Zainal Rashid Muadzam III
Sultan Zainal Rashid Mu'adzam Shah II (4 September 1857 – 22 September 1881) was the 24th Sultan
Sultan is a title with several historical meanings. Originally, it was an Arabic language abstract noun meaning "strength", "authority", "rulership", and "dictatorship", derived from the masdar سلطة , meaning "authority" or "power". Later, it came to be used as the title of certain rulers who...

 of Kedah
Kedah is a state of Malaysia, located in the northwestern part of Peninsular Malaysia. The state covers a total area of over 9,000 km², and it consists of the mainland and Langkawi. The mainland has a relatively flat terrain, which is used to grow rice...

(1879–1881), a present Malaysian state. He was the son of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah
Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah
Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah was the 23rd Sultan of Kedah. He reigned from 1854 - 1879 and it was during this period that the new Balai Nobat consisting of a five-story building was built. The building was totally built of wood with zinc roofing....

 with Wan Tan binti Luang Nik Abidin. He married Tengku Mariam binti Tengku Ziauddin and had a daughter, Tunku Aishah binti Almarhum Sultan Zainal Rashid Muadzam Shah.

His daughter married the Sultan of Langkat, Sultan Abdul Aziz Abdul Djalil Rahmat Shah.

He died on 22 September 1881 and was succeeded by his half-brother, Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah.

Full name and styles

His full name and style was His Highness Paduka Sri Sultan Zainal Rashid Muazzam Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan
Sultan is a title with several historical meanings. Originally, it was an Arabic language abstract noun meaning "strength", "authority", "rulership", and "dictatorship", derived from the masdar سلطة , meaning "authority" or "power". Later, it came to be used as the title of certain rulers who...

 Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kedah
Kedah is a state of Malaysia, located in the northwestern part of Peninsular Malaysia. The state covers a total area of over 9,000 km², and it consists of the mainland and Langkawi. The mainland has a relatively flat terrain, which is used to grow rice...

 Dar ul-Aman

External links

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