Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple
Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple is located at 4347 Trumbull in Detroit, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan
Detroit is the major city among the primary cultural, financial, and transportation centers in the Metro Detroit area, a region of 5.2 million people. As the seat of Wayne County, the city of Detroit is the largest city in the U.S. state of Michigan and serves as a major port on the Detroit River...

. The community of Zen Buddhists welcomes people from all walks of life and faiths to Sunday meetings, retreats and workshops. The temple was founded by P'arang Geri Larkin
Geri Larkin
P'arang Geri Larkin, born Geraldine Kapp Willis, is founder and former head teacher of Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple, a Korean Chogye center in Detroit, Michigan. The name Geri Larkin is a pen name. She graduated from Barnard College in 1973...

. Her ordination on July 2, 1995 followed three years of Buddhist development at Maitreya Buddhist Seminary. She served as dharma teacher at the Zen Buddhist Temple in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Ann Arbor is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan and the county seat of Washtenaw County. The 2010 census places the population at 113,934, making it the sixth largest city in Michigan. The Ann Arbor Metropolitan Statistical Area had a population of 344,791 as of 2010...

 before founding Still Point Buddhist Temple. She was taught by Venerable Samu Sunim
Samu Sunim
Samu Sunim , born Sam-Woo Kim, is a Korean Seon sunim of the Jogye Order. He received Dharma transmission from Zen Master Weolha Sunim in 1983...

, a Korean Zen Master
Zen master
Zen master is an umbrella title sometimes used to refer to an individual who has been recognized by an authorized Zen lineage holder and teacher as having met his or her own teacher's standards of realization or insight. These standards vary widely in different traditions, and may vary among...

 who has established several Buddhist temples in North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...

. Still Point Buddhist Temple traces its lineage to Korean Buddhism
Korean Buddhism
Korean Buddhism is distinguished from other forms of Buddhism by its attempt to resolve what it sees as inconsistencies in Mahayana Buddhism. Early Korean monks believed that the traditions they received from foreign countries were internally inconsistent. To address this, they developed a new...

. The current guiding teacher of Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple is Koho Vince Anila. Koho is the 1st dharma successor of P'arang Geri Larkin, and was ordained in May 2003.

External links

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