Syriac Union of Lebanon
Syriac Union of Lebanon (Syriac
Syriac language
Syriac is a dialect of Middle Aramaic that was once spoken across much of the Fertile Crescent. Having first appeared as a script in the 1st century AD after being spoken as an unwritten language for five centuries, Classical Syriac became a major literary language throughout the Middle East from...

:ܓܰܒܐ ܕܚܘܝܕܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ ܒܠܒܢܢ ), also known as SUL, is a Syriac party in Lebanon
Lebanon , officially the Republic of LebanonRepublic of Lebanon is the most common term used by Lebanese government agencies. The term Lebanese Republic, a literal translation of the official Arabic and French names that is not used in today's world. Arabic is the most common language spoken among...

which was established on 29 March 2005.

Syriac Union Party

Syriac Union Party in Lebanon - Gabo D'Huyodo Suryoyo B Lebnon - ܓܰܒܐ ܕܚܘܝܕܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ ܒܠܒܢܢ Srayani nationalist party, political, cultural, social care for the Syriac people from all walks of life in Lebanon and speaks in his name.


Established in name of Syriac Union (SUL) - Huyodo Suryoyo - ܚܘܝܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐin 2005, which included a group of young people committed to faith and Syriac nationality and security departments. And the European Union in Lebanon is an integral part of the European Syriac Union (ESU), which is working hard "to restore the rights of our people in the Middle East and recognized Kqomip and existing entity in itself. On 29/3/2008 and during the news conference and in the presence of a large crowd of Lebanese parties, the Christian sects and Syriac Union Party was launched Syriac Srayani first party in the history of Lebanon.
5/10/2008 was the opening of the headquarters of the party in the Zahlah - hay el saydeh, the presence of a crowd of politicians and a crowd our people.
Note that the president of the Syriac Union Party Ibrahim Mrad is a leading member of the Council of Patriotic Union of Bethnahrin (Huyodo d Bethnahrin Athronoyo HBA - in syriac language), which includes parties and institutions, including several Syriac Union Party Syriac in Lebanon, and is headquartered in Europe.
The Patriotic Union of Syriac in Lebanon representative office space for the Syriac SUROYO TV broadcast from the State of Sweden.

In terms of content

Syriac people in Lebanon Lebanese identity, Mcherqi belonging, rooted in the East since the dawn of history, the oldest civilization in the region, be trusted with the Syriac language and heir to the world's first alphabet and the language of Jesus Christ, the Holy.

People loyal to his homeland of Lebanon, a believer in multilateral ism and Mozayike diversity of Lebanese society, with all our sincerity and openness, and love with the other groups in society, is attached to the right effective role in the form of co-existence within the home, "the message."

National objectives

Believes in the principle of the right of every human being to live in freedom and dignity within the nation is not the same respect for all communities and groups in Lebanon, and the same is committed "to their homeland and subject to" laws and regulations and in pursuance of "never" to participate in the achievement of stability, freedom and peace in Lebanon.
In order to achieve that sought the cooperation and coordination with other institutions, associations and parties in Lebanon, which coincides with the intellectually "to:
Work to strengthen national unity and solidarity of the political forces and social and cultural life of freedom, dignity equal to the general Lebanese people.
Work for the establishment of a pluralistic democratic system guarantees political freedoms, religious and national homeland for all people
The rule of law and strengthen the independence of the judiciary and the separation of three powers (executive, legislative and judicial)
Support the Lebanese army to ensure the territorial integrity of Lebanon and the maintenance of its international borders and resist any attempt to split the deduction, or parts thereof.
The Lebanese nationality of people of Lebanese origin and the withdrawal of a person who has acquired the Lebanese nationality without the benefit with the rejection of the settlement in all its forms.
Repeal legislation affecting any segment of the Lebanese society and taking into account the multi-national, religious and cultural laws.
Ensure that freedom of thought, opinion, belief, and lack of prejudice to the right of the individual to express his opinion and respect for all decisions of the Organization of the United Nations, particularly on human rights.
To withdraw the work force and non-Lebanese militias and resolving the Lebanese army and the establishment of a popular defense of the Lebanese army carried out orders of the government and the army when the nation of the external threat.

The most important projects that the party aspires to achieve

Publication of the Syriac heritage in cooperation with several institutions to set up lectures and seminars, publications and books dealing with all the terms of the Syriac heritage and language.
Work to establish an economic lobby of our people to contribute to the establishment of housing projects, school, medical, cultural, economic support and purpose of our presence in this land.
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