Felix von Manteuffel
Felix von Manteuffel is a German
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...



Manteuffel was born in Bayrischzell
Bayrischzell is a municipality in the district of Miesbach in Bavaria in Germany....

 to a family of Baltic-German origin. He visited an actors school in Munich in 1967-70 and first appeared on a stage in 1969 in Bertolt Brecht
Bertolt Brecht
Bertolt Brecht was a German poet, playwright, and theatre director.An influential theatre practitioner of the 20th century, Brecht made equally significant contributions to dramaturgy and theatrical production, the latter particularly through the seismic impact of the tours undertaken by the...

's Die Ausnahme und die Regel at the Munich Kammerspiele
Munich Kammerspiele
The Munich Kammerspiele is a successful German language theatre in Munich. The Schauspielhaus in the Maximilianstrasse is the major stage.-History:...

 and became a member of the Kammerspiele ensemble in 1972 (until 1984).

He appeared at several German stages like the theater Ulm
Ulm is a city in the federal German state of Baden-Württemberg, situated on the River Danube. The city, whose population is estimated at 120,000 , forms an urban district of its own and is the administrative seat of the Alb-Donau district. Ulm, founded around 850, is rich in history and...

, the Schauspiel Köln
KOLN, digital channel 10, is the CBS affiliate in Lincoln, Nebraska. It operates a satellite station, KGIN, on digital channel 11 in Grand Island. KGIN repeats all KOLN programming, but airs separate commercials...

, Deutsches Schauspielhaus
Deutsches Schauspielhaus
The Deutsches Schauspielhaus is a theatre in the St. Georg quarter of the city of Hamburg, Germany. With a capacity for 1192 spectators, it places it as Germany's largest theatre...

-History:The first historic name for the city was, according to Claudius Ptolemy's reports, Treva.But the city takes its modern name, Hamburg, from the first permanent building on the site, a castle whose construction was ordered by the Emperor Charlemagne in AD 808...

), Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel (Munich) and is a well-known TV-actor.

Manteuffel is married to the actress Leslie Malton since 1995.


  • 1974: Goldfüchse
  • 1975: Heirat auf Befehl
  • 1977: Fairy
  • 1978: Der alte Feinschmecker
  • 1980–85: Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit (TV-Series)
  • 1981/82: Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis (Radio-production)
  • 1981: Wer den Schaden hat... (TV)
  • 1981: Der Richter
  • 1983: Heller Wahn
  • 1985: Marie Ward – Zwischen Galgen und Glorie
  • 1985: Die Mitläufer
  • 1986: Operation Dead End
  • 1988: Eine Bonner Affäre
  • 1988: Ein Sohn aus gutem Hause
  • 1988: Wilder Westen inclusive
  • 1990: Die Frosch-Intrige]]
  • 1991: Bilder machen Leute
  • 1991: Lippels Traum
  • 1993: Ein Mann für meine Frau
  • 1993: Die Elefantenbraut
  • 1995: Bruder, ich brauche dein Blut
  • 1995: Das Schwein – Eine deutsche Karriere
  • 1995: Knallhart daneben
  • 1996: Nach uns die Sintflut
  • 1996: Ehebruch – Eine teuflische Falle!
  • 1997: Der Kapitän – Im Vorhof der Hölle
  • 1997: Der rote Schakal
  • 1998: Der Traum von der Freiheit
  • 1998: Rosenzweigs Freiheit
  • 1998: Hurenmord – Ein Priester schweigt
  • 1999: Herzlos
  • 1999: Requiem für eine romantische Frau
  • 2001: Hand in Hand
  • 2003: Im Schatten der Macht
  • 2004: Baal
  • 2005: Eine Mutter für Anna
  • 2008: Die Brücke

  • External links

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