Wired Wisconsin
Wired Wisconsin is a non-profit coalition of individuals, businesses and organizations involved in implementing technology and technological advances in Wisconsin
Wisconsin is a U.S. state located in the north-central United States and is part of the Midwest. It is bordered by Minnesota to the west, Iowa to the southwest, Illinois to the south, Lake Michigan to the east, Michigan to the northeast, and Lake Superior to the north. Wisconsin's capital is...

. The coalition works to support an environment for innovative technology, high-tech job creation and economic growth. Wired Wisconsin educates consumers, policy makers and businesses about technology related legislative and regulatory issues that impact the lives of Wisconsin residents and businesses, and advocates for approaches that spur innovation and grow the state's economy. Wired Wisconsin is based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee is the largest city in the U.S. state of Wisconsin, the 28th most populous city in the United States and 39th most populous region in the United States. It is the county seat of Milwaukee County and is located on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan. According to 2010 census data, the...


In addition, the organization helps disseminate information related to broadband access.

The coalition is part of Midwest Consumers for Choice and Competition, a broader non-profit organization of state chapters and individual consumers interested in technology, broadband and telecommunication issues in the Midwest region. This regional non-profit organization promotes and supports access and broadband deployment, as well as technological and economic job growth in the Midwest. The organization is managed by executive director Thad Nation as part of Nation Consulting
Nation Consulting
Nation Consulting is a consulting firm based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that offers services to business, non-profit and political clients. The firm's services include strategic consulting and planning, media relations and governmental relations....



In 2011, Wired Wisconsin hosted a series of broadband forums throughout Wisconsin in various communities.

External links

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