Hoti (tribe)
Hoti is an Albanian
Albanians are a nation and ethnic group native to Albania and neighbouring countries. They speak the Albanian language. More than half of all Albanians live in Albania and Kosovo...

 clan of the region of Malësia
Malësia or Malësia e Madhe, is a historical geographical region in northern Albania and eastern Montenegro. It consists of an area of land that stretches from the southeast of Podgorica to northern shores of Lake Scutari, and includes much of the Malësi e Madhe District of Albania...

 in northern Albania
Albania , officially known as the Republic of Albania , is a country in Southeastern Europe, in the Balkans region. It is bordered by Montenegro to the northwest, Kosovo to the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south and southeast. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea...

 and southern Montenegro
Montenegro Montenegrin: Crna Gora Црна Гора , meaning "Black Mountain") is a country located in Southeastern Europe. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the south-west and is bordered by Croatia to the west, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the northwest, Serbia to the northeast and Albania to the...



The clan of Hoti was first recorded in 1330, while in 1474 their region was mentioned in Latin sources as montanea ottanorum (Mountain of the Hotis). In 1412-3 during a dispute over pasture lands with the neighboring Mataguzi clan Balša III
Balša III
Balša III was the fifth and last ruler of Zeta from the House of Balša, from April 1403 - May 1421. He was the son of Đurađ II and Jelena Lazarević.- Reign :...

, one of the local leaders was called to settle the dispute. When he decided in favour of the Mataguzi, the Hoti attacked them and took over the dipsuted areas, while during the counter-attack of the Mataguzi four Hoti clansmen were killed.
Before 1421, much of the Malësia
Malësia or Malësia e Madhe, is a historical geographical region in northern Albania and eastern Montenegro. It consists of an area of land that stretches from the southeast of Podgorica to northern shores of Lake Scutari, and includes much of the Malësi e Madhe District of Albania...

 area was incorporated into the kingdom of Zeta
-Science:* Zeta functions, in mathematics** Riemann zeta function* Zeta potential, the electrokinetic potential of a colloidal system* Tropical Storm Zeta , formed in December 2005 and lasting through January 2006* Z-pinch, in fusion power...

 which was ruled by the powerful Balša family (House of Balšić
House of Balšic
The Balšić was a noble house that ruled Zeta and the coastlands , from 1362 to 1421, during the fall of the Serbian Empire. Balša, the eponymous founder, was a petty nobleman that held only one village during the rule of Emperor Dušan the Mighty The Balšić was a noble house that ruled Zeta and...

). The Balšići used the highlands of Montenegro as a sanctum for Serbian nobles seeking political asylum (as well as other Balkans who were outlawed or persecuted by the Ottoman conquerors). Sometime between 1356 and 1362 (during the reign of Balša I) and after the Balšić invasion of Shkodra) most of the indigenous people of Hoti abandoned the Malësia area and settled in the areas of Plav
Plav Plav Plav (Montenegrin, (Albanian: Plav) is a town in north-eastern Montenegro. It has a population of 3,615 (2003 census).Plav is the centre of the municipality (population of 13,805),-Geography:...

 and Limaj (near Peć
Peć or Pejë is a city and municipality in north-western Kosovo and Metohija - Serbia, and the administrative centre of the homonymous district. Governor of city is Ali Berisha....

, in Kosovo
Kosovo is a region in southeastern Europe. Part of the Ottoman Empire for more than five centuries, later the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within Serbia...

). After this migration, the residual Hoti population only amounted to about seven houses.

After a long history of conflict with both the Ottomans and their (sometime) Venetian allies, the Balšić dynasty went extinct in 1421, after which time a new dynasty was founded in the area by Stefan Crnojević
Stefan I Crnojevic
Stefan a.k.a. Stefanica Crnojević was a medieval lord of the Principality of Zeta , from the House of Crnojević that ruled it from 1451 to 1465.-Reign:...

 who fixed his capital at Žabljak on the north-eastern side of Lake Scutari
Lake Scutari
Lake Skadar, also called Lake Scutari and Lake Shkodër is a lake on the border of Montenegro with Albania, the largest lake in the Balkan Peninsula. It is named after the city of Shkodra in northern Albania .- Geography :...

 and joined with his relative, the famous Scanderbeg, in many campaigns against the Turks.

In the latter half of the fifteenth century (during the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans), Serbs of Bosnia were pushed ever southward by the Turkish armies, eventually being pushed to Herzegovina by 1463. After the Turkish conquest of Herzegovina in 1476, of Albania in 1478, and the surrender of Shkodër
Shkodër , is a city located on Lake of Shkoder in northwestern Albania in the District of Shkodër, of which it is the capital. It is one of the oldest and most historic towns in Albania, as well as an important cultural and economic centre. Shkodër's estimated population is 90,000; if the...

 by the Venetians in 1479, according to legend, a man named Keq Preka and his five sons moved southward from the Herzegovinan highlands to escape the mass migration of Slavs. They and many of the other Albanian-speaking peoples in the Herzegovina area kept moving until they found an area where they found a population that spoke the same language as theirs (most likely a form of gheg Albanian
Gheg Albanian
Gheg is one of the two major varieties of Albanian. The other one is Tosk, on which standard Albanian is based. The dividing line between these two varieties is the Shkumbin River, which winds its way through central Albania....


At the outset of the northern Albanian resistance against Ottoman rule, it is the clan of Hoti that sparked the war for Albanian Independence. The commander of the Albanian guerilla campaign against Turkish occupying forces was a man named Ded Gjo Luli
Ded Gjo Luli
Ded Gjo Luli formally known as Dedë Gjon Luli Dedvukaj , was born in Traboin-Hoti . He hails from the tribe of Hot located in the region of Malësia...

, perhaps Hoti's most distinguished hero. At the victorious Battle of Deçiq
Battle of Deçiq
The Battle of Deçiq marked the beginning of the turning point for Albanian liberty. It was in this battle that the Flag of Albania was raised for the first time after 442 years of Ottoman occupation...

, Ded Gjo Luli was able to raise the Albanian standard in symbolic defiance of Ottoman rule (the Albanian standard had not been raised since the late fifteenth century, during the military campaigns of Scanderbeg). Because of its instrumental role in the resistance, Hoti is commonly held as the head the Albanian tribes of Malësia
Malësia or Malësia e Madhe, is a historical geographical region in northern Albania and eastern Montenegro. It consists of an area of land that stretches from the southeast of Podgorica to northern shores of Lake Scutari, and includes much of the Malësi e Madhe District of Albania...


Albanian Legend

Albanian Legend maintains that each of Keq Preka's sons is the father and namesake of his own tribe:
Lazar Keqi (Hoti), Ban Keqi (Triesh
Triesh is one of the seven Albanian tribes of Malësi e Madhe. Today, around 400 descendants of the tribe live in the small but active tribal sub-region. Trieshi, as well as Hot, derive from a single ancestor named Keq Preka...

), Kras Keqi (Krasniqi), Piper Keqi (the Piperi
Piperi can mean:* Piperi, Greece, an island in Greece* Piperi clan, a clan in Montenegro* Piperi , a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina...

clan), and Vaso Keqi (the Vasojevići
The Vasojevići tribe is the largest Serb clan in Montenegro. It occupies the area between Vjetarnih Lijeva Rijeka in the South and Bihor under Bijelo Polje in the North, Mateševo in the West to Plav in the East. The clan is one of seven "highland clans"...

 clan). Sometime after the construction of the church at Gruda (1528), Lazar Keqi and his son, Gheg Lazari, moved into the area known by the natives as Hoti (a name that has existed since at least the 1330s) and settled there permanently.

The nearby Triesh
Triesh is one of the seven Albanian tribes of Malësi e Madhe. Today, around 400 descendants of the tribe live in the small but active tribal sub-region. Trieshi, as well as Hot, derive from a single ancestor named Keq Preka...

 tribe is considered by locals as the "younger brother" of Hoti, as the tribes share Keq Preka as a common ancestor.


The majority of the Hoti are followers of the Roman Catholic faith and celebrate St. John the Baptist ( or Shnjoni) as their "feast" day. The day (August 29) commemorates the martyrdom (beheading) of Saint John the Baptist.

There are also a minority that follow Islam
Islam . The most common are and .   : Arabic pronunciation varies regionally. The first vowel ranges from ~~. The second vowel ranges from ~~~...


Clans/Surnames of Hoti

After Gheg Lazari settled in the area, he had four sons, from whom all the clans of Hoti are said to have descended: Junç Ghega (forefather of the Junçaj clan), Gjon Ghega (forefather of the Gjonaj clan), Lajq Ghega (forefather of the Lajçaj clan), and their half-brother Pjetër Ghega (forefather of the Traboini clans (Dedvukaj).
  • Junçaj (from the towns of Drume: Prëkaj, Gjonikshabaj, Luk Smalajt, Nikgjokajt, Bozhaj, Vitoja etc.)
    • Lucgjonaj and Çunmulaj (part of Junçaj clan)
  • Gjonaj (Drume)
  • Lajçaj (from the towns of Drume, Bozaj and Tuzi
    Tuzi is a town in the Podgorica municipality, Montenegro, located along a main road between the city of Podgorica and the Albanian border crossing, just a few kilometers north of Lake Skadar. The exact location of Tuzi is...


Pjetër Gega had three sons Gozden, Gojç and Dush. From Gozden, we have Dedvukaj, Gjelaj, Nicaj, Camaj.

Other clans from Pjeter Gega:
  • Gojçaj (clan from Gojç Pjetër Gega)
  • Dushaj (clan from Dush Pjetër Gega)

  • Ded Gjo Luli
    Ded Gjo Luli
    Ded Gjo Luli formally known as Dedë Gjon Luli Dedvukaj , was born in Traboin-Hoti . He hails from the tribe of Hot located in the region of Malësia...

     (Dedvukaj), Commander of the Malsor army in the Battle of Deçiq
    Battle of Deçiq
    The Battle of Deçiq marked the beginning of the turning point for Albanian liberty. It was in this battle that the Flag of Albania was raised for the first time after 442 years of Ottoman occupation...

  • Çun Mula (Lucgjonaj / Juncaj; Bajraktar)
  • Baca Gjeka (Dedvukaj)
  • Vuksan Leka (Camaj)
  • Hasa Nika (Camaj)
  • Dedë Gjon Ujka (Camaj)
  • Nik Preloci (Camaj)
  • Pjetër Uci (Camaj)
  • Luc Nik Preloci (Camaj)
  • Cuba Deli (Gojçaj; Bajraktar of Traboini)
  • Luc Gjon Ujka (Gojçaj ,Vojvode)
  • Zef Martin Zogu (Dedvukaj)
  • Pjetër Zef Smajli (Gojçaj)
  • Kolë Marash Vata (Gojçaj)
  • Tom Nika i Hotit (Gojçaj)
  • Mark Miri (Dedvukaj)
  • Gjon Pepaj (Gjonaj)
  • Kolë Miri (Dedvukaj)
  • Zef Hoti (Gjonaj)
  • Gjeto Mark Ujka (Junçaj)
  • Marash Uci (Gjonaj)
  • Kol Machi Hoti (Gjonaj)
  • T'Bijte e Calit (Gjonaj)
  • Lulash Zeka (Nicaj)
  • Mul Delia (Çunmuluaj, Junçaj)
  • Gjelosh Luli (Dedvukaj)
  • Gjelosh Frangu (Gjelaj)
  • Zef Gjoku (Gjelaj)
  • Zef Koleci (Gjelaj)
  • Nikoll Luca (Dreshaj, Gjonaj)
  • Has Hoti (Gjelaj)
  • Kolë Zef Peri (Dushaj)
  • Pashko Deda (Dusha
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