Boston Magazine (1783-1786)
Boston Magazine was produced in Boston
Boston is the capital of and largest city in Massachusetts, and is one of the oldest cities in the United States. The largest city in New England, Boston is regarded as the unofficial "Capital of New England" for its economic and cultural impact on the entire New England region. The city proper had...

, Massachusetts
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States of America. It is bordered by Rhode Island and Connecticut to the south, New York to the west, and Vermont and New Hampshire to the north; at its east lies the Atlantic Ocean. As of the 2010...

, in the 1780s. It originated from the efforts of "a society for compiling a magazine in the town of Boston;" the society consisted of John Eliot, James Freeman
James Freeman (clergyman)
James Freeman was the minister of King's Chapel in Boston for 43 years and the first preacher in America to call himself a Unitarian...

, George R. Minot, Aaron Dexter, John Clarke, John Bradford, Benjamin Lincoln, Christopher Gore, and others. Publishers included John Norman
John Norman (publisher)
John Norman was an engraver and publisher in Boston, Massachusetts, in the later 18th and early 19th century. "Born in England; came to Philadelphia in 1774 'from London,' as an 'architect and landscape engraver;' though he also did all manner of silversmith's work...

, James White, Edmund Freeman
Edmund Freeman (printer)
Edmund Freeman was a printer and publisher in Boston, Massachusetts, in the late 18th-century. He published the Boston Magazine and the Herald of Freedom newspaper...

, and Joseph Greenleaf. "An interesting feature of The Boston Magazine was the printing of a Geographical Gazetteer of Massachusetts, which came out as a serial number at the end of certain issues. ... In this supplement an account of twenty-one towns in Suffolk County
Suffolk County, Massachusetts
Suffolk County has no land border with Plymouth County to its southeast, but the two counties share a water boundary in the middle of Massachusetts Bay.-National protected areas:*Boston African American National Historic Site...

 is given." "The magazine ceased publication with Volume IV for October 1786."

Further reading

  • Samuel A. Green. Boston Magazine. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Volume 38. May 1904; p.326+
  • E. W. Pitcher. Fiction in the Boston Magazine (1783-1786): A Checklist with Notes on Sources. William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Jul., 1980), pp. 473-483

External links

  • Library of Congress. Portrait of His excy. John Adams
    John Adams
    John Adams was an American lawyer, statesman, diplomat and political theorist. A leading champion of independence in 1776, he was the second President of the United States...

    , esq. / J. Norman sc. Illus. in: The Boston Magazine. Boston, Mass. : Norman & White, 1784, frontispiece.
  • Library of Congress. Portrait of Revd. Samuel Cooper
    Samuel Cooper (clergyman)
    Samuel Cooper was a Congregational minister in Boston, Massachusetts, affiliated with the Brattle Street Church.- Brief biography :...

    D.D. / J. Norman sc. Illus. in: The Boston Magazine. Boston, Mass. : Norman & White, 1784 March.
  • Library of Congress. Engraving by John Norman; illus. in: Boston Magazine, Apr. 1784.
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