Tim Van Patten
Tim Van Patten is an American
People of the United States
The people of the United States, also known as simply Americans or American people, are the inhabitants or citizens of the United States. The United States is a multi-ethnic nation, home to people of different ethnic and national backgrounds...

 television director
Television director
A television director directs the activities involved in making a television program and is part of a television crew.-Duties:The duties of a television director vary depending on whether the production is live or recorded to video tape or video server .In both types of productions, the...

, actor
An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...

, screenwriter
Screenwriters or scriptwriters or scenario writers are people who write/create the short or feature-length screenplays from which mass media such as films, television programs, Comics or video games are based.-Profession:...

, and producer
Television producer
The primary role of a television Producer is to allow all aspects of video production, ranging from show idea development and cast hiring to shoot supervision and fact-checking...

. As a director, Van Patten has directed episodes of The Sopranos
The Sopranos
The Sopranos is an American television drama series created by David Chase that revolves around the New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the often conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organization he heads...

, The Wire
The Wire (TV series)
The Wire is an American television drama series set and produced in and around Baltimore, Maryland. Created and primarily written by author and former police reporter David Simon, the series was broadcast by the premium cable network HBO in the United States...

, Deadwood
Deadwood (TV series)
Deadwood is an American Western drama television series created, produced and largely written by David Milch. The series aired on the premium cable network HBO from March 21, 2004, to August 27, 2006, spanning three 12-episode seasons. The show is set in the 1870s in Deadwood, South Dakota, before...

, Boardwalk Empire, Rome
Rome (TV series)
Rome is a British-American–Italian historical drama television series created by Bruno Heller, John Milius and William J. MacDonald. The show's two seasons premiered in 2005 and 2007, and were later released on DVD. Rome is set in the 1st century BC, during Ancient Rome's transition from Republic...

, The Pacific
The Pacific (miniseries)
The Pacific is a 2010 television series produced by HBO, Seven Network Australia, Sky Movies, Playtone and DreamWorks that premiered in the United States on March 14, 2010....

, Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones (TV series)
Game of Thrones is an American medieval fantasy television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on author George R. R. Martin's best-selling A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels, the first of which is called A Game of Thrones, the television series debuted in...

, Ed
Ed (TV series)
Ed is an NBC television program co-produced by David Letterman's Worldwide Pants Incorporated, NBC Productions, and Viacom Productions that aired from 2000 to 2004....

, and Sex and the City
Sex and the City
Sex and the City is an American television comedy-drama series created by Darren Star and produced by HBO. Broadcast from 1998 until 2004, the original run of the show had a total of ninety-four episodes...

. Van Patten is perhaps best known for portraying Salami on The White Shadow
The White Shadow
The White Shadow is an American drama television series that ran on the CBS network from November 27, 1978, to March 16, 1981.-Overview:...

. He also played the villainous teenager Peter Stegman in Class of 1984
Class of 1984
Class of 1984 is a 1982 action-thriller movie about a newly hired music teacher at a troubled inner city school, where students have to pass through a metal detector due to problems with gangs, drugs, and violence. It was directed by Mark L...

 and Max Keller on The Master TV series
The Master (TV series)
The Master is a short-lived ninja-themed action-adventure TV series created by Michael Sloan which aired on NBC. The show focused on the adventures of John Peter McAllister, an aging ninja master , and his young pupil, Max Keller...



Van Patten was born in Brooklyn, New York. He grew up in Massapequa, New York
Massapequa, New York
Massapequa is a hamlet located in the suburban Nassau County, New York. As of the 2010 census, the CDP had a total population of 21,685.Massapequa is located on the South Shore of Long Island....

 (where he attended the same high school as Jerry Seinfeld
Jerry Seinfeld
Jerome Allen "Jerry" Seinfeld is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and television and film producer, known for playing a semi-fictional version of himself in the situation comedy Seinfeld , which he co-created and co-wrote with Larry David, and, in the show's final two seasons,...

). Van Patten is the half brother of Dick Van Patten
Dick Van Patten
Richard Vincent "Dick" Van Patten is an American actor, best known for his role as patriarch Tom Bradford on the television sitcom Eight is Enough. He began work as a child actor and was successful on the [New York] stage, appearing in more than a dozen plays as a teenager...

 and Joyce Van Patten
Joyce Van Patten
Joyce Benignia Van Patten is an American stage, film and television actress.-Personal life:Van Patten was born in New York City, the daughter of Josephine Rose , an Italian American magazine advertising executive, and Richard Byron Van Patten, a Dutch American interior decorator.She is the younger...

, and the uncle of Vincent Van Patten
Vincent Van Patten
Vincent Van Patten is an American actor and former tour professional tennis player.-Personal life:Van Patten was born in Bellerose, New York. He is the youngest son of actor Dick Van Patten and his wife, Pat, née Poole, a former June Taylor dancer. He is of Dutch and Italian descent...

 and Talia Balsam
Talia Balsam
Talia Balsam is an American actress.-Early life:Balsam was born in New York City to actors Martin Balsam and Joyce Van Patten.-Career:...



In 2001, together with Terence Winter
Terence Winter
Terence Winter is an American writer and producer of television and film. He is the creator, writer, and executive producer of the HBO television series Boardwalk Empire...

, Van Patten won both the Writers Guild Award and the Edgar Award
Edgar Award
The Edgar Allan Poe Awards , named after Edgar Allan Poe, are presented every year by the Mystery Writers of America...

 for The Sopranos episode "Pine Barrens", directed by Steve Buscemi
Steve Buscemi
Steven Vincent "Steve" Buscemi is an American actor, writer and film director. An associate member of the renowned experimental theater company The Wooster Group, Buscemi has starred and supported in successful Hollywood and indie films including New York Stories, Mystery Train, Reservoir Dogs,...

. In 2004, Van Patten directed an episode called "Long Term Parking", which won an Emmy
Emmy Award
An Emmy Award, often referred to simply as the Emmy, is a television production award, similar in nature to the Peabody Awards but more focused on entertainment, and is considered the television equivalent to the Academy Awards and the Grammy Awards .A majority of Emmys are presented in various...

 for "Best Writing in a Dramatic Series".


Year Show Role Notes 2011 Boardwalk Empire Executive producer Season 2
2010 Season 1
Pacific Supervising producer Mini-series


Year Show Season Episode title Episode Original airdate Notes
2011 Boardwalk Empire 2 "21" 1 25 September 2011 Season premiere
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones (TV series)
Game of Thrones is an American medieval fantasy television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on author George R. R. Martin's best-selling A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels, the first of which is called A Game of Thrones, the television series debuted in...

1 "The Kingsroad
The Kingsroad
"The Kingsroad" is the second episode of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, first aired on April 24, 2011. It was written by the show creators David Benioff and D. B...

2 24 April 2011
"Winter Is Coming
Winter Is Coming
"Winter Is Coming" is the first episode of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. Running 63 mins long, it premiered April 17, 2011....

1 17 April 2011 Series premiere
2010 Boardwalk Empire 1 "A Return to Normalcy
A Return to Normalcy
"A Return to Normalcy" is the twelfth episode of the first season of HBO television series Boardwalk Empire and the season finale, which premiered on HBO December 5, 2010...

12 5 December 2010 Season finale
"Family Limitation
Family Limitation
"Family Limitation" is the sixth episode of the first season of the HBO television series Boardwalk Empire, which premiered October 24, 2010...

6 24 October 2010
"Broadway Limited
Broadway Limited (Boardwalk Empire)
"Broadway Limited" is the third episode of the first season of the HBO television series Boardwalk Empire, which premiered October 3, 2010. It was written by supervising producer Margaret Nagle and was directed by executive producer Tim Van Patten....

3 3 October 2010
"The Ivory Tower
The Ivory Tower (Boardwalk Empire)
"The Ivory Tower" is the second episode of the first season of the HBO television series Boardwalk Empire, which originally aired September 26, 2010. The episode was written by series creator and executive producer Terence Winter and directed by executive producer Tim Van Patten.Nucky is paid a...

2 26 September 2010
The Pacific
The Pacific (miniseries)
The Pacific is a 2010 television series produced by HBO, Seven Network Australia, Sky Movies, Playtone and DreamWorks that premiered in the United States on March 14, 2010....

Mini-series Part nine 9 May 2010
Part seven 25 April 2010
Part one 14 March 2010
2007 The Sopranos
The Sopranos
The Sopranos is an American television drama series created by David Chase that revolves around the New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the often conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organization he heads...

6 Part II "The Second Coming
The Second Coming (The Sopranos episode)
"The Second Coming" is the nineteenth episode of the sixth season and eighty-fourth episode overall of the HBO television drama series The Sopranos. The sixth season was broadcast in two parts; it is the seventh episode of the second part of the season. It was written by executive producer Terence...

19 20 May 2007
"Chasing It
Chasing It
"Chasing It" is the eighty-first episode of the HBO television series The Sopranos. It is the fourth episode of the second half of the show's sixth season, the sixteenth episode of the season overall. It was written by executive producer Matthew Weiner and was directed by Tim Van Patten...

16 29 April 2007
"Soprano Home Movies" 13 8 April 2007
Rome (TV series)
Rome is a British-American–Italian historical drama television series created by Bruno Heller, John Milius and William J. MacDonald. The show's two seasons premiered in 2005 and 2007, and were later released on DVD. Rome is set in the 1st century BC, during Ancient Rome's transition from Republic...

2 "Passover
Passover (Rome)
"Passover" is the first episode of the second season of the television series Rome and is an Emmy Award winner in the category Outstanding Cinematography for a Single Camera Series photographed by Alik Sakharov, A.S.C.-Plot summary:...

1 14 January 2007
2006 The Sopranos 6 Part I "Cold Stones
Cold Stones (The Sopranos episode)
"Cold Stones" is the seventy-sixth episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the eleventh of the show's sixth season. It was written by Diane Frolov, Andrew Schneider and David Chase, directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on May 21, 2006.-Guest starring:* John Bianco as Gerry...

11 21 May 2006
"Johnny Cakes" 8 30 April 2006
"Live Free or Die
Live Free or Die (The Sopranos episode)
"Live Free or Die" is the seventy-first episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the sixth of the show's sixth season. It was written by David Chase, Terence Winter, Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, was directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on April 16, 2006.-Guest starring:*...

6 17 April 2006
"Members Only
Members Only (The Sopranos episode)
"Members Only" is the sixty-sixth episode of the HBO series The Sopranos, and the first of the show's sixth season. Written by Terence Winter and directed by Tim Van Patten, it aired originally on Sunday March 12, 2006.-Guest starring:...

1 12 March 2006
2005 Rome 1 "Pharsalus" 5 9 October 2005
Into the West
Into the West (TV miniseries)
Into the West is a 2005 miniseries produced by Steven Spielberg and Dreamworks, with six two-hour episodes . The series was first broadcast in the U.S. on Turner Network Television on six Fridays starting on June 10, 2005...

Mini-series "Casualties of War 5 15 July 2005
Deadwood (TV series)
Deadwood is an American Western drama television series created, produced and largely written by David Milch. The series aired on the premium cable network HBO from March 21, 2004, to August 27, 2006, spanning three 12-episode seasons. The show is set in the 1870s in Deadwood, South Dakota, before...

2 "Childish Things" 7 24 April 2005
2004 The Wire
The Wire (TV series)
The Wire is an American television drama series set and produced in and around Baltimore, Maryland. Created and primarily written by author and former police reporter David Simon, the series was broadcast by the premium cable network HBO in the United States...

3 "Back Burners" 7 7 November 2004
The Sopranos 5 "Long Term Parking" 12 23 May 2004
"Unidentified Black Males
Unidentified Black Males (The Sopranos episode)
"Unidentified Black Males" is the sixty-first episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the ninth of the show's fifth season. It was written by Matthew Weiner and Terence Winter, directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on May 2, 2004....

9 2 May 2004
"Two Tonys
Two Tonys (The Sopranos episode)
"Two Tonys" is the fifty-third episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and was the first of the show's fifth season. It was written by David Chase and Terence Winter, directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on Sunday March 7, 2004....

1 7 March 2004
Sex and the City
Sex and the City
Sex and the City is an American television comedy-drama series created by Darren Star and produced by HBO. Broadcast from 1998 until 2004, the original run of the show had a total of ninety-four episodes...

6 "An American Girl in Paris, Part Deux" 20 22 February 2004 Series finale
"An American Girl in Paris, Part Une" 19 15 February 2004
2003 "Boy, Uninterrupted" 10 24 August 2003
"A Woman's Right to Shoes" 9 17 August 2003
The Wire 2 "Stray Rounds" 9 27 July 2003
Keen Eddie
Keen Eddie
Keen Eddie is an American action, comedy-drama television series that aired in 2003 on the Fox Network. The series follows a brash NYPD detective who goes to London when one of his cases goes sour and remains to work with New Scotland Yard...

1 "The Amazing Larry Dunn" 6 8 July 2003
Ed (TV series)
Ed is an NBC television program co-produced by David Letterman's Worldwide Pants Incorporated, NBC Productions, and Viacom Productions that aired from 2000 to 2004....

3 "Second Chances" 20 28 March 2003
2002 3 "Neighbors" 10 18 December 2002
The Sopranos 4 "Calling All Cars
Calling All Cars (The Sopranos episode)
"Calling All Cars" is the fiftieth episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and was the eleventh of the show's fourth season. It was written by David Chase, Robin Green, Mitchell Burgess and David Flebotte from a story by Chase, Green, Burgess and Terence Winter...

11 24 November 2002
"Whoever Did This
Whoever Did This (The Sopranos episode)
"Whoever Did This" is the forty-eighth episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and was the ninth of the show's fourth season. It was written by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on Sunday, November 10, 2002...

9 10 November 2002
Christopher (The Sopranos episode)
"Christopher" is the forty-second episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and was the third of the show's fourth season. Its teleplay was written by Michael Imperioli, from a story idea by Imperioli and Maria Laurino...

3 29 September 2002
The Wire 1 "Sentencing" 13 8 September 2002 Season finale
Pasadena (TV series)
Pasadena is an American primetime soap opera originally broadcast in the U.S. from September to November 2001 on Fox.-Summary:The series starred Alison Lohman as Lily McAllister, an initially naïve young woman who witnesses a stranger's suicide and begins to investigate the secrets being hidden by...

1 "Puppy Love" 5 22 May 2002
2001 Ed 2 "Changes" 2 17 October 2001
The Sopranos 3 "Amour Fou
Amour Fou (The Sopranos episode)
"Amour Fou" is the thirty-eighth episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and was the twelfth of the show's third season. Its teleplay was written by Frank Renzulli from a story idea by series creator, David Chase...

11 13 May 2001
"Second Opinion
Second Opinion (The Sopranos episode)
"Second Opinion" is the thirty-third episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the seventh of the show's third season. It was written by Lawrence Konner, directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on Sunday April 8, 2001...

7 8 April 2001
Ed 1 "The Test" 18 4 April 2001
The Sopranos 3 "Proshai, Livushka
Proshai, Livushka (The Sopranos episode)
"Proshai, Livushka" is the twenty-eighth episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the second of the show's third season. It was written by David Chase, directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on Sunday March 4, 2001.-Starring:...

2 4 March 2001
Ed 1 "Opposites Distract" 11 17 January 2001
2000 Touched by an Angel
Touched by an Angel
Touched by an Angel is an American drama series that premiered on CBS on September 21, 1994 and ran for 211 episodes and nine seasons until its conclusion on April 27, 2003. Created by John Masius and produced by Martha Williamson, the series stars Roma Downey, as an angel named Monica, and Della...

6 "Pandora's Box" 26 21 May 2000 Season finale
"Monica's Bad Day" 23 30 April 2000
"Living the Rest of My Life" 21 9 April 2000
The Sopranos 2 "House Arrest
House Arrest (The Sopranos episode)
"House Arrest" is the twenty-fourth episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and was the eleventh of the show's second season. It was written by Terence Winter, directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on Sunday March 26, 2000.-Starring:...

11 26 March 2000
"Big Girls Don't Cry
Big Girls Don't Cry (The Sopranos episode)
"Big Girls Don't Cry" is the eighteenth episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and was the fifth of the show's second season. It was written by Terence Winter, directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on Sunday February 13, 2000.-Starring:...

5 13 February 2000
Commendatori (The Sopranos episode)
"Commendatori" is the seventeenth episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and was the fourth of the show's second season. It was written by David Chase, directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on February 6, 2000.-Starring:...

4 6 February 2000
1999 Now and Again
Now and Again
Now and Again is an American television series that aired in the US from September 24, 1999 until May 5, 2000 on CBS. The story revolves around the United States government engineering the perfect human body for use in espionage, but not being able to yet perfect the brain...

1 "Nothing to Fear, But Nothing to Fear" 6 5 November 1999
Touched by an Angel 6 "Til Death Do Us Part" 5 24 October 1999
5 "Godspeed" 27 23 May 1999 Season finale
"Fighting the Good Fight" 25 9 May 1999
"Black Like Monica" 24 2 May 1999
"Into the Fire" 20 4 April 1999
The Sopranos 1 "The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti
The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti (The Sopranos episode)
"The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti" is the eighth episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos. It was written by David Chase and Frank Renzulli, directed by Tim Van Patten and originally aired on Sunday February 28, 1999.-Starring:...

8 28 February 1999
Touched by an Angel 5 "Family Business" 17 28 February 1999
"On Edge" 15 14 February 1999
Homicide: Life on the Street
Homicide: Life on the Street
Homicide: Life on the Street is an American police procedural television series chronicling the work of a fictional version of the Baltimore Homicide Unit. It ran for seven seasons on NBC from 1993 to 1999, and was succeeded by a TV movie, which also acted as the de-facto series finale...

7 "A Case of Do or Die" 14 12 February 1999
1998 Touched by an Angel 5 "Only Connect" 4 11 October 1998
New York Undercover
New York Undercover
New York Undercover is an American police drama that aired on the FOX television network from 1994 to 1998. The series starred Malik Yoba as Detective J.C. Williams and Michael DeLorenzo as Detective Eddie Torres, two undercover detectives in New York City's 4th Precinct who were assigned to...

4 "Sign o' the Times" 10 4 June 1998
Touched by an Angel 4 "The Spirit of Liberty Moon" 26 17 May 1998 2 hour season finale
Promised Land 2 "When Darkness Falls" 22 30 April 1998
"Undercover Granny" 18 26 March 1998
New York Undercover 4 "Rat Trap" 6 12 March 1998
The Visitor 1 "The Trial" 12 16 January 1998
1997 Touched by an Angel 4 "Great Expectations" 2 28 September 1997
"The Road Home: Part 1" 1 21 September 1997
3 "A Delicate Balance" 29 18 May 1997 Season finale
"Full Moon" 26 4 May 1997
"Missing in Action" 24 13 April 1997
New York Undercover 3 "Hubris" 19 27 March 1997
Touched by an Angel 3 "Angel of Death" 17 9 February 1997
1996 "The Journalist" 12 1 December 1996
Promised Land 1 "Homecoming" 9 26 November 1996
Touched by an Angel 3 "Sins of the Father" 4 29 September 1996
"Random Acts" 3 22 September 1996
2 "Dear God" 19 9 March 1996
"Rock n' Roll Dad" 14 20 January 1996
"'Til We Meet Again" 13 13 January 1996
1995 "In the Name of God" 6 28 October 1995
"The Driver" 4 14 October 1995
"Sympathy for the Devil" 3 7 October 1995
1 "In The Name Of God" 12 28 October 1995
Homicide: Life on the Street 3 "Nothing Personal" 18 21 April 1995
1994 Touched by an Angel 1 "The Hero" 9 25 December 1994
"Manny" 8 14 December 1994
"Fallen Angela" 3 12 October 1994
1992 Home Fires 1 "A Bench Too Far" 5 11 July 1992


Year Show Season Episode title Episode Original airdate Notes


  • The White Shadow
    The White Shadow
    The White Shadow is an American drama television series that ran on the CBS network from November 27, 1978, to March 16, 1981.-Overview:...

     (1978–1981 TV series): played Mario "Salami" Pettrino in 21 episodes.
  • Class of 1984
    Class of 1984
    Class of 1984 is a 1982 action-thriller movie about a newly hired music teacher at a troubled inner city school, where students have to pass through a metal detector due to problems with gangs, drugs, and violence. It was directed by Mark L...

     (1982 film): played Peter Stegman, the villainous teenager.
  • The Master
    The Master (TV series)
    The Master is a short-lived ninja-themed action-adventure TV series created by Michael Sloan which aired on NBC. The show focused on the adventures of John Peter McAllister, an aging ninja master , and his young pupil, Max Keller...

     (1984): played Max Keller in 6 episodes.
  • Zone Troopers
    Zone Troopers
    Zone Troopers is a 1985 science fiction film, directed by Danny Bilson and starring Tim Thomerson. The original music score was composed by Richard Band.-Plot:...

     (1985 film): played Joey
  • True Blue
    True Blue (TV series)
    True Blue was a short-running NBC Television series set in New York City which aired on Friday evenings in 1989 and 1990. The hour-long drama followed the exploits of a squad of uniformed officers assigned to the specialized trucks of the NYPD's Emergency Services Unit.-Starring:* John Bolger as...

     (1989-1990): played Sergeant Andy Wojeski in 12 episodes and the TV movie

External links

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