Economic Theory (journal)
Economic Theory is a peer-reviewed
Peer review
Peer review is a process of self-regulation by a profession or a process of evaluation involving qualified individuals within the relevant field. Peer review methods are employed to maintain standards, improve performance and provide credibility...

 academic journal
Academic journal
An academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published. Academic journals serve as forums for the introduction and presentation for scrutiny of new research, and the critique of existing research...

 that focuses on theoretical economics, particularly social choice, general equilibrium theory, and game theory
Game theory
Game theory is a mathematical method for analyzing calculated circumstances, such as in games, where a person’s success is based upon the choices of others...

. Mathematically rigorous articles are also published in the fields of experimental economics
Experimental economics
Experimental economics is the application of experimental methods to study economic questions. Data collected in experiments are used to estimate effect size, test the validity of economic theories, and illuminate market mechanisms. Economic experiments usually use cash to motivate subjects, in...

, public economics, international economics
International economics
International economics is concerned with the effects upon economic activity of international differences in productive resources and consumer preferences and the institutions that affect them...

, development economics
Development economics
Development Economics is a branch of economics which deals with economic aspects of the development process in low-income countries. Its focus is not only on methods of promoting economic growth and structural change but also on improving the potential for the mass of the population, for example,...

, and industrial organisation.

The journal is the official journal of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory
Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory
The Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory abbreviated as SAET is a non-profit membership society founded to "advance knowledge in theoretical economics and to facilitate communication among researchers." Membership includes economists, mathematicians, game theorists, and other...

. Both the society and the journal were founded by Charalambos D. Aliprantis
Charalambos D. Aliprantis
Charalambos Dionisios Aliprantis was a Greek-American economist who introduced Banach space and Riesz space methods in economic theory. He was born in Cefalonia, Greece in 1946 and came to the US in 1969, where he obtained his PhD in Mathematics from Caltech in June 1973.He was a distinguished...

, Nobel Laureate
Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prizes are annual international awards bestowed by Scandinavian committees in recognition of cultural and scientific advances. The will of the Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, established the prizes in 1895...

 Edward C. Prescott
Edward C. Prescott
Edward Christian Prescott is an American economist. He received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 2004, sharing the award with Finn E. Kydland, "for their contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy and the driving forces behind business cycles"...

, and Nicholas C. Yannelis
Nicholas C. Yannelis
Nicholas C. Yannelis is the current editor of Economic Theory. He obtained his PhD at the University of Rochester under the direction of Lionel McKenzie. He is also the Commerce Distinguished Alumni Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Sir John Hicks...


At its inception, the journal only published quarterly, but in recent years it has begun to release issues monthly, with 3 issues constituting a volume.
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