Global Islamic Finance magazine
Global Islamic Finance Magazine (GIF) is an English-language monthly publication on Islamic finance and Islamic banking
Islamic banking
Islamic banking is banking or banking activity that is consistent with the principles of Islamic law and its practical application through the development of Islamic economics. Sharia prohibits the fixed or floating payment or acceptance of specific interest or fees for loans of money...

 owned by Business Media Group Ltd. and edited in London.

Global Islamic Finance Magazine (GIF) was established in 2007 as the leading Islamic finance title for bankers, business professionals, brokers, insurers, corporate, advisors and providers of financial services
Financial services
Financial services refer to services provided by the finance industry. The finance industry encompasses a broad range of organizations that deal with the management of money. Among these organizations are credit unions, banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, consumer finance companies,...

. Its focuses is to rapidly grow Islamic banking, finance
"Finance" is often defined simply as the management of money or “funds” management Modern finance, however, is a family of business activity that includes the origination, marketing, and management of cash and money surrogates through a variety of capital accounts, instruments, and markets created...

, economy
An economy consists of the economic system of a country or other area; the labor, capital and land resources; and the manufacturing, trade, distribution, and consumption of goods and services of that area...

, risk management
Risk management
Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities...

, capital market
Capital market
A capital market is a market for securities , where business enterprises and governments can raise long-term funds. It is defined as a market in which money is provided for periods longer than a year, as the raising of short-term funds takes place on other markets...

, trade finance
Trade finance
Trade finance is related to international trade.While a seller can require the purchaser to prepay for goods shipped, the purchaser may wish to reduce risk by requiring the seller to document the goods that have been shipped. Banks may assist by providing various forms of support...

 and business
A business is an organization engaged in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers. Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and administered to earn profit to increase the wealth of their owners. Businesses may also be not-for-profit...



In 2009, it reported that magazine was circulated globally covering countries such as United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates, abbreviated as the UAE, or shortened to "the Emirates", is a state situated in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia on the Persian Gulf, bordering Oman, and Saudi Arabia, and sharing sea borders with Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and Iran.The UAE is a...

, Malaysia, USA, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , commonly known in British English as Saudi Arabia and in Arabic as as-Sa‘ūdiyyah , is the largest state in Western Asia by land area, constituting the bulk of the Arabian Peninsula, and the second-largest in the Arab World...

, Qatar
Qatar , also known as the State of Qatar or locally Dawlat Qaṭar, is a sovereign Arab state, located in the Middle East, occupying the small Qatar Peninsula on the northeasterly coast of the much larger Arabian Peninsula. Its sole land border is with Saudi Arabia to the south, with the rest of its...

, Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 and others countries. The Magazine was founded on the basis that good financial judgement is a skill which requires a blend of economic, market, legal and product knowledge. Magazine supports Islamic banking
Islamic banking
Islamic banking is banking or banking activity that is consistent with the principles of Islamic law and its practical application through the development of Islamic economics. Sharia prohibits the fixed or floating payment or acceptance of specific interest or fees for loans of money...

, Islamic trade finance
Trade finance
Trade finance is related to international trade.While a seller can require the purchaser to prepay for goods shipped, the purchaser may wish to reduce risk by requiring the seller to document the goods that have been shipped. Banks may assist by providing various forms of support...

, provide high quality Islamic finance and business coverage, supports network connection between Islamic finance institutions in Islamic countries and rest of the world, broaden Islamic business awareness, and raise the level of Islamic financial knowledge and help to increase its readers qualification and skills on Islamic finance field.


The editor of Global Islamic Finance Magazine

Dr. Farhad Reyazat (PhD in Risk Management) 2007–present


In 2010 Global Islamic Finance Magazine has initiated annual ceremony for Global Islamic Finance Awards (GIFA) aiming to reward institutions and individuals for demonstrable achievement in promoting and developing Islamic finance market regionally and internationally. The awards features Global Islamic Finance Awards of the Decade.

External links

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