Telephone numbers in Monaco
Country Code: +377

International Call Prefix: 00

Trunk Prefix
Trunk prefix
A trunk prefix is the number to be dialed in a domestic telephone call, preceding any necessary area codes and subscriber numbers. When the number is called from overseas, the trunk prefix is omitted by the caller. In most countries, such as Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom, the trunk...

: none

Telephone numbers in Monaco are eight digits in length, with fixed line numbers beginning with the digit 9 and mobile phone
Mobile phone
A mobile phone is a device which can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile network operator...

 numbers with the digit 4.

Until 21st June 1996, Monaco
Monaco , officially the Principality of Monaco , is a sovereign city state on the French Riviera. It is bordered on three sides by its neighbour, France, and its centre is about from Italy. Its area is with a population of 35,986 as of 2011 and is the most densely populated country in the...

 formed part of the French numbering plan, with fixed line numbers beginning with 93, but in that year the principality
A principality is a monarchical feudatory or sovereign state, ruled or reigned over by a monarch with the title of prince or princess, or by a monarch with another title within the generic use of the term prince....

 adopted its own country code +377. Consequently, all calls between France and Monaco had to be dialled in international format, including those to and from surrounding areas in France.
From Monaco to France
00 33 x xx xx xx xx

From France to Monaco
00 377 xx xx xx xx

In addition, +377 is used by the Vala mobile phone company in Kosovo.

External links

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