List of prototype World War II combat vehicles
This list contains combat vehicles which never left the design phase or had an extremely limited production (usually < 10).

Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...

  • Australian Cruiser Tank Marks 3 and 4
  • Rhino Heavy Armoured Car
    Rhino Heavy Armoured Car
    Car, Armoured, Heavy , also known as Rhino, was an armoured car designed in Australia during the Second World War. Due to enemy action and design problems the project never got beyond a prototype stage.-History and description:...

Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

  • Entwicklung series
    Entwicklung series
    The Entwicklung series, more commonly known as the E- series, was a late-World War II attempt by Germany to produce a standardised series of tank designs. There were to be standard designs in six different weight classes, from which several specialised variants were to be developed...

    , a comprehensive redesign of German armor from small tracked vehicles to a 100-ton superheavy tank. Only a single E-100
    Panzerkampfwagen E-100
    The Panzerkampfwagen E-100 was a German super-heavy tank design developed near the end of World War II.-History:The basic design was ordered by the Waffenamt as a parallel development to the Porsche Maus in June 1943...

     chassis was completed
  • Neubaufahrzeug
    The German Neubaufahrzeug series of tank prototypes were a first attempt to create a heavy tank for the Wehrmacht after Adolf Hitler had come to power. Multi-turreted, heavy and slow, they did not fit in with the Blitzkrieg tactics and therefore only five were made...

    , pre-war heavy tank design, five built.
  • Panther II, development of the Panzerkampfwagen V "Panther"
    Panther tank
    Panther is the common name of a medium tank fielded by Nazi Germany in World War II that served from mid-1943 to the end of the European war in 1945. It was intended as a counter to the T-34, and to replace the Panzer III and Panzer IV; while never replacing the latter, it served alongside it as...

    . A single chassis was built.
  • Panzerkampfwagen VII "Löwe"
    Panzer VII Löwe
    The Panzerkampfwagen VII Löwe was a design for a Super Heavy Tank created by Krupp for the Nazi German government during World War II. The project never left the drawing board, and was dropped in late 1942 in favor of the Panzer VIII Maus....

    , a super-heavy tank project that never reached prototype stage.
  • Panzerkampfwagen VIII "Maus"
    Panzer VIII Maus
    Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus was a German World War II super-heavy tank completed in late 1944. It is the heaviest fully enclosed armoured fighting vehicle ever built. Only two hulls and one turret were completed before the testing grounds were captured by the advancing Soviet forces.These two...

    , a superheavy tank. Two prototypes built, but were never used.
  • Panzerkampfwagen IX. Paper project.
  • Panzerkampfwagen X. Paper project.
  • P. 1000 "Ratte"
    Ratte (tank)
    The Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte was a design for a huge tank for use by Nazi Germany during World War II. It was designed in 1942 by Krupp with the approval of Adolf Hitler, but the project was canceled by Albert Speer in early 1943 and no tank was ever completed...

    . Paper project.
  • P. 1500 "Monster" . Paper project.
  • 12.8 cm Selbstfahrlafette auf VK3001(H) "Sturer Emil"
    Sturer Emil
    The 12.8 cm Selbstfahrlafette auf VK3001 "Sturer Emil" was an experimental World War II German self-propelled anti-tank gun. It was based on the Henschel VK3001 chassis and armed with a Rheinmetall 12.8 cm K L/61 gun . This gun could traverse 7° to each side, elevate 10° and depress 15°...

    , self-propelled anti-tank gun mounting the 128 PaK. Two built and used in front-line combat.
  • Heuschrecke 10
    Heuschrecke 10
    The Heuschrecke 10 was a prototype self-propelled gun and Waffenträger developed by Krupp-Gruson between 1943 and 1944. The official designation of the vehicle was 105 mm leichte Feldhaubitze 18/1 L/28 auf Waffenträger Geschützwagen IVb and was to be built in Magdeburg, Germany...

    , Krupp's design for a new self-propelled artillery gun.

Poland , officially the Republic of Poland , is a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east; and the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave, to the north...

  • 4TP (light) tank
  • 10TP
    The 10TP was a Polish light cruiser tank that never left the prototype status. While advancing the Polish armour development programme, the prototype was deemed unsuccessful...

  • TKW (light) tank
  • PZInż 130 amphibious tank
  • TKS-D tank destroyer

Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....

  • Antonov A-40
  • T-43
  • SMK tank
    SMK tank
    SMK was an armored vehicle prototype developed by the Soviet Union prior to the Second World War...

  • T-100 tank
    T-100 tank
    The T-100 was a twin-turreted Soviet heavy tank prototype, designed in 1938–39 as a possible replacement for the T-35.The T-100 was designed to by N. Barykov's OKMO design team at S.M. Kirov Factory No. 185 in Leningrad...

  • SU-100Y
  • SU-14
    The SU-14 was a prototype Soviet heavy self-propelled gun built on a T-35 chassis. The SU-14-1 variant of 1936 carried a 152.4 mm B-10 naval cannon which could fire 43.5 kilogram shells at ranges up to 20 km. Its armour was 20 to 30mm thick. It never entered serial production.-External...

  • PPG tankette
    PPG tankette
    The PPG tankette , also known by the prototype name Obiekt 217, was a Soviet tankette produced for fighting in Finland. This vehicle never saw combat....

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

  • Tank, Heavy, TOG I
    TOG1 (tank)
    The Tank, Heavy, TOG 1 was a prototype British heavy tank produced in the early part of the Second World War in the expectation that battlefields might end up like those of the First World War and was designed so it could cross churned up countryside and trenches...

  • Tank Heavy, TOG II
    TOG2 (tank)
    The Tank, Heavy, TOG 2 was a prototype British super-heavy tank design produced in the early part of the Second World War in case the battlefields of northern France turned into a morass of mud, trenches and craters as had happened during the First World War....

  • SP 17pdr, A30 (Avenger)
  • Tank, Heavy Assault, "Excelsior" A33
    Excelsior A33 Tank
    The Tank, Heavy Assault, A33 was a British experimental heavy tank based on the Cromwell design developed in the Second World War when there were concerns as to performance of the Churchill tank.- Development :...

  • Tank, Infantry, Valiant (A38)
    Valiant tank
    The Tank, Infantry, Valiant was a British tank design of the Second World War that only reached the prototype stage. The design was so infamously bad that the sole example was retained by the School of Tank Technology post-war as a dire lesson to its students.- Origins :The A38 Valiant began as a...

  • Tank, Heavy Assault, Tortoise (A39)
  • Tank, Infantry, Black Prince (A43)
    Black Prince (tank)
    The Tank, Infantry, Black Prince was the name assigned to an experimental development of the Churchill tank with a larger, wider hull and a QF 17-pounder gun...

United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

  • Medium Tank T20
    T20 Medium Tank
    The Medium Tank T20 was part of a series of medium tanks designed by the United States during the Second World War, to be the successor to the Medium Tank M4 "Sherman", and culminated in the M27.-Design and development:...

  • Heavy Tank M6
    M6 Heavy Tank
    The Heavy Tank M6 was an American heavy tank designed during World War II. The tank was produced in small numbers and never saw combat.-History and description:...

  • Assault Tank T14
    T14 Heavy Tank
    The Assault Tank T14 was a joint project between the United States and the United Kingdom. The T14 tank was supposed to be a design that was to be shared by both countries to give an infantry tank for British use....

  • T28 Super Heavy Tank
  • Heavy Tank T1
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