The Gentleman Who Fell (single by Milla)
Gentleman Who Fell was the first single released by Milla Jovovich
Milla Jovovich
Milla Jovovich December 17, 1975)is an American model, actress, musician, and fashion designer. Over her career, she has appeared in a number of science fiction and action-themed films, for which music channel VH1 has referred to her as the "reigning queen of kick-butt".Milla Jovovich began...

 from her debut album The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy (album)
The Divine Comedy is the actress-model-designer Milla Jovovich's first and only official studio album; she was billed as simply Milla for this release...

. was released in March 1994 in The United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...


Written by Milla Jovovich
Milla Jovovich
Milla Jovovich December 17, 1975)is an American model, actress, musician, and fashion designer. Over her career, she has appeared in a number of science fiction and action-themed films, for which music channel VH1 has referred to her as the "reigning queen of kick-butt".Milla Jovovich began...

 with Mark R. Holden and Richard G. Feldman, the single charted at #21 on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks
Modern Rock Tracks
Alternative Songs is a music chart in the United States that has appeared in Billboard magazine since September 10, 1988. It lists the 40 most-played songs on modern rock radio stations, most of which are alternative rock songs...


Track listing

  1. "Gentleman Who Fell" (Album Version) - 4:39
  2. "Gentleman Who Fell" (Radio Edit) - 4:05
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