TS Class 6
TS Class 6 was a series of sixteen tram
A tram is a passenger rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets and also sometimes on separate rights of way. It may also run between cities and/or towns , and/or partially grade separated even in the cities...

s built by Strømmens Værksted
Strømmens Værksted
Strømmens Værksted A/S was an industrial company based in Skedsmo, Norway, specializing in the production of rolling stock. Founded in 1873, it remains as a part of Bombardier Transportation...

 for Trondheim Sporvei
Trondheim Sporvei
Trondheim Sporvei was a municipally owned tram operator in Trondheim, Norway that existed between 1936 and 1974. The company operated the municipal parts of the Trondheim Tramway until it was merged with A/S Graakalbanen and Trondheim Bilruter to create Trondheim Trafikkselskap...

. They were delivered in two slightly different batches; ten in 1948–49 and six in 1955.

The trams delivered with four Siemens
Siemens AG
Siemens AG is a German multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Munich, Germany. It is the largest Europe-based electronics and electrical engineering company....

 motors, each at 43 kW. They remained in service until the Dalsenget fire
Dalsenget fire
The Dalsenget fire was a disaster where the Dalsenget Depot of Trondheim Sporvei burnt down, destroying almost all of the modern tram fleet. 26 trams, 16 trailers and one working tram were destroyed, and three cleaners lost their lives...

 on 10 October 1956, in which all burnt down. It is the only class of trams that has not been preserved by the Trondheim Tramway Museum
Trondheim Tramway Museum
Trondheim Tramway Museum is a tram museum located in Trondheim, Norway. The museum offers in addition to a display of the tramway history of Trondheim also heritage trips with old trams on the sole remains of the tramway in Trondheim, Gråkallbanen...

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