Core Security
Core Security Technologies is a computer
Computer security
Computer security is a branch of computer technology known as information security as applied to computers and networks. The objective of computer security includes protection of information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disaster, while allowing the information and property to...

 and network security
Network security
In the field of networking, the area of network security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by the network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of the computer network and network-accessible resources...

 company that provides IT security testing and measurement software products and services. The company’s research arm, CoreLabs, proactively identifies new IT security vulnerabilities
Vulnerability (computing)
In computer security, a vulnerability is a weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system's information assurance.Vulnerability is the intersection of three elements: a system susceptibility or flaw, attacker access to the flaw, and attacker capability to exploit the flaw...

, publishes public vulnerability advisories, and works with vendors to assist in eliminating the exposures they find.


  • 1996: Core Security was founded in Buenos Aires
    Buenos Aires
    Buenos Aires is the capital and largest city of Argentina, and the second-largest metropolitan area in South America, after São Paulo. It is located on the western shore of the estuary of the Río de la Plata, on the southeastern coast of the South American continent...

    , Argentina
    Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

  • 1997: The CoreLabs Research group was established and published their first advisory.
  • 1998: Core conducted its first penetration test
    Penetration test
    A penetration test, occasionally pentest, is a method of evaluating the security of a computer system or network by simulating an attack from malicious outsiders and malicious insiders...

     for a U.S. company.
  • 1998: Core Security was recognized as an “Endeavor Entrepreneur” by the Endeavor Foundation, a foundation that supports entrepreneur
    An entrepreneur is an owner or manager of a business enterprise who makes money through risk and initiative.The term was originally a loanword from French and was first defined by the Irish-French economist Richard Cantillon. Entrepreneur in English is a term applied to a person who is willing to...

    ial projects in emerging markets.

  • 2000: The company’s first U.S. office opened in New York, NY
    New York City
    New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...

  • 2002: Core released the first and second versions of their flagship penetration testing product, Core Impact Pro.
  • 2003: The company’s U.S. headquarters
    Headquarters denotes the location where most, if not all, of the important functions of an organization are coordinated. In the United States, the corporate headquarters represents the entity at the center or the top of a corporation taking full responsibility managing all business activities...

     was relocated from New York to Boston
    Boston is the capital of and largest city in Massachusetts, and is one of the oldest cities in the United States. The largest city in New England, Boston is regarded as the unofficial "Capital of New England" for its economic and cultural impact on the entire New England region. The city proper had...

    , MA.
  • 2008: Mark Hatton becomes CEO of Core Security.
  • 2009: Core adds development sites in Boston and India
    India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...

  • 2010: Core announces beta of new security testing and measurement product, Core Insight Enterprise


Management Team
  • Mark Hatton- President and Chief Executive Officer
  • John O´Brien- Executive Vice President of Corporate Operations and CFO
  • Ivan Arce- Chief Technology Officer
  • Milan Shah- Senior Vice President of Engineering
  • Jeffrey Cassidy- Vice President and General Manager of South American Operations
  • Tom Kellermann- VP of Security Awareness and Government Affairs
  • Kimberly Legelis- Vice President of Marketing
    Marketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of interest to customers, and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments...

  • Stephen Pace- Vice President of Sales and Services
  • Fred Pinkett- Vice President of Product Management
  • Paula Varas- Vice President of Engineering
    Engineering is the discipline, art, skill and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes that safely realize improvements to the lives of...

  • Ariel Waissbein- Director of Research & Development

  • Alberto Soliño- Director of Security Consulting
    A consultant is a professional who provides professional or expert advice in a particular area such as management, accountancy, the environment, entertainment, technology, law , human resources, marketing, emergency management, food production, medicine, finance, life management, economics, public...


Board of Directors
  • Jonatan Altszul- Co-Founder, Core Security Technologies and Managing Director of Aconcagua Ventures
  • Shinya Akamine- CEO, BlueRoads Corp.
  • Jeronimo Bosch- Pegasus Capital
  • Peter Chung- Morgan Stanley Venture Partners
  • Edward Hamburg- Morgan Stanley Venture Partners
  • Mark Hatton- President and CEO, Core Security Technologies
  • Robert Steinkrauss- CEO, ChosenSecurity, Inc


Advisory Board

The Core Advisory Board helps to guide the company’s business strategy, vulnerability research and product development plans.
  • Roland Cloutier, Vice President, Chief Security Officer, ADP Corp.
  • Melissa Hathaway, President of Hathaway Global Strategies, LLC and Former Acting Senior Director for Cyberspace for the National Security
    National Security Council
    A National Security Council is usually an executive branch governmental body responsible for coordinating policy on national security issues and advising chief executives on matters related to national security...

     and Homeland Security Council
    Homeland Security Council
    The Homeland Security Council is an entity within the White House Office tasked with advising the President on matters relating to Homeland Security...

  • John Stewart, Vice President and Chief Security Office, Cisco
    Cisco Systems
    Cisco Systems, Inc. is an American multinational corporation headquartered in San Jose, California, United States, that designs and sells consumer electronics, networking, voice, and communications technology and services. Cisco has more than 70,000 employees and annual revenue of US$...


Core Impact Pro: a penetration test
Penetration test
A penetration test, occasionally pentest, is a method of evaluating the security of a computer system or network by simulating an attack from malicious outsiders and malicious insiders...

ing software solution that replicates cyber attacks to assess the security of web applications, network systems, endpoint systems, email users and wireless network
Wireless network
Wireless network refers to any type of computer network that is not connected by cables of any kind. It is a method by which homes, telecommunications networks and enterprise installations avoid the costly process of introducing cables into a building, or as a connection between various equipment...


Core Insight Enterprise: a security testing and measurement product for large environments that will be available in late 2010


Security Consulting Services: in-depth penetration testing and source code auditing services

CORE IMPACT Professional Services: penetration testing services based on the company’s CORE IMPACT product

CORE IMPACT Certified Professional (CICP) Training and Certification: advanced penetration testing training for IT security practitioners and consultants

Research and Advisories

Core Security’s research department, CoreLabs, conducts research in various areas of computer security, including system vulnerabilities, cyber attack planning and simulation, source code
Source code
In computer science, source code is text written using the format and syntax of the programming language that it is being written in. Such a language is specially designed to facilitate the work of computer programmers, who specify the actions to be performed by a computer mostly by writing source...

 auditing and cryptography
Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties...

. CoreLabs regularly publishes security advisories, technical papers, project information and shared software
Shared software
Shared software is a different term used to describe free software and open source software, and possibly also software that is not formally covered by the definition of either, but that is in some other way shared rather than owned...

 tools for public use, with its researchers participating in many IT security research conferences including the Black Hat Briefings
Black Hat Briefings
The Black Hat Conference is a computer security conference that brings together a variety of people interested in information security. Representatives of federal agencies and corporations attend along with hackers. The Briefings take place regularly in Las Vegas, Barcelona and Tokyo...


Recent Advisories
  • Microsoft Windows CreateWindow function callback vulnerability
  • Microsoft Office Excel PivotTable Cache Data Record Buffer Overflow
  • HP OpenView NNM OvJavaLocale Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

See also

  • Penetration Testing
  • Security Testing
    Security Testing
    Security testing is a process to determine that an information system protects data and maintains functionality as intended.The six basic security concepts that need to be covered by security testing are: confidentiality, integrity, authentication, availability, authorization and non-repudiation...

  • Vulnerability Management
    Vulnerability (computing)
    In computer security, a vulnerability is a weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system's information assurance.Vulnerability is the intersection of three elements: a system susceptibility or flaw, attacker access to the flaw, and attacker capability to exploit the flaw...

  • Core Impact

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.