Edouard Pingret
Edouard Pingret, [Eduardo], (30 December 1788 – 1875). Edouard Pingret was a French painter and lithographer.

He was born at Saint-Quentin, Aisne, the son of a middle class family in a mainly agricultural region, but also home to the celebrated General Cambronne
Pierre Jacques Étienne Cambronne, later Pierre, Viscount Cambronne , was a General of the French Empire. He fought during the wars of the Revolution and the Napoleonic Era. He was wounded at the Battle of Waterloo....

 and to illustrious notaries and Normandy
Normandy is a geographical region corresponding to the former Duchy of Normandy. It is in France.The continental territory covers 30,627 km² and forms the preponderant part of Normandy and roughly 5% of the territory of France. It is divided for administrative purposes into two régions:...

 judges. Pingret's father, Henri Pingret Jullien, was related to the highest spheres of the Protestant aristocracy, and took up the practice of law in 1781. During the French Revolution
French Revolution
The French Revolution , sometimes distinguished as the 'Great French Revolution' , was a period of radical social and political upheaval in France and Europe. The absolute monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed in three years...

, his father was named a representative of the Department of Aisne at the Revolutionary Convention, which required him to maintain a secondary residence in the capital of France, Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...


Pingret studied under painter Jacques-Louis David as well as Jean-Baptiste Regnault; studied also at the Academy of Saint Luke in Rome. Exhibited Paris salons, 1810 onward. Was appointed a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1831. From 1850 to 1855 he lived and worked in Mexico City
Mexico City
Mexico City is the Federal District , capital of Mexico and seat of the federal powers of the Mexican Union. It is a federal entity within Mexico which is not part of any one of the 31 Mexican states but belongs to the federation as a whole...

, exhibiting annually at the Academia de Bellas Artes. He produced outstanding portraits, including those of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte (1808) in France and General Mariano Arista
Mariano Arista
Mariano Arista was a noted veteran of many of Mexico's nineteenth century wars who served as president of Mexico from 15 January 1851 to 6 January 1853....

 (1851; Mexico City, Mus. N. Hist.). His most important works in Mexico were costumbrista genre scenes. He died in his home town of Saint-Quentin.

He was also an illustrator of monographs such as "Voyage de S.M. Louis-Philippe Ier Roi des Francais au Chateau de Winsdor. Dedie A S. M. Victoria, Reine d'Angleterre." Ed. Pingret , Paris and Ackermann, London, 1846. Large folio, with 25 lithographed plates, some tinted.

Some auction results:
  • October 2000 Sotheby's, "Rebecca, from Walter Scott's 'Ivanhoe'" - $14,000
  • November 1997 Sotheby's, "Escribanos en Los Portales de la Plaza de Santo Domingo" - $52,500
  • His painting "Cocina poblans, " 1870, 22⅞ × 16½ inches was sold at Sotheby's New York, May 17, 1994 for $150,000.

A fine example of his portrait work can be found in the collection of the Yuko Nii
Yuko Nii
Yuko Nii is an artist and philanthropist. She studied English and American Literature at Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. In 1963 she transferred to Macalaster College, St. Paul, Minnesota as a scholarship student, and earned her BFA. in 1965...

Foundation in Brooklyn, New York.
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