Joseph Gouge Greenwood
Joseph Gouge Greenwood was an English classical scholar and second principal Owens College, Manchester
Manchester is a city and metropolitan borough in Greater Manchester, England. According to the Office for National Statistics, the 2010 mid-year population estimate for Manchester was 498,800. Manchester lies within one of the UK's largest metropolitan areas, the metropolitan county of Greater...


Early life

He was the son of the Rev. Joseph Greenwood, a congregationalist minister at Petersfield
Petersfield can refer to any of the following places:*Petersfield, Hampshire, a market town in England*Petersfield, Jamaica, a small town in the parish of Westmoreland*Petersfield, Manitoba, in Canada*Petersfield, an area of Cambridge, England...

, Hampshire
Hampshire is a county on the southern coast of England in the United Kingdom. The county town of Hampshire is Winchester, a historic cathedral city that was once the capital of England. Hampshire is notable for housing the original birthplaces of the Royal Navy, British Army, and Royal Air Force...

, and his wife Maria, whose maiden name was Gouge. At the age of fourteen he was sent to University College School
University College School
University College School, generally known as UCS, is an Independent school charity situated in Hampstead, north west London, England. The school was founded in 1830 by University College London and inherited many of that institution's progressive and secular views...

, of which Thomas Hewitt Key
Thomas Hewitt Key
Thomas Hewitt Key was an English classical scholar.He was born in London and educated at St John's and Trinity Colleges, Cambridge, and graduated 19th wrangler in 1821...

 and Henry Malden
Henry Malden
-Education:He was the son of Jonas Malden, a Putney surgeon. Malden attended Preston's School and was a scholar at Trinity College, Cambridge where he obtained a B.A. in 1822 and an M.A. in 1825...

 had recently been appointed joint head-masters. He then went to University College as a student, and in 1840 he graduated B.A. in the University of London, with honours in both classics and mathematics, gaining the university scholarship classics.

In 1839 his father had died, leaving Greenwood responsible for a family of six younger children. For several years he supported himself and others by private tuition, and after a time as an assistant master in his old school; and he acted as substitute for Henry Malden in the Greek chair at University College. One of his earliest pupils was Edward Aldam Leatham
Edward Aldam Leatham
Edward Aldam Leatham was an English Liberal politician.Leatham was the son of William Leatham of Heath near Wakefield, and his wife Margaret Walker. The family was part of an influential Quaker community in Yorkshire. He was a scholar and published Charmione: a tale of the great Athenian...

, who dedicated to him his Charmione (1859).

College principal

In 1850 Greenwood accepted the offer of the chair of classics and history in the newly founded Owens College at Manchester. The College's early days were difficult, and in July 1857 Greenwood was appointed to the principalship on the resignation of Alexander John Scott
Alexander John Scott (principal)
Alexander John Scott was a Scottish dissident theologian, who became the first principal of Owens College.-Early life:The son of Dr. John Scott , minister of the Middle Church, Greenock, by his wife Susanna, daughter of Alexander Fisher of Dychmount, he was born on 26 March 1805...

. Greenwood continued to lecture, but soon after his appointment as professor the subject of history had been assigned to Richard Copley Christie
Richard Copley Christie
Richard Copley Christie was an English lawyer, University teacher, philanthropist and bibliophile.He was born at Lenton in Nottinghamshire, the son of a mill owner. He was educated at Lincoln College, Oxford where he was tutored by Mark Pattison, and was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1857...

; Latin and classical Greek were later transferred to separate professors; and during the last few years Greenwood retained only the teaching of Greek Testament criticism.

In the earlier years of the College Greenwood advocated changes in the system of teaching, in order to recommend it to businessmen. In 1853 he helped in opening classes for the schoolmasters of primary schools; and having in 1858 become honorary secretary of a working-men's college on the same lines as that of the London college, opened a few years earlier under the influence of Frederick Denison Maurice, he was instrumental in bringing about its amalgamation, in 1861, with Owens College.

Within the next few years the scientific teaching of Sir Henry Roscoe and his colleagues improved the College's reputation; for his part Greenwood had an ally in Alfred Neild, who during most of his principalship presided over the governing body. In 1867–71 a new chapter in the history of the College began with the movement for its extension, in which, with Thomas Ashton and others, Greenwood took a prominent part, leading to rebuilding on a new site and expansion. On the opening of the new college buildings in 1873 the principal delivered an address ‘On some Relations of Culture to Practical Life’. In 1872 the Manchester Medical School was incorporated with Owens College, after negotiations in which Greenwood displayed tact; and two years later the new medical buildings of the college were opened.

Victoria University

Important events in the history of the college during the later years of Greenwood's official life were the admission of women students into the college and the foundation of the Victoria University
Victoria University (UK)
Victoria University was an English federal university established by Royal Charter, 20 April 1880 at Manchester: a university for the North of England open to affiliation by colleges such as Owens College which immediately did so. University College Liverpool joined the University in 1884, followed...

. Greenwood opposed the higher education of women on the same lines as that of men, and objected (at all events as a rule) to joint or mixed classes; but the new Victoria University had opened its degrees to all comers without distinction of gender. Victoria University had a charter from 1880 with Owens College, however, remaining for four years its only college of the university.

Greenwood became the first vice-chancellor, holding the office till 1886 for three successive periods of two years. His caution at times conflicted with the policy upheld by the majority of his colleagues; and when the Victoria University became federal in fact by the admission of Liverpool University College and Yorkshire College, Leeds, he guarded the interests of Owens College.

Towards the close of 1889, in poor health, he resigned the principalship which he had held for thirty-seven years. Shortly afterwards he settled at Eastbourne
Eastbourne is a large town and borough in East Sussex, on the south coast of England between Brighton and Hastings. The town is situated at the eastern end of the chalk South Downs alongside the high cliff at Beachy Head...

, where he occupied himself with literary pursuits, including a revision of the text of William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with the 1798 joint publication Lyrical Ballads....

. He died at Eastbourne on 25 September 1894.

In 1873 the university of Cambridge conferred on Greenwood the honorary degree of LL.D., and in 1884 the university of Edinburgh, on the occasion of its tercentenary, bestowed upon him a similar honour.


His translation of the ‘Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria,’ edited by Bennet Woodcroft
Bennet Woodcroft
Bennet Woodcroft FRS was an English textile manufacturer, industrial archaeologist, pioneer of marine propulsion, a leading figure in patent reform and the first clerk to the commissioners of patents.-Career:...

, appeared in 1851. The plan of his ‘Elements of Greek Grammar’ (1857) was an attempt to supplement Hewitt Key's application of the ‘crude-form system’ to Latin grammar by completing Malden's fragmentary Greek grammar designed on the same principles.


He was twice married: first, to Eliza, the daughter of John Taylor, a unitarian minister in Manchester, by whom he left two daughters, the elder being the historian Alice Drayton Greenwood; and secondly to Katharine, daughter of William Langton, manager of the Manchester and Salford Bank at Manchester.
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