Zu Online
Zu Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Massively multiplayer online role-playing game is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world....

 currently taking place in the fictional universe of Zu. The game is 3D
3D computer graphics
3D computer graphics are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images...

 and used cel-shading to make the game resemble a comic book. Adapted from a Chinese fantasy novel, Zu Online is a persistent world
Persistent world
A persistent world is a virtual world that continues to exist even after a user exits the world and that user-made changes to its state are, to some extent, permanent...

 thematically inspired by China's heritage, in particular the traditions associated with wuxia
Wuxia is a broad genre of Chinese fiction concerning the adventures of martial artists. Although wuxia is traditionally a form of literature, its popularity has caused it to spread to diverse art forms like Chinese opera, manhua , films, television series, and video games...

, a broad genre of Chinese fiction
Fiction is the form of any narrative or informative work that deals, in part or in whole, with information or events that are not factual, but rather, imaginary—that is, invented by the author. Although fiction describes a major branch of literary work, it may also refer to theatrical,...

 concerning the adventures of martial artists
Chinese martial arts
Chinese martial arts, also referred to by the Mandarin Chinese term wushu and popularly as kung fu , are a number of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China. These fighting styles are often classified according to common traits, identified as "families" , "sects" or...

 set in ancient China. The game is developed and published by IGG.


Zu is a mythical mountain range in Sichuan
' , known formerly in the West by its postal map spellings of Szechwan or Szechuan is a province in Southwest China with its capital in Chengdu...

, China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...

, which legends describe as home to immortals with amazing powers. In the past, a war broke out between the good immortals and the evil demons. It started when Blood Demon, the leader of the evil forces, led the demon assault on Zu. In the middle of the war, a relic known as Oracle Rock was created with the Heavenly Scripture inscribed on its surface that held the secret to stop the Blood Demon. The immortal clans hurried to the Oracle Rock, but Blood Demon and his followers ambushed them. A battle ensued, and the Oracle Rock itself was smashed into many shards and scattered all over the Zu world.

The game starts 10 years after the battle at Oracle Rock, with the players entering Zu as one of the Five Clans of Zu to continue the battle against Blood Demon and the evil demons. The world of Zu is slowly showing effects of corruption by Bics.


There are 5 character classes to choose from: Bead Fairy, Moon Maiden, Summoner, Sun Warrior, and Swordsman. Players can have up to five characters per account, and access to a wide range of skills between the five classes. Players are able to join one of the 3 factions: Tai, Wu and Xun. The factions are hostile to each other, and players can fight with other players from the opposing factions.
Zu Online offers different types of quests
Quest (gaming)
A quest in role-playing video games — including massively multiplayer online role-playing games and their predecessors, MUDs — is a task that a player-controlled character or group of characters may complete in order to gain a reward...

. Each quest gives rewards to the player. The quest system features quests with clear goal directions, showing progress in the Quest Log.

Players can join guilds and compete for areas (pillars) that are unoccupied, only during area of occupation time, or start a war to capture pillars occupied by other guilds from the same faction. The victorious players receive experience
Experience point
An experience point is a unit of measurement used in many role-playing games and role-playing video games to quantify a player character's progression through the game...

 and "bone" (currency in zu). Also, if a guild has captured pillars, players in that guild obtain afk experience.

Players can get a starting pet from a level zero quest. They are then able to equip a pet by right clicking it in their inventory (backpack). There is no level requirement for equipping a pet. The pets can be ridden by the player when the pet reaches level 30. A pet's level can not exceed the level of the player. The pet's appearance may be changed by the player with a pet viscera.

There are NPCs offering automated flights between regions. The players may also fly themselves using "Auto-Fly" skill.

Every day, there are events are held that players can join, limited by each event's level requirements. The events offer rewards in form of experience and items.

External links

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