A hydroxyanthraquinone is any of several organic compound
Organic compound
An organic compound is any member of a large class of gaseous, liquid, or solid chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon. For historical reasons discussed below, a few types of carbon-containing compounds such as carbides, carbonates, simple oxides of carbon, and cyanides, as well as the...

s with formula C14H9O2(OH), which can be viewed as derivatives of an anthraquinone
Anthraquinone, also called anthracenedione or dioxoanthracene is an aromatic organic compound with formula . Several isomers are possible, each of which can be viewed as a quinone derivative...

 through replacement of one hydrogen
Hydrogen is the chemical element with atomic number 1. It is represented by the symbol H. With an average atomic weight of , hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant chemical element, constituting roughly 75% of the Universe's chemical elemental mass. Stars in the main sequence are mainly...

 atom (H) by an hydroxyl
A hydroxyl is a chemical group containing an oxygen atom covalently bonded with a hydrogen atom. In inorganic chemistry, the hydroxyl group is known as the hydroxide ion, and scientists and reference works generally use these different terms though they refer to the same chemical structure in...

 group (-OH).
The IUPAC nomenclature recommends hydroxyanthracenedione.

Usually "hydroxyanthraquinone" refers to a derivative of 9,10-anthraquinone
Anthraquinone, also called anthracenedione or dioxoanthracene is an aromatic organic compound with formula . Several isomers are possible, each of which can be viewed as a quinone derivative...



Generally, the term may mean any anthraquinone derivative where any number n of hydrogens have been replaced by n hydroxyls, so that the formula is . In this case the number n (which is between 1 and 8) is indicated by a multiplier prefix
A prefix is an affix which is placed before the root of a word. Particularly in the study of languages,a prefix is also called a preformative, because it alters the form of the words to which it is affixed.Examples of prefixes:...

(mono-, di-, tri-, up to octa-). Additional hydroxy- compounds can be derived from the other isomers of the latter. From 9,10-anthraquinone, only two single-hydroxy derivatives are possible.
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