Steve Castillo
Steve Castillo is a fictional expatriate
An expatriate is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing...

 in the dramatic miniseries Noh Matta Wat!
Noh Matta Wat!
Noh Matta Wat! is a Belizean dramatic television series. It airs locally on Great Belize Television ; Tropical Vision Limited and Krem Television ....

 He is played by Belize
Belize is a constitutional monarchy and the northernmost country in Central America. Belize has a diverse society, comprising many cultures and languages. Even though Kriol and Spanish are spoken among the population, Belize is the only country in Central America where English is the official...

an actor
An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...

 Curtis Gillett.

Before the series

Not much is known about Castillo other than what has been revealed on the series. At some point before the story's timeline, Castillo was romantically involved with Margaret Diego. Castillo conceived a child with Margaret, daughter Lisani, but left Belize before he got to know his daughter properly. He settled in the United States and acquired a modest fortune, though how he got it and whether it was legal remains unknown. Eventually, Castillo sets his sights on returning to Belize.

In the series

In the first episode, Castillo is seen driving around a greatly changed Belize City
Belize City
Belize City is the largest city in the Central American nation of Belize. Unofficial estimates place the population of Belize City at 70,000 or more. It is located at the mouth of the Belize River on the coast of the Caribbean. The city is the country's principal port and its financial and...

, marveling at how much the tiny city has grown and changed since he left. Eventually, he drives near BTL Park on Princess Margaret Drive and spots two beautiful young women, revealed to be Lisani Diego and best friend Rosanna Ramirez
Rosanna Ramírez
Rosanna Ramírez is a fictional eighteen year old student in Belizean drama miniseries Noh Matta Wat! She is played by Hershabeth Ramclam.-Role in the series:...

. Rosanna, who apparently knows Steve, begins to converse with him while Lisani hangs back. They get into his car and end up at a local nightclub. Steve does not know Lisani is his daughter and begins flirting with her, though she is not impressed by him. Eventually they go home and Margaret stands ready at the door-only to be shocked at the sight of Steve standing there with her daughter!

Things happen fast after that. Margaret admits tearfully to her daughter that Steve is her father and that their relationship was covered up to save Margaret embarrassment. Lisani is thoroughly angry and becomes even angrier when she finds that her grandmother put Margaret up to it. She vows not to associate with Steve, and Rosanna loyally breaks up with Steve too.

After Randy is imprisoned falsely, Steve attempts to reconcile with his daughter, unsuccessfully, and informs her he has to leave. Apparently, elements in the United States want Castillo dead and have hired local thugs to kill him. Castillo survives a fight with the hired hands in the last episode and heads south for Honduras with no explanation to the Diegos.

He is not seen in Season Two, though one of Lisani's coworkers claims she spent time with him and conceived a child by him (later retracted). A news cast in the last episode claims Steve's attackers have escaped jail.

He may likely return for the new season, based on teaser footage aired during Season 2 reruns.


Steve is in every way a man of the world. He is fascinated by material things and lives to impress others. His ambitions often get him into hot water with other characters. His is one of two characters universally distrusted by the Diego family, the other being Clifford Rowland
Clifford Rowland
Clifford Rowland is a fictional government politician in the Belizean dramatic television series Noh Matta Wat! He is played by Kent Clare.-Season 1:Rowland is intelligent but naive and prone to corruption...

. Margaret clearly regrets her relationship with Steve and more so regrets conceiving Lisani with him, though not the child herself.
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