

  • Estreito (Maranhão)
    Estreito (Maranhão)
    Estreito is a town and municipality in the state of Maranhão in the Northeast region of Brazil.-References:...

    , a municipality in the State of Maranhão
  • Estreito, Florianópolis, a neighbourhood of Florianópolis
    -Climate:Florianópolis experiences a warm humid subtropical climate, falling just short of a true tropical climate. The seasons of the year are distinct, with a well-defined summer and winter, and characteristic weather for autumn and spring. Frost is infrequent, but occurs occasionally in the winter...

    , State of Santa Catarina
  • Estreito, Goiás, a district of the municipality of Jataí
    Jataí is a municipality in southern Goiás state, Brazil. Its population was 88,048 in a total area of 7,174.2 km². Jataí is a major producer of agricultural products, including soybeans, rice, and corn. It has the largest herd of cattle in the state and is a large producer of poultry and...

    , State of Goiás


  • Estreito (Oleiros), a civil parish in the municipality of Oleiros

In the archipelago of Madeira
Madeira is a Portuguese archipelago that lies between and , just under 400 km north of Tenerife, Canary Islands, in the north Atlantic Ocean and an outermost region of the European Union...

  • Estreito da Calheta
    Estreito da Calheta
    Estreito da Calheta is a civil parish in the municipality of Calheta in the archipelago of Madeira. The population in 2001 was 1,630, in an area 13.4 km² ....

    , a civil parish in the municipality of Calheta
  • Estreito de Câmara de Lobos, a municipality on the island of Madeira
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