234 (number)
234 is the integer
The integers are formed by the natural numbers together with the negatives of the non-zero natural numbers .They are known as Positive and Negative Integers respectively...

 following 233
233 (number)
233 is the natural number between 232 and 234. It is also a prime number.-In mathematics:233 is an irregular prime, a full reptend prime, a cousin prime, a Chen prime, a Fibonacci prime and a sexy prime. It is the 13th Fibonacci number. It is an Eisenstein prime of the form 3n - 1 with no...

 and preceding 235
235 (number)
235 is the integer after 234 and before 236.-In mathematics:It is the second number of the tenth row of a skewed Fibonacci-Pascal triangle ....


In mathematics

234 is a composite number
Composite number
A composite number is a positive integer which has a positive divisor other than one or itself. In other words a composite number is any positive integer greater than one that is not a prime number....

, with its divisors being 2, 3, 6, 9, 13, 18, 26, 39, 78, and 117.

The prime factor
Prime factor
In number theory, the prime factors of a positive integer are the prime numbers that divide that integer exactly, without leaving a remainder. The process of finding these numbers is called integer factorization, or prime factorization. A prime factor can be visualized by understanding Euclid's...

s of 234 are these: {2, 3, 13}.

In physics

234 is the atomic mass number of the rare, but naturally occurring, radio-isotope uranium
Uranium is a silvery-white metallic chemical element in the actinide series of the periodic table, with atomic number 92. It is assigned the chemical symbol U. A uranium atom has 92 protons and 92 electrons, of which 6 are valence electrons...

-234. It has a half-life of 246,000 years, the third-longest of a uranium isotope following U-238
Uranium-238 is the most common isotope of uranium found in nature. It is not fissile, but is a fertile material: it can capture a slow neutron and after two beta decays become fissile plutonium-239...

 and U-235
- References :* .* DOE Fundamentals handbook: Nuclear Physics and Reactor theory , .* A piece of U-235 the size of a grain of rice can produce energy equal to that contained in three tons of coal or fourteen barrels of oil. -External links:* * * one of the earliest articles on U-235 for the...

. In nature, U-234 is the product of the decay of U-238
Uranium-238 is the most common isotope of uranium found in nature. It is not fissile, but is a fertile material: it can capture a slow neutron and after two beta decays become fissile plutonium-239...

. U-238 decays by the emission of an alpha particle, becoming the short-lived isotope thorium
Thorium is a natural radioactive chemical element with the symbol Th and atomic number 90. It was discovered in 1828 and named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder....

-234. This quickly decays by successive emission of two beta particles to become U-234.
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