Solange Gemayel
Solange Gemayel
Gemayel is the name of a prominent Maronite family based in Bikfaya, Lebanon. Transliterated Arabic is Jamail.Prominent members include:* Philip Gemayel, Maronite patriarch from 1795 to 1796...

(née Tutunji) is a political figure and former First Lady of Lebanon
Lebanon , officially the Republic of LebanonRepublic of Lebanon is the most common term used by Lebanese government agencies. The term Lebanese Republic, a literal translation of the official Arabic and French names that is not used in today's world. Arabic is the most common language spoken among...

. The widow of former President-elect Bachir Gemayel
Bachir Gemayel
Bachir Gemayel was a Lebanese politician, militia commander, and president-elect...

 (1947–1982), who was assassinated days before he was due to take office in 1982, she helped to found the Bachir Gemayel Foundation, to keep his legacy alive.

Solange Tutunji married Bachir Gemayel in 1977.

(the) historic step ... (to) establish democracy, fight terrorism, make peace and give the people a taste of freedom.

supporting the US-led invasion of Iraq; 12 August 2003

Our opposition struggles for a relationship of equality with Syria, not one of master and lackey or 'sir, yes, sir'.

14 September 2004

The Lebanese people will accept nothing less than a full withdrawal.

7 March 2005
