United Nations Security Council Resolution 1643
United Nations
United Nations
The United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace...

 Security Council Resolution
United Nations Security Council Resolution
A United Nations Security Council resolution is a UN resolution adopted by the fifteen members of the Security Council; the UN body charged with "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security"....

, adopted unanimously on December 15, 2005, after recalling previous resolutions on the situation in Côte d'Ivoire
Côte d'Ivoire
The Republic of Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast is a country in West Africa. It has an area of , and borders the countries Liberia, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso and Ghana; its southern boundary is along the Gulf of Guinea. The country's population was 15,366,672 in 1998 and was estimated to be...

 (Ivory Coast), the Council extended an arms embargo
Arms embargo
An arms embargo is an embargo that applies to weaponry. It may also include "dual use" items. An arms embargo may serve one or more purposes:# to signal disapproval of behavior by a certain actor,# to maintain neutral standing in an ongoing conflict, or...

 and travel and financial restrictions against the country until December 15, 2006, and included a ban on the trade of diamonds.


The Security Council expressed concern about the continuing crisis in the country. It called upon the Ivorian government
Politics of Côte d'Ivoire
The government of Côte d'Ivoire takes place in a framework of a presidential republic, whereby the President of Côte d'Ivoire is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government...

 and Forces Nouvelles
Forces Nouvelles de Côte d'Ivoire
The Forces Nouvelles de Côte d'Ivoire is a political coalition that was formed in December 2002, in the wake of the first peace accords of the Ivorian Civil War.-Composition:FNCI includes these political parties:...

 to renounce violence, particularly against civilians and foreigners, and co-operate with the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire
United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire
The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire is a peacekeeping mission whose objective is "to facilitate the implementation by the Ivorian parties of the peace agreement signed by them in January 2003"...


The preamble of the resolution also took note of a decision by the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme to prevent the introduction of diamond
In mineralogy, diamond is an allotrope of carbon, where the carbon atoms are arranged in a variation of the face-centered cubic crystal structure called a diamond lattice. Diamond is less stable than graphite, but the conversion rate from diamond to graphite is negligible at ambient conditions...

s from Côte d'Ivoire into the diamond trade and recognising the link between the illegal trade and exploitation of natural resources, arms trafficking and use of mercenaries
A mercenary, is a person who takes part in an armed conflict based on the promise of material compensation rather than having a direct interest in, or a legal obligation to, the conflict itself. A non-conscript professional member of a regular army is not considered to be a mercenary although he...

 in fuelling the conflict.


Under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter
Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter
Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter sets out the UN Security Council's powers to maintain peace. It allows the Council to "determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression" and to take military and nonmilitary action to "restore international peace...

, the Council extended sanctions imposed in Resolution 1572
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1572
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1572, adopted unanimously on November 15, 2004, after recalling Resolution 1528 on the situation in Côte d'Ivoire , the Council imposed an arms embargo on the country following recent violence and threatened further sanctions if Ivorian parties did not...

 (2004) for one year, further demanding that the government and rebels provide a list of weapon
A weapon, arm, or armament is a tool or instrument used with the aim of causing damage or harm to living beings or artificial structures or systems...

s in their possession. A ban on the import of rough diamonds was imposed. All countries had to prevent the import of Ivorian diamonds on their territory and report within 90 days on measures they had taken to implement this measure. Further measures were also threatened against individuals who attempted to block the peace process, or who had committed violations of human rights
Human rights
Human rights are "commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being." Human rights are thus conceived as universal and egalitarian . These rights may exist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national...

 and incited violence. It considered an attack on UNOCI, supporting French
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 forces and others to constitute a threat to the national reconciliation process.

Finally, the Secretary-General Kofi Annan
Kofi Annan
Kofi Atta Annan is a Ghanaian diplomat who served as the seventh Secretary-General of the UN from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2006...

 was instructed to establish a group of five experts for six months to investigate violations of the international sanctions
International sanctions
International sanctions are actions taken by countries against others for political reasons, either unilaterally or multilaterally.There are several types of sanctions....

 and make recommendations on how countries in the region could implement the measures.

See also

  • First Ivorian Civil War
  • List of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1601 to 1700 (2005 – 2006)
  • United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire
    United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire
    The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire is a peacekeeping mission whose objective is "to facilitate the implementation by the Ivorian parties of the peace agreement signed by them in January 2003"...

External links

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