Karachi Yacht Club
The Karachi Yacht Club is a yacht club
Yacht club
A yacht club is a sports club specifically related to sailing and yachting.-Description:Yacht Clubs are mostly located by the sea, although there are some that have been established at a lake or riverside locations...

 in Karachi
Karachi is the largest city, main seaport and the main financial centre of Pakistan, as well as the capital of the province of Sindh. The city has an estimated population of 13 to 15 million, while the total metropolitan area has a population of over 18 million...

, Sindh
Sindh historically referred to as Ba'ab-ul-Islam , is one of the four provinces of Pakistan and historically is home to the Sindhi people. It is also locally known as the "Mehran". Though Muslims form the largest religious group in Sindh, a good number of Christians, Zoroastrians and Hindus can...

, Pakistan
Pakistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a sovereign state in South Asia. It has a coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast. In the north, Tajikistan...

. It was founded in 1911 and was originally known as the Karachi Sailing Club. The main founder of the club was the late Mr. Punnett of the Customs Service, the club’s first Commodore. The Club's premises were originally situated at Manora.


Although no Club existed until 1911, there was sailing going on as a sport for many years in Karachi prior to that date. The Karachi Boat Club records the sailing of small boats in the creeks in 1885 but the sport was never developed by that club.

In 1909, there were three Tomtits MEG, ELISE and PIXIE and seven Cutters. The owners and others keen on sailing organized sailing picnics on Saturdays up the creeks and to the Oyster Rocks
Clifton Oyster Rocks
The Clifton Oyster Rocks are a series of islets located off the coast of the Clifton neighbourhood of Karachi, Pakistan. The islands were under the control of the Pakistani Navy until 2006, when the Karachi city government decided to include the island as part of its plans to renovate the city. As...

 but no racing took place. Later the idea of racing met with very little support. Due to the efforts of Major Willis of Gunners (late General E. H. Willis, Governor of Jersey
Lieutenant Governor of Jersey
The Lieutenant Governor of Jersey is the representative of the British monarch in the Bailiwick of Jersey, a Crown dependency of the British Crown....

), opposition was overcome and he presented a Cup to be raced for by the cutters. This Cup is still in the Club.

With the addition of four Tomtits, NOISETTE, BERYL, NYMPH and MAGRO racing started regularly in 1910, weekly on Thursdays. In the
absence of Club House-members, on race days were taken to their boats in a launch from the Native Jetty, tea being served during the trip. Starting arrangements for races were made from a barge moored off Manora.

In 1911, two Tomtits from the Karachi Sailing Club visited Bombay. They were MEG owned by Lieut. Trench, R.E., and NOISETTE owned by the
officers of the R.A.F., Karachi. In the same year the Viceroy visited Karachi to open the Hardinge Bridge
Hardinge Bridge
Hardinge Bridge is a steel railway bridge over the river Padma located in western Bangladesh. It is named after Lord Hardinge, who was the Viceroy of India from 1910 to 1916. The bridge is 1.8 kilometers long.-Construction:...

 and a regatta was held in the harbor whilst he was touring it with the Port Trustees.

Karachi Yacht Club came into existence in 1912 on a stretch of land owned by the Indo-European Telegraph Company whose pier the Club used and whose cable ship “the Patrick Stewart” was moored close by. The Club building was enlarged in 1925 and quarters for Tindals were provided in 1930.

In 1927 the Viceroy, Lord Irwin, visited the Club and took part in a race.

In order to produce a class of boat smaller than a Tomtit 14-foot Sailing Dinghies were introduced in 1932 and proved very popular. The first four were built at Drigh Road by Aircraftsman Everett, R.A.F. A previous attempt to introduce a new class of Dinghy was made in 1914 but, although there were six boats, the enterprise proved a failure and the class was abandoned.

The presence of the Western Command in Karachi, serving with which were several keen yachtsmen, made 1938 very active in the Club. There were
17 Tomtits and 18 Dinghies and on one occasion at least, every boat turned out to race. A very fine Cup was presented by the officers of the Western Command, on their departure towards the end of 1938, to be raced for by the Dinghy fleet.

In June 1939, H.E. Sir Lancelot Graham
Lancelot Graham
Sir Lancelot Graham was an Indian civil servant during the British Raj. He served as the first Governor of Sind from 1 April 1936 to 31 March 1941....

 was elected Commodore and due to his efforts a long lease of the Manora site on special terms was obtained from the Government of India but security of tenure was not possible.

The Clubs activities were curtailed during the Second World War By September 1941, when petrol rationing was introduced, the number of attending yacht owner was about 19, Thereafter difficulties became more pronounced particularly with the desertion of paid hand owing to higher wages being easily obtainable elsewhere and racing ceased in the summer of 1942. A little later, all sailing was prohibited but, after a few months, sailing was allowed, restricted to the upper channel during daylight. During this period, owing to difficulties of access and upkeep and with some owners away on active service a number of boats were sold out of Karachi or up the Gulf
Persian Gulf
The Persian Gulf, in Southwest Asia, is an extension of the Indian Ocean located between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula.The Persian Gulf was the focus of the 1980–1988 Iran-Iraq War, in which each side attacked the other's oil tankers...


Early in 1943, the question of finding a new site for the Club was raised as the site at Manora had become incapable of expansion and the space available for boats would, on return to normal times, be inadequate. It was felt that, with no security of tenure and with the developments that had been taking place at Manora, it was possible that the Club would have to give up its site. At this period there was considerable progress by the Port Trust
Karachi Port Trust
Karachi Port Trust is a Pakistani federal government agency that oversees the operations of the Port of Karachi in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.-History:...

 on the reclamation of land on the western side of the channel which provided a favorable site on the mainland with the added advantage of road access.
Towards the end of 1943, the Club was offered by the Port Trust a lease of land at West Wharf, and at the Annual General Meeting held on September 27, 1943, it was decided to accept the lease and to transfer the Club building to this site.

Racing on a restricted scale was recommended and took place from Manora until the middle of 1944 when the Club buildings had been re-erected on the new site. Regular racing from West Wharf commended in July 1944. The fleet then consisted of 10 Tomtits and 9 Dinghies, though one or two of the former and about half of the latter were more or less permanently laid up.

The cost of transferring the old Club buildings and of a new boat shed, slipway, quarters, etc., was met from the Club’s liquid assets and the
popularity of the new site was soon evidenced by a steadily growing membership and a gradually increasing Dinghy fleet.

1947 to date

At Partition in August 1947, the Club experienced a minor crisis on the departure of the Hindu staff and many of its Service and I.C.S. members. Owing to the new status of Karachi as a capital city with the tremendous influx of newcomers the Club soon entered a popular period.

By 1949, membership was limited to PKR 120, increased in 1951 to PKR 135, and several new Dinghies were built. By December 1950, while there were no new Tomtits, the number of Dinghies was 30 and in 1951 the decking of Dinghies was permitted.

It had been possible to improve the amenities of the Club, eight additional quarters for Tindals being built and running water installed in 1949, and electric lights in 1950.

By 1954, there were 35 Dinghies but racing activities during the first half of that year were handicapped by the dredging and reclamation work to the S.E. of the Club. By March 1957, the Dinghies numbered 30 with 9 Tomtits.

In 1924, the Directors of British India Steam Navigation Company, presented The B.I.Cup to be won outright and have continued to do so annually, with the exception of the war years 1943/48. It is now however a challenge cup.

In 1950, the officers and men of HMS Mauritius presented a cup to be raced for against the Club by teams of Her Majesty’s Ship visiting Karachi in boats provided by the Club.

In 1950, the Rules, Byelaws, etc., were revised and in 1951 the rule was adopted allowing members to retain their membership whilst permanently
absent from Karachi. Visiting Members were made a class of membership in 1952 and Associate members in 1956.

At the end of March 1956, the buildings at West Wharf were handed over to the Pakistan Navy
Pakistan Navy
The Pakistan Navy is the naval warfare/service branch of the Pakistan Armed Forces. Pakistan's Navy is responsible for Pakistan's coastline along the Arabian Sea and the defense of important civilian harbors and military bases...

 who had purchased them for PKR 49,500. Were being constructed on Bunker Island, a portion of which the Karachi Port Trust had leased to club.

The Club transferred to its new buildings at the end of January 1957 and only two days racing were lost during the move. On February 23, 1957, the President of Pakistan formally opened the new premises before an estimated 350 persons. The total cost of the new Club buildings slipway, hard standing, etc., was over PKR 100,000 which was financed partly by the sale of the buildings at West Wharf site, a Building Fund (for which an appeal was launched in May 1956) to which members, non-members and firms generously contributed PKR 40,000 in cash in additions to gifts in kind and services rendered, and partly out of the available financial resources.

With greater facilities for members, the revised rules in March 1957 increased the total permitted membership to PKR 175 Permanent and PKR 75 Associate members, and the latter membership was again increased to PKR 100 in November 1958.

A new one design class of 14’-6” boats, called, Karachi Flyer was started with 7 in the fleet during mid-1959. These were evolved from a
prototype made by Air Vice-Marshal A. McDonald, R.A.F., during his service as C-in-C Pakistan Air Force
Pakistan Air Force
The Pakistan Air Force is the leading air arm of the Pakistan Armed Forces and is primarily tasked with the aerial defence of Pakistan with a secondary role of providing air support to the Pakistan Army and the Pakistan Navy. The PAF also has a tertiary role of providing strategic air transport...

. The Club started sailing to the new I.Y.R.U. Rules on 1 June 1959.

In 1962, British Overseas Airways Corporation
British Overseas Airways Corporation
The British Overseas Airways Corporation was the British state airline from 1939 until 1946 and the long-haul British state airline from 1946 to 1974. The company started life with a merger between Imperial Airways Ltd. and British Airways Ltd...

 presented the Speedbird
Speedbird is a call sign used by British Airways during air traffic control procedures, as well as the name for the stylised Imperial Airways and later, British Overseas Airways Corporation emblem.-History:...

 Cup for competition by the Flyer fleet and the British India Steam Navigation Co. presented a second British India Cup for separate competition by the Tomtits.

In 1964, the venue of the Club Annual London Reunion was changed to the Little Ship Club where it has since been held with increasing popularity.

In September 1965, the outbreak of hostilities between India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...

 and Pakistan resulted in the closure of the Club under the Security Regulations controlling the Karachi harbor area. No organized sailing was possible for five months and activities were limited to beach parties, where a few privately acquired mini-sailors, were in constant use, and to the use of a Club annex established in a small flat with distant views of the harbor and sea.

Resumption of sailing in February 1966 found the Club with reduced membership but with the boats in good order, thanks to the attention of the Club Tindals who with difficulty had managed to get over to the Club and to put the boats into the water with reasonably regularity.

In 1970, the Club imported ten fibre glass Larks by special assignments. To provide Trophies for the new class there was some re-allocation mainly from the Tomtit events. As a result of the war with India in December 1971 , the Club was again closed and as the harbor remained closed to foreign nationals until April 1973, the Club went through a difficult period. Some racing was organized at Sandspit
Sandspit Beach
Sandspit Beach is situated south west of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. It is a very famous tourist spot. The sea at Sandspit is very calm and quiet from October to March and very rough during the monsoon. Remarkable variety of marine life-algae, and crabs are found here. The shallow water here is ideal...

, but with the Club closed there was considerable loss in
revenue and a dwindling in membership, some boats were removed from the Club whilst others deteriorated through lack of use.

Consequently, when the club reopened in 1973, it was found necessary to run all races on a combined fleet basis. Even so, there was little support for Tuesday racing and this was discontinued in November 1974. Subsequently official races were introduced on Sunday mornings in addition to the informal afternoon races.

In 1973, Cadet Class of membership was introduced. In 1975, the club sent a team privately to Colombo
Colombo is the largest city of Sri Lanka. It is located on the west coast of the island and adjacent to Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte, the capital of Sri Lanka. Colombo is often referred to as the capital of the country, since Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte is a satellite city of Colombo...

 to compete in the 5th Southern Asian Yachting Regatta.

During 1975/1976 the Enterprise boat was introduced to the Club. Subsequently this class of boat has become very popular and the club members today own a large number of this class of boats.

In September 1978, the club organized a very successful 7th Southern Asian Yachting Regatta in Karachi in which teams from India, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, officially the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is a country off the southern coast of the Indian subcontinent. Known until 1972 as Ceylon , Sri Lanka is an island surrounded by the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait, and lies in the vicinity of India and the...

, Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of two Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China , the other being Macau. A city-state situated on China's south coast and enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea, it is renowned for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour...

, Singapore
Singapore , officially the Republic of Singapore, is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, north of the equator. An island country made up of 63 islands, it is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the...

, UAE and Pakistan took part. This was the first international Yachting Regatta in Pakistan and became instrumental in promoting Yachting as a sport in the country.

In November 1978, Members of the club participated in the VIII Asian Games
Asian Games
The Asian Games, officially known as Asiad, is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia. The Games were regulated by the Asian Games Federation from the first Games in New Delhi, India, until the 1978 Games. Since the 1982 Games they have been organised by the...

 held in Pattaya
Pattaya is a city in Thailand, located on the east coast of the Gulf of Thailand, about 165 km southeast of Bangkok located within but not part of Amphoe Bang Lamung in the province of Chonburi....

, Thailand
Thailand , officially the Kingdom of Thailand , formerly known as Siam , is a country located at the centre of the Indochina peninsula and Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north by Burma and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the...

, in which Byram Avari
Byram Dinshawji Avari
Byram Dinshawji Avari is a prominent Pakistani businessman and twice Asian Games gold medalist. He is based in Karachi, Sindh.-Family:Avari is married to Gosphi and has two sons including, Xerxes.-Business Concerns:...

 with Lt. Munir Sadiq
Munir Sadiq
Munir Sadiq is a former Pakistani three times Asian Games gold medalist in sailing having won his first at the 1978 Bangkok Games.-Early life and education:Sadiq completed his intermediate from Cadet College, Petaro in 1973....

won the first Yachting Gold medal for Pakistan. This was an outstanding performance considering strong opposition from India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and others. For this achievement Byram was given a Pride of Performance certificate by the President of Pakistan.

In the years following yachting has gained a great deal of popularity in the country and the competence of our sailors is as good as any in the world today. Another encouraging sign is the interest being shown by the young members and the club is proud that in the Asian Regatta in Bombay in 1981 a bronze medal was won in a junior competition.

During 1980/1981 the club undertook the task of major restoration of its club premises. At the same time a well needed facility of a toddler’s pool and a play area for children was added. In the 9th Asian games held in Bombay in November 1982 Pakistan sent teams to participate in Enterprise, O.K., Fireball and Windglider events. Byram Avari with his wife Goshpi was once again outstanding and won a gold medal for the second time running in the Enterprise class of boats. Capt. Khalid Akhtar (from the Navy) also showed excellence in sailing the O.K. class of boats and also won a gold medal.

The Club looks back with pride for its contribution to sailing in Pakistan now that the performance of sailors in the country has reached a level where 2 out of 3 gold medals won in the IX Asian games were in the yachting events.
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