Ibn al-Wafid
Ali Ibn al-Husain Ibn al-Wafid (997-ca.1074), known in Latin Europe as Abenguefit, was a pharmacologist and physician from Toledo
Toledo, Spain
Toledo's Alcázar became renowned in the 19th and 20th centuries as a military academy. At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 its garrison was famously besieged by Republican forces.-Economy:...

. He was the vizier of Al-Mamun of Toledo
Al-Mamun of Toledo
Yahya ibn Ismail al-Mamun or Yahya ben Ismael ben-Dylinun was a member of the Banu Dil-Nun dynasty who was king of the Taifa of Toledo between 1043 and 1075....

. His main work is Kitab al-adwiya al-mufrada (translated into Latin as De medicamentis simplicibus). were printed in Latin more than fifty times, appearing as De Medicinis universalibus et particularibus.

Ibn al-Wafid was mainly a Pharmacist
Pharmacists are allied health professionals who practice in pharmacy, the field of health sciences focusing on safe and effective medication use...

 in Toledo
Toledo, Spain
Toledo's Alcázar became renowned in the 19th and 20th centuries as a military academy. At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 its garrison was famously besieged by Republican forces.-Economy:...

, he used the techniques and methods available in Alchemy
Alchemy is an influential philosophical tradition whose early practitioners’ claims to profound powers were known from antiquity. The defining objectives of alchemy are varied; these include the creation of the fabled philosopher's stone possessing powers including the capability of turning base...

 to extract at least 520 different kinds of medicines from various plants and herbs.

His student Ali Ibn al-Lukuh was the author of Umdat al-Tabib fi ma'arifat al-nabat li kulli labib, a famous botanical dictionary.

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