Suvorov military canals
Suvorov military canals (Suvorov canals) is a series of four open canal
Canals are man-made channels for water. There are two types of canal:#Waterways: navigable transportation canals used for carrying ships and boats shipping goods and conveying people, further subdivided into two kinds:...

s on Saimaa lake
Saimaa is a lake in southeastern Finland. At approximately , it is the largest lake in Finland, and the fourth largest in Europe. It was formed by glacial melting at the end of the Ice Age. Major towns on the lakeshore include Lappeenranta, Imatra, Savonlinna, Mikkeli, Varkaus, and Joensuu. The...

 in Finland
Finland , officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country situated in the Fennoscandian region of Northern Europe. It is bordered by Sweden in the west, Norway in the north and Russia in the east, while Estonia lies to its south across the Gulf of Finland.Around 5.4 million people reside...

. The four canals of Kutvele, Käyhkää, Kukonharju and Telataipale are located in Puumala
Puumala is a municipality of Finland.It is located in the province of Eastern Finland and is part of the Southern Savonia region. The municipality has a population of and covers an area of of which is water. The population density is ....

, Ruokolahti
Ruokolahti is a municipality of Finland, situated in south-eastern Finland, in the region of South Karelia. Neighbouring municipalities are Imatra, Lappeenranta, Taipalsaari, Puumala, Sulkava, Punkaharju, Parikkala and Rautjärvi...

 and Sulkava
Sulkava is a municipality of Finland.It is located in the province of Eastern Finland and is part of the Southern Savonia region. The municipality has a population of and covers an area of of which is water. The population density is...

. They were built between 1791–1798 as part of the South-Eastern Finland fortification system
South-Eastern Finland fortification system
South-Eastern Finland fortification system is an extensive defensive system formed by three concentric fortress chains in South-East Finland built by Russia in 1790s...

 and are the oldest canals in Finland. The canals are named after general Alexander Suvorov
Alexander Suvorov
Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov , Count Suvorov of Rymnik, Prince in Italy, Count of the Holy Roman Empire , was the fourth and last generalissimo of the Russian Empire.One of the few great generals in history who never lost a battle along with the likes of Alexander...

 who ordered their construction.


After the Russo-Swedish War (1741–1743) Sweden
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

 ceded the Lappeenranta fortress and Olavinlinna castle
Olavinlinna is a 15th century three-tower castle located in Savonlinna, Finland. It is the northernmost medieval stone fortress still standing.- Construction :...

 in Savonlinna
Savonlinna is a town and a municipality of inhabitants in the southeast of Finland, in the heart of the Saimaa lake region. The Finnish name of the town means "Castle of Savonia" and the Swedish name means "Newcastle".- History :...

 to the Russian Empire
Russian Empire
The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia and the predecessor of the Soviet Union...

 in the Treaty of Åbo
Treaty of Åbo
The Treaty of Åbo or the Treaty of Turku was a peace treaty signed between the Russian Empire and Sweden in Turku on 7. Augustjul./ 18. Augustgreg...

. The treaty divided Saimaa lake in two, with Sweden controlling the strait of Puumala and requiring toll
A tariff may be either tax on imports or exports , or a list or schedule of prices for such things as rail service, bus routes, and electrical usage ....

 payments from water traffic between Savonlinna
Savonlinna is a town and a municipality of inhabitants in the southeast of Finland, in the heart of the Saimaa lake region. The Finnish name of the town means "Castle of Savonia" and the Swedish name means "Newcastle".- History :...

 and Lappeenranta
Lappeenranta is a city and municipality that resides on the shore of the lake Saimaa in South-Eastern Finland, about from the Russian border. It belongs to the region of South Karelia. With approximately inhabitants Lappeenranta is the largest city in Finland...

 and denying military traffic altogether. After the Russo-Swedish War (1788–1790) Russia began to improve the defences in Finland by building the South-Eastern Finland fortification system
South-Eastern Finland fortification system
South-Eastern Finland fortification system is an extensive defensive system formed by three concentric fortress chains in South-East Finland built by Russia in 1790s...

. The war had also showed the importance of Saimaa water ways and as part of the fortification system it was decided to construct a series of canals to bypass Puumala.


Construction of Kutvele, Käyhkää and Telataipale canals began in fall 1791 under Ivan Laube. Construction of Kukonharju canal began later in 1794. The smaller canals had some 300 men working in their construction while the larger Kukonharju canal had around one thousand men. Kukonharju and Kutvele canals were finished in 1796 and Käyhkää and Telataipale in 1798.

The canals are built from stone supported by logs. The canal entrances had prepared blockades from logs and chains as a preparation for a possible enemy attack. Canal entrances also had stone obstacles to prevent anyone who was not familiar with them from navigating safely through them. Canals were from one hundred meters to almost a kilometer in length with each canal being 10 metres (32.8 ft) wide and 1.3 metres (4.3 ft) deep. All canals were open canals with no locks and were simply built across isthmus
An isthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas usually with waterforms on either side.Canals are often built through isthmuses where they may be particularly advantageous to create a shortcut for marine transportation...

es. They also had a military guard post, with Kukonharju canal also having a larger garrison.

Military use

Suvorov military canals were used by the Russian Saimaa flotilla that had its bases in Lappeenranta and Savonlinna and in the smaller Kärnäkoski Fortress
Kärnäkoski Fortress
Kärnäkoski Fortress is a bastion fortress in Finland located in Kärnäkoski, Savitaipale built by Russia between 1791 and 1793 to protect Saint Petersburg.- Kärnäkoski fortress as part of the South-Eastern Finland fortification system :...

. The flotilla, along with the military canals and the entire South-Eastern Finland fortification system
South-Eastern Finland fortification system
South-Eastern Finland fortification system is an extensive defensive system formed by three concentric fortress chains in South-East Finland built by Russia in 1790s...

, lost their importance only a decade later as the result of the Finnish War
Finnish War
The Finnish War was fought between Sweden and the Russian Empire from February 1808 to September 1809. As a result of the war, the eastern third of Sweden was established as the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland within the Russian Empire...

 between 1808–1809 when Sweden ceded the entire Finland to Russia. The Russian Saimaa flotilla was disbanded in 1810 and in 1816 the responsibility for the canals was transferred to civilian authorities and the use of the canals dwindled to local inhabitants.

Present day condition

Kutvele canal was enlarged twice during 20th century and nothing of the original construction remains. In contrast the other three canals spent 200 years almost untouched from early 19th century until 2003, when Finnish National Board of Antiquities
Finnish National Board of Antiquities
The Finnish National Board of Antiquities preserves Finland’s material cultural heritage: collects, studies and distributes knowledge of it. The Board is a cultural and research institution, but it is also a government authority charged with the protection of archaeological sites, built heritage,...

 began restoration works on them. Now they have been turned into tourist attractions.


61.3268°N 28.3467°E
  Kutvele canal is located on the border of Taipalsaari
Taipalsaari is a municipality of Finland.It is located in the province of Southern Finland and is part of the South Karelia region. The municipality has a population of and covers an area of of which is water. The population density is ....

 and Ruokolahti
Ruokolahti is a municipality of Finland, situated in south-eastern Finland, in the region of South Karelia. Neighbouring municipalities are Imatra, Lappeenranta, Taipalsaari, Puumala, Sulkava, Punkaharju, Parikkala and Rautjärvi...

. When originally built it was 100 metres (328.1 ft) in length. The canal has been enlarged for shipping and nothing of the original construction remains. A shipping route of 2.4 metres (7.9 ft) deep with a maximum height of 12.5 metres (41 ft) passes through the canal.


61.4242°N 28.5195°E
  Käyhkää canal is located in Ruokolahti and is 350 metres (1,148.3 ft) in total length with the canal entrances, but length of the actual canal is only 80 metres (262.5 ft). A bridge was built over the canal already during the time of Suvorov. The modern bridge is not original but is located on the same spot. An original toll post building is preserved until today and is now used as resort. Archeological excavation located remnants of a boat carrying stones from 1790s.


61.4949°N 28.5255°E
  Kukonharju is the longest of the canals with a length of 800 metres (2,624.7 ft). It is located on the border of Ruokolahti and Puumala
Puumala is a municipality of Finland.It is located in the province of Eastern Finland and is part of the Southern Savonia region. The municipality has a population of and covers an area of of which is water. The population density is ....

 and was built partly through a rock crest. Kukonharju had the largest garrison of the canals and was used as a border strongpoint.


61.6544°N 28.6029°E
  Telataipale is located in Sulkava
Sulkava is a municipality of Finland.It is located in the province of Eastern Finland and is part of the Southern Savonia region. The municipality has a population of and covers an area of of which is water. The population density is...

 and is the northern most of the canals. Telataipale canal is 300 metres (984.3 ft) in length and it was built through the Salpausselkä
Salpausselkä is an extensive ridge system left by the ice age in Southern Finland. It is a large terminal moraine formation that formed in front of the Baltic ice lake during the Younger Dryas period about 12.250 - 10.400 years ago....


External links

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