Shrapnel Valley Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery
Shrapnel Valley Cemetery is a cemetery from World War I and is the second largest Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is an intergovernmental organisation of six independent member states whose principal function is to mark, record and maintain the graves, and places of commemoration, of Commonwealth of Nations military service members who died in the two World Wars...

 Cemetery in the former Anzac sector of the Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey
Turkey , known officially as the Republic of Turkey , is a Eurasian country located in Western Asia and in East Thrace in Southeastern Europe...

, after Lone Pine Cemetery
Lone Pine Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery
Lone Pine Cemetery is a Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery dating from World War I in the former ANZAC sector of the Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey and the location of the Lone Pine Memorial, one of five memorials on the peninsula which commemorate servicemen of the former British Empire...

. The battles at Gallipoli
Battle of Gallipoli
The Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Dardanelles Campaign or the Battle of Gallipoli, took place at the peninsula of Gallipoli in the Ottoman Empire between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916, during the First World War...

, some of whose participating soldiers are buried at this cemetery, was an eight month campaign fought by Commonwealth and French forces against Ottoman Empire forces in an attempt to force the Ottoman Empire out of the war, which it was hoped would relieve the deadlock of the Western Front and to open a supply route between Russia and the Mediterranean through the Dardanelles and the Black Sea.

Following the landing at Anzac Cove
Landing at Anzac Cove
The landing at Anzac Cove was part of the amphibious invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula by Australian and New Zealand forces on 25 April 1915. The landing, north of Gaba Tepe on the Aegean coast of the Peninsula, was made by soldiers of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and was the first...

 in April 1915, Shrapnel Valley (or Shrapnel Gully) became the main route for Allied troops and supplies between the beach and the frontline in the Anzac sector. Falling shrapnel made a distinctive whistling before striking the area. It was during the battles in the early days of the campaign that the name for the gully was coined. Later, several wells were dug in the valley and camps and gun emplacements constructed in the lower end.

On the night of 18 to 19 May 1915, the 5th Light Horse Regiment from Queensland began an offensive through the valley.

The cemetery is a trapezoidal shaped area larger than an average city block. It was in use during the campaign, and some additional graves were moved from outlying sites into it after the war.

Major Quinn buried at Shrapnel Valley

Amongst the burials is that of Major Hugh Quinn, after whom Quinn's Post was named, now the location of Quinn's Post Cemetery
Quinn's Post Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery
Quinn's Post Cemetery is a Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery from World War I in the former Anzac sector of the Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey...

. Ironically, Major Quinn is not buried in the cemetery which bears his name.
Captain Quinn was in command of C company, 15th Battalion of the First Australian Imperial Force
First Australian Imperial Force
The First Australian Imperial Force was the main expeditionary force of the Australian Army during World War I. It was formed from 15 August 1914, following Britain's declaration of war on Germany. Generally known at the time as the AIF, it is today referred to as the 1st AIF to distinguish from...

(AIF), and detailed on 29 April 1915 to hold the precarious position which had been established a few days before. He was promoted to major on 1 May but was shot on 29 May whilst reconnoitring in daylight for a counter-attack to expel Turkish troops from positions nearby seized during an assault on the post.


The Anzac cemeteries are reached from the left hand junction of the Eceabat - Bigali Road. After 10.1 km from the junction, there is a right turn along a short track to find the cemetery on the left.

External links

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