Johann Christian Stark (the Elder)
Johann Christian Stark was a German physician and obstetrician born in Oßmannstedt
Oßmannstedt is a municipality in the Weimarer Land district of Thuringia, Germany....

. His nephew, also named Johann Christian Stark (1769–1837) was a noted obstetrician.

He earned his doctorate in 1777 from the University of Jena, where in 1779 he became an associate professor. At Jena
Jena is a university city in central Germany on the river Saale. It has a population of approx. 103,000 and is the second largest city in the federal state of Thuringia, after Erfurt.-History:Jena was first mentioned in an 1182 document...

 he was director of a health institute and subdirector of maternity hospital services. Known as an outstanding clinical teacher, one of his better-known students was Adam Elias von Siebold
Adam Elias von Siebold
Adam Elias von Siebold was a German Gynecologist.- Life :He was the youngest son of Carl Caspar von Siebold . Siebold was professor of anatomy, surgery und midwifery of the University of Würzburg...

 (1775–1828). In addition he was a physician to the Weimar
Weimar is a city in Germany famous for its cultural heritage. It is located in the federal state of Thuringia , north of the Thüringer Wald, east of Erfurt, and southwest of Halle and Leipzig. Its current population is approximately 65,000. The oldest record of the city dates from the year 899...

 Ducal Court, in particular Anna Amalia and Carl August of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, and was also the doctor of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German writer, pictorial artist, biologist, theoretical physicist, and polymath. He is considered the supreme genius of modern German literature. His works span the fields of poetry, drama, prose, philosophy, and science. His Faust has been called the greatest long...

 and Friedrich Schiller
Friedrich Schiller
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller was a German poet, philosopher, historian, and playwright. During the last seventeen years of his life , Schiller struck up a productive, if complicated, friendship with already famous and influential Johann Wolfgang von Goethe...


In 1787 he became editor of the first obstetric-gynecological journal, Archivs für Geburtshilfe, Frauenzimmer und Neugeborener Kinder Krankheiten. He also published works in the fields of pharmacology
Pharmacology is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with the study of drug action. More specifically, it is the study of the interactions that occur between a living organism and chemicals that affect normal or abnormal biochemical function...

 and pediatrics
Pediatrics or paediatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. A medical practitioner who specializes in this area is known as a pediatrician or paediatrician...

, and was the author of a treatise on the history of tetanus
Tetanus is a medical condition characterized by a prolonged contraction of skeletal muscle fibers. The primary symptoms are caused by tetanospasmin, a neurotoxin produced by the Gram-positive, rod-shaped, obligate anaerobic bacterium Clostridium tetani...

. Additionally, he is credited with making modifications to a number of obstetrical instruments and devices.
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