Helleborus cyclophyllus
Helleborus cyclophyllus is a flowering perennial native to Albania
Albania , officially known as the Republic of Albania , is a country in Southeastern Europe, in the Balkans region. It is bordered by Montenegro to the northwest, Kosovo to the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south and southeast. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea...

, Greece
Greece , officially the Hellenic Republic , and historically Hellas or the Republic of Greece in English, is a country in southeastern Europe....

, and Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...

, and environs. It is similar in appearance to other hellebore
Commonly known as hellebores, members of the genus Helleborus comprise approximately 20 species of herbaceous perennial flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae, within which it gave its name to the tribe of Helleboreae...

s found in the Balkan region
The Balkans is a geopolitical and cultural region of southeastern Europe...

. It is acaulescent, meaning it lacks a stem with leaves, instead sending up a leafless flower stalk. The green leaves are palmate and basal, spreading at the ground. The flowers are green to yellow-green and 2 to 3 inches in diameter.
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