Telephone numbers in Tunisia
Country code: 216
International prefix: 00

Calling formats

To call in Tunisia
Tunisia , officially the Tunisian RepublicThe long name of Tunisia in other languages used in the country is: , is the northernmost country in Africa. It is a Maghreb country and is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Its area...

, the following format is used:

y xxx xxx Calls within an area code

+216 y xxx xxxx Calls from outside Tunisia

00 International Direct Dialing code

List of area codes in Tunisia

Area/City Area Code
Agareb 74
Ariana 71
Beja 78
Ben Arous 71 or 70
Bizerte 72
Carthage 71
Cell phones
  • For Tunisie Telecom: 9x +
  • For Elissa 4x (Tunisie Telecom's subsidiary)
  • For Tunisiana Tunisia Orascom Company: 2x
  • For Orange Tunisia Communication Company: 5x
Chebba 73
Gabes 75
Gafsa 76
Haffouz 77
Hamman-Sousse 73
Jendouba 78
Kairouan 77
Kasserine 77
Kebili 75
Kef 78
Khenis 73
La Kef 78
Mahdia 73
Medenine 75
Monastir 73
Nabeul 72
Sfax 74
Sidi Bouzid 76
Siliana 78
Sousse 73
Tabarka 78
Tataouine 75
Tozeur 76
Tunis 71
Zaghouan 72
Taxiphone Boxes 79
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