Levoy Exil
Levoy Exil is a master Haitian artist and painter; He is one of the main contributors to the Saint Soleil art movement.

Exil's paintings are mystical and abstract and often depict Haitian Vodou Loas, suns and stars, birds, and Marassas. His painting style is primitive and dreamlike and employs the Pointillism
Pointillism is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of pure color are applied in patterns to form an image. Georges Seurat developed the technique in 1886, branching from Impressionism. The term Pointillism was first coined by art critics in the late 1880s to ridicule the works...

 technique of applying small, distinct dots in a pattern to reveal an image. There are rarely unused portions of the canvas in his works and he draws from African, Haitian and Vodou influences. Exil has participated in conferences focused on Haitian Vodou, including KOSANBA's 9th International Colloquium held in Mirebalais in July, 2009.

Levoy Exil was born in 1944, in Fermathe, Haiti. Along with Prospere Pierre-Louis
Prosper Pierre-Louis
Prosper Pierre-Louis , Haitian artist, painter; one of the main contributors to the local school of Saint Soleil art movement. His paintings depicting mystical Vodou Loas and spirits are especially noteworthy....

, Dieuseul Paul, Denis Smith, and Louisiane Saint Fleurant
Louisiane Saint Fleurant
Louisiane Saint Fleurant , was a master Haitian female artist and painter; She was a founder of the peasant Saint Soleil art movement....

 he formed the renowned Cinq Soleil (Five Suns) art movement. The Five Suns group formed out of the Saint Soleil movement, of which Levoy Exil was a member and master painter.

His work is well regarded by collectors and he has exhibited in France, Rome, the United States and parts of Asia. Haitian Art historian Seldon Rodman referenced Exil's paintings in his book “Where Art is Joy: Haitian Art: The First Forty Years”

In 2010, Exil was featured in a CNN article after the earthquake that struck Haiti. Later that year the Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution is an educational and research institute and associated museum complex, administered and funded by the government of the United States and by funds from its endowment, contributions, and profits from its retail operations, concessions, licensing activities, and magazines...

sponsored the Folklife Festival in Washington DC which featured presentations and art work by Levoy Exil and other prominent Haitian artists.
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