or Hand Under Foot Pose is a Yoga
Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India. The goal of yoga, or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on Supersoul...

Asana is a body position, typically associated with the practice of Yoga, originally identified as a mastery of sitting still, with the spine as a conduit of biodynamic union...



The name comes from the Sanskrit words pada (पाद; pāda) meaning "foot", hasta (हस्ता; hastā) meaning "hand", and asana (आसन; āsana) meaning "posture" or "seat".


Padahastasana is one of the primary yoga asanas in the Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga , also called hatha vidya , is a system of yoga introduced by Yogi Swatmarama, a Hindu sage of 15th century India, and compiler of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika....

system. It is a standing, inverted pose which the hands are stretched down to grasp the feet.

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