The Celestial Creatures
The Celestial Creatures are a group of fictional characters featured in the popular comic/manga series "The Celestial Zone
The Celestial Zone
The Celestial Zone , sometimes commonly abbreviated as "TCZ" is a comic strip created by Singaporean Wee Tian Beng . There are two series for the strip: The Celestial Zone I and The Celestial Zone II...

". The Celestial Creatures are in fact people with special spiritual
The supernatural or is that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature...

 energy, who are associated with a particular direction and animal, with reference to Chinese beliefs
Chinese mythology
Chinese mythology is a collection of cultural history, folktales, and religions that have been passed down in oral or written tradition. These include creation myths and legends and myths concerning the founding of Chinese culture and the Chinese state...


The four celestial creatures (TCZ 1)

In The Celestial Zone 1, four Celestial Creatures are introduced, namely East Green Dragon
A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern...

, West White Tiger
The tiger is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to and weighing up to . Their most recognizable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with lighter underparts...

, South Red Phoenix
Phoenix (mythology)
The phoenix or phenix is a mythical sacred firebird that can be found in the mythologies of the Arabian, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Chinese, Indian and Phoenicians....

 and Northern Black Tortoise
Tortoises are a family of land-dwelling reptiles of the order of turtles . Like their marine cousins, the sea turtles, tortoises are shielded from predators by a shell. The top part of the shell is the carapace, the underside is the plastron, and the two are connected by the bridge. The tortoise...

. They function partially as guardians of the Celestial Zone, and are in their own right formidable opponents, whether of the righteous or evil way. Each of the Celestial Creatures have their own special set of skills and principles, which sets them apart. Eventually, all of the guardians have to train an heir to succeed them, and ensure the continuity of the Celestial Creatures.

Originally, all of the Celestial Creatures were guardians of the righteous way, however, subsequently, three of the guardians were turned to the evil way in the setting of The Celestial Zone 1.

The fifth celestial creature

In Celestial Zone 2, the Golden Nymph is introduced. If all of the five celestial creatures' skill were to be combined they produce an extremely strong force that is able to strip any one of their power.


The Dragons have always been a powerful force in the Celestial Zone. Despite the radical changes in the Zone, the guardianship of the Green Dragon has endured and been continued.

A Dragon is left-handed, garbed totally in green, and eventually have their hair change to green as well.


All heir to the red phoenix has to be a Siamese twin (twins that bodies are joint together) so as to be able to learn the red phoenix special skill.
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