Kong: The Animated Series
Kong: The Animated Series is an American television series for children that follows King Kong
King Kong
King Kong is a fictional character, a giant movie monster resembling a gorilla, that has appeared in several movies since 1933. These include the groundbreaking 1933 movie, the film remakes of 1976 and 2005, as well as various sequels of the first two films...

, the antagonist of the 1933 film of the same name
King Kong (1933 film)
King Kong is a Pre-Code 1933 fantasy monster adventure film co-directed by Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, and written by Ruth Rose and James Ashmore Creelman after a story by Cooper and Edgar Wallace. The film tells of a gigantic island-dwelling apeman creature called Kong who dies in...

. Kong was created to compete with Godzilla: The Series
Godzilla: The Series
Godzilla: The Series is an American/Japanese animated television series which originally aired on Fox in the United States. The show premiered on September 12, 1998, and is a direct sequel to the American Godzilla remake.-Plot:...

, and first aired on BKN
Bohbot Kids Network was a syndicated animation block created and distributed by Bohbot Entertainment, an animation production company founded by Allen J...

 in 2000
2000 in television
The year 2000 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 2000.For the American TV schedule, see: 2000-01 United States network television schedule.-Event:-Debuts:-1940s:...

. In May 2001
2001 in television
The year 2001 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 2001.-Events:-Debuts:-1940s:*Meet the Press .*Candid Camera .*CBS Evening News ....

, Fox Kids
Fox Kids
Fox Kids was the Fox Broadcasting Company's American children's programming division and brand name from September 8, 1990 until September 7, 2002. It was owned by Fox Television Entertainment airing programming on Monday–Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings.Depending on the show, the...

 began airing reruns of the first 13 episodes. Then, Jetix
Jetix was a worldwide children's television programming brand owned by The Walt Disney Company. The Jetix brand was used for blocks and channels featuring action-related and adventure-related live-action and animated programming. It was also what Disney eventually turned Fox Kids into...

 began airing reruns on September 9, 2005
2005 in television
The year 2005 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 2005.For the American TV schedule, see: 2005–06 United States network television schedule.-Events:-Debuts:-Miniseries:...

 as a prelude to the release of Peter Jackson
Peter Jackson
Sir Peter Robert Jackson, KNZM is a New Zealand film director, producer, actor, and screenwriter, known for his The Lord of the Rings film trilogy , adapted from the novel by J. R. R...

's King Kong
King Kong (2005 film)
King Kong is a 2005 fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson. It is a remake of the 1933 film of the same name and stars Naomi Watts, Jack Black and Adrien Brody. Andy Serkis, through performance capture, portrays Kong....

. Additionally, two direct-to-DVD
A DVD is an optical disc storage media format, invented and developed by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995. DVDs offer higher storage capacity than Compact Discs while having the same dimensions....

 movies based on the series were released: Kong: King of Atlantis in 2005 and Kong: Return to the Jungle in 2007.

"The Return"

Kong: The Animated Series is set after the events of the 1933 movie, many years later as evidenced by the presence of computers and other technological advancements, though it is never explicitly stated. In the opening two-part episode “The Return”, a brilliant female scientist named Dr. Lorna Jenkins takes DNA samples from Kong’s body and creates a clone of him. Dr. Jenkins is able to do this through researching genetic manipulation
Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the direct human manipulation of an organism's genome using modern DNA technology. It involves the introduction of foreign DNA or synthetic genes into the organism of interest...

, with the implied aid of a collection of ancient, powerful artifacts called the Primal Stones (which are part of the same island home the original Kong came from). While still in his infancy, this new Kong is befriended by Dr. Jenkin’s young grandson, Jason.

However, Dr. Jenkins’ research falls under the attention of an ambitious man named Ramon De la Porta, an archeologist driven by greed and lack of morals, as well as the need to make himself a success in the scientific world. De La Porta and his men (disguised in a stealth costume) try to force Dr. Jenkins to share her discoveries with him, but when she refuses he later tries to sneak into her lab and steal them. However, he is discovered by Dr. Jenkins, resulting in a struggle during which De la Porta is splashed with a chemical that dissolves his right hand. He flees Dr. Jenkins’ lab, while a fire burns it to the ground.

Dr. Jenkins and Kong both escape the blaze, but in order to keep Kong safe, she spirits the young ape back to his former home on Kong Island
Kong Island
Kong Island is a 1968 exploitation film directed by Roberto Mauri. The film was promoted in the U.S as King of Kong Island.-Plot:...

, where she sequesters herself for nearly 20 years while she continues to raise and protect Kong, and continues her research on the Primal Stones. She does keep in touch with her grandson Jason, who she swears to secrecy about her location.

20 years later, Jason Jenkins is attending a seminar at college with his school mate and best friend, Eric “Tann” Tanenbaum, which is being taught by a professor (who is actually De la Porta) who has befriended Jason to some degree. He convinces Jason to take him to see his grandmother, who along with Tann (who provides the aircraft transport) travels with Jason to Kong Island.

Upon arrival on Kong Island, Jason, Tann and De la Porta are confronted by a native girl named Lua, who is the local Shaman and protector of the island. She takes the others and De La Porta to a hidden cavern, where Dr. Jenkins has been continuing her research. It is there that De La Porta is outed by Dr. Jenkins, but not before De la Porta manages to get control of the quartet, after revealing that his right hand is a cybernetic replacement for his original that was dissolved.

He takes one of Dr. Jenkins’ newest inventions, called the Cyberlink, a headset that allows for access to the Internet, two-way communication and an additional effect of being able to merge the wearer with another creature on a genetic level resulting in the formation of a massive, hybrid creature. When Jason uses the Cyberlink to merge with Kong, it is revealed that when Kong gets angrier he grows in both size and power, becoming "Mega-Kong", although the more obvious benefit of the merge is that Kong acquires Jason's knowledge of hand-to-hand combat for use against his adversaries. It also works in reverse, allowing Jason to merge Kong into himself to transport the massive ape more easily, although the strength of will of the two sides means that the merges can be difficult as the two sometimes struggle for control.

De La Porta tries to make Dr. Jenkins reveal the location of the Primal Stones, but Kong, now grown to a massive size, intervenes and sends De la Porta scrambling for his life. Jason is forced to use the Cyberlink to stop De La Porta, but the evil scientist escapes, with the promise to return one day to take his revenge and capture the Primal Stones for himself.

The series continues

The series follows the further adventures of Jason and Kong, who are aided by Tann, Dr. Jenkins and Lua in their battles against De la Porta and his henchmen Omar, Frazetti, Giggles, and Tiger Lucy. Through the course of the series, Jason learns that the Primal Stones that De la Porta stole are part of a mystical seal that holds an ancient evil being named Chiros "The Destroyer", who is trapped underneath a temple near a massive volcano on Kong Island. The original Kong was tasked with keeping the balance of the Primal Stones, so the Chiros would never rise to threaten the world. Chiros has an ally in the sub-human
Untermensch is a term that became infamous when the Nazi racial ideology used it to describe "inferior people", especially "the masses from the East," that is Jews, Gypsies, Poles along with other Slavic people like the Russians, Serbs, Belarussians and Ukrainians...

 creature named Harpy, who strives against Kong to upset the balance and free Chiros. He also has a powerful demon named Ominous as one of his minions, who battles Kong.

All the while, Jason, Kong and their friends deal with other larger-than-life threats to the world, and travel the globe to save humanity, a feat made easy thanks to the Cyberlink’s ability to reverse-merge Kong into Jason’s body, allowing him to carry Kong anywhere they may need him and keep him contained until he is required, although the process can be uncomfortable due to the strong wills of both parties resulting in the occasional conflict for control.

Besides the threat of De la Porta, Jason, Kong, Tann, and Lua have some encounters with a firearms dealer named Andre. On other occasions, movie director
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

 Howling Jack Crocket tries to prove to the world that Kong still exists.

The relationships between Jason, Tann, Kong and Lua are the foundation for their success against their foes. Jason treats Kong as a larger brother, signified by him calling Kong "bro", and he and Tann have been best friends for years. Lua, as the island Shaman has befriended Kong as part of her training and her duty to keep the island safe. Both Jason and Lua have some vested feelings for each other, hinting at a possible romance between them.

In what is chronologically the final episode (but isn't shown or listed as the final, as the last few episodes are mixed up), Kong, merged with Jason, throws Ominous into quicksand. De La Porta and Harpy use the Primal Stones to free Chiros, but De La Porta's life force is sucked out of him as part of the ritual. Harpy is defeated by Tann and killed when Lua uses the Primal Stones to strike her with lightning. Lua opens up a portal, and Kong defeats Chiros and throws him in, sealing him back inside the rock. Kong destroys the rock, and De La Porta's life force returns to him, though it has been broken by the ritual, leaving him permanently incapacitated.

Main characters

  • Kong: He is the genetically engineered clone of the original King Kong, created by Lorna Jenkins by using the DNA of the deceased original Kong and from her grandson's DNA. Because of that he has a younger brother relationship with Jason. He is known as The Protector, using his strength and the primal stones to protect the world from the demon Chrios. Through the use of the Cyber-Link he can combine with Jason and when angry can grow to twice his size. Both have strong wills so Kong can only stay in Jason, or vice versa, for a short period of time before causing each other harm. He has heightened instincts, able to tell if something is wrong or if someone is not who they say they are, however because he cannot speak the others assume he is overreacting.

  • Jason Jenkins (voiced by Kirby Morrow
    Kirby Morrow
    Kirby Morrow is a Canadian actor. He currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia.- Filmography :2011 Mortal Kombat: Legacy King Jerrod– Kitana & Mileena: Part 1 … King Jerrod...

    ): The orphaned grandson of Dr. Lorna Jenkins and "older brother" to Kong. With his DNA, Lorna was able to clone Kong after the original died from falling from the sky scraper
    A skyscraper is a tall, continuously habitable building of many stories, often designed for office and commercial use. There is no official definition or height above which a building may be classified as a skyscraper...

    . He is an Archeologist major in college and best friend to fellow classmate Tann. He is also a high level martial artist
    Martial arts
    Martial arts are extensive systems of codified practices and traditions of combat, practiced for a variety of reasons, including self-defense, competition, physical health and fitness, as well as mental and spiritual development....

    . After being tricked by Da La Porta and losing the Primal Stones Jason, along with Tann, Lua and Kong searches for them all over the world while thwarting De La Porta's attempts of activating them for evil purposes. It is obvious Jason has feelings for Lua. In the final episode, Lua and Jason confess their feelings for each other and nearly kiss, but Kong splashes them before they can. Jason occasionally merges with something other than Kong. In "Hidden Fears" Jason merges with Soara the Pteranodon
    Pteranodon , from the Late Cretaceous geological period of North America in present day Kansas, Alabama, Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota, was one of the largest pterosaur genera and had a maximum wingspan of over...

     and a Tyrannosaurus
    Tyrannosaurus meaning "tyrant," and sauros meaning "lizard") is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex , commonly abbreviated to T. rex, is a fixture in popular culture. It lived throughout what is now western North America, with a much wider range than other...

     when Kong is incapacitated by a giant spider's venom that was used by Harpy. In "DNA Land" he merges with a Fennec Fox to get into Howling Jack Crockett's DNA Land animal park, and later an eagle
    Eagles are members of the bird family Accipitridae, and belong to several genera which are not necessarily closely related to each other. Most of the more than 60 species occur in Eurasia and Africa. Outside this area, just two species can be found in the United States and Canada, nine more in...

     to get Kong out of there. In "The Renewal" Jason merges with a Pteranodon and then a Triceratops
    Triceratops is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur which lived during the late Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous Period, around 68 to 65 million years ago in what is now North America. It was one of the last dinosaur genera to appear before the great Cretaceous–Paleogene...

     to stop a lava flow while Kong is busy fighting Ominous in a parallel world.

  • Eric “Tann” Tannenbaum IV (voiced by Scott McNeil
    Scott McNeil
    Scott McNeil is a Canadian actor and voice actor. He currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada...

    ): Best friend to Jason and fellow college student. Though he is very muscular he is a kind person who will go out of the way to help his friends. He also takes martial arts and trains with Jason, but is not as good as Jason as he was not accepted to a martial arts tournament. His parents are very wealthy and he always likes to buy new gadgets which often become very useful later on. With the fund his grandfather left him, he is wealthier than his parents. He is an accomplished pilot, always seen flying a plane (or any other vehicle). He has a strong love for pizza, and is often seen eating it with pineapple as a topping. He often states his toes are itchy if he believes something bad is about to happen (albeit it could also be an allergic reaction to pineapple pizzas). In "Framed" he becomes a godfather to his friend's new child.

  • Dr. Lorna Jenkins (voiced by Daphne Goldrick): Jason's grandmother and the one who cloned Kong. She is in the midst of researching the different species on Kong Island as well as the Primal Stones when Da La Porta steals them in the first episode. During the missions she stays back on the island giving information from her research lab in a hidden cave. She is able to help the team with her vast amount of friends in the archeological world to get the information they need. She is seen to be very attractive to her male friends, as they often flirt with her when they chat.

  • Lua (voiced by Saffron Henderson
    Saffron Henderson
    Saffron Henderson is a Canadian voice actress and singer and the daughter of Bill Henderson of Chilliwack fame. She has voiced various characters from anime series...

    ): The shaman of Kong Island, and the last of her kind. She knows many secrets on Kong Island and helps Dr. Jenkins with her research as she knows Dr. Jenkins only wishes to help. She takes her position very seriously even though she is only at the beginning level, keeping the Island secrets from the group and several times risking her life. She has a pet smilodon
    Smilodon , often called a saber-toothed cat or saber-toothed tiger, is an extinct genus of machairodonts. This saber-toothed cat was endemic to North America and South America, living from near the beginning through the very end of the Pleistocene epoch .-Etymology:The nickname "saber-tooth" refers...

     named Chondar. Because she has lived on the island her entire life she is quite naive about the outside world. It is obvious she has feelings for Jason, as she always gets jealous when the mention of a past female friend of his comes up or another woman shows interest in him. In the final episode Lua and Jason confess their feelings for each other and nearly kiss, but Kong splashes them before they can.


  • Ramon De la Porta (voiced by David Kaye
    David Kaye
    David V. Hope , known professionally as David Kaye, is a Canadian American actor who is better recognized for his work as a voice actor...

    ): One of the principle antagonists of the series. He and his men tried to steal scientific secrets from Lorna Jenkins. An encounter with Jason and Kong resulted in him accidentally getting his right hand into a hot chemical when trying to reach for his gun. He and his henchmen escaped and twenty years later, Ramon gets a job at the university which Jason and Tann attend. He is shown wearing gloves with one of them hiding a cybernetic hand to replace the one he lost. When Lorna Jenkins sends an e-mail to her grandson, Ramon hacks into it to make it say that he should be invited as well. Once on Kong Island, Ramon reveals himself to Dr. Jenkins as he steals one of the Cyber-Links and merges with Lua's smilodon, Chon-Dar. Kong fends Ramon off, but he does managed to kidnap Dr. Jenkins in order for her to lead her to the Primal Stones. Kong gives chase, and fends him off once again, this time as he merges with a Cave Bear
    Cave Bear
    The cave bear was a species of bear that lived in Europe during the Pleistocene and became extinct at the beginning of the Last Glacial Maximum about 27,500 years ago....

    . When Ramon discovers the temple where the Primal Stones are, he manages to steal them even when defeating Kong while merged with a giant snake. Jason manages to recover two from him. During the series, Ramon uses the Primal Stones for his own purposes in different locations, even modifying the Cyber-Links he stole to merge with anything that resembles an animal or merge with two animals to form a hybrid. In the end, his life force is sucked out by Harpy as part of the ritual to free Chiros. It is returned to him once Chiros is reimprisoned, but his life force is nonetheless broken by the ritual. Ramon has used the Cyber-Link to merge with animals the anging from Chon-Dar, a Cave Bear, a giant snake, a wild boar, a cat and a scorpion
    Scorpions are predatory arthropod animals of the order Scorpiones within the class Arachnida. They have eight legs and are easily recognized by the pair of grasping claws and the narrow, segmented tail, often carried in a characteristic forward curve over the back, ending with a venomous stinger...

     to form a Manticore
    The manticore is a legendary creature similar to the Egyptian sphinx. It has the body of a red lion, a human head with three rows of sharp teeth , and a trumpet-like voice. Other aspects of the creature vary from story to story. It may be horned, winged, or both...

    , a Tyrannosaurus
    Tyrannosaurus meaning "tyrant," and sauros meaning "lizard") is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex , commonly abbreviated to T. rex, is a fixture in popular culture. It lived throughout what is now western North America, with a much wider range than other...

     statue at the La Brea Tar Pits, a jaguar
    The jaguar is a big cat, a feline in the Panthera genus, and is the only Panthera species found in the Americas. The jaguar is the third-largest feline after the tiger and the lion, and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. The jaguar's present range extends from Southern United States and Mexico...

    , an eagle, a cockatoo
    A cockatoo is any of the 21 species belonging to the bird family Cacatuidae. Along with the Psittacidae and the Strigopidae , they make up the parrot order Psittaciformes . Placement of the cockatoos as a separate family is fairly undisputed, although many aspects of the other living lineages of...

    , a spider monkey
    Spider monkey
    Spider monkeys of the genus Ateles are New World monkeys in the subfamily Atelinae, family Atelidae. Like other atelines, they are found in tropical forests of Central and South America, from southern Mexico to Brazil...

     (when De La Porta had a tribal an invisibility gem), a dog, two German Shepherd Dog
    German Shepherd Dog
    The German Shepherd Dog , also known as an Alsatian or just the German Shepherd, is a breed of large-sized dog that originated in Germany. The German Shepherd is a relatively new breed of dog, with its origin dating to 1899. As part of the Herding Group, the German Shepherd is a working dog...

    s to form a two-headed humanoid version of them, and even a strand of Jason's hair to become a clone of Jason.
    • Omar (voiced by Scott McNeil
      Scott McNeil
      Scott McNeil is a Canadian actor and voice actor. He currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada...

      ): He is a tall African American
      African American
      African Americans are citizens or residents of the United States who have at least partial ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub-Saharan Africa and are the direct descendants of enslaved Africans within the boundaries of the present United States...

       and De La Porta's second in command. He is last seen in the second to last episode trapped on the island, and his ultimate fate is never revealed. Throughout the series, Omar uses the Cyber-Link to merge with a lion and an eagle to become a Griffin
      The griffin, griffon, or gryphon is a legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle...

      , a Triceratops
      Triceratops is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur which lived during the late Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous Period, around 68 to 65 million years ago in what is now North America. It was one of the last dinosaur genera to appear before the great Cretaceous–Paleogene...

       statue at the La Brea Tar Pits, a giant anteater
      Giant Anteater
      The Giant Anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla, is the largest species of anteater. It is the only species in the genus Myrmecophaga. It is found in Central and South America from Honduras to northern Argentina...

      , a rat, a dog, a mandrill
      The mandrill is a primate of the Old World monkey family, closely related to the baboons and even more closely to the drill. Both the mandrill and the drill were once classified as baboons in genus Papio, but recent research has determined they should be separated into their own genus, Mandrillus...

      , a coyote
      The coyote , also known as the American jackal or the prairie wolf, is a species of canine found throughout North and Central America, ranging from Panama in the south, north through Mexico, the United States and Canada...

      , and a lizard
      Lizards are a widespread group of squamate reptiles, with nearly 3800 species, ranging across all continents except Antarctica as well as most oceanic island chains...

    • Frazetti (voiced by Kirby Morrow
      Kirby Morrow
      Kirby Morrow is a Canadian actor. He currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia.- Filmography :2011 Mortal Kombat: Legacy King Jerrod– Kitana & Mileena: Part 1 … King Jerrod...

      ): A muscular man with a blonde cow-lick hairstyle who works for De La Porta. He is last seen in the second to last episode. Throughout the series, he has used the Cyber-Link less than the other henchmen as he used it to merge with a hyena
      Hyenas or Hyaenas are the animals of the family Hyaenidae of suborder feliforms of the Carnivora. It is the fourth smallest biological family in the Carnivora , and one of the smallest in the mammalia...

      , a Stegosaurus
      Stegosaurus is a genus of armored stegosaurid dinosaur. They lived during the Late Jurassic period , some 155 to 150 million years ago in what is now western North America. In 2006, a specimen of Stegosaurus was announced from Portugal, showing that they were present in Europe as well...

      , and a quetzal
      Quetzals are strikingly colored birds in the trogon family . They are found in forests and woodlands, especially in humid highlands, with the five species from the genus Pharomachrus being exclusively Neotropical, while the single Euptilotis species is almost entirely restricted to western Mexico...

       and a rattlesnake
      Rattlesnakes are a group of venomous snakes of the genera Crotalus and Sistrurus of the subfamily Crotalinae . There are 32 known species of rattlesnake, with between 65-70 subspecies, all native to the Americas, ranging from southern Alberta and southern British Columbia in Canada to Central...

       to become the show's version of Quetzalcoatl
      Quetzalcoatl is a Mesoamerican deity whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and has the meaning of "feathered serpent". The worship of a feathered serpent deity is first documented in Teotihuacan in the first century BCE or first century CE...

    • Giggles: A large fat man that works for De La Porta. His real name is never revealed but his nickname comes from the fact he often giggles. He is last seen in the second to last episode. Throughout the series, Giggles uses the Cyber-Link to merge with a Komodo dragon
      Komodo dragon
      The Komodo dragon , also known as the Komodo monitor, is a large species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang and Gili Dasami. A member of the monitor lizard family , it is the largest living species of lizard, growing to a maximum length of in rare cases...

      , a crocodile
      A crocodile is any species belonging to the family Crocodylidae . The term can also be used more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia: i.e...

      , an eagle, a tarantula
      Tarantulas comprise a group of often hairy and often very large arachnids belonging to the family Theraphosidae, of which approximately 900 species have been identified. Some members of the same Suborder may also be called "tarantulas" in the common parlance. This article will restrict itself to...

      , a coyote, and a Stegosaurus.
    • Tiger Lucy (voiced by Nicole Oliver
      Nicole Oliver
      -Education:She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from York University, and additional training from the British American Drama Academy in Oxford and London.-Career:...

      ): An art dealer
      Art dealer
      An art dealer is a person or company that buys and sells works of art. Art dealers' professional associations serve to set high standards for accreditation or membership and to support art exhibitions and shows.-Role:...

       that once helped Tann's parents and seemed to grow a crush on Tann. However, she later teams up with De La Porta and is complicit in many of his schemes. She does not care what he wants to do as long as she gets paid. Though she once used the Cyber-Link to become a monstrous cat, she does on one occasion use it to merge with her own cat.
    • Rajeev: A one-time henchman of De La Porta. He and his allies assisted De La Porta in obtaining an ancient parchment from a Himalayan Monastery. I one episode he uses the Cyber-Link that De La Porta gave him to merge with a giant Yeti
      The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is an ape-like cryptid said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal, and Tibet. The names Yeti and Meh-Teh are commonly used by the people indigenous to the region, and are part of their history and mythology...

       that Kong befriended. Kong manages to defeat Rajeec by freeing the Yeti from Rajeev's control.
    • Wu-Chan (voiced by Scott McNeil
      Scott McNeil
      Scott McNeil is a Canadian actor and voice actor. He currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada...

      ): A one-time henchman of De La Porta. He aids De La Porta in kidnapping Jason and Lua in China where Jason was invited to compete in a karate tournament. He and De La Porta force Jason into going into the Tomb of China's First Emperor near the Great Wall of China to retrieve a parchment that will reveal the secrets of the Primal Stone of Life and Death in exchange for Lua's safety. Tann (who uses Jason's Cyber-Link to reverse-merge with Kong) manages to catch up to Jason and help him retrieve the parchment. Once it is retrieved and given to De La Porta, Wu-Chan is ordered to attack as he uses the Cyber-Link that De La Porta gave him to merge with a snake and the dog De La Porta has him to form a Chinese Dragon
      Chinese dragon
      Chinese dragons are legendary creatures in Chinese mythology and folklore, with mythic counterparts among Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Bhutanese, Western and Turkic dragons. In Chinese art, dragons are typically portrayed as long, scaled, serpentine creatures with four legs...

      . Jason merges with Kong and defeats Wu-Chan.

  • Chiros (voiced by Paul Dobson): One of the principal antagonists of the series. He was once a Shaman who sought more power and tried to steal the primal stones, ultimately transformed into an ancient demon who was sealed away by the original Kong and his shaman companion. After De La Porta steals some of the Primal Stones, Chiros is slowly released from his imprisonment. Unable to leave where he is imprisoned, he usually has Harpy handle some jobs he gives her. To combat Kong, Chiros often sends Ominous to fight Kong. In the final episode, he is released and fights Kong, but is eventually defeated when Lua casts a spell and Kong throws him into the portal, reimprisoning him. His stone is then destroyed by Kong.
    • Harpy (voiced by Pauline Newstone
      Pauline Newstone
      Pauline Newstone is a voice actress.- Voice credits :*Beast Wars - Airazor *Dragon Ball Z - Frieza *Class of the Titans - Medusa*Hamtaro - Kaitlin Endo*Inuyasha - Mistress Centipede...

      ): She is Chrios' devoted servant and second in command. She is a female gargoyle and unlike the rest of Chrios's gargoyle army she appears more human and is able to think for herself, though she is completely devoted to Chrios' cause. In the final episode, after being thrown into the spell Lua recites, Harpy is turned to stone.
    • Ominous: Chiros' strongest warrior, who is able to match even Kong in strength.

  • Andre (voiced by Ron Halder
    Ron Halder
    - Biography :He has performed extensively in theatres across Canada from Victoria, BC to St. John's, Newfoundland. He has played key roles as Malcolm Lowry in the Vancouver Playhouse production of Goodnight Disgrace, James Tyrone Jr. in the Neptune Theatre production of Moon for the Misbegotten and...

    ): A firearms dealer. His first encounter with Jason, Tann, Lua, and Kong occurs when Giggles (who merged with a Komodo dragon
    Komodo dragon
    The Komodo dragon , also known as the Komodo monitor, is a large species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang and Gili Dasami. A member of the monitor lizard family , it is the largest living species of lizard, growing to a maximum length of in rare cases...

    ) steals some weapons on behalf of De La Porta. Andre and his henchmen raid De La Porta's hideout and kidnap him and the Komodo dragon. Once at his hideout on an offshore oil platform, Andre interrogates De La Porta about how the Cyber-Link works. De La Porta demonstrates for him by having the Cyber-Link merge Andre with the Komodo dragon. As De La Porta gets away, Kong fights Andre. After Kong defeats Andre, the authorities are contacted and Andre and his men are arrested. In "Blue Star" Andre returns when he and men are poaching Humpback whale
    Humpback Whale
    The humpback whale is a species of baleen whale. One of the larger rorqual species, adults range in length from and weigh approximately . The humpback has a distinctive body shape, with unusually long pectoral fins and a knobbly head. It is an acrobatic animal, often breaching and slapping the...

    s in the frozen parts of Greenland. When his men are stopped by Kong, he learns of this and pursues them to a lost city hidden in the ice. He manages to steal Jason's Cyber-Link and return through an underwater passage where he uses Jason's Cyber-Link to merge with a Polar bear
    Polar Bear
    The polar bear is a bear native largely within the Arctic Circle encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. It is the world's largest land carnivore and also the largest bear, together with the omnivorous Kodiak Bear, which is approximately the same size...

     (which his henchmen had captured for Andre's attack). Kong manages to defeat the Andre, but he and his henchmen get away. In "Interview with a Monkey" Howling Jack Crockett interviews Andre in prison about his encounter with Kong. It is revealed at some point that he sold Crockett a laser that is seen in "DNA Land", which Crockett tries to disavow to the public.

Other media

Two video games
Computer and video games
A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. The word video in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device, but following popularization of the term "video game", it now implies any type of...

 were released based on the series, both on the Nintendo
is a multinational corporation located in Kyoto, Japan. Founded on September 23, 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, it produced handmade hanafuda cards. By 1963, the company had tried several small niche businesses, such as a cab company and a love hotel....

 Gameboy Advance. The first, called simply Kong: The Animated Series, was released by Planet Interactive in 2002. The second was released by Majesco Games  in 2005, and was based on the direct-to-video
Direct-to-video is a term used to describe a film that has been released to the public on home video formats without being released in film theaters or broadcast on television...

 film Kong: King of Atlantis.

External links

  • Kong: The Animated Series at Internet Movie Database
    Internet Movie Database
    Internet Movie Database is an online database of information related to movies, television shows, actors, production crew personnel, video games and fictional characters featured in visual entertainment media. It is one of the most popular online entertainment destinations, with over 100 million...

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.