Chloride hydroxyl exchanger
A chloride hydroxyl exchanger is a purported membrane transport protein, responsible for the exchange of chloride
The chloride ion is formed when the element chlorine, a halogen, picks up one electron to form an anion Cl−. The salts of hydrochloric acid HCl contain chloride ions and can also be called chlorides. The chloride ion, and its salts such as sodium chloride, are very soluble in water...

 and hydroxyl
A hydroxyl is a chemical group containing an oxygen atom covalently bonded with a hydrogen atom. In inorganic chemistry, the hydroxyl group is known as the hydroxide ion, and scientists and reference works generally use these different terms though they refer to the same chemical structure in...

 in the renal proximal tubule
Proximal tubule
The proximal tubule is the portion of the duct system of the nephron of the kidney which leads from Bowman's capsule to the loop of Henle.-Structure and appearance:...

, functioning in renal chloride reabsorption
Renal chloride reabsorption
Renal reabsorption of chloride is a part of renal physiology, in order not to lose too much chloride in the urine.-Overview table:...

. However, little is known about the protein responsible for this action..
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