Perehinske is a town in the Rozhniativskyi Raion
Rozhniativskyi Raion
The Rozhniativ Raion is a raion of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast . Rozhniativ is the administrative center of the raion.-Settlements:The region does not have cities, however there are several towns.*Broshniv-Osada...

 in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast is an oblast in western Ukraine. Its administrative center is the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. As is the case with most other oblasts of Ukraine this region has the same name as its administrative center – which was renamed by the Soviets after the Ukrainian writer, nationalist...

 of western Ukraine
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after Russia...

. It has a population of 12,320. It is the biggest settlement in the district, Rozhniativ Raion and is located 15 km(~10 mi) away from Rozhniativ
Rozhniativ is an urban-type settlement in Ukraine. It is the administrative center of the Rozhniativskyi Raion.- Location :Local orientationRegional orientation-External links:* in...

, the administrative center.


According to Antoni Schneider's research, the village was originally named Peren' hinul or Perehinulsko and could have been settled as early as 1292. Already in the Middle Ages the village was given by Prince Fiodor Olgierdowic of Gediminids
The Gediminids were a dynasty of monarchs of Grand Duchy of Lithuania that reigned from the 14th to the 16th century. One branch of this dynasty, known as the Jagiellons, reigned also in Kingdom of Poland, Kingdom of Hungary and Kingdom of Bohemia...

, duke of Ratno, Liuboml
Liuboml is a city located in the Volyn Oblast in western Ukraine, close to the border with Poland. It has an estimated population of around 10,300 and is the administrative center of the Lyubomlskyi Raion .Liuboml is situated two hundred miles southeast of Warsaw, Poland, in a region known as...

 and Kobryn
Kobryn or Kobrin is a city in the Brest voblast of Belarus and the center of the Kobryn Raion. The city is located in the southwestern corner of Belarus where the Mukhavets River and Dnepr-Bug Canal meet. The city lies about 52 km east of the city of Brest. Kobryn is located at Latitude...

 to the Orthodox cathedral of Krylos
Krylos is a small village of Halych Raion in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine. It is located 5 km south of modern Halych and is part of the National preserve Ancient Halych. The village covers an area of 19.18 square kilometers...

 near Halicz
Halych is a historic city on the Dniester River in western Ukraine. The town gave its name to the historic province and kingdom of Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia, of which it was the capital until the early 14th century, when the seat of the local princes was moved to Lviv...

. However, with time it passed into private hands and then the hands of the king of Poland. Around 1400 a small monastyr
Monastyr is a Polish role-playing game set in a dark fantasy world of Dominium.Its setting features a fantastic equivalent of the Age of Enlightenment. Most often, the game plays in a cloak and dagger mood and involves plotting, intrigue, but also struggle in the name of honour. The game has been...

 was built atop the Serhiy mountain overlooking the village.

In 1548 king Sigismund I of Poland allowed certain bishop Makary of Lvov, Kamieniec and Halicz to buy the property back from private hands. However, the transaction was apparently never accomplished as in the following decades the village was still registered as a royal property in state's registers. The conflict for the village's ownership lasted 230 years. The matter was first settled in 1593, when Stanisław Żółkiewski, then the castellan
A castellan was the governor or captain of a castle. The word stems from the Latin Castellanus, derived from castellum "castle". Also known as a constable.-Duties:...

 of Lvov, donated the village to Gedeon Balaban
Hedeon Balaban
Hedeon Balaban was the bishop of Lviv from 1569 to 1607.Balaban was born in 1530. He took the side of the Orthodox church against the Polish Roman Catholics, in particular the Roman Catholic archbishop of Lviv. He resisted introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1582 and struggled against the...

, the bishop of Lvov. It then passed to his relative Alexander, who died heir-less. In December of 1638 king Władysław IV of Poland donated the village to his podczaszy
Podczaszy was since the 13th century a court office in Poland and later in Lithuania. Podczaszy was the deputy of Cześnik, with the time more important than his superior....

 Jan Stanisław Jabłonowski, father to hetman
Hetman was the title of the second-highest military commander in 15th- to 18th-century Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which together, from 1569 to 1795, comprised the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, or Rzeczpospolita....

 Stanisław Jan Jabłonowski. The conflict over the ownership of the village however continued, as the claim on the village was upheld by both the dis-uniate Orthodox bishop Arseniusz Żeliborski of Lvov and Uniate Basilian monk
Basilian monk
Basilian monks are monks who follow the "Rule" of Saint Basil the Great, bishop of Caesarea. The chief importance of the monastic rules and institutes of St. Basil lies in the fact that to this day his reconstruction of the monastic life is the basis of most of the monasticism practiced in the...

s, who also claimed it on their own behalf. It was only in May of 1661 that king Jan Kazimierz of Poland finally ruled in favour of Jabłonowskis and annulled all claims by bishops of Lvov. However, as Jabłonowskis received numerous other villages and titles in Ruthenian Voivodeship
Ruthenian Voivodeship
Ruthenia Voivodeship was an administrative division of the Kingdom of Poland . Together with Bełz Voivodeship, it formed Lesser Poland Province with its capital city in Kraków. Part of Lesser Poland region...

, in 1690 the Sejm
The Sejm is the lower house of the Polish parliament. The Sejm is made up of 460 deputies, or Poseł in Polish . It is elected by universal ballot and is presided over by a speaker called the Marshal of the Sejm ....

 overruled that decision and granted the village to Orthodox cathedral of Krylos
Krylos is a small village of Halych Raion in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine. It is located 5 km south of modern Halych and is part of the National preserve Ancient Halych. The village covers an area of 19.18 square kilometers...

 near Halicz
Halych is a historic city on the Dniester River in western Ukraine. The town gave its name to the historic province and kingdom of Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia, of which it was the capital until the early 14th century, when the seat of the local princes was moved to Lviv...


A royal lustration
Lustration is the government process regulating the participation of former communists, especially informants of the communist secret police, in the successor political appointee positions or in civil service positions in the period after the fall of the various European Communist states in 1989 –...

 of 1660 revealed that the village had a manor, a tavern, Orthodox church, mill and 16 lans of arable land, of which 6 owned by local peasants and the rest belonging to the manor. Altogether the taxes from the village amounted to 1750 złoty. In 1667 Perehińsko was raided by Tartars, the inhabitants however managed to flee to the mountains and escape unharmed. On May 28, 1690 king Jan III Sobieski granted the village with a privilege to organise market
A market is one of many varieties of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations and infrastructures whereby parties engage in exchange. While parties may exchange goods and services by barter, most markets rely on sellers offering their goods or services in exchange for money from buyers...

s once a year. The village was seized by the Turks, who destroyed the local orthodox church, but was then retaken by royal forces. In commemoration of this victory, bishop Józef Szumlański founded a new Orthodox church and a small monastyr
Monastyr is a Polish role-playing game set in a dark fantasy world of Dominium.Its setting features a fantastic equivalent of the Age of Enlightenment. Most often, the game plays in a cloak and dagger mood and involves plotting, intrigue, but also struggle in the name of honour. The game has been...

, both devoted to Saint Onuphrius
Onuphrius or Onoufrios , venerated as Saint Onuphrius in both the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Catholic Churches; Venerable Onuphrius in Eastern Orthodoxy and Saint Nofer the Anchorite in Oriental Orthodoxy, lived as a hermit in the desert of Upper Egypt in the 4th or 5th centuries.-Life and...

. Although the Jabłonowskis withdrew their claim to the village, the conflict continued, as bishop Szumlański claimed the village to himself rather than to Orthodox church in general and Basilian friars of Krylos continued to question that in courts for another 20 years, until bishop Lew Szeptycki finally settled the issue in 1780.

By 19th century the village grew to be one of the largest in the region, from its' northern end to the southern outskirts it measured roughly 50 kilometres. It was a property of Greek Catholic metropolitan bishops of Lvov. In 1880 it had 4294 inhabitants, mostly Ruthenian. The facilities included numerous sawmill
A sawmill is a facility where logs are cut into boards.-Sawmill process:A sawmill's basic operation is much like those of hundreds of years ago; a log enters on one end and dimensional lumber exits on the other end....

s utilising wood from surrounding forests and exporting it via the Łomnica (Limnitsia) river, navigable for 6 months in a year.

Although the mountaineous region's soils were unsuitable for farming, it contained significant amounts of iron ore. Because of that in 1810 Greek Catholic metropolitan of Lvov Antoni Angełowicz
Antin Angelovych
Antin Angelovych was the first Metropolitan Archbishop of the re-built Metropolitan of Lviv from 1808 until his death in 1814.-Life:...

 founded a small iron mine to the south-west of the village in a suburb that came to be known as Angełówka, after its' founder. However, financial difficulties as well as technical problems led to the enterprises' failure and it went bankrupt
Bankruptcy is a legal status of an insolvent person or an organisation, that is, one that cannot repay the debts owed to creditors. In most jurisdictions bankruptcy is imposed by a court order, often initiated by the debtor....

 already in 1818.

According to the Polish census of 1921
Polish census of 1921
The Polish census of 1921 or First General Census in Poland was the first census in the Second Polish Republic, performed on September 30, 1921 by the Main Bureau of Statistics ....

, there were 5917 people living in Perehińsko, including 612 Jews. In 1939 the village was occupied by the Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....

 and the following year it was declared a urban-type settlement, an administrative unit between a village and a town. Most traces of Jewish life were destroyed during and after World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...

 and currently only a devastated cemetery remains.


Perehinske is an official name, but also known as Perehins'ke, Pereginsko, Perehinsko, Perechinsko, Perekhinskoye, Перегинское, Perehińsko, Perekhin'sko, Prekhin'sko, Perechińsko, Perekhin'sko, Pereginskoye or Perensk.


Perehinske has been in the following administrative districts:
Time Name Powiat/Raion Province Country
Before WWI (c. 1900):   Perehińsko Dolina
Dolyna is a city located in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast in southwestern Ukraine. It is the administrative center of Dolyna Raion .The current estimated population is around 20,900.-History:...

Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria
The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria was a crownland of the Habsburg Monarchy, the Austrian Empire, and Austria–Hungary from 1772 to 1918 .This historical region in eastern Central Europe is currently divided between Poland and Ukraine...

Austrian Empire
Austrian Empire
The Austrian Empire was a modern era successor empire, which was centered on what is today's Austria and which officially lasted from 1804 to 1867. It was followed by the Empire of Austria-Hungary, whose proclamation was a diplomatic move that elevated Hungary's status within the Austrian Empire...

Between the wars (c. 1930):   Perehińsko Dolina
Dolyna is a city located in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast in southwestern Ukraine. It is the administrative center of Dolyna Raion .The current estimated population is around 20,900.-History:...

Stanisławów Poland
Poland , officially the Republic of Poland , is a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east; and the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave, to the north...

After WWII (c. 1950):   Perehinske Rozhniativ
Rozhniativskyi Raion
The Rozhniativ Raion is a raion of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast . Rozhniativ is the administrative center of the raion.-Settlements:The region does not have cities, however there are several towns.*Broshniv-Osada...

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast is an oblast in western Ukraine. Its administrative center is the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. As is the case with most other oblasts of Ukraine this region has the same name as its administrative center – which was renamed by the Soviets after the Ukrainian writer, nationalist...

Ukrainian SSR
Ukrainian SSR
The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic or in short, the Ukrainian SSR was a sovereign Soviet Socialist state and one of the fifteen constituent republics of the Soviet Union lasting from its inception in 1922 to the breakup in 1991...

, Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....

Today (c. 2000):   Perehinske Rozhniativ
Rozhniativskyi Raion
The Rozhniativ Raion is a raion of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast . Rozhniativ is the administrative center of the raion.-Settlements:The region does not have cities, however there are several towns.*Broshniv-Osada...

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast is an oblast in western Ukraine. Its administrative center is the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. As is the case with most other oblasts of Ukraine this region has the same name as its administrative center – which was renamed by the Soviets after the Ukrainian writer, nationalist...

Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after Russia...

External links

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