Maschke's theorem
In mathematics, Maschke's theorem, named after Heinrich Maschke
Heinrich Maschke
Heinrich Maschke was a German mathematician who proved Maschke's theorem.-References:...

, is a theorem in group representation
Group representation
In the mathematical field of representation theory, group representations describe abstract groups in terms of linear transformations of vector spaces; in particular, they can be used to represent group elements as matrices so that the group operation can be represented by matrix multiplication...

 theory that concerns the decomposition of representations of a finite group
Finite group
In mathematics and abstract algebra, a finite group is a group whose underlying set G has finitely many elements. During the twentieth century, mathematicians investigated certain aspects of the theory of finite groups in great depth, especially the local theory of finite groups, and the theory of...

 into irreducible pieces. If (Vρ) is a finite-dimensional representation of a finite group G over a field
Field (mathematics)
In abstract algebra, a field is a commutative ring whose nonzero elements form a group under multiplication. As such it is an algebraic structure with notions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, satisfying certain axioms...

 of characteristic
Characteristic (algebra)
In mathematics, the characteristic of a ring R, often denoted char, is defined to be the smallest number of times one must use the ring's multiplicative identity element in a sum to get the additive identity element ; the ring is said to have characteristic zero if this repeated sum never reaches...

 zero, and U is an invariant subspace
Invariant subspace
In mathematics, an invariant subspace of a linear mappingfrom some vector space V to itself is a subspace W of V such that T is contained in W...

 of V, then the theorem claims that U admits an invariant direct complement W; in other words, the representation (Vρ) is completely reducible. More generally, the theorem holds for fields of positive characteristic p, such as the finite field
Finite field
In abstract algebra, a finite field or Galois field is a field that contains a finite number of elements. Finite fields are important in number theory, algebraic geometry, Galois theory, cryptography, and coding theory...

s, if the prime p doesn't divide the order of G.

Reformulation and the meaning

One of the approaches to representations of finite groups is through module theory. Representations of a group G are replaced by modules over its group algebra
Group algebra
In mathematics, the group algebra is any of various constructions to assign to a locally compact group an operator algebra , such that representations of the algebra are related to representations of the group...

 KG. Irreducible representations correspond to simple module
Simple module
In mathematics, specifically in ring theory, the simple modules over a ring R are the modules over R which have no non-zero proper submodules. Equivalently, a module M is simple if and only if every cyclic submodule generated by a non-zero element of M equals M...

s. Maschke's theorem addresses the question: is a general (finite-dimensional) representation built from irreducible subrepresentations using the direct sum operation? In the module-theoretic language, is an arbitrary module semisimple
Semisimple module
In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, a semisimple module or completely reducible module is a type of module that can be understood easily from its parts. A ring which is a semisimple module over itself is known as an artinian semisimple ring...

? In this context, the theorem can be reformulated as follows:
Let G be a finite group and K a field whose characteristic does not divide the order of G. Then KG, the group algebra of G, is a semisimple algebra
Semisimple algebra
In ring theory, a semisimple algebra is an associative algebra which has trivial Jacobson radical...


The importance of this result stems from the well developed theory of semisimple rings, in particular, the Artin–Wedderburn theorem
Artin–Wedderburn theorem
In abstract algebra, the Artin–Wedderburn theorem is a classification theorem for semisimple rings. The theorem states that an Artinian semisimple ring R is isomorphic to a product of finitely many ni-by-ni matrix rings over division rings Di, for some integers ni, both of which are uniquely...

 (sometimes referred to as Wedderburn's Structure Theorem). When K is the field of complex numbers, this shows that the algebra KG is a product of several copies of complex matrix algebras
Matrix (mathematics)
In mathematics, a matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions. The individual items in a matrix are called its elements or entries. An example of a matrix with six elements isMatrices of the same size can be added or subtracted element by element...

, one for each irreducible representation. If the field K has characteristic zero, but is not algebraically closed, for example, K is a field of real
Real number
In mathematics, a real number is a value that represents a quantity along a continuum, such as -5 , 4/3 , 8.6 , √2 and π...

 or rational
Rational number
In mathematics, a rational number is any number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction a/b of two integers, with the denominator b not equal to zero. Since b may be equal to 1, every integer is a rational number...

 numbers, then a somewhat more complicated statement holds: the group algebra KG is a product of matrix algebras over division ring
Division ring
In abstract algebra, a division ring, also called a skew field, is a ring in which division is possible. Specifically, it is a non-trivial ring in which every non-zero element a has a multiplicative inverse, i.e., an element x with...

s over K. The summands correspond to irreducible representations of G over K.

Returning to representation theory, Maschke's theorem and its module-theoretic version allow one to make general conclusions about representations of a finite group G without actually computing them. They reduce the task of classifying all representations to a more manageable task of classifying irreducible representations, since when the theorem applies, any representation is a direct sum of irreducible pieces (constituents). Moreover, it follows from the Jordan–Hölder theorem that, while the decomposition into a direct sum of irreducible subrepresentations may not be unique, the irreducible pieces have well-defined multiplicities. In particular, a representation of a finite group over a field of characteristic zero is determined up to isomorphism by its character
Character theory
In mathematics, more specifically in group theory, the character of a group representation is a function on the group which associates to each group element the trace of the corresponding matrix....

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