30, 2008. Robson Arms is a co-production between Vancouver-based Omni Film Productions Limited and Halifax's Creative Atlantic Communications....

 Canada 2005, 2007
Rock Me Baby
Rock Me Baby
Rock Me Baby is an American television series set in Denver, Colorado. It is a comedy / drama that debuted on September 15, 2003 on UPN. Rock Me Baby stars actor and comedian Dan Cortese as Jimmy Cox, co-host of a popular Denver radio show with his best friend, Carl, played by Carl Anthony Payne II...

 United States 2003-2004
Rodney (TV series)
Rodney is an American television sitcom that was shown on ABC from September 21, 2004, to June 6, 2006. Ric Swartzlander was the creator and executive producer of the comedy series...

 United States 2004-2006
Room 222
Room 222
Room 222 is an American comedy-drama television series produced by 20th Century Fox Television. The series aired on ABC from September 17, 1969, to January 11, 1974, for 112 episodes...

 United States 1969-1974
Room For Two  United States 1992-1993
The Ropers
The Ropers
The Ropers is an American sitcom that ran from March 13, 1979 to May 22, 1980 on ABC. The series is a spinoff of Three's Company and based on the British sitcom George and Mildred...

 United States 1979-1980
Roseanne (TV series)
Roseanne is an American sitcom broadcast on ABC from October 18, 1988 to May 20, 1997. Starring Roseanne Barr, the show revolved around the Conners, an Illinois working class family...

 United States 1988-1997
The Royle Family
The Royle Family
The Royle Family is a popular, BAFTA award-winning television comedy drama produced by Granada Television for the BBC, which ran for three series between 1998 and 2000, and specials from 2006 onwards...

 United Kingdom 1998-2000, 2006
Rules of Engagement
Rules of Engagement (TV series)
Rules of Engagement is a sitcom that debuted on CBS on February 5, 2007, as a midseason replacement, immediately following Two and a Half Men, in the time slot that was occupied by now-cancelled The New Adventures of Old Christine...

 United States 2007-present
Run, Buddy, Run
Run, Buddy, Run
Run, Buddy, Run is a 16-episode situation comedy starring Jack Sheldon, which ran on CBS television from September 12, 1966, until January 2, 1967. Sheldon, also a trumpet player, portrayed Buddy Overstreet, an "ordinary guy", an accountant, on the run from a group of comical gangsters. As the plot...

 United States 1966-1967


Title Country Years
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (TV series)
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch is an American sitcom based on the Archie comic book series of the same name.The show stars Melissa Joan Hart as Sabrina Spellman, a teenager with magical powers, who lives with her aunts Hilda and Zelda , and their magical talking cat Salem...

 United States 1996-2003
Samantha Who?
Samantha Who?
Samantha Who? is an American television sitcom that originally aired on ABC from October 15, 2007 to July 23, 2009. The series was created by Cecelia Ahern and Don Todd, who also served as producers...

 United States 2007-2009
Samen  Netherlands 2005
Sanford and Son
Sanford and Son
Sanford and Son is an American sitcom, based on the BBC's Steptoe and Son, that ran on the NBC television network from January 14, 1972, to March 25, 1977....

 United States 1972-1977
Sara (US TV series)
Sara is a short-lived American sitcom that aired on NBC in 1985. Starring Geena Davis in the title role, the series featured early performances from several actors who went on to greater acclaim, including Alfre Woodard, Bronson Pinchot and Bill Maher...

 United States 1985
Sarabhai vs Sarabhai
Sarabhai vs sarabhai
Sarabhai vs Sarabhai is a 2005 sitcom set in a quintessential upper class family in Mumbai aired on channel STAR One in India. The show had one of the best TRPs for an Indian comedy show....

 India 2004-present
The Sarah Silverman Program
The Sarah Silverman Program
The Sarah Silverman Program is an American television series that starred comedian and actress Sarah Silverman, who created the series with Dan Harmon and Rob Schrab...

 United States 2007-2010
Saved by the Bell
Saved by the Bell
Saved by the Bell is an American television sitcom that aired between 1989 and 1993. The series is a retooled version of the 1988 series Good Morning, Miss Bliss, which was itself later folded into the history of Saved by the Bell...

 United States 1989-1993
Saved by the Bell: The College Years
Saved by the Bell: The College Years
Saved by the Bell: The College Years is a sequel to the Saved by the Bell series which ran from September 14, 1993 to February 8, 1994, lasting one season...

 United States 1993-1994
Saved by the Bell: The New Class
Saved by the Bell: The New Class
Saved by the Bell: The New Class is a spin-off of the Saved by the Bell series which ran from September 11, 1993 to January 8, 2000. The series lasted for seven seasons on NBC as a part of the network's TNBC Saturday morning line-up. It was the fourth incarnation of the franchise...

 United States 1993-2000
Schlawiner  Austria 2011-present
Schöni Uussichte  Switzerland 2005-2007
Scrubs (TV series)
Scrubs is an American medical comedy-drama television series created in 2001 by Bill Lawrence and produced by ABC Studios. The show follows the lives of several employees of the fictional Sacred Heart, a teaching hospital. It features fast-paced screenplay, slapstick, and surreal vignettes...

 United States 2001-2010
Sean's Show
Sean's Show
Sean's Show was a UK television situation comedy broadcast on Channel 4. Stand-up comedian Sean Hughes co-wrote and starred as a fictionalised version of himself, aware of the fact he was living in a sitcom .It received a nomination for the 1992 British Comedy Award for Best Channel 4...

 United Kingdom 1992-1993
The Second Hundred Years  United States 1967-1968
Second Time Around  United States 2004-2005
The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer
The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer
The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer is an American sitcom that aired on UPN in 1998. Before it was even debuted, the series set off a storm of controversy because of a perceived light-hearted take on the issue of American slavery.-Story:...

 United States 1998
Seinfeld is an American television sitcom that originally aired on NBC from July 5, 1989, to May 14, 1998, lasting nine seasons, and is now in syndication. It was created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld, the latter starring as a fictionalized version of himself...

 United States 1989-1998
Senario  Malaysia 1996-current
Shameless is a British television drama series set in Manchester on the fictional Chatsworth council estate. Produced by Company Pictures for Channel 4, the first seven-episode series aired weekly on Tuesday nights at 10pm from 13 January 2004...

 United Kingdom 2004-present
Shake It Up
Shake It Up (TV series)
Shake It Up is an American television sitcom airing on Disney Channel in the United States. The series premiered on November 7, 2010. Created by Chris Thompson and starring Bella Thorne and Zendaya, the show follows the adventures of Cece Jones and Rocky Blue as they star as background dancers on...

 United States 2010-present
Shaping Up
Shaping Up
Shaping Up is a short-lived American sitcom created by writer-producers Sam Simon and Ken Estin, which ran for five weeks on ABC.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1984
Shasta McNasty
Shasta McNasty
Shasta McNasty is an American sitcom that aired on UPN during the 1999-2000 season. The show was created by Jeff Eastin and produced by Eastin and Neal H. Moritz...

 United States 1999-2000
Shelley (TV series)
Shelley is a British sitcom made by Thames Television and originally broadcast on ITV from 1979 to 1984 and from 1988 to 1992, with occasional hiatuses. Hywel Bennett starred as James Shelley, a sardonic, 28-year-old, anti-establishment postgraduate and career income tax dodger...

 United Kingdom 1979-1992
Shemesh  Israel 1997-2004
Silver Spoons
Silver Spoons
Silver Spoons is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 25, 1982 to May 11, 1986 and in first-run syndication from September 15, 1986 to March 4, 1987...

 United States 1982-1987
The Simple Life  United States 1998
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical parody of a middle class American lifestyle epitomized by its family of the same name, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie...

 United States 1989-present
Singer & Sons  United States 1990
Sister, Sister
Sister, Sister (TV series)
Sister, Sister is an American television sitcom about identical twin girls Tia Landry and Tamera Campbell , who were separated and adopted at birth, when one day they come face-to-face after 14 years apart....

 United States 1994-1999
The Sitcom Trials
The Sitcom Trials
The Sitcom Trials is a stage and TV show devised, produced, and presented by Kev F. Sutherland. Beginning in Bristol in 1999, it showcases new sitcoms and comedy items in a head-to-head format...

 United Kingdom 2003
Skimo is the first Nickelodeon comedy sitcom made in Mexico. It is produced by Nickelodeon Latin America and Macias Group International. The show first aired on May 15, 2006, and ran at 8:00 pm for the first two seasons. In the third season of the show, it was moved to 6:00pm on Mondays...

Složna braća
Složna braca
Složna braća is a 1995 Serbian television comedy series. Created and written by Nele Karajlić and directed by Karajlić, Oleg Novković, and Nikola Pejaković the series achieved sizable popularity.-Overview:...

Small Wonder  United States 1985-1989
Smart Guy
Smart Guy
Smart Guy is an American sitcom created by Danny Kallis. The series ran on The WB for three seasons from April 2, 1997 to May 16, 1999.-Premise:The show centers on the misadventures of boy genius T.J...

 United States 1997-1999
The Smothers Brothers Show
The Smothers Brothers Show
The Smothers Brothers Show is an American fantasy sitcom featuring the Smothers Brothers that aired on CBS on Friday nights at 9:30 p.m. ET from September 17, 1965 to September 9, 1966, co-sponsored by Alberto-Culver's VO5 hairdressing products and American Tobacco...

 United States 1965-1966
Soap (TV series)
Soap is an American sitcom that originally ran on ABC from 1977 to 1981.The show was created as a parody of daytime soap operas, presented as a weekly half-hour prime time comedy. Similar to a soap opera, the show's story was presented in a serial format and included melodramatic plot elements such...

 United States 1977-1981
So Little Time
So Little Time
So Little Time is an American sitcom starring Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen that aired on Fox Family. The first half of the series aired from June 2, 2001 to August 15, 2001. The series then went on a four-month hiatus, due to network management changes...

 United States 2001-2002
Some Day
Some Day (TV series)
-Cast:Ming familyShek familyMa familyOther cast-Award nominations:TVB Anniversary Awards * Best Drama - Top 24* Best Actress - Top 15* Best Actress - Top 15...

 Hong Kong 2010-present
Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em
Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em
Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em was a BBC situation comedy, written by Raymond Allen and starring Michael Crawford and Michele Dotrice.The series followed the accident-prone Frank Spencer and his tolerant wife Betty through Frank's various attempts to hold down a job, which frequently end in...

 United Kingdom 1973-1978
Some of My Best Friends
Some of My Best Friends
for the 1971 film, see Some of My Best Friends Are...Some of My Best Friends is an American sitcom shown on CBS from February 28 until April 11, 2001...

 United States 2001
Sonny With a Chance
Sonny With a Chance
Sonny with a Chance is an American children's sitcom which aired on Disney Channel, created by Steve Marmel, that follows the experiences of teenager Sonny Munroe, portrayed by Demi Lovato, who becomes the newest accepted cast member of her favorite live comedy show, So Random!.The series debuted...

 United States 2009-present
Sons & Daughters  United States 2006
Sophie (TV series)
Sophie is a Canadian television sitcom starring Natalie Brown as Sophie Parker, an unmarried single mother and talent agent. The show is an English-language adaptation of Télévision de Radio-Canada's show Les Hauts et les bas de Sophie Paquin...

 Canada 2008-2009
Sorry!  United Kingdom 1981-1982, 1985-1988
South Park
South Park
South Park is an American animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone for the Comedy Central television network. Intended for mature audiences, the show has become famous for its crude language, surreal, satirical, and dark humor that lampoons a wide range of topics...

 United States 1997-present
Spaced is a British television sitcom written by and starring Simon Pegg and Jessica Stevenson, and directed by Edgar Wright. It is noted for its rapid-fire editing, frequent pop culture references and jokes, eclectic music, and occasional displays of surrealism and non-sequitur humour...

 United Kingdom 1999-2001
Sparks (TV series)
Sparks is an American sitcom that aired on UPN from August 26, 1996 to March 2, 1998. The series stars James Avery, Robin Givens, Terrence Howard, and Miguel A. Núñez, Jr.. The sitcom is set in Compton, California, and is about the every day lives of a family of lawyers running a family owned law...

 United States 1996-1998
Spin City
Spin City
Spin City is an American sitcom television series that aired from September 17, 1996 until April 30, 2002 on the ABC network. Created by Gary David Goldberg and Bill Lawrence, the show was based on a fictional local government running New York City, and originally starred Michael J. Fox as Mike...

 United States 1996-2002
Sports Night
Sports Night
Sports Night is an American television series about a fictional sports news show also called Sports Night. It focuses on the friendships, pitfalls, and ethical issues the creative talent of the program face while trying to produce a good show under constant network pressure...

 United States 1998-2000
Square Pegs
Square Pegs
Square Pegs is an American comedy series that aired on CBS during the 1982–1983 season. The series follows Patty Greene and Lauren Hutchinson , two awkward teenage girls desperate to fit in at Weemawee High School....

 United States 1982-1983
Stacked is an American television sitcom that premiered on Fox on April 13, 2005. On May 18, 2006, Stacked was canceled, leaving five episodes unaired in the United States. The last episode aired on January 11, 2006...

 United States 2005-2006
Stanley (1956 TV series)
Stanley is an American situation comedy starring Buddy Hackett, Carol Burnett, and the voice of Paul Lynde. It aired on NBC during the 1956–57 television season, produced by Max Liebman, who had previously produced Sid Caesar's Your Show of Shows, co-sponsored by American Tobacco and The...

 United States 1956-1957
Star of the Family
Star of the Family
Star of the Family was a short-lived television situation comedy starring veteran actor, Brian Dennehy, as fire chief Leslie "Buddy" Krebs, and Kathy Maisnik as his singer daughter, Jennie Lee Krebs...

 United States 1982
Step by Step  United States 1991-1998
Steptoe and Son
Steptoe and Son
Steptoe and Son is a British sitcom written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson about two rag and bone men living in Oil Drum Lane, a fictional street in Shepherd's Bush, London. Four series were broadcast by the BBC from 1962 to 1965, followed by a second run from 1970 to 1974. Its theme tune, "Old...

 United Kingdom 1962-1974
The Steve Harvey Show
The Steve Harvey Show
The Steve Harvey Show is an American sitcom that aired for six seasons from August 25, 1996 to February 17, 2002 on The WB Television Network. It was created by Winifred Hervey and directed by Stan Lathan.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1996-2002
Still Standing
Still Standing (TV series)
Still Standing is an American sitcom television series. It debuted on CBS on September 30, 2002, and ended March 8, 2006. Lifetime obtained the United States syndication rights to the show in February 2005 and aired it until 2009...

 United States 2002-2006
Stromberg (TV series)
Stromberg is a German television series which is produced by Brainpool and broadcast on the commercial television channel ProSieben. The series was proclaimed as a copy of the BBC series The Office, although initially the producers claimed it was based on a character from a past ProSieben comedy,...

 Germany 2004-present
The Stu Erwin Show  United States 1950-1955
Style & Substance
Style & Substance
Style & Substance was a television situation comedy that premiered on CBS July 22, 1998.The show starred Jean Smart as Chelsea Stevens, a Martha Stewart-like star of a how-to home show, and Nancy McKeon as her producer, Jane Sokol, a small-town girl new to New York City...

 United States 1998
Svingerji  Slovenia 2007-2008
Stupid, Stupid Man
Stupid, Stupid Man
Stupid, Stupid Man is an Australian television comedy which originally aired on TV1. It is set in the office of a fictional men's magazine COQ , parodying such men's magazines as FHM and Ralph. The first season began broadcasting on 14 November 2006, and a second season began on 11 December 2007...

 Australia 2006-present
Suddenly Susan
Suddenly Susan
Suddenly Susan is an American sitcom that was broadcast on NBC from 1996 to 2000. The show takes place at The Gate, a fictitious magazine which is based in San Francisco. Among the magazine's employees is Susan Keane , who always has been cared for by someone else...

 United States 1996-2000
Sugar Time!  United States 1977-1978
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody  United States 2005-2008
The Suite Life on Deck
The Suite Life on Deck
The Suite Life on Deck is an American sitcom that aired on Disney Channel from September 26, 2008 to May 6, 2011. It is a sequel/spin-off of the Disney Channel Original Series The Suite Life of Zack & Cody...

 United States 2008-2011
Sunshine  United States 1975
Susedia  Slovakia 2006-2007


Title Country Years
The Tab Hunter Show  United States 1960-1961
-People:Tabitha is a biblical name from the Hebrew text of Dorcas and Acts 9:36 in the NIV Bible. The meaning is gazelle.-Literature:* Tabitha Twitchit, Tom Kitten's mother in the books for children by Beatrix Potter...

 United States 1977-1978
Takay Ki Aayegi Baraat  Pakistan 2011-Present
Tamer W Shokia  Egypt 2006-present
Trafika  Slovenia 2003-2004
Tammy (TV series)
Tammy is an American sitcom, starring Debbie Watson in the title role. Produced by Universal City Studios, 26 color half-hour episodes were aired on ABC from September 17, 1965 to March 11, 1966....

 United States 1965-1966
Tattingers is a comedy-drama aired by the NBC television network as part of its 1988 fall lineup. After failing in the Nielsen ratings as an hour-long program, the plot and characters were briefly revived in the spring of 1989 as the half-hour situation comedy Nick & Hillary.Tattingers is the...

 United States 1989
Taxi (TV series)
Taxi was an American sitcom that originally aired from 1978 to 1982 on ABC and from 1982 to 1983 on NBC. The series, which won 18 Emmy Awards, including three for "Outstanding Comedy Series", focuses on the everyday lives of a handful of New York City taxi drivers and their abusive dispatcher...

 United States 1978-1983
Teachers may refer to:* Teachers, people who provide schooling for pupils and students* Teachers , one of the five Ascension Gift Ministries* Teachers , a British sitcom* Teachers Teachers may refer to:* Teachers, people who provide schooling for pupils and students* Teachers (ministry), one of the...

 United States 2006
Teachers Only 1982
The Ted Knight Show  United States 1978
Temperatures Rising
Temperatures Rising
Temperatures Rising is an American television situation comedy that ran from September 12, 1972 to August 29, 1974 on the ABC network.The network had a good deal of faith in the low-rated series, which went through three cast changes, two different formats, and two time slots during its...

 United States 1972-1974
Terry and June
Terry and June
Terry and June is a British sitcom that was broadcast on BBC1 from 1979 to 1987. The programme is largely a continuation of Happy Ever After, and stars Terry Scott and June Whitfield as a middle-class suburban couple, Terry and June Medford...

 United Kingdom 1979-1987
That '70s Show
That '70s Show
That '70s Show is an American television period sitcom that centers on the lives of a group of teenage friends living in the fictional suburban town of Point Place, Wisconsin, from May 17, 1976, to December 31, 1979...

 United States 1998-2006
That '80s Show
That '80s Show
That '80s Show is an American sitcom that aired in half-hour long episodes from January through May 2002. Despite having a similar name, show structure, and many of the same writers and production staff, it is not considered a direct spin-off of the more successful That '70s Show, since the...

 United States 2002
That Girl
That Girl
That Girl is an American television situation comedy that ran on ABC from 1966 to 1971. It stars Marlo Thomas as the title character, Ann Marie, an aspiring actress, who had moved from her hometown of Brewster, New York to make it big in New York City...

 United States 1966-1971
That Was Then
That Was Then
That Was Then is an American drama series that was broadcast on ABC in 2002.-Synopsis:The series starred James Bulliard as Travis Glass, a 30-year-old who finds his life in a rut. Still living at home with his mother he works as a door-to-door salesman. The girl of his dreams, played by Kiele...

 United States 2002
That Wonderful Guy 1949-1950
That's Hank  United States 1965-1966
That's My Bush!
That's My Bush!
That's My Bush! is an American comedy television series that aired on Comedy Central from April 4 to May 23, 2001. Created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, best known for also creating South Park, the series centers on the fictitious personal life of President George W. Bush, as played by Timothy...

 United States 2001
That's My Momma  United States 1974-1975
That's So Raven
That's So Raven
That's So Raven is an American cable television teen sitcom/fantasy series. The show premiered on the Disney Channel on January 17, 2003, and ended on November 10, 2007. The show spawned Disney Channel's first spin-off series: Cory in the House...

 United States 2003-2007
Thicker than Water
Thicker than Water (1973 TV series)
Thicker than Water was a short-lived 1973 U.S. sitcom on ABC, based on the UK sitcom Nearest and Dearest. It starred Julie Harris and Richard Long, telling the story of a brother and sister who inherit a pickle factory....

 United States 1973
Third Time Lucky 1982
Those Whiting Girls 1955-1957
Three's a Crowd
Three's a Crowd
Three's a Crowd is an American television sitcom spinoff of Three's Company...

 United States 1984-1985
Three's Company
Three's Company
Three's Company is an American sitcom that aired from March 15, 1977, to September 18, 1984, on ABC. It is based on the British sitcom, Man About the House....

 United States 1977-1984
Throb was an American television sitcom broadcast in syndication from 1986 to 1988. It revolved around thirty-something divorcee Sandy Beatty who gets a job at a small New Wave record label, Throb. Beatty's boss is Zach Armstrong , who looks like Michael J. Fox but dresses like Don Johnson...

 United States 1986-1988
'Til Death
'Til Death
’Til Death is an American sitcom which aired on the Fox network from September 7, 2006, to June 20, 2010. The series was created by husband-and-wife team Josh Goldsmith and Cathy Yuspa, who were also the writers and executive-producers...

 United States 2006-2010
Till Death...
Till Death...
Till Death... was an ITV sitcom that aired from 22 May to 3 July 1981.-Series:In 1981, the popular TV sitcom Till Death Us Do Part was picked up by ITV company ATV and brought back for a further six episodes, this time under the title Till Death... as the title Till Death Us Do Part was controlled...

 United Kingdom 1981
Titus (TV series)
Titus is an American dark comedy sitcom that debuted on Fox in 2000. The series was created by its star, Christopher Titus, Jack Kenny, and Brian Hargrove...

 United States 2000-2002
To Rome With Love
To Rome With Love
To Rome With Love is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from September 1969 to September 1971.-Synopsis:To Rome With Love is the story of a widowed college professor, Michael Endicott, who decided to leave his native Iowa following the death of his wife and accept a new position as an instructor...

 United States 1969-1971
Tom Goes to the Mayor
Tom Goes to the Mayor
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.-History:Tom Goes to the...

 United States 2004-2006
Toma Lá, Dá Cá  Brazil 2006-present
Too Close for Comfort
Too Close for Comfort (TV series)
Too Close for Comfort is an American television sitcom which ran on the ABC network and later in first-run syndication from November 11, 1980 to September 27, 1986. It was modeled after the British series Keep It in the Family, which debuted nine months before Too Close for Comfort debuted in the U.S...

 United States 1980-1986
Topper (TV series)
Topper is an American fantasy sitcom based on the 1937 film of the same name. The series was broadcast on CBS from October 9, 1953 to July 15, 1955, and stars Leo G. Carroll in the title role.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1953-1955
Top lista nadrealista
Top lista nadrealista
Top lista nadrealista also known as Nadrealisti was a comedy radio broadcast on Radio Sarajevo during early 1980s and later a sketch comedy and variety show on TV Sarajevo in three separate installments from 1984 until 1991.'Top lista nadrealista' started as a segment on Boro Kontić's programme...

 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1984–1991
The Tortellis
The Tortellis
The Tortellis is an American sitcom that aired from January to May 1987 on NBC. A spin-off of the hit series Cheers, The Tortellis stars Dan Hedaya and Jean Kasem....

 United States 1987
Trailer Park Boys
Trailer Park Boys
Trailer Park Boys is a Canadian comedy mockumentary television series created and directed by Mike Clattenburg that focuses on the misadventures of a group of trailer park residents, some of whom are ex-convicts, living in the fictional Sunnyvale Trailer Park in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The...

 Canada 2001-2008
Treis Harites, Oi  Greece 1990-1992
Tripper's Day
Tripper's Day
Tripper's Day is a British television sitcom produced by Thames Television for ITV. The plot involved Leonard Rossiter as Norman Tripper, a Northern manager assigned to a London supermarket with a problematic staff...

 United Kingdom 1984
The Trouble with Tracy
The Trouble with Tracy
The Trouble with Tracy was a Canadian television series produced by CTV for the 1970–1971 television season, with intended distribution by the U.S.-based National General Pictures. It is considered by some to be one of the worst situation comedies ever produced.The show was produced as a daily...

 Canada 1970-1971
Trdoglavci  Slovenia 2011-present
Tripping the Rift
Tripping the Rift
Tripping the Rift is a CGI science fiction comedy television series. It is based on two short animations published on the Internet by Chris Moeller and Chuck Austen. The series was produced by CineGroupe in association with the Sci Fi Channel...

 Canada 2004-present
True Colors
True Colors (TV series)
True Colors is an American sitcom that aired on Fox from September 2, 1990 to April 12, 1992 for a total of 45 episodes. The series was created by Michael J...

 United States 1990
True Jackson, VP
True Jackson, VP
True Jackson, VP is an American television sitcom that aired on Nickelodeon from November 8, 2008 to August 20, 2011. The series starred Keke Palmer, Ashley Argota, Matt Shively, Danielle Bisutti, Greg Proops, Robbie Amell and Ron Butler. The theme song was written by Toby Gad and Keke Palmer and...

 United States 2008-present
Turnabout 1979
TV dober dan
TV dober dan
TV dober dan was a popular Slovenian television series. Its filming begain in august 1999 and was first aired in october that year. There were more than 80 episodes recorded...

 Slovenia 1999-2002
Twenty Good Years
Twenty Good Years
Twenty Good Years was an NBC situation comedy starring Jeffrey Tambor, John Lithgow, Heather Burns and Jake Sandvig that ran from October 11, 2006 until November 1, 2006. The series had also been slated to air on CTV in Canada...

 United States 2006
Twins (TV series)
Twins is an American situation comedy series that first aired on The WB in the United States and on CTV in Canada in September 2005. The series is produced by KoMut Entertainment in association with Warner Bros. Television...

 United States 2005-2006
Two and a Half Men
Two and a Half Men
Two and a Half Men is an American television sitcom that premiered on CBS on September 22, 2003. Starring Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer, and Angus T. Jones, the show was originally about a hedonistic jingle writer, Charlie Harper; his uptight brother, Alan; and Alan's growing son, Jake...

 United States 2003-present
Two Guys and a Girl
Two Guys and a Girl
Two Guys and a Girl is an American sitcom created by Kenny Schwartz and Danny Jacobson. It ran on ABC from March 10, 1998 to May 16, 2001. 81 episodes were transmitted over four seasons....

(Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place)
 United States 1998-2001
Two of a Kind  United States 1998-1999
Two In Clover
Two In Clover
Two in Clover is a British sitcom that ran for two series from 1969 to 1970. It starred Sid James and Victor Spinetti and was written by Vince Powell and Harry Driver, and produced and directed by Alan Tarrant...

 United Kingdom 1969-1970
Tyler Perry's House of Payne
Tyler Perry's House of Payne
Tyler Perry's House of Payne is an American comedy-drama television series created and produced by playwright, director, and producer Tyler Perry. The show revolves around a multi-generational family living under one roof in Atlanta, Georgia led by patriarch Curtis Payne and his wife Ella...

 United States 2007-present
Meet the Browns
Meet the Browns (TV series)
Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns is an American sitcom created and produced by playwright, director, and producer Tyler Perry. The show revolves around a senior family living under one roof in Decatur, Georgia led by patriarch Mr. Brown and his daughter Cora Simmons. The show premiered on Wednesday,...

 United States 2009-present
True Love Next Door  Thailand 2009-2010


Title Country Years
The Ugliest Girl in Town
The Ugliest Girl in Town
The Ugliest Girl in Town was a short-lived American sitcom produced by Screen Gems for ABC. It ran from September 26, 1968 to January 30, 1969....

 United States 1968-1969
Unfabulous is an American children's television series that aired on Nickelodeon The series is about an "unfabulous" junior high school student, played by Emma Roberts...

 United States 2004-2007
Unhappily Ever After
Unhappily Ever After
Unhappily Ever After is an American sitcom that aired for 100 episodes on The WB network from January 11, 1995, to May 23, 1999, for a total of four and a half seasons...

 United States 1995-1999
Unhitched is an American television comedy that aired as a mid-season replacement on Fox from March 2, 2008 to March 30, 2008. The series was originally scheduled to premiere at 9:30 pm ET, but aired 30 minutes later due to the runover of Nascar. The show is created by Kevin Barnett, Mike Bernier...

 United States 2008-2008


Title Country Years
Valentine's Day  United States 1964-1965
The Van Dyke Show
The Van Dyke Show
The Van Dyke Show is a short-lived 1988 U.S. situation comedy, starring Dick Van Dyke. It was cancelled after one season due to low ratings, possibly due to competition from the Top 20 hits Growing Pains on ABC and the first half of Unsolved Mysteries on NBC.The series marked the first time...

 United States 1988
Veronica's Closet
Veronica's Closet
Veronica's Closet is a sitcom which aired on NBC from September 25, 1997, to June 27, 2000.The show starred Kirstie Alley as Veronica “Ronnie” Chase, the head of her own lingerie company.- Season one :...

 United States 1997-2000
The Vicar of Dibley
The Vicar of Dibley
The Vicar of Dibley is a British sitcom created by Richard Curtis and written for its lead actress, Dawn French, by Curtis and Paul Mayhew-Archer, with contributions from Kit Hesketh-Harvey. It aired from 1994 to 2007...

 United Kingdom 1994, 1998-1999, 2004
Victorious is an American sitcom created by Dan Schneider for Nickelodeon. The series revolves around aspiring singer Tori Vega , a teenager who attends a performing arts high school called Hollywood Arts High School, after taking her older sister Trina's place in a showcase while getting into...

 United States 2010-present
Viva Valdez 1976
Virtues of Harmony
Virtues of Harmony
Virtues of Harmony is a long-running sitcom from Hong Kong, lasting 322 episodes with two direct seasons. Produced by Tsui Yu On, the sitcom was a TVB production and aired five days a week from September 17, 2001 to December 28, 2002...

 Hong Kong 2001-2002
Virtues of Harmony II
Virtues of Harmony II
The Virtues of Harmony II is a long-running TVB television series, which follows its first series, Virtues of Harmony, a series set in Ancient China.This new, second series of the Virtues of Harmony is set in Modern Hong Kong.-Show statistics:...

 Hong Kong 2003-2005
Viza za buducnost
Viza za buducnost
Viza za budućnost is the first ever Bosnian sitcom.- External links :*...

 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2000-2008
Vivement lundi 1988


Title Country Years
Waiting for God
Waiting for God (TV series)
Waiting for God was a British sitcom that ran on BBC1 for five series from 1990 to 1994. It starred Stephanie Cole and Graham Crowden as two spirited residents of a retirement home who spend their time running rings around the home's oppressive management and their own families. It was written by...

 United Kingdom 1990-1994
War of the Genders
War of the Genders
War of the Genders is a Hong Kong sitcom which aired on TVB Jade from 21 February to 7 July 2000. The series was produced by Television Broadcasts Limited with Tsui Chong-hong serving as the executive producer...

 Hong Kong 2000
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home was an animated sitcom produced by Hanna-Barbera that aired in first-run syndication in the United States from 1972 to 1974...

 United States 1972-1974
Wanda at Large
Wanda at Large
Wanda at Large is an American sitcom that ran for two seasons on the Fox network in 2003. The series was created by and stars comedian Wanda Sykes.-Synopsis:...

 United States 2003
The War at Home
The War at Home (TV series)
The War at Home is an American sitcom that ran from September 11, 2005 to April 22, 2007 on Fox. It follows the antics of a largely dysfunctional Long Island family...

 United States 2005-2007
Watching Ellie
Watching Ellie
Watching Ellie is an American sitcom that starred Julia Louis-Dreyfus and was created by her husband, Brad Hall. It aired on NBC from February 2002 to May 2003, though only sixteen episodes were broadcast before it was canceled due to low ratings....

 United States 2002-2003
The Waverly Wonders
The Waverly Wonders
The Waverly Wonders was a short-lived TV sitcom, starring retired pro football star Joe Namath, that lasted less than a month on NBC in 1978....

 United States 1978
The Wayans Bros.
The Wayans Bros.
The Wayans Bros. is a situation comedy that aired from 1995 to 1999 on The WB. The series starred real-life brothers Shawn Wayans and Marlon Wayans. Both brothers were already well-known from the sketch comedy show In Living Color...

 United States 1995-1999
We Got It Made
We Got it Made
We Got It Made is an American sitcom that aired on NBC during the 1983-1984 season, and in syndication .-1983 NBC version:The show focuses on Mickey Mackenzie , a stunningly beautiful woman in her early 20s who applies for a housekeeping job in Manhattan...

 United States 1983-1988
We'll Get By
We'll Get By
We'll Get By is a short-lived American television sitcom that aired on the CBS network. The series was created by Alan Alda and ran for twelve episodes from March 14, 1975 to May 30, 1975.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1975
We've Got Each Other 1977
Webster (TV series)
Webster is an American situation comedy that premiered on ABC on September 16, 1983, and ran on that network until September 11, 1987, but continued in first-run syndication until 1989...

 United States 1983-1987
Weeds (TV series)
Weeds is an American television comedy created by Jenji Kohan and produced by Tilted Productions in association with Lionsgate Television. The central character is Nancy Botwin , a widowed mother of two boys who begins selling marijuana to support her family after her husband dies suddenly of a...

 United States 2005-present
Welcome Back, Kotter
Welcome Back, Kotter
Welcome Back, Kotter was an American television sitcom starring Gabe Kaplan and featuring a young John Travolta.It originally aired on the ABC network from September 9, 1975 to June 8, 1979.-Premise:...

 United States 1975-1979
Welcome to the House
Welcome to the House
Welcome to the House is a TVB modern sitcom series broadcast from April 2006 to March 2007.The series surrounded the day-to-day lives of the Ko family.In one episodes Sharon Chan lost her limited edition All Star Converse, she give it to a ladies for her high heel.Once the filming was over she...

 Hong Kong 2006-2007
Wendy and Me
Wendy and Me
Wendy and Me is an American sitcom that aired on ABC during the 1964–1965 television season, primarily sponsored by Consolidated Cigar's "El Producto"...

 United States 1964-1965
What a Dummy
What a Dummy
What a Dummy is a syndicated television sitcom that lasted for one season in 1990. The premise of the show was that the Brannigan family of Secaucus, New Jersey was getting advice from a talking, thinking ventriloquist’s dummy named Buzz , who had been locked in a trunk for fifty years before being...

 United States 1990
What I Like About You
What I Like About You (TV series)
What I Like About You is an American television sitcom set mainly in New York City, following the lives of two sisters, Valerie Tyler and Holly Tyler . The series ran on The WB Television Network from September 20, 2002, to March 24, 2006, with a total of 86 episodes produced...

 United States 2002-2006
What's Happening Now!!
What's Happening Now!!
What's Happening Now!! is an American television sitcom spinoff of What's Happening!!. It ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988. Like the previous series, What's Happening Now!! is loosely based on the motion picture Cooley High...

 United States 1985-1988
What's Happening!!
What's Happening!!
What's Happening!! is an American television sitcom that aired on ABC from August 5, 1976 to April 28, 1979. The show premiered as a summer series. With good ratings and reviews, and after the failure of several other shows on the network, What's Happening!! returned in November 1976 as a weekly...

 United States 1976-1979
Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?
Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?
Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? is a 1970s British sitcom broadcast between 9 January 1973 and 9 April 1974 on BBC1. It is the colour sequel to the mid-1960s hit The Likely Lads. It was created and written, as was its predecessor, by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais...

 United Kingdom 1973
When Things Were Rotten
When Things Were Rotten
When Things Were Rotten was an American situation comedy television series created in 1975 by Mel Brooks and aired for half a season by ABC....

 United States 1975
Whoopi is an American situation comedy, starring Whoopi Goldberg. The series revolved around the events and people at her hotel, the Lamont Hotel, in New York City...

 United States 2003-2004
Who's the Boss?
Who's the Boss?
Who's the Boss? is an American sitcom created by Martin Cohan and Blake Hunter, which aired on ABC from September 20, 1984 to April 25, 1992...

 United States 1984-1992
Who's Watching the Kids
Who's Watching the Kids
Who's Watching the Kids is a 1978 sitcom on NBC starring Caren Kaye, Lynda Goodfriend, Scott Baio and Tammy Lauren. It was produced by Garry Marshall, who was partly responsible for ratings domination over at rival ABC at the time with his string of hits...

 United States 1978
Will & Grace
Will & Grace
Will & Grace was an American television sitcom that was originally broadcast on NBC from September 21, 1998 to May 18, 2006 for a total of eight seasons. Will & Grace remains the most successful television series with gay principal characters...

 United States 1998-2006
Willing and Abel
Willing and Abel
Willing and Abel is an Australian television comedy series which was made in 1987, about two handymen.The main cast were Grant Dodwell as "Charles Willing", Shane Withington as "Abel Moore", and Rebecca Rigg as "Angela Reddy"....

 Australia 1987
Window on Main Street
Window on Main Street
Window on Main Street is an American comedy-drama series starring Robert Young, which aired on CBS during the 1961-1962 season. The series was created by Roswell Rogers and produced by series star Robert Young.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1961-1962
Wings  United States 1990-1997
Wizards of Waverly Place
Wizards of Waverly Place
Wizards of Waverly Place is a Disney Channel Original Series that premiered on October 12, 2007. It won "Outstanding Children's Program" at the 61st Primetime Emmy Awards in 2009...

 United States 2007-present
WKRP in Cincinnati
WKRP in Cincinnati
WKRP in Cincinnati is an American situation comedy that featured the misadventures of the staff of a struggling fictional radio station in Cincinnati, Ohio. The show was created by Hugh Wilson and was based upon his experiences working in advertising sales at Top 40 radio station WQXI in Atlanta...

 United States 1978-1982
Women of the House
Women of the House
Women of the House is an American situation comedy television series. It is a spin-off of Designing Women and stars Delta Burke, who had reconciled with producers after a bitter, highly publicized, off-screen battle.- Premise :...

 United States 1995
Working (TV series)
Working was an American situation comedy that aired on NBC from 1997 to 1999. The series was created and executive produced by Michael Davidoff and Bill Rosenthal.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1997-1999
Working It Out
Working It Out
Working It Out is an American situation comedy broadcast by NBC as part of its 1990 fall lineup. The series was created and executive produced by Bill Persky.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1990
Working Stiffs
Working Stiffs (TV series)
Working Stiffs is a short-lived 1979 television series which starred James Belushi and Michael Keaton as brothers Ernie and Mike O'Rourke. The pair were janitors who aspired to work their way up in the field of business. The brothers worked in an office building owned by their Uncle Harry...

 United States 1979
World of Pub
World of Pub
World of Pub is a radio and television sitcom, set in a pub in the East End of London, written by Tony Roche and produced by Jane Berthoud....

The Worst Week of My Life
The Worst Week of My Life
The Worst Week of My Life is a British comedy television series, first broadcast on BBC One between March and April 2004. A second series was aired between November and December 2005 and a three-part Christmas special, The Worst Christmas of My Life was shown during December 2006...

Worst Week
Worst Week
Worst Week is an American TV series which originally aired on CBS from September 22, 2008 to June 6, 2009. The series was based on the British sitcom The Worst Week of My Life...

 United States 2008-2009
Wyatt's Watchdogs
Wyatt's Watchdogs
Wyatt's Watchdogs was a 30 minute BBC1 situation comedy that starred Brian Wilde and Trevor Bannister. Created and written by Miles Tredinnick, the six episode series was transmitted in the autumn of 1988...

 United Kingdom 1988


Title Country Years
A Year at the Top
A Year at the Top
A Year at the Top is an American sitcom which aired for five episodes on CBS in 1977. Produced by T.A.T. Communications Company, the series was created by Heywood Kling and co-executive produced by Don Kirshner and Norman Lear.-Synopsis:...

 United States 1977
Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi
Yeh jo hai zindagi
Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi was a popular comedy sitcom on Indian television, aired for the first time in 1984. It was written by comedy writer Sharad Joshi and directed by S. S...

 India 1986
Yes, Dear
Yes, Dear
Yes, Dear is a television sitcom that aired from October 2, 2000, to February 15, 2006, on CBS. It starred Anthony Clark, Jean Louisa Kelly, Mike O'Malley and Liza Snyder....

 United States 2000-2006
Yes Minister
Yes Minister
Yes Minister is a satirical British sitcom written by Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn that was first transmitted by BBC Television between 1980–1982 and 1984, split over three seven-episode series. The sequel, Yes, Prime Minister, ran from 1986 to 1988. In total there were 38 episodes—of which all but...

 United Kingdom 1980-1984
Yes, Prime Minister  United Kingdom 1986-1988
You Again?
You Again?
You Again? is an American situation comedy that was broadcast by NBC from February 27, 1986 to March 30, 1987 for two seasons.-Plot:You Again? stars Jack Klugman as Henry Willows, a man still embittered from his divorce ten years earlier, who had made no effort to see his son Matt during that time...

 United States 1986-1987
You Take the Kids
You Take the Kids
You Take the Kids is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from December 1990 to January 1991. The series stars Nell Carter who also performed the theme song "Nobody's Got It Easy".-Synopsis:...

 United States 1990-1991
The Young Ones
The Young Ones (TV series)
The Young Ones is a British sitcom, first broadcast in 1982, which ran for two series on BBC2. Its anarchic, offbeat humour helped bring alternative comedy to television in the 1980s and made household names of its writers and performers...

 United Kingdom 1982-1984


Title Country Years
Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane
Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane
Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane is an American teen sitcom starring Selma Blair, David Moscow, Michael Rosenbaum, and Azura Skye that premiered in 1999 on The WB network...

 United States 1999-2000
Zoey 101
Zoey 101
Zoey 101 is an American television series that ran from January 9, 2005 to May 2, 2008 starring Jamie Lynn Spears as teenager Zoey Brooks, produced for Nickelodeon and syndicated worldwide. The show was initially filmed at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, then at stages in Valencia,...

 United States 2005-2008
Zorro and Son  United States 1983
Zeke and Luther
Zeke and Luther
Zeke and Luther is an American Disney XD sitcom about two best friends setting their sights on becoming the world's greatest skateboarders. The show stars Hutch Dano, Adam Hicks, Daniel Curtis Lee and Ryan Newman ....

 United States 2009-present
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