Eastern Bluebird
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New bird boxes 0 6/8/2018
I had my first bluebird house this year (I had painted it blue) I was soo excited to see I had bluebirds but never really saw babies. I stayed away ... 0 9/21/2016
Do bluebirds use winter roost houses, and how many will roost together? 0 8/28/2016
1. When my baby birds leave the nest do I immediately destroy the nest or do my adult birds raise another family in the same nest? 2. My fledging... 0 5/27/2016
I have had a pair of eastern bluebirds for 9 months in mid florida. They have had three sets of babies. The last time they were at the feeder was We... 0 9/7/2015
I live in western WI and I ususally have 2 to 3 pair of easter bluebirds that are around all summer. This spring I hardley see any around . Was there... 0 5/14/2015
Eastern Bluebird 0 12/26/2014
We have a female blue bird that has been sitting in the grass as if she is using that as a nest. Has anyone ever seen a blue bird lay eggs on the gro... 0 6/10/2014
We have had a bluebird house trail about 9 years now. Should we EVER CLEAN OUT a house which has been occupied after ONE brood has fledged??? cs 1 5/20/2014