The Space Between Our Ears
The Space Between Our Ears: How the Brain Represents Visual Space is a 2001 non-fiction book by Michael J. Morgan
Michael J. Morgan
Michael John Morgan FRS is a Welsh professor at City University, London. His area of research is the experimental psychology of vision, from neuroanatomy to perception and psychophysics. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2005...

, which explores the workings of vision
Visual perception
Visual perception is the ability to interpret information and surroundings from the effects of visible light reaching the eye. The resulting perception is also known as eyesight, sight, or vision...

. It won the Wellcome Trust Book Prize
Wellcome Trust Book Prize
Wellcome Trust Book Prize is an annual British literary award sponsored by Wellcome Trust. In keeping with the vision and goals of Wellcome Trust, the Book Prize honors "the best of medicine in literature", including fiction and non-fiction. The winner receives £25,000.The current prize for...

 for science writing.
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