Tortured Land
The Tortured Land is a location on Faerûn
Faerûn is a fictional subcontinent, the primary setting of the Dungeons & Dragons world of Forgotten Realms. It is described at a relatively high level in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting from Wizards of the Coast, and various locales and aspects are described in more detail by separate...

, a fictional continent, the primary setting of the Forgotten Realms
Forgotten Realms
The Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Commonly referred to by players and game designers alike as "The Realms", it was created by game designer Ed Greenwood around 1967 as a setting for his childhood stories...

, for Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game originally designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and first published in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. . The game has been published by Wizards of the Coast since 1997...



The Tortured Land is an area of land in the Moonsea region which was formed by ancient lava flows that were then carved by flowing ice. Giant stone pillars, like teeth, smoothed by the wind jut out from the landscape. Strange monsters chase small animals but the only other inhabitants seem to be the bats that lair in the few caves of the area.

Over 3000 years ago, dwarves
Dwarf (Dungeons & Dragons)
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, dwarves are a humanoid race, one of the primary races available for play as player characters...

 mined the metal deposits that were to be found but they were exiled to the Novularond. Only four members of the clan survived and they went on to found the Innugaakalikurit clan.

Nowadays the majority of the Tortured Land is occupied by flind-led gnoll
A gnoll or gnole is a fictional humanoid creature - a cross between a gnome and a troll. They first appeared in Lord Dunsany's story in The Book of Wonder: How Nuth Would Have Practised His Art upon the Gnoles and subsequently reappeared in Margaret St. Clair's, The Man Who Sold Rope to the Gnoles...

 tribes. The ruins of a forgotten city known as Frozen Flindyke to bards
Bard (Dungeons & Dragons)
The bard is a standard playable character class in many editions of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. The bard class is versatile, capable of combat and of magic . Bards use their artistic talents to induce magical effects...

, could have once been a bastion of civillization for these Gnolls in times past or could have been the home of a settlement of humans, surrounded by the Gnolls. The truth is lost to the sands of time but the shamans of Yeenoghu
In the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, Yeenoghu is a Demon Prince, the Demon Lord of Gnolls, and the bestial embodiment of savage butchery. His personal weapon is his dreaded triple flail, created from the bones and skin of a slain god. Yeenoghu commands the obedience of ghouls and ghasts...

 who now rule over the Gnolls and Flinds are said to have been descended from those who summoned the Trio Nefarious that aided in the fall of Myth Drannor
Myth Drannor
Myth Drannor, formerly known as Cormanthor, the City of Song, is a fictional elven city in the Forgotten Realms world. It is located in the area called Cormanthyr.-Fictional history:...


"This is a barren place where monsters chase smaller beasts around endless spires and weirdly sculpted rocks. It's a deities' playground of teeth and swirls and fingers and suchlike of stone, some of them pierced by caves where bats lurk, but most of them just in your way as you flee from the next prowling monster. A little metal to be had, but no safety in which to mine it. Water, but not enough, and the beasts watch the waterholes for their next meal."
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