List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest in County Durham
This is a list of the Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in County Durham
County Durham
County Durham is a ceremonial county and unitary district in north east England. The county town is Durham. The largest settlement in the ceremonial county is the town of Darlington...

, England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

. It excludes SSSIs situated in that area south of the River Tyne
River Tyne
The River Tyne is a river in North East England in Great Britain. It is formed by the confluence of two rivers: the North Tyne and the South Tyne. These two rivers converge at Warden Rock near Hexham in Northumberland at a place dubbed 'The Meeting of the Waters'.The North Tyne rises on the...

 that is now part of the metropolitan county
Metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties of England
Metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties are one of the four levels of subdivisions of England used for the purposes of local government outside Greater London. As originally constituted, the metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties each consisted of multiple districts, had a county council and...

 of Tyne and Wear
Tyne and Wear
Tyne and Wear is a metropolitan county in north east England around the mouths of the Rivers Tyne and Wear. It came into existence as a metropolitan county in 1974 after the passage of the Local Government Act 1972...

 as well as the area north of the River Tees
River Tees
The River Tees is in Northern England. It rises on the eastern slope of Cross Fell in the North Pennines, and flows eastwards for 85 miles to reach the North Sea between Hartlepool and Redcar.-Geography:...

 which, prior to 1996, formed part of the county of Cleveland.

As of July 2010, County Durham has 88 sites that have been designated as SSSIs, of which 67 have been designated for their biological interest, 16 for their geological interest, and 5 for both.

Five of these sites are shared with an adjacent county:
  • Moorhouse and Cross Fell
    Moorhouse and Cross Fell
    Moorhouse and Cross Fell is a Site of Special Scientific Interest covering an extensive area of moorland in the Wear Valley district of west County Durham and the Eden district of Cumbria, England. It is contiguous with Upper Teesdale SSSI to the east and Appleby Fells SSSI to the south...

     with Cumbria
    Cumbria , is a non-metropolitan county in North West England. The county and Cumbria County Council, its local authority, came into existence in 1974 after the passage of the Local Government Act 1972. Cumbria's largest settlement and county town is Carlisle. It consists of six districts, and in...

  • Derwent Gorge and Horsleyhope Ravine
    Derwent Gorge and Horsleyhope Ravine
    Derwent Gorge and Horsleyhope Ravine is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Derwentside district of north County Durham and the Tynedale district of south Northumberland, England...

    , Hexhamshire Moors
    Hexhamshire Moors
    Hexhamshire Moors is a Site of Special Scientific Interest covering an extensive area of moorland in the Wear Valley district of north-west County Durham and the Tynedale district of south-west Northumberland, England....

     and Muggleswick, Stanhope and Edmundbyers Commons and Blanchland Moor
    Muggleswick, Stanhope and Edmundbyers Commons and Blanchland Moor
    Muggleswick, Stanhope and Edmundbyers Commons and Blanchland Moor is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in County Durham and Northumberland, England...

     with Northumberland
    Northumberland is the northernmost ceremonial county and a unitary district in North East England. For Eurostat purposes Northumberland is a NUTS 3 region and is one of three boroughs or unitary districts that comprise the "Northumberland and Tyne and Wear" NUTS 2 region...

  • Durham Coast with both Cleveland (in the south) and Tyne and Wear (in the north).

Designation of SSSIs

Sites of Special Scientific Interest are areas that have been selected for special protection because of their floral
Flora is the plant life occurring in a particular region or time, generally the naturally occurring or indigenous—native plant life. The corresponding term for animals is fauna.-Etymology:...

, faunal
Fauna or faunæ is all of the animal life of any particular region or time. The corresponding term for plants is flora.Zoologists and paleontologists use fauna to refer to a typical collection of animals found in a specific time or place, e.g. the "Sonoran Desert fauna" or the "Burgess shale fauna"...

 or geological
Geology is the science comprising the study of solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which it evolves. Geology gives insight into the history of the Earth, as it provides the primary evidence for plate tectonics, the evolutionary history of life, and past climates...

 significance. The concept was first given a statutory basis in the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949
National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949
The National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which created the National Parks Commission which later became the Countryside Commission and then the Countryside Agency, which became Natural England when it merged with English Nature in...

, the relevant provisions of which were repeated in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 is an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom and was implemented to comply with the Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds...

. Under the 1949 Act, responsibility for selecting and notifying SSSIs in England was delegated to the newly-created Nature Conservancy
Nature Conservancy (UK)
The Nature Conservancy was a British government agency established by Royal Charter in 1949.The Nature Conservancy was superseded by the Nature Conservancy Council in 1973....

, which was replaced in 1973 by the Nature Conservancy Council
Nature Conservancy Council
The Nature Conservancy Council was a United Kingdom government agency responsible for designating and managing National Nature Reserves and other nature conservation areas in Great Britain between 1973 and 1991 ....

 (NCC). In 1991, the NCC was split up, its responsibilities in England being passed to English Nature
English Nature
English Nature was the United Kingdom government agency that promoted the conservation of wildlife, geology and wild places throughout England between 1990 and 2006...

 which, in turn, was amalgamated into a new body, Natural England
Natural England
Natural England is the non-departmental public body of the UK government responsible for ensuring that England's natural environment, including its land, flora and fauna, freshwater and marine environments, geology and soils, are protected and improved...

, in 2006.

The process for establishing an SSSI is as follows:
  • When a site has been identified, Natural England
    Natural England
    Natural England is the non-departmental public body of the UK government responsible for ensuring that England's natural environment, including its land, flora and fauna, freshwater and marine environments, geology and soils, are protected and improved...

     notifies the landowner, the occupier (if different) and the local planning authority (plus relevant government departments and agencies);
  • Owners and occupiers are given time to lodge objections or make representations concerning the restrictions imposed on an SSSI;
  • The Board of Natural England considers these responses and decides whether to confirm or withdraw the SSSI notification.

The initial notification of a site is accompanied by a citation sheet, which outlines the reasons for the notification: the data in the following list is summarised from these individual citation sheets.

Reasons for notification as SSSI

Of the 88 SSSIs designated in County Durham, 67 have been designated for their biological interest, 16 for their geological interest, and five for both biological and geological interest.


While many of the SSSIs designated for biological reasons cover a variety of habitats, most have been designated primarily for one (or more) of a small number of reasons, as detailed in the individual citation sheets:
  • Habitats
  • Moorland
    Moorland or moor is a type of habitat, in the temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome, found in upland areas, characterised by low-growing vegetation on acidic soils and heavy fog...

     (upland heath
    -Habitats:* Heath or heathland, low-growing woody vegetation, mostly consisting of heathers and related species* Heaths in the British National Vegetation Classification system...

     and bog
    A bog, quagmire or mire is a wetland that accumulates acidic peat, a deposit of dead plant material—often mosses or, in Arctic climates, lichens....

    s) - Bollihope, Pikestone, Eggleston and Woodland Fells, Bowes Moor, Cotherstone Moor, Hexhamshire Moors, Lune Forest, Moorhouse and Cross Fell, Muggleswick, Stanhope and Edmundbyers Commons and Blanchland Moor, Upper Teesdale
  • Lowland heath - Green Croft and Langley Moor, Hesledon Moor West, Waldridge Fell
  • Wetland
    A wetland is an area of land whose soil is saturated with water either permanently or seasonally. Wetlands are categorised by their characteristic vegetation, which is adapted to these unique soil conditions....

    s (carr
    Carr (topography)
    A carr is a type of waterlogged, wooded terrain that, typically, represents a succession stage between the original reedy swamp and the eventual formation of forest in a sub-maritime climate....

    , fen
    A fen is a type of wetland fed by mineral-rich surface water or groundwater. Fens are characterised by their water chemistry, which is neutral or alkaline, with relatively high dissolved mineral levels but few other plant nutrients...

    , etc) - Burnhope Burn, Butterby Oxbow, Causey Bank Mires, Frog Wood Bog, Hell Kettles, Hesledon Moor East, Hesledon Moor West, Hisehope Burn Valley, Hulam Fen, Middleton Quarry, Pike Whin Bog, Pow Hill Bog, Railway Stell West, Redcar Field, The Carrs, Waldridge Fell, Witton-le-Wear
  • Semi-natural woodland
    Ecologically, a woodland is a low-density forest forming open habitats with plenty of sunlight and limited shade. Woodlands may support an understory of shrubs and herbaceous plants including grasses. Woodland may form a transition to shrubland under drier conditions or during early stages of...

     - Backstone Bank and Baal Hill Woods, Baldersdale Woodlands, Brignall Banks, Castle Eden Dene, Derwent Gorge and Horsleyhope Ravine, Hawthorn Dene, Hisehope Burn Valley, Hunder Beck Juniper, Shipley and Great Woods, Slit Woods, Westernhope Burn Wood
  • Magnesian limestone grassland
    Grasslands are areas where the vegetation is dominated by grasses and other herbaceous plants . However, sedge and rush families can also be found. Grasslands occur naturally on all continents except Antarctica...

     - Bishop Middleham Quarry, Cassop Vale, Charity Land, Dabble Bank, Durham Coast, Fishburn Grassland, Hawthorn Dene, Hesledon Moor East, Pig Hill, Pittington Hill, Quarrington Hill Grasslands, Raisby Hill Grassland, Sherburn Hill, The Bottoms, Thrislington Plantation, Town Kelloe Bank, Trimdon Limestone Quarry, Tuthill Quarry, Wingate Quarry
  • Hay meadows - Bowlees and Friar House Meadows, Cornriggs Meadows, Far High House Meadows, Grains o' th' Beck Meadows, Hannah's Meadows, Low Redford Meadows, Mere Beck Meadows, Middle Crossthwaite, Middle Side and Stonygill Meadows, Newton Ketton Meadow, Rigg Farm and Stake Hill Meadows, West Newlandside Meadows, West Park Meadows
  • Open water - Brasside Pond, The Carrs, Witton-le-Wear
  • Fauna
  • Breeding birds - Bollihope, Pikestone, Eggleston and Woodland Fells, Bowes Moor, Cotherstone Moor, Durham Coast, Hexhamshire Moors, Lune Forest, Moorhouse and Cross Fell, Muggleswick, Stanhope and Edmundbyers Commons and Blanchland Moor, Teesdale Allotments, Upper Teesdale
  • Invertebrates - Bishop Middleham Quarry, Cassop Vale, Durham Coast, Green Croft and Langley Moor, Hexhamshire Moors, Middleton Quarry, Moorhouse and Cross Fell, Pig Hill, Quarrington Hill Grasslands, Raisby Hill Grassland, Sherburn Hill, Thrislington Plantation, Town Kelloe Bank, Upper Teesdale, Waldridge Fell


The surface geology of County Durham is largely confined to rocks dating from the Carboniferous
The Carboniferous is a geologic period and system that extends from the end of the Devonian Period, about 359.2 ± 2.5 Mya , to the beginning of the Permian Period, about 299.0 ± 0.8 Mya . The name is derived from the Latin word for coal, carbo. Carboniferous means "coal-bearing"...

 and Permian
The PermianThe term "Permian" was introduced into geology in 1841 by Sir Sir R. I. Murchison, president of the Geological Society of London, who identified typical strata in extensive Russian explorations undertaken with Edouard de Verneuil; Murchison asserted in 1841 that he named his "Permian...

 periods. In the west of the county, outcrops of Dinantian
Dinantian is the name of a series or epoch from the Lower Carboniferous system in Europe. It can stand for a series of rocks in Europe or the time span in which they were deposited....

Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate . Many limestones are composed from skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral or foraminifera....

s are found in the river valleys, while the upland areas are underlain by the younger Namurian
The Namurian is a stage in the regional stratigraphy of northwest Europe with an age between roughly 326 and 313 Ma . It is a subdivision of the Carboniferous system or period and the regional Silesian series. The Namurian is named for the Belgian city and province of Namur where strata of this age...

 Millstone Grit
Millstone Grit
Millstone Grit is the name given to any of a number of coarse-grained sandstones of Carboniferous age which occur in the Northern England. The name derives from its use in earlier times as a source of millstones for use principally in watermills...

 Series. To the east, these rocks dip beneath the Westphalian
Westphalian (stage)
The Westphalian is a stage in the regional stratigraphy of northwest Europe with an age between roughly 313 and 304 Ma . It is a subdivision of the Carboniferous system or period and the regional Silesian series. The Westphalian is named for the region of Westphalia in western Germany where strata...

 Coal Measures
Coal Measures
The Coal Measures is a lithostratigraphical term for the coal-bearing part of the Upper Carboniferous System. It represents the remains of fluvio-deltaic sediment, and consists mainly of clastic rocks interstratified with the beds of coal...

, which underlay a broad swathe in the centre of the county. Further east, the Coal Measures are overlain by Permian Magnesian Limestone
Magnesian Limestone
The Magnesian Limestone is a suite of rocks in north-east England dating from the Permian period. The outcrop stretches from Nottingham northwards through Yorkshire and into County Durham where it is exposed along the coast between Hartlepool and South Shields...

, which forms a low plateau across the eastern part of the county. Igneous
Igneous rock
Igneous rock is one of the three main rock types, the others being sedimentary and metamorphic rock. Igneous rock is formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava...

An intrusion is liquid rock that forms under Earth's surface. Magma from under the surface is slowly pushed up from deep within the earth into any cracks or spaces it can find, sometimes pushing existing country rock out of the way, a process that can take millions of years. As the rock slowly...

s are a prominent feature of the geology and gave rise to extensive mining for lead
Lead is a main-group element in the carbon group with the symbol Pb and atomic number 82. Lead is a soft, malleable poor metal. It is also counted as one of the heavy metals. Metallic lead has a bluish-white color after being freshly cut, but it soon tarnishes to a dull grayish color when exposed...

 and other minerals, especially in the upper Weardale
Weardale is a dale, or valley, of the east side of the Pennines in County Durham, in England. Large parts of Weardale fall within the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - the second largest AONB in England and Wales. The upper valley is surrounded by high fells and heather grouse...

 area in the west of the county.

Although each SSSI designated for geological reasons has its own distinctive features, they fall into a small number of broad categories, as indicated in the individual citation sheets:
  • Stratigraphy
    Stratigraphy, a branch of geology, studies rock layers and layering . It is primarily used in the study of sedimentary and layered volcanic rocks....

  • Sedimentary  - Botany Hill, Crag Gill, Crime Rigg, Durham Coast, Hawthorn Quarry, Raisby Hill Quarry, Rogerley Quarry, Sleightholme Beck Gorge - The Troughs, Stony Cut, Cold Hesledon, Trimdon Limestone Quarry, Yoden Village Quarry
  • Igneous - Greenfoot Quarry, Moorhouse and Cross Fell, Upper Teesdale, West Rigg Open Cutting
  • Mineralogy
    Mineralogy is the study of chemistry, crystal structure, and physical properties of minerals. Specific studies within mineralogy include the processes of mineral origin and formation, classification of minerals, their geographical distribution, as well as their utilization.-History:Early writing...

     - Close House Mine, Foster's Hush, Moorhouse and Cross Fell, Old Moss Lead Vein, Upper Teesdale, West Rigg Open Cutting
  • Palaeontology - Middridge Quarry
  • Quaternary
    The Quaternary Period is the most recent of the three periods of the Cenozoic Era in the geologic time scale of the ICS. It follows the Neogene Period, spanning 2.588 ± 0.005 million years ago to the present...

     events - Durham Coast, Upper Teesdale
  • Geomorphology
    Geomorphology is the scientific study of landforms and the processes that shape them...

  • Cave
    A cave or cavern is a natural underground space large enough for a human to enter. The term applies to natural cavities some part of which is in total darkness. The word cave also includes smaller spaces like rock shelters, sea caves, and grottos.Speleology is the science of exploration and study...

     development - Fairy Holes Cave, God's Bridge, Moorhouse and Cross Fell
  • Coastal - Durham Coast
  • Periglacial
    Periglacial is an adjective originally referring to places in the edges of glacial areas, but it has later been widely used in geomorphology to describe any place where geomorphic processes related to freezing of water occur...

     - Moorhouse and Cross Fell
  • Fluvial
    Fluvial is used in geography and Earth science to refer to the processes associated with rivers and streams and the deposits and landforms created by them...

     - Moorhouse and Cross Fell

Area covered

From its inception, English Nature classified sites using the 1974-1996 county system. As Natural England uses the same system, it is also adopted in the following list. As a result, some sites that lie within the ceremonial county of Durham and might therefore be expected to be listed here will be found instead in either the Cleveland or the Tyne and Wear lists.

For other counties, see List of SSSIs by Area of Search.


Site name Reason for designation Area Grid reference Year in which notified Map
Biological interest Geological interest Hectares Acres
Backstone Bank and Baal Hill Woods
Backstone Bank and Baal Hill Woods
Backstone Bank and Baal Hill Woods is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of County Durham, England. It occupies the steep eastern slopes of the valley of Waskerley Beck, alongside and downstream of Tunstall Reservoir, some 3 km north of Wolsingham and is one of...

46.5 114.9 1987,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Baldersdale Woodlands
Baldersdale Woodlands
Baldersdale Woodlands is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of south-west County Durham, England. It consists primarily of ancient, semi-natural woodland growing on steep valley slopes, including scree, on both banks of the River Balder over a stretch of some 3 km,...

19.6 48.4 1991,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Bishop Middleham Quarry
Bishop Middleham Quarry
Bishop Middleham Quarry is a disused quarry, about 4 km north-west of Sedgefield, County Durham, England. Quarry-working here ceased in 1934, and the site has since been colonised by vegetation...

8.6 21.3 1968,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Bollihope, Pikestone, Eggleston and Woodland Fells
Bollihope, Pikestone, Eggleston and Woodland Fells
Bollihope, Pikestone, Eggleston and Woodland Fells is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of west County Durham, England...

7,949.2 19,643.2 1996,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Botany Hill
Botany Hill
Botany Hill, formerly known as Botany Quarry, is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of south-west County Durham, England...

3.8 9.3 1984,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Bowes Moor
Bowes Moor
Bowes Moor is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district in south-west County Durham, England. It is an extensive area of moorland, most of it covered by blanket bog, which supports significant breeding populations of a number of wading birds.The Pennine Way National Trail...

4,457.7 11,014.9 1989,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Bowlees and Friar House Meadows
Bowlees and Friar House Meadows
Bowlees and Friar House Meadows is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of west County Durham, England. It consists of three traditionally-managed hay meadows in the valley of the River Tees immediately upstream of Low Force waterfall.The site is important as preserving a...

5.6 13.9
Brasside Pond
Brasside Pond
Brasside Pond is a Site of Special Scientific Interest just north of the city of Durham, England. The site occupies an area of former clay pits sandwiched between the River Wear to the south and Frankland Prison to the north and is split into two parts by a disused railway line.North of the...

25.1 62.0 1966,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Brignall Banks
Brignall Banks
Brignall Banks is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of south-west County Durham, England. It consists of a narrow belt of woodland on the steep slopes of the valleys of the River Greta and its tributary, Gill Beck, just west of the village of Brignall and about...

85.0 210.0 1987,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Burnhope Burn
Burnhope Burn
Burnhope Burn is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of north County Durham, England. It consists of an area of woodland, carr, fen and mire in the valley of Burnhope Burn, just below the Derwent Reservoir dam, about 1.4 km north-east of the village of...

5.1 12.6 1987,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Butterby Oxbow
Butterby Oxbow
Butterby Oxbow is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Durham City district of County Durham, England. It consists of a former meander of the River Wear which was isolated from the main river in 1811 when, to reduce flooding in the area, a new channel was constructed across the neck of the...

7.3 18.0 1957,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Cassop Vale
Cassop Vale
Cassop Vale is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Durham City district of County Durham, England. It lies between the villages of Bowburn and Cassop, 7 km south-east of the centre of Durham.....

40.9 101.0 1958,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Castle Eden Dene
Castle Eden Dene
Castle Eden Dene is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and National Nature Reserve in the Easington district of County Durham, England. It is located immediately south of Peterlee, between the A19 and A1086 roads....

193.0 476.8 1984,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Causey Bank Mires
Causey Bank Mires
Causey Bank Mires is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Derwentside district of County Durham, England. It lies alongside and to the west of the Tanfield Railway, just under 1 km north of the Causey Arch....

6.8 16.8 1987,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Charity Land
Charity Land
Charity Land is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Sedgefield district of County Durham, England. It covers an area on both banks of the River Skerne, just to the north-east of the village of Trimdon....

5.8 14.4 1999,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Close House Mine
Close House Mine
Close House Mine is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of west County Durham, England. It is a working opencast mine located in Arngill Beck on the north-east flank of Close House Crags, in the Lunedale Forest...

3.4 8.3 1995,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Cornriggs Meadows
Cornriggs Meadows
Cornriggs Meadows is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in Upper Weardale in north-west County Durham, England. It consists of a group of fields, located in the Wear valley, 1 km north-west of the village of Cowshill...

15.2 37.5 1989,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Cotherstone Moor
Cotherstone Moor
Cotherstone Moor is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district in south-west County Durham, England. It is an extensive area of moorland which extends almost the entire length of Baldersdale, from the confluence of the River Balder with the Tees at Cotherstone...

2,449.5 6,050.1 1955,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Crag Gill
Crag Gill
Crag Gill is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district in south-west County Durham, England. It lies about 3 km east of the village of Eggleston, just off the B6282 road, which separates it from the Bollihope, Pikestone, Eggleston and Woodland Fells SSSI to the north.Crag...

2.3 5.7 1984,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Crime Rigg and Sherburn Hill Quarries
Crime Rigg and Sherburn Hill Quarries
Crime Rigg and Sherburn Hill Quarries is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in County Durham, England. It lies about 1 km east of the village of Sherburn Hill and about 7 km east of the city of Durham....

23.2 57.4 1968,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL


Site name Reason for designation Area Grid reference Year in which notified Map
Biological interest Geological interest Hectares Acres
Dabble Bank
Dabble Bank
Dabble Bank is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district of County Durham, England. It lies about 1 km west of the village of Haswell and about 9 km east of the city of Durham....

4.1 10.2 2002,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Derwent Gorge and Horsleyhope Ravine
Derwent Gorge and Horsleyhope Ravine
Derwent Gorge and Horsleyhope Ravine is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Derwentside district of north County Durham and the Tynedale district of south Northumberland, England...


Durham Coast  765.4 1,891.4 1960,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Fairy Holes Cave
Fairy Holes Cave
Fairy Holes Cave is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of west County Durham, England. It is located on the western flanks of Snowhope Moor, on the right bank of Westernhope Burn, some 3 km south-west of the village of Eastgate.The cave is the longest known...

208.8 515.9 1961,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Far High House Meadows
Far High House Meadows
Far High House Meadows is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in Upper Weardale in west County Durham, England. It consists of three fields, located just south of Burnhope Reservoir, some 3 km west of the village of Ireshopeburn...

5.5 13.6 1990,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Fishburn Grassland
Fishburn Grassland
Fishburn Grassland is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Sedgefield district of County Durham, England. It lies between the villages of Fishburn and Trimdon, just north of the former....

1.1 2.8 1992,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Foster's Hush
Foster's Hush
Foster's Hush is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of west County Durham, England. It is located in the valley of Lune Head Beck, immediately south of the B6276 road, 6 km upstream of the Selset Reservoir dam....

1.3 3.2,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Frog Wood Bog
Frog Wood Bog
Frog Wood Bog is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of County Durham, England. It lies alongside Bedburn Beck, approximately 3.5 km west of the village of Bedburn....

3.2 7.9 1989,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
God's Bridge
God's Bridge
God's Bridge is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of south-west County Durham, England. It is a natural limestone bridge over the River Greta, just over 3 km upstream from the village of Bowes....

9.3 22.9 1986,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Grains o' th' Beck Meadows
Grains o' th' Beck Meadows
Grains o' th' Beck Meadows is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of south-west County Durham, England. It consists of three traditionally-managed hay meadows in Upper Lunedale, on the north bank of the River Lune, a little under 6 km upstream of the Selset Reservoir...

12.3 30.4 1989,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Green Croft and Langley Moor
Green Croft and Langley Moor
Green Croft and Langley Moor is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Derwentside district in north County Durham, England. It consists of three separate areas, two to the south of Annfield Plain and one just west of Quaking Houses, between the towns of Consett, to the west, and Stanley, to...


Greenfoot Quarry
Greenfoot Quarry
Greenfoot Quarry is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of west County Durham, England. It is a disused quarry, situated in the Wear valley, 1 km upstream from the village of Stanhope....

0.9 2.2 1984,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Hannah's Meadows
Hannah's Meadows
Hannah's Meadows is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of south-west County Durham, England. It consists of three fields, located at Low Birk Hatt Farm, on the north side of Blackton Reservoir, in Baldersdale, some 7 km west of the village of Cotherstone...

7.1 17.5,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Hawthorn Dene
Hawthorn Dene
Hawthorn Dene is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district of County Durham, England. The site occupies the incised valley of Hawthorn Burn and extends from just south of the village of Hawthorn eastward as far as the Durham Coast railway line: the area between the railway...

64.1 158.4 1968,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Hawthorn Quarry
Hawthorn Quarry
Hawthorn Quarry is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district of west County Durham, England. It is a disused quarry, which is situated just north of the eastern end of Hawthorn Dene SSSI....

9.8 24.2 1990,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Hell Kettles
Hell Kettles
Hell Kettles is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Darlington district of County Durham, England. It was designated for its biological interest as the only site in County Durham where there is a body of water fed by springs.-Location:...

3.4 8.4 1976,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Hesledon Moor East
Hesledon Moor East
Hesledon Moor East is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district in east County Durham, England. It is located on the southern edge of the village of Murton, 10 km south of Sunderland and a little under 2 km north-east of Hesledon Moor West SSSI.The site consists of...

6.0 14.8 1998,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Hesledon Moor West
Hesledon Moor West
Hesledon Moor West is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district in east County Durham, England. It is located 1 km east of the village of South Hetton, some 12 km south of Sunderland and a little under 2 km south-west of Hesledon Moor East SSSI.Within this small...

7.4 18.2 1984,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Hexhamshire Moors
Hexhamshire Moors
Hexhamshire Moors is a Site of Special Scientific Interest covering an extensive area of moorland in the Wear Valley district of north-west County Durham and the Tynedale district of south-west Northumberland, England....

9,433.9 23,311.7 1998,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Hisehope Burn Valley
Hisehope Burn Valley
Hisehope Burn Valley is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Derwentside district of Durham, England. It consists of two separate parcels of land, one on the west bank of Hisehope Burn, the other a few hundred yards to the east, straddling the headwaters of another small burn...

14.9 36.9
Hulam Fen
Hulam Fen
Hulam Fen is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district of east County Durham, England, just south of the village of Hesleden, about 8 km north-west of Hartlepool....

0.2 0.5 1986,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Hunder Beck Juniper
Hunder Beck Juniper
Hunder Beck Juniper is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of south-west County Durham, England. It lies between the Balderhead and Blackton Reservoirs and adjoins the Cotherstone Moor SSSI to the south....

3.5 8.5 1994,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL


Site name Reason for designation Area Grid reference Year in which notified Map
Biological interest Geological interest Hectares Acres
Kilmond Scar
Kilmond Scar
Kilmond Scar is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of south-west County Durham, England. It lies just south of the A66 road, about 3 km east of the village of Bowes....

4.5 11.1 1963,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Low Redford Meadows
Low Redford Meadows
Low Redford Meadows is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of County Durham, England. It consists of two separate areas of meadows, situated in the floodplain and on the valley slopes of Bedburn Beck, 2 km upstream from the village of Bedburn...

9.3 22.9
Lune Forest
Lune Forest
Lune Forest is a Site of Special Scientific Interest covering an extensive area of moorland in the Teesdale district of west Durham, England. In the north, where it adjoins the Upper Teesdale and Appleby Fells SSSIs, it extends from Mickle Fell eastward almost as far as Harter Fell, above the...

6,333.4 15,650.3 1998,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Mere Beck Meadows
Mere Beck Meadows
Mere Beck Meadows, formerly known as Willoughby Hall Meadows, is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of County Durham, England...

6.6 16.3 1989,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Middle Crossthwaite
Middle Crossthwaite
Middle Crossthwaite is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of County Durham, England. It is situated on the south bank of the River Tees, about 1.5 km upstream from the village of Middleton-in-Teesdale...

24.1 59.5 1991,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Middle Side and Stonygill Meadows
Middle Side and Stonygill Meadows
Middle Side and Stonygill Meadows is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of County Durham, England. It consists of two separate areas, one to the north of the River Tees, the other on the south bank, about 2 km upstream from the village of Middleton-in-Teesdale...

17.3 42.7
Middleton Quarry
Middleton Quarry
Middleton Quarry is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of west County Durham, England. It is a disused quarry, from which Whin Sill stone was formerly excavated...

6.0 14.8 1964,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Middridge Quarry
Middridge Quarry
Middridge Quarry is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Sedgefield district of County Durham, England. It is a disused quarry, situated alongside the railway line between Newton Aycliffe and Shildon, 1 km south of the village of Middridge....

1.9 4.7 1979,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Moorhouse and Cross Fell
Moorhouse and Cross Fell
Moorhouse and Cross Fell is a Site of Special Scientific Interest covering an extensive area of moorland in the Wear Valley district of west County Durham and the Eden district of Cumbria, England. It is contiguous with Upper Teesdale SSSI to the east and Appleby Fells SSSI to the south...

13,707.0 33,870.0 1951 / 1963,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Muggleswick, Stanhope and Edmundbyers Commons and Blanchland Moor
Muggleswick, Stanhope and Edmundbyers Commons and Blanchland Moor
Muggleswick, Stanhope and Edmundbyers Commons and Blanchland Moor is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in County Durham and Northumberland, England...

9,118.1 22,531.4
Neasham Fen
Neasham Fen
Neasham Fen is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Darlington district of County Durham, England. It lies on the floodplain of the River Tees, 5.2 km south-east of Darlington.Neasham Fen is a small in-filled kettle hole...

2.5 6.1 1992,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Newton Ketton Meadow
Newton Ketton Meadow
Newton Ketton Meadow is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Darlington district of Durham, England. It is situated alongside a small tributary of the River Skerne, about 2 km south-west of the village of Great Stainton and 3 km east of the village of Brafferton.The site is one of...

1.8 4.5 1989,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Old Moss Lead Vein
Old Moss Lead Vein
Old Moss Lead Vein, also known as Killhope Head, is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of County Durham, England...

0.6 1.5 1961,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Park End Wood
Park End Wood
Park End Wood is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of west County Durham, England. The site occupies a low hill of Whin Sill on the southern edge of the River Tees floodplain just over 2 km upstream from the village of Middleton-in-Teesdale...

10.3 25.5 1964,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Pig Hill
Pig Hill
Pig Hill is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district of north-east County Durham, England, situated 1 km south of the village of Easington Lane....

12.6 31.2
Pike Whin Bog
Pike Whin Bog
Pike Whin Bog is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district of east County Durham, England. It is situated just east of Hurworth Burn Reservoir, about 8 km west of Hartlepool....

1.3 3.1 1984,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Pittington Hill
Pittington Hill
Pittington Hill is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in County Durham, England. It lies adjacent to the village of Pittington, some 6 km north-east of Durham city. A disused quarry occupies part of the site....

6.4 15.8 1987,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Pow Hill Bog
Pow Hill Bog
Pow Hill Bog is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of County Durham, England. It lies alongside Derwent Reservoir, approximately 2 km north-west of the village of Edmundbyers and adjacent to the Edmundbyers Common portion of the Muggleswick, Stanhope and...

6.7 16.6 1986,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Quarrington Hill Grasslands
Quarrington Hill Grasslands
Quarrington Hill Grasslands is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in County Durham, England. The site consists of three separate areas, two closely adjacent to the east of the village of Quarrington Hill, the third immediately west of the village, which lies 8 km south-east of Durham...

4.5 11.1



Site name Reason for designation Area Grid reference Year in which notified Map
Biological interest Geological interest Hectares Acres
Railway Stell West
Railway Stell West
Railway Stell West is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Sedgefield district of County Durham, England. The site consists of a length of ditch alongside the East Coast Main Line railway, 3 km east of the town of Newton Aycliffe....

4.6 11.4 1986,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Raisby Hill Grassland
Raisby Hill Grassland
Raisby Hill Grassland is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in east County Durham, England. It lies just over 1 km east of the village of Coxhoe....

15.1 37.4 1984,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Raisby Hill Quarry
Raisby Hill Quarry
Raisby Hill Quarry is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in east County Durham, England. It lies just under 2 km east of the village of Coxhoe....

52.4 129.5 1957,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Redcar Field
Redcar Field
Redcar Field is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Darlington district of County Durham, England. It is situated just north of Darlington, about 1 km south of the village of Coatham Mundeville....

0.7 1.6 1985,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Rigg Farm and Stake Hill Meadows
Rigg Farm and Stake Hill Meadows
Rigg Farm and Stake Hill Meadows is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of County Durham, England. It is situated in Lunedale, on the north side of Grassholme Reservoir, close to the hamlet of Thringarth....

14.7 36.3 1989,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Rogerley Quarry
Rogerley Quarry
Rogerley Quarry is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of west County Durham, England. It lies on the edge of the valley of the River Wear, alongside the A689 road, about 1 km upriver from the village of Frosterley....

5.6 13.8 1984,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Sherburn Hill
Sherburn Hill (SSSI)
Sherburn Hill is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in County Durham, England. It lies just south of the road between the villages of Sherburn and Sherburn Hill, some 5.5 km east of Durham city...

16.7 41.2 1985,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Shipley and Great Woods
Shipley and Great Woods
Shipley and Great Woods is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of south-west County Durham, England. It occupies a steep ravine in the valley of the River Tees, just north of the village of Cotherstone...

63.4 156.5 1975,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Sleightholme Beck Gorge - The Troughs
Sleightholme Beck Gorge - The Troughs
Sleightholme Beck Gorge - The Troughs is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of south-west County Durham, England. The site covers a gorge in the valley of Sleightholme Beck between the hamlet of Sleightholme and the confluence with the River Greta, some 3 km upriver...

7.5 18.5 1976,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Slit Woods
Slit Woods
Slit Woods is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of County Durham, England. It occupies the valley of Middlehope Burn, a tributary of the River Wear, which it joins at Westgate, just south of the site....

14.1 34.8 1976,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Stony Cut, Cold Hesledon
Stony Cut, Cold Hesledon
Stony Cut, Cold Hesledon is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district of north-east County Durham, England. It consists of a shallow cutting alongside Seaham Golf Course close to the village of Cold Hesledon....

0.8 2.1 1996,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Teesdale Allotments
Teesdale Allotments
Teesdale Allotments is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of County Durham, England. It consists of two large upland areas north of the Tees valley, one to the north and east of the village of Newbiggin, the other to the north-east of Middleton-in-Teesdale.The area,...

1,308.3 3,231.6 1994,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
The Bottoms
The Bottoms (SSSI)
The Bottoms is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in County Durham, England. It lies just south of the A181 road, roughly midway between the villages of Cassop and Wheatley Hill, some 10 km south-east of Durham city....

2.2 5.2 1999,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
The Carrs
The Carrs
The Carrs is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Sedgefield district of County Durham, England. It is situated on the eastern outskirts of Ferryhill, between the town and the East Coast Main Line railway....

12.9 31.9 1988,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Thrislington Plantation
Thrislington Plantation
Thrislington Plantation is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a National Nature Reserve in the Sedgefield district of County Durham, England. It is situated about 1 km east of Ferryhill, between the East Coast Main Line railway and the A1 road....

22.7 56.1 1962,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Town Kelloe Bank
Town Kelloe Bank
Town Kelloe Bank is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in County Durham, England. It is situated to the south of The Bottoms SSSI and just north of the village of Town Kelloe....

6.0 15.0 1976,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Trimdon Limestone Quarry
Trimdon Limestone Quarry
Trimdon Limestone Quarry is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Sedgefield district of County Durham, England. It lies about 1 km west of the village of Trimdon Grange and about 5 km east of the village of Coxhoe....

0.8 2.0 1992,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Tuthill Quarry
Tuthill Quarry
Tuthill Quarry is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district of north-east County Durham, England. It lies just over 1 km east of the village of Haswell....

10.7 26.5 1994,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Upper Teesdale
Upper Teesdale
Upper Teesdale is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of west County Durham, England. It encompasses an extensive upland area that includes the headwaters of the River Tees and the surrounding catchment area upstream of the village of Langdon Beck.The site has a diverse...

14,035.6 34,681.9 1951,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL


Site name Reason for designation Area Grid reference Year in which notified Map
Biological interest Geological interest Hectares Acres
Waldridge Fell
Waldridge Fell
Waldridge Fell is a Site of Special Scientific Interest located immediately south-west of Chester-le-Street in the northern part of County Durham, England. It is one of the largest areas of lowland heath in County Durham and contains the only lowland valley-mire in the county...

113.5 280.4 1965,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
West Newlandside Meadows
West Newlandside Meadows
West Newlandside Meadows is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of County Durham, England. It lies 3 km south-west of the village of Stanhope....

12.5 30.8 1990,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
West Park Meadows
West Park Meadows
West Park Meadows is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Teesdale district of County Durham, England. It is situated in Lunedale, just north of Grassholme Reservoir, about 2.5 km upstream from the village of Mickleton....

6.7 16.6 1989,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
West Rigg Open Cutting
West Rigg Open Cutting
West Rigg Open Cutting is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of west County Durham, England. It is a disused ironstone quarry, located just over 1 km north of the village of Westgate, in Weardale....

4.8 11.9 1989,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Westernhope Burn Wood
Westernhope Burn Wood
Westernhope Burn Wood is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Wear Valley district of south-west County Durham, England. It occupies the steeply-incised ravine of the Westernhope Burn, a tributary of the River Wear, which it joins from the south about halfway between the villages of...

11.8 29.1 1976,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Wingate Quarry
Wingate Quarry
Wingate Quarry is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district of east County Durham, England. It is a disused quarry located just south of the village of Wheatley Hill....

23.4 57.7 1984,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Witton-le-Wear (SSSI)
Witton-le-Wear is a Site of Special Scientific Interest located in the valley of the River Wear, immediately east of the village of Witton-le-Wear in County Durham, England....

36.2 89.4 1966,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
Yoden Village Quarry
Yoden Village Quarry
Yoden Village Quarry is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Easington district of east County Durham, England. It is a disused quarry located in the Horden district of Peterlee, adjacent to the site of the medieval village of Yoden....

0.4 1.0 1988,sssi,HYPERLINK,LABEL
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