Mullard Circuits for Audio Amplifiers
"Mullard Circuits for Audio Amplifiers" is a famous book by the Technical Services Department of Mullard
Mullard Limited was a British manufacturer of electronic components. The Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd. of Southfields, London, was founded in 1920 by Captain Stanley R. Mullard, who had previously designed valves for the Admiralty before becoming managing director of the Z Electric Lamp Co. The...

 Ltd, a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

Vacuum tube
In electronics, a vacuum tube, electron tube , or thermionic valve , reduced to simply "tube" or "valve" in everyday parlance, is a device that relies on the flow of electric current through a vacuum...

 manufacturing company. First published in 1959 and then reprinted several times it contained a number of designs by Mullard engineers for high quality audio amplifiers, which were to be used by amateur
An amateur is generally considered a person attached to a particular pursuit, study, or science, without pay and often without formal training....

 constructors as well as by manufacturers as the basis for many products that formed part of the High Fidelity
High fidelity
High fidelity—or hi-fi—reproduction is a term used by home stereo listeners and home audio enthusiasts to refer to high-quality reproduction of sound or images, to distinguish it from the poorer quality sound produced by inexpensive audio equipment...

 audio movement in Britain in the 1960s.

Particularly iconic designs were the Mullard 5-10
Mullard 5-10
The Mullard 5-10 was a circuit for a valve amplifier designed by the British vacuum tube company, Mullard in 1954 at the Mullard Applications Research Laboratory in Mitcham Surrey UK, part of the New Road factory complex, to take advantage of their particular products...

 and the Mullard 5-20, ten and twenty watt
The watt is a derived unit of power in the International System of Units , named after the Scottish engineer James Watt . The unit, defined as one joule per second, measures the rate of energy conversion.-Definition:...

 power amplifiers. Circuits for preamplifiers with tone controls and tape recorder amplifiers were also included, along with information regarding record and tape equalisation standards.

See also

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