West Coast Cooler
West Coast Cooler is an alcoholic beverage made from white wine
Wine is an alcoholic beverage, made of fermented fruit juice, usually from grapes. The natural chemical balance of grapes lets them ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, or other nutrients. Grape wine is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of yeast. Yeast...

 and fruit flavourings. It is owned and produced by Pernod Ricard
Pernod Ricard
Pernod Ricard is a French company that produces distilled beverages. The company's eponymous products, Pernod Anise and Ricard Pastis, are both anise-flavoured liqueurs and are often referred to simply as Pernod or Ricard...

's Irish subsidiary, Irish Distillers
Irish Distillers
Irish Distillers is a subsidiary of the French drinks conglomerate Pernod-Ricard S.A.. It was acquired in 1988 in a friendly takeover.-History:...

. It has an alcohol content of 4%.

History and marketing

It was launched in Dublin on 21 August 1984 but was relaunched in 2004 with a new image. It is primary marketed at young to middle-aged women. The relaunch involved an ad campaign showing three women getting ready for a night out in a manner that resembled a sitcom with the slogan "It's Showtime!". The drink has been involved in promotions such as the sponsorship of the Belfast premier screening of the film Confessions of a Shopaholic and the West Coast Cooler FASHIONWEEK.


  • This product is sold in 750 ml bottles or the 250 ml bottles in packs of 4 bottles from Off Licences, or can be purchased chilled in 250 ml bottles in pubs and nightclubs.
  • On 6 July 2009, a new product was launched, "West Coast Cooler Rosé", which is made from rosé
    A rosé is a type of wine that has some of the color typical of a red wine, but only enough to turn it pink. The pink color can range from a pale orange to a vivid near-purple, depending on the grapes and wine making techniques.- Production techniques :There are three major ways to produce rosé...

     wine and berry and fruit flavourings.
  • In May 2011 a new Citra variety was launched. The makers claim that Citra has a citrus taste.


  • A Cooler Cup can be made by adding strawberries, a slither of cucumber, fresh mint, a lime slice, a lemon slice, an orange slice and topping up with West Coast Cooler.
  • A Constable Shuffle can be made using 2 shots of peach schnapps with one shot of Galliano
    The word Galliano can refer to:*Galliano , a liqueur*Giuseppe Galliano , an Italian soldier*John Galliano , British fashion designer*Richard Galliano The word Galliano can refer to:*Galliano (drink), a liqueur*Giuseppe Galliano (1846-1896), an Italian soldier*John Galliano (b. 1960), British...

    , half a pint of cider and half a large bottle of West Coast Cooler.
  • It can also be used as the base for any white wine spritzer
    A spritzer is a tall, chilled drink, usually made with white wine and seltzer or club soda.-Origin and variations:Spritzer is derived from the variant of the German language spoken in Austria, where the drink is very popular. It is used alongside the equally common form Gespritzter A spritzer is a...


External links

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