Telephone numbers in Liechtenstein
Country Code: +423

International Call Prefix: 00

Trunk Prefix
Trunk prefix
A trunk prefix is the number to be dialed in a domestic telephone call, preceding any necessary area codes and subscriber numbers. When the number is called from overseas, the trunk prefix is omitted by the caller. In most countries, such as Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom, the trunk...


Until 1999, Liechtenstein
The Principality of Liechtenstein is a doubly landlocked alpine country in Central Europe, bordered by Switzerland to the west and south and by Austria to the east. Its area is just over , and it has an estimated population of 35,000. Its capital is Vaduz. The biggest town is Schaan...

 formed part of the Swiss telephone numbering plan
Swiss telephone numbering plan
Country Code: +41International Call Prefix: 00Trunk Prefix: 0The Swiss telephone numbering plan describes the Telephone numbering plan in Switzerland...

, using the country code 41 and the area code 075, but in that year it adopted its own international code 423, meaning that calls to and from Switzerland require international dialing.
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