Simon Joyce
Simon Joyce was a farmer, sailor, ship owner and political figure in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia is one of Canada's three Maritime provinces and is the most populous province in Atlantic Canada. The name of the province is Latin for "New Scotland," but "Nova Scotia" is the recognized, English-language name of the province. The provincial capital is Halifax. Nova Scotia is the...

, Canada. He represented Richmond County in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly
Nova Scotia House of Assembly
The Nova Scotia Legislature, consisting of Her Majesty The Queen represented by the Lieutenant Governor and the House of Assembly, is the legislative branch of the provincial government of Nova Scotia, Canada...

 from 1894 to 1906 and from 1911 to 1916 as a Liberal
Liberal Party of Nova Scotia
The Liberal Party of Nova Scotia is a political party in Nova Scotia, Canada.-Origins:The party is descended from the pre-Confederation Reformers in Nova Scotia who coalesced around Joseph Howe demanding the institution of responsible government...


He was born in D'Escousse, Nova Scotia
D'Escousse, Nova Scotia
D'Escousse is situated on the north-eastern side of Isle Madame. It is on Nova Scotia Route 320. It has had a church since 1845. It was a settlement in the early 18th century. Ships would enter the D'Escousse harbour from the Grandique Ferry and Lennox Passage. Well-known writer Silver Donald...

, the son of Simon Joyce and Margaret Langlois. Joyce married Harriet Boudret. He taught school for a time. He was named a member of the Legislative Council of Nova Scotia
Legislative Council of Nova Scotia
The Legislative Council of Nova Scotia was the upper house of the government of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. It existed from 1838 to May 31, 1928...

 in 1921 and served until his death in Halifax
City of Halifax
Halifax is a city in Canada, which was the capital of the province of Nova Scotia and shire town of Halifax County. It was the largest city in Atlantic Canada until it was amalgamated into Halifax Regional Municipality in 1996...

at the age of 74.
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