Green banana cockroach
The Banana cockroach is a small species of Roach
-Animals:* Cockroaches* Roach , including** Certain members of family Cyprinidae** the genus Rutilus*** Common Roach ** the California Roach of the monotypic genus Hesperoleucus-Other:...

 that is found in Cuba
The Republic of Cuba is an island nation in the Caribbean. The nation of Cuba consists of the main island of Cuba, the Isla de la Juventud, and several archipelagos. Havana is the largest city in Cuba and the country's capital. Santiago de Cuba is the second largest city...

 and the Caribbean
The Caribbean is a crescent-shaped group of islands more than 2,000 miles long separating the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, to the west and south, from the Atlantic Ocean, to the east and north...

, and along the gulf coast from Florida
Florida is a state in the southeastern United States, located on the nation's Atlantic and Gulf coasts. It is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the north by Alabama and Georgia and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. With a population of 18,801,310 as measured by the 2010 census, it...

 to Texas
Texas is the second largest U.S. state by both area and population, and the largest state by area in the contiguous United States.The name, based on the Caddo word "Tejas" meaning "friends" or "allies", was applied by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves and to the region of their settlement in...

 and has been observed as far north as Charleston, South Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina
Charleston is the second largest city in the U.S. state of South Carolina. It was made the county seat of Charleston County in 1901 when Charleston County was founded. The city's original name was Charles Towne in 1670, and it moved to its present location from a location on the west bank of the...

. It is also called the Cuban cockroach. It prefers subtropical or tropical climates and is currently not found beyond these areas.

The females can grow up to 24 mm and the smaller males are 12 to 15 mm long. It is winged and a strong flier. They are light green in color with a yellow line running up the sides. The adults love to climb. The nymphs are brown or black in color and are burrowers.

It is usually an outdoor species and is rarely found indoors and thus is not considered a pest
Pest (animal)
A pest is an animal which is detrimental to humans or human concerns. It is a loosely defined term, often overlapping with the related terms vermin, weeds, parasites and pathogens...

. The adults can often be found in shrubbery, trees, and plants. The young can be found under logs and other debris. It is often attracted to bright lights and it is mainly a nocturnal species.

It is often a popular pet roach due to its relatively pleasant green color and the fact it is not an invasive indoor species.

External links


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